Nevada Earthquake

Earthquake near Enterprise, Nevada (also felt in Las Vegas)

Last update: October 5, 2014 at 10:44 am by By only survives with (mostly small) PRIVATE DONATIONS. Your gift will be highly appreciated.

Update 10:30 UTC : ER does not immediately expect damage from this earthquake

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14km (9mi) SSW of Enterprise, Nevada
23km (14mi) S of Spring Valley, Nevada
24km (15mi) SSE of Summerlin South, Nevada
25km (16mi) SSW of Paradise, Nevada
399km (248mi) NW of Phoenix, Arizona

Most important Earthquake Data:

Magnitude : 3.58

Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2014-10-05 03:11:26

GMT/UTC Time : 2014-10-05 10:11:26
