Chromoscope – Saturday, 06/08

Saturday, June 8:     Hazy Green

So you have not gotten the message you expected.  So you have not heard from the one you thought was going to get in touch.  Perhaps the message is that they have other important issues to deal with.  SO it did not come through, and you were so, sop, so sure this time……  Where does that leave you?  Well, it gives you the opportunity to truly be WHO you are.  To let go of all the stuff around you that you needed to affirm you, to hold you up, to go over in you mind to let you know that it was something after all.  This is a day, this is an energy that tells you to go forth in your power, in your truth, in your beauty, and to know that all those other things are fine for what they are, but what is most important is what  and WHO you are.  There can be some tears.  There can be some revelations.  And it is all good.   You are, after all, becoming, and becoming involves letting go of some of some old stuff.    And, as Nighthawk reminded us, “Walk in steps of light.”  Then everything becomes so much clearer.