August 21-27

Overall Color for the Week:    Royal Lavender

If you are one of those who gets freaked out by odd noises and ‘things that go bump in the night’, this is probably a good time in which to be aware of the fact that stuff like this will be happening more and more.  Cause and effect have encountered a disconnect as time frames and dimensions bump into one another.  You are well aware that the veils are thinning more and more all the time.  This is bringing into play more and more odd phenomena.   When things happen around you that cause you to stop, do that.  Take time and analyze what just occurred.  See if there is some larger framework into which you can put it.  This will be a big help in making sense of the new energy surges and blips that are heating up and will be more an more in evidence after Mercury goes direct on the 26th. So do not be surprised if things that did not/could not happen before begin to occur.  There are so many choices to make right now, and there is much that is not clear.  The seemingly hard choices can actually turn out to be the easy ones, especially if they involve doing what others tell us is the thing to do. The hard choices are the ones that involve listening to our hearts and following our intuition.

On the larger scene, the theme will be “Distraction, Distraction, Distraction.”  When things seem not quite right, look deeper.  There will be odd events in the skies, including some weird things falling out of it, perhaps meteors, shooting stars.  These things will be in the news as many people will be stunned by them, and quickly glossed over.  The Sun will be oddly active this week, and there will be some question as to whether or not it might be being acted upon by an outside influence.  The Tropical Storm season is heating up, and there can be anomalous clashes of different storm systems as the usual tracks begin to change and veer off in other directions. Also greater volcanic activity can cloud the skies.   Travel will be disrupted, and there can be some crazy moments in the air. Earth movements continue and large earthquakes will become more commonplace.  There will be talk of undersea activity related to quakes and volcanoes.  Look to the poles for some strange occurrences.  The galactic energy that I have been speaking about for some time is being felt at this time, and there can be some strange sightings in space.   Also, more information will be coming out about the moon. Finances, well again, a roller coaster.  This is not a time to worry, rather it is a time to be looking into what this all means.  More questions will be raised about the viability of the financial system as it is.  It is time for options in money, in power sources, in energy.  New ideas are on the horizon.  There are independent thinkers out there who are already designing systems that can deal with the problems we face.  As they bring out their plans, more and more of the entrenched, the corporations, those in power will balk.  There will be a head to head coming within the next six months.   More information will become public about the toxicity of prescription drugs starting this week.  And the election, there is some darkness attached to this.

Sunday, August 21:    Deep Blue

Today, things will just keep getting in the way.  Be patient and be prepared.  Also it is a good idea to take extra care if you are out driving.  There will be lots of craziness around as people find themselves getting tripped up, confused, and irritated.  You will be feeling the same way, but you do not have to fall into that stuff.  Take time in the morning to ground yourself and center within your heart.  Look at things with compassion and understanding. There is no need to give an answer right away,  You may find that people are not really wanting an answer and that you are not wanting to give the answer that comes right to mind.  This is a day for breating and staying calm, slowing down the pace.  If you can do that, then you will find that today has b brought you a kind of perspective and change of attitude.  And you will be glad of that.

Crystal Energy:    Rainbow Fluorite—–The energy of this stone assists one in grounding and staying connected to earth energies while at the same time being in touch with Source.  It is a good one for meditation if messages on a universal level are desired.  Resonates with the Upper Chakras.

Monday, August 22:    Blue Green

This is a day on which it is well to be cautious in health matters, and that includes your exercise regime.  There will be little bumps in the road that will be coming up at unexpected times.  If you have things to do, places to go, people to see, meetings to attend, classes to give, be very thorough in your preparations.  You are not going to want to be doing any backtracking. Listen carefully to things being said as there are messages out there for you. Some may be found even in bouts of deja vu.  Synchronicity is also in the air today. Which is great.  There are things that you are needing to get finished before the end of this month, and these things will remind and assist.

Crystal Energy:    Silver—-The energy of this element works to clear away toxins and bring clarity in personal activities and relationships. Resonates with the 8th and Upper Chakras.

