January 16-22

Overall Color for the Week:    Lime Green

Things will be altered this week,  subtly or even catastrophically.  This is a week for being grounded.   This is a time for being centered in your heart, in WHO you are.  And if you are feeling at all alienated from yourself, this is a good time for getting back in touch.  Stand back from issues this week, take a second look, and feel the meaning of what is going on.  Much can become clearer by the end of the week.  And you can find yourself much more at home in true and loving knowledge of yourself.  Lights are going on this week.

On the larger scale, there will be the sweet and the sour.  Some politicians will be finding that the sweet ride they expected has turned sour as controversies arise over things they are saying and actions taken in the past.    Constituents are beginning to view things differently.  There is also the start of a shift in the way news is being reported.  Expect more factual reporting and less spin to characterize news, starting now and continuing in momentum as people are becoming just plain tired of half-truths and footnotes.  Weather and Earth events will be more and more in the news, along with surprising, even concerning, events on the Sun.

Sunday, January 16:    Dark Lavender

There is much to be done today, and a lot of it is related to tying up loose ends.  It is very easy to let things go, but with the arrival of the new energies, it is time to finalize, toss out, and/or deal with the old stuff.  Not only will you not regret doing this, but you will also get a new perspective on things around you. And with that new perspective, you will find yourself opening up to a lot of new opportunities.

Monday, January 17:    Apricot

There is an air of unreality about the morning.  Time is going to be all out of whack, so just give up on schedules, appointments, etc.  Focus will be hard to come by today, and you can find yourself easily distracted and not able to deal with other people’s stuff.  This is also a day for getting to the core of things, and all the weird stuff going on around actually assists you in discovering, as the day progresses, just what is truly important.  Oh, and you just might be surprised by what that is.

Tuesday, January 18:    Lavender

This is a good day for contacts and contacting.  So think of friends and family that you might have lost touch with, and give them a call.  You can also find that you are going to be hearing from some unexpected sources.  Smiles and a sense of humor will help a lot as you will feel yourself doing a lot of running around.  Oh, and yes, in this case it is necessary.  In order to make a home run, you have to hit all the bases.  Take time tonight to appreciate all you have done and all you can do.

Wednesday, January 19:    Indigo

Full Moon in Cancer:    There is much at work in the shadows today, so that is where you need to look before taking any definitive action.  Listen carefully in conversations for the nuances,  People are feeling caged in today, so when you are out and about, with people, in traffic, etc, take your time, give way, and just step back.  This builds around you a buffer zone, and in that quiet, some interesting discoveries can be made.

Thursday, January 2o:     Bright Purple

Things can be crazy today, so if you are making plans, be flexible, and maintain your sense of humor.  Emotions can run high.  The Trickster is out there.  This is a day to think before you act or speak, lest you find yourself doing things and saying things you might regret.

Friday, January 21:    Indigo

Happy Birthday, Aquarius:  There is something in the shadows today, something not said, not seen.  Because of this, it is important to bring light into everything you do today.  There is much understanding that can come forth, and old wounds can be healed, but it all requires sensitivity and compassion.  And the choice is yours

Saturday, January 22:    Fire Red

Are you ready for today???  Things are getting hot everywhere and on all levels.  This can result in confrontations, conflicts, passion, on and on.  The energy is also excellent for torching as lot of the old stuff and moving on.  There is not a lot of regret in the air, so those kinds of things will be easier,  In all you do today, be alert and aware.  Anything can happen, and when it does, it will make its impact felt.