April 10-16

Color of the Week:    Yellow Red

There is something completely new in the works for this week.  The beginnings may be the only things that are perceived during this time, however there will be a crescendo of the energy associated with this new wave.  It will affect everyone and everything.  It can be a very disturbing kind of vibration on all levels.  It is important because of this to be grounded in all you do.

In the personal sector, you can expect more shakeups in relationships. There are health issues which will seem anomalous that will be affecting either yourself or those around you.  Be prudent in the use of electronics. There are blips along the way as well as ‘bugs’ in the works.  Watch yourself in traffic.  Plan ahead and leave extra time if you need to be somewhere at a specific time. This is also a week for being patient with yourself and those that you truly care about.  There is much out there that is in one’s face, and reactions can be quick and thoughtless.  Much is changing right now.  You must decide where you stand in that change, but do so from the heart.  Use your intuition in difficult circumstances, and you will find that things become much clearer.

On a larger scale, the theme of shake-ups will be continuing.  These will be on every level, political, economic, earth-related, animal-related, etc. The news will be quiet on much of this, regaling you instead with items of local interest.  You must be aware of the larger picture.  There is a pattern in the energies of the time.  Holograms and fractals will become more and more important as models of what is going on.  There is a general movement of the crust of the Earth which will not be stopping for many months.  The financial picture will be painted as rosy, but behind the scenes things are not that way.  There will be some conspiracy related issues and individuals that will be coming out, perhaps some leaking of plans in the works for the immediate future.  Expect also a cryptic announcement coming from China. The galactic energies are coming closer, and those star star emanations will be continuing.  There is something happening in Egypt around the pyramids as well as at the far reaches of the Upper Nile.  Archeological discoveries will bring unusual and unexpected time frames and artifacts to the eye of the public.  More information will be coming out that can only be related to extra-terrestrials races.

Sunday, April 10:    Fir Tree Green

There is finality in the air today, some sadness, and the urge to start anew. Confusion often occurs when too many options and experiences come your way.  You may find yourself uncertain, with your emotions right on the surface.  Honor the separate energies and look for your center throughout it all.  You have work to do, and some of that work involves moving beyond both past and present, leaving behind friends, ideas, theories, hopes, and dreams.  By letting go of a lot of this stuff, you are allowing in new ideas, concepts, adventures, and people.  Take time today to go within and know what it is that you truly want and need.  You have changed.  It is time to become aware of that and be the person you are becoming.

Crystal Energy:    Iris Agate—This stone works with the energies of the rainbow.  It assists in recognizing what is there and helping one to handle situations that arise.  Resonates with all chakras.

Monday, April 11:    Light Blue Grey

This is a day for getting to the core.  If there are things that you have been wondering about, this is the time to begin asking, to put your intention into finding out what they are all about.  There are answers out there and they are easier to find than they have been in a long time.  The energies favor chance encounters with interesting people, many of whom may have options and opportunities for you.  This is a day for allowing your intuition to guide you.  By so doing, you can find that things will start to open up for you.,moreover you will get a glimpse of your true power.

Crystal Energy:    Garnet—This crystal supports one’s personal power and can ward off harm.  It also promote loyalty and companionship.

Tuesday, April 12:    Bright Lime Green

There is a kind of serendipity in the air today.  Along with that, the Trickster is abroad.  This is a day for second looks and second thoughts. You can enjoy the company and the work, but if things seem off to you, take time to analyze why that is so.  There is a shift of perspective in the air today, as the dimensions do a little dance.  You may feel yourself a bit unsettled as this happens, perhaps a bit of vertigo.  Once again, take time and look at what is going on when that happens.  There are messages all around.  Take the time to find out what they are really saying, and you will truly find this a joyful day.,

Crystal energy:    Lavender Vesuvianite—This is a most powerful and auspicious stone of great protection which connects one with the essences of the divine.  Third Eye and Crown Chakras.

Wednesday, April 13:    Hazy Orange

This is a day on which you can be questioning just what it is that you are doing.  It seems as though that strong sense of purpose that you had at one time in waning.  Take time to look at just WHO you are and what you feel will bring you a sense of fulfillment and achievement.  The present energies can add to the confusion, but staying in your power and being aware of the signs will assist you in moving through this. Take care and know the consequences before you speak out.  There is a message coming your way regarding someone in your life that you care about.  DO not take it at face value.

Crystal Energy:    Peach Moonstone—The energy of this mineral can act as a good friend, consoling and soothing those who are in need, while bringing compassion to the hard hearted.  Heart Chakra.

Thursday, April 14:    Hazy Red

Tempers may run hot, but energy can run low.  If you are feeling tired or unable to deal with stuff, take a break — center, ground, meditate, breathe.  Close your eyes, clear your head, take in a deep breath, hold it for a few seconds, then exhale.  Do this as often as needed to regain a sense of calm and connection.  Nothing is settled today, so do not expect to get things done.  A good day for observing.  Listen to your inner voice when you see things that do not seem right.  There are lessons to be learned there.  Things are happening around you for a reason.  If you stay alert, it will all fall into place.

Crystal Energy:    Eudialyte with Riebeckite—This crystal combination is good for the integration and movement of energy within the body. It is good for centering, grounding, and connecting.

friday, April 15::    ???

This is a ‘don’t even ask’ kind of day.  So let it go.

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