Tuesday, August 23:    Flesh Pink

The energies of the day are pivotal. Decisions will be made and steps taken.  I is important to be in charge of what is going on around you in order that what you agree to is what you honestly desire.  There is a lot of artifice in the air today.  It is not a good time to be dazzled by the sleight of hand.  It is mere illusion.  It is time to see in your life what is essentially real and significant. Moreover, it is time to know what it is that you truly want to do. There will always be things to do, but only one is the thing that will bring you fulfillment.  This is a day for seeing things as they are.  There are decisions to be made.  Take time today to journal, to reflect, to be creative around what it is that will bring you a sense of WHO you are.  Go to your heart center, call on your intuitive, your guides, and be open.

Crystal Energy:    Lavender and Green Vesuvianite—-These stones are beneficial in healing work, both physical and emotional.  When used together, they can bring calm and understanding in difficult situations.  Vibrate to the Third Eye and Crown Chakras.

Wednesday, August 24:    Dark Amber

Family matters are on the agenda today, and this can include the extended family and those friends that are so close one considers them family.  With the current energy, many misconceptions have arisen, also there are interpretations of past actions that were not true.  This is a good time to clear up all these old items.  Clarity and understanding are what are needed as the times go on.  The energy of today is allowing you to let go of old stuff that you have thought about and wondered about and never brought completely to the forefront.  As things come out into the open, there can be great leaps in understanding and acceptance, and even a sense of calm.  Allow for it.  This is a time in which it is important to now who is on your team.

Crystal Energy:    Stromatolite Jasper—-This mineral allows one to get in touch with the autonomic nervous system as a process of healing on a deep level.

Thursday, August 25:    Dark Rose

Learning lessons, finding things out can be painful at times.  This will be one of the threads of the energy of the day.  There are things coming into focus, and some of them can cause you to question other things in your life. But know that there are things and events that are singular and really do not have any cause or effect from others.  They are what they are in themselves. You will see this today.  This is a day of singulars.  Look carefully at each thing that comes your way and treat it as a special case.  There is much to be learned in this, and much to be forgiven.

Crystal Energy:    Wulfenite—-This mineral is great for detoxification and regeneration as process, however for effectiveness it requires personal acceptance and choice.

Friday, August 26:    Cloudy Green

Mercury goes direct:    Things are being planted.  It is hard to tell because everything seems to take so much energy to do, even the simplest of tasks.  And then, there are those questions of what is the point of it all when everything in the outside world seems to be falling apart.  But this is exactly the perfect medium for the growth of something new.  You have been wanting changes, and the time is now for them to happen.  But change is hard and unsettling.  Are you ready? There are no wrong choices right now as long as you are willing to accept the consequences of the choices you make.  By so doing, you are allowing the magic of serendipity to take a hand in what is going on.  There can be surprises, and things will end up being easier than you would have anticipated.

Crystal Energy:    Fossilized Tusk—-The energy of this fossil bring awareness of the history of past events and connections, allowing you to chew up, digest, and let go of that stuff.

Saturday, August 27:    Cotton Candy Pink

There is magic in the air today, accompanied by lightheartedness and joy. The energies are sympathetic to getting things out in the air.  The times are good for clearing out old stuff on all levels — thoughts, ideas, closets, book shelves, etc.  You have been hanging on to things for a number of different reasons, many of which do not make sense anymore.  Oftentimes we hold onto stuff because of some monetary value that we give it.  The whole concept of money is changing as the financial picture wobbles, fades in and out.  It is time to recognize that we need to value things according to our own priorities, needs, and desires.  So take time today to go within and see what things really mean to you.  There may be some ah-ha moments there.

Crystal Energy:    Laguna Agate—-The energies of this stone assist one is getting to know her/his own personal story.  It allows access to the heart and its knowing.  It is good to use in meditation, especially meditation with the purpose of finding a personal vision.  It resonates with the Heart Chakra.