January 9-15

What a week this can be.  Nothing is written in stone, so anything can happen.  The weather will be acting up first in the center of the country, and then on the peripheries.  And all over and in all areas there will be events that will be described as “”unprecedented”.  There will be much confusion as conflicting reports are put out about politicians.  There is a deep seated deceptiveness in what they are doing, moreover, as will be shown, they have neither concern nor respect for the populace.  This will become more obvious as these politicians find themselves being betrayed by their own words.  Nothing can or will stay hidden.

Sunday, January 9:    Hazy White

Things are coming to the surface and out into the open today. They are not there, however, in crystal clarity, rather as shadows, hints, and intimations.  You will begin to feel a sense of nostalgia as little things remind you of things past.  These two themes, revelation and memory, if you will take time to work with the things that are coming up, can, by the end of the day, bring to light new realizations.  Also you can find some peace with some unresolved issues that you need to let go of. The past is as it was, and so it was for the lessons you needed to encounter.

Monday, January 10:    Deep Blue

Prepare for surprises today and some good news.  It is about time, too.  Things are coming together today in new ways, so this is a good day for stepping out of the routine and being a bit daring.  Watch or those slips of the tongues as people just might reveal more than they wanted to.  Eyes and ears open, there is much to learn and discover on all levels.  The Trickster is about today, but it is all in good fun.

Tuesday, January 11:    Aquamarine

1/11/11:  Expect synchronicity to be a common theme today.  And when that happens, take some time for a second look and consider the ramifications. Much of what will be happening today will foreshadow themes and events that will come about at the year unfolds.  This is a good day for knowing what you know and standing firm in your truth.  Go with the flow today, and stay away from judgment.  Sometimes one’s greatest power is shown in doing nothing.

Wednesday, January 12:    Burnt Orange

No regrets today.  Take time to see things for what they are. And nothing more.  That means to move away from any embedded emotions, regrets, animosities, illusions, even affections that have colored events in the past.  This is now, and a lot of that old stuff has played out its role.  Time to move on. Take some time today to write up your intentions for this year. Let them be as wild as your imagination will let them be.  This is a year of surprises, and anything can happen, anything can manifest.  Get out your magic wand and get ready to create!

Thursday, January 13:    Light Periwinkle Blue

There is a new, and very subtle, optimism in the air today. Things are seeming better.  Tasks are appearing to be easier, and people are not so high maintenance.  The energy of the day is good for working on projects that you have put off.  It is also a good time to have those conversations that you have been dreading.  There is a kind of camaraderie in the air that will make these things go more smoothly.  Keep your eyes open for signs.  You may just find an affirmation of something you have been hoping for.

Friday, January 14:    Diffuse White

Once again, things will be coming out into the open today, however it is very important to analyze and get all the pieces straight.  Confusion is in the air, and as a result, there will be a kind of disconnect between cause and effect that can make things difficult.  This is also a day for lessons, and if you are open to them, many things can become clear.

Saturday, January 15:   Bluish Purple

Something is in the works today, but it will not be showing itself until the evening.  Nonetheless, you find a restlessness throughout the day that does not allow you to find satisfaction in what you are doing.  You will be distracted, even quick to react.  Knowing this, your best bet for the day is to be the observer and just let things go as they will.  Know that the day will end on an up note, leaving you pleasantly surprised and satisfied.