2011: Year of Wonder – US Government Changes Stance on Flouridation of Public Water Supplies

Many of us have been reminded to expect major changes in our everyday lives for 2011, either by sources we respect, or by our own inner guides. Already seven days into the new year and several changes have cropped up in my own life. To add to that bliss, I was very pleasantly surprised to read this news article yesterday.

In a remarkable turnabout, federal health officials say many Americans are now getting too much fluoride because of its presence not just in drinking water but in toothpaste, mouthwash and other products, and it’s causing splotches on children’s teeth and perhaps more serious problems.

Full article

To say I was slack-jawed after reading this news would be an understatement – this is great news! Sure, it’s not a 100% reversal, but it is a step in the right direction. And that is what 2011 is should be all about.

Article from WebMD: http://www.webmd.com/oral-health/news/20110107/us-wants-to-reduce-fluoride-in-drinking-water