February 6-12

Overall Color for the Week:    Light Green Blue

Things this week will be happening in the middles, and it will be some time before the ends are able to catch up.  The good news is that this will give some time for the ends to take a second look at things and prepare for what is to come  Because there is a lot that will be coming.

Personally it will have to do with the upsurge of a lot of old stuff that you never really dealt with, thinking always t.hat it would not come back to bit you.  Well, unfortunately things are coming up from the shadows, so this is a good week to be firm in WHO you are and be ready and able to defend the positions you ahe taken.  Should you no longer feel the same loyalties, then it is time to let them go and follow your intuition.  There is not really a lot of time left for playing around.

The Middle East will be experiencing unprecedented Earth movements this week.  Centered on Egypt, they will move outward,  The shift has begun and it is following historic routes, that is to say, the development of civilization.  Stories and signs will be conflicting.  This is not a time for trusting a single source. Look around.  What is really happening has many facets and permutations  If you take a narrow viewpoint,then you will find that you will be feeling somehow left out of the loop.  If, however, you are open to accepting that the truth has many permutations, there is much to be uncovered this week. There is a general trend of distrusting, even ridiculing politicians that will continue as the year goes on.  Many will discover that they were misled by the slogans and antics of politicians at the time of the last election.  The trend right now is not towards quiet acceptance, rather voices want to be heard. Keep your eyes on the skies.  More unexplained phenomena will be occurring.  Meanwhile the Sun is showing some unforeseen sides and activities.  The galactic energies are growing and asteroids are buzzing about with more frequency.  Things are going to happen and people will not know why.  Earth movements can spring out of quietude, and weather patterns can shift unexpectedly.  All of this is happening now, and will continue to happen as time goes by.  There is an interesting period of quiet unrest around the Equinox.

Sunday, February 6:    Frosty White

Exactly what you thought was going to happen is going to happen, but that does not mean that you need to be happy about it.  This is a day when you can react with a certain degree of freedom.  People will be finding that their attentions are distracted, so things that are said and/or done can be overlooked.  Take a deep breath today, there is change on the horizon and while you knew it was coming, you want to  be ready.

Crystal Energy:    Smokey Quartz -The energy of this crystal can harmonize and ground those who are in tune with their essence.  Those who are fighting that essence can find themselves scattered and without a center.

Monday, February 7:    Indigo Blue

There is depth in the air today , but not much clarity.  When things seem important, you will need to take time to understand what is behind it all  This is a day on which promises made in the past will be unfulfilled.  You can  understand why and what this means if you can allow yourself to look beyond appearances to essence.

Crystal Energy:    Azulicite-The energy of this stone attaches one’s energies and expectations to a higher vibration.  It offers the opening, but leaves the decision to the individual.

Tuesday, February 8:    Light Pink

This is a ‘blonde’ kind of day.  You will be feeling optimistic and jolly as the day begins.  Things are not going to bother you quite as much as they have before.  You will find yourself spending more time on your looks than you have for a while. Stuff that had been needing to get fixed will be getting fixed, and everything is going to seem wonderful.  But then, you can find yourself saying things that you are not sure where they came from and doing things that are uncharacteristic.  THe energies are such however that you will not be overly concerned by any of this.  Today is a good day just to spend time with good friends, share a meal, laugh.  Whatever!!!

Crystal Energy:    Bustamite-The energies of this stone are good for places where things come together, adding ease and understanding to what can be perceived as opposites or incongruities.  It allows for being in the Now and being true to your self.  1st & 2nd chakras.

Wednesday, February 9:    Nile Blue

Things will be unfolding today slowly, yet steadily, reaching a crescendo as the afternoon wears into the evening.  This is a good day for watching as events unfold.  Opinions and/or judgments made in haste can be regretted later on.  This can be challenging as there is an uncertainty in the air that is going to make people out there want direction and for others to take the lead.  If you choose to dictate, remember that you will also be responsible for the consequences.

Crystal Energy:    Thulite-The vibration of thulite resonates with the heart (4th Chakra).  It aids in easing tensions and can bring understanding at times of dissension.

Thursday, February 10:    Frosty White

Things that were sown in the past can be springing up today, some pleasant, some not so.  It is a good day to know what your priorities are and to be ready to stand firm in WHO you are. As things happen today, trust your intuition and follow your heart.  Everything that has gone before in your life has taught you lessons and allowed you to be where you are today.  You have the strength and knowledge to deal with whatever comes your way as long as you trust in your true self.

Crystal Energy:    Agate-These stones come in many colors and varieties, making the energy of the agate adaptable to all sorts of situations.  Likewise, it allows for the individual to deal with whatever comes one’s way,provided the right vibration is utilized.

Friday, February 11:    Shocking Pink

Things will happening quickly today.  Moreover you will find that something you put into motion some time ago will be coming back for you to deal with.  How you handle this will make a difference in some personal relationships that have been on the edge for a while.  You know what it is that you have to do at this time.  The difficulty is, as always, moving forward and acting on that knowledge.  There is no one who will be helped or hindered by your actions, at the end of the day, except yourself.  Stay focused and centered.  There are realizations to be made.

Crystal Energy:    Serpentine-The vibration of this mineral is very tonic, very cleansing.  It assists in physical and feeling issues and brings some well needed rest.

Saturday, February 12:    Bright Green

Hope is returning in areas that have been dark for some time, and along with that comes a new sense of purpose.,  This can be a very important ‘change of mind’ kind of day, so be open to unexpected actions, opinions, and decisions — not only from others, but from yourself as well.  Suspend judgment and let that inner critic take a rest.  Perspectives are changing.  It is important to stay in your heart, listen to your intuition, and keep your sense of humor.

Crystal Energy:    Charoite-the vibration of this stone assists in the integration of various energies.  Third Eye Chakra.