May 8-14

Overall Color of the Week:    Bright Blue

For all of those who are ” waiting for their real lives to begin”, it is time to realize that not only have your real lives begun, they are in process.  It is time to take hold of your life and your destiny.  This means evaluating everything and everyone that come your way in terms of what they mean to YOU.  What YOU think about them.  How they can fit in YOUR life.  Stop trying to adjust your wishes, wants, beliefs, and desires to the others out there.  They ultimately are not that concerned about you.  When they get up in the morning, the face they see in the mirror is their own.  And they are going to adjust that face to fit their own personal agendas.  You must do the same.  If you go down, it is always best to know that it was on your own terms because then you can learn the lessons and move on,  Additionally, you will find that those who have been blind to and oblivious of the changes that are happening all around will become even more so as time goes by. They need the semblance of normalcy to remain in this energy and to continue in their daily round.  This is not a time to attempt to change others.  This is a time to be centered in who you are, be open to your intuition, trust the thrust of Universal Consciousness, and act in accordance with the wisdom of your heart.

This week will try you on many levels, and while it may seem easier to give in, this is not the time to do so.  You know that which is right and proper for you, and it is your true destiny to be part of that.  It takes bravery on your part, however you will find that with each act of personal courage, your power will grow as will our confidence and your sense of destiny.  This is not a time to give in, although it is difficult.  Trust your heart’s knowing and go there when you are faced with difficult decisions.  This is your life, not that of any other person., and you must in all cases please yourself. That truly is the path to honoring WHO you are.

On a larger scale, you will see more and more coming out about politicians, repression, greed, and the ways in which those in power have attempted to control people.  This will be paralleled by a rise in the stock market, as that organization begins to take a very turbulent and unpredictable trajectory, confusing and confounding those who thought they had it all under control.  Gas prices will be coming down.  There is a sense within the grass roots movements that their power and influence are growing.  You will see this in little outbursts around the globe.  There is an incident involving Tibet that is fomenting.  Watch the volcanoes for they are the next natural force to be making their presence known, as the rest of the atmospheric powers take a bit of an hiatus during the week, although earth movements continue.  Meanwhile, there will be things happening in space that will be hinted at in the news. The Sun is beginning a new phase this week.

Sunday, May 8:    Silky White

Mother’s Day:    There is a lot of smoothness in the air.  Like everything else, there are positive and not so positive effects that can come from that. Things can flow easily, without complications, if you will let them. Be present in what is going on, and much can become clearer.  There are secrets and stories that want to be told, and the energy of the day is conducive to that.  This is a day for understanding and compassion.  Listen carefully, however to the words that people are saying. There is a lot of schmoozing going on. Know where you stand in relation to the people around you.  And be centered and aware of your power.

Crystal Energy:    Purpurite—The energy of this mineral is discriminatory and revelatory.  It is in tune with the crown chakra and can bring knowledge of past events.  It has an Atlantean resonance.

Monday, May 9:    Yellow Orange

As the morning begins, you might feel yourself somewhat out of sorts. There were dream events that have lingered into the day time.  You will encounter some bouts of deja vu which will bring a kind of clarity to the earlier uncertainty that you were feeling.  And then keep your senses alert for the synchronicity that will happen all around you, so much so that you might think that things are not quite real.  They are real, and there is a lightness and a joy to the afternoon and evening. It is a good idea just to enjoy.  Take some time also for a bit of meditation, journaling, or any other kind of centering activity you like.  There are messages that need to come your way.

Crystal Energy:    Arsenopyrite—The vibration of this mineral deals with clarity, community, and support.  It is discriminatory and sees through illusion, fear, and guilt. First Chakra.

Tuesday, May 10:    Frosty White

There is not a lot of clarity around today, so if there are decisions for you to make or important deals to be undertaken, it is a good idea to get all the facts straight, cover all your bases, and ask as many questions as you need.  There are those out there with information that they do not wish to share with you.  They are fearing that their positions are in jeopardy and that secrecy is the only thing that will guarantee them.  You have had some ideas that you were wishing to get out there.  Today might be a good day to do so as people are distracted with their own stuff and therefore, they will be more likely to let things go.

Crystal Energy:    Aquamarine—This stone assists with healing on all levels.  It resonates with water energies, and the body is largely water.  It also acts as a good communicator with the higher realms.

Wednesday, May 11:    Orange Flame

This is a day for beginnings, so take time and know what it is that you need to change and create in your life.  The energy is pervasive and persuasive, so if you are true and dedicated to that one thing, focus, and know that there is nothing that will stand in your way except yourself.  Trust your intuition.  It can take you to the places you have dreamed of,but despaired to encounter.  There is a kind of wild magic in the air today. Grab it if you dare or let it go if you wish.

Crystal Energy:   Blue/Green Smithsonite—The energy of this mineral works with the person to center and relate to others of like mind.  There is a warning and a caution here, but those who align with this mineral are aware. Heart and Throat Chakras.

Thursday, May 12:    Deep Salmon Red

Swimming upstream.  That is what today is all about.  You have a purpose, you have a goal.  There is something you are wanting to get done today, but the waters will be rough, and the way not clearly marked.  This is a day that can test your mettle, your desire, and your resolve.  There will be times when you can back down.  There will be those around you who will suggest that you just give up, tell you that whatever you are working on is not that important.  You must decide.  The energies call for one to be strong in WHO you are.  And if your choice is to do what others want you to, then know that is okay too.  It is your choice.,  There is no blame.  There is no judgement.  Just be aware.

Crystal Energy::    Tunnelite—-This mineral enhances connection and connectivity on all levels.  It can bring through messages that are needed to be heard.  5th through 9th Chakras.

Friday, May 13:    Bright Orange

Friday the 13th:    There will be things coming up and coming out, but many will not be noticed as there is so much stuff in your face this day. That makes it imperative that you analyze situations and events and words and actions in terms of their nuances.  The importance of these things will not be readily apparent, but with time, you will gain clarity.  In personal and financial situations, things can be heating up.  You may find yourself tending towards panic, but let that go.  Take the time to look at things more closely.  Review your options.  You have a much better grip on your world than you are giving yourself credit for.  The problem is one of perspective. This is a day for getting perspective and reminding yourself that things are all within your power to get done to your satisfaction.

Crystal Energy:    Brachiopod—-This fossil assists with survival issues, particularly in adapting to new environments.

Saturday, May14:    Full Blue

Get ready for some surprising things to happen today.  A few of them might actually be life changing.  This is a time in which revelations are coming out in all areas, moreover the energy favors relatively grand ones. As a result, you may find yourself off center and confused, as though some of the very foundations of your life have been shaken.  This is a chance to regroup, reestablish, and reevaluate.  The energy of the day will allow you to meet these challenges on a firm footing as long as you are centered in in WHO you are.  This is important to remember as when crises arise, the tendency is to react from panic, and this takes you out of your power. Stay away from fear.  Take everything as it comes.  Approach events with the true knowing of the heart, and this day can be life changing.

Crystal Energy:    Datolite—-This mineral is attuned to shamanic energies.  It assists in processes for making life changes.  It resonates withall the chakras.