Going Within Is More Important Now Than Ever

There is so much stuff out there nowadays that the only conclusion one can come to is confusion, and confusion is not a conclusion.  It is the result of an Illusion.  This Illusion is being perpetrated and perpetuated by those things and people around us that are looking to control by taking your power- the media, the electronics, the food, the pollution, the misery, the derision.  Look around and it is pretty much patently obvious that the world as it is right now is on the edge.

The planet, beautiful Gaia, is crying, and people are not listening, not respecting, not opening.  So she is moving, and that brings in weather related events.  Areas need to be cleansed.  People need to be awakened.  But on the other hand, there are those who wish to create their own weather events and destroy the life for their own agendas.

There is a climax in the offing, and it is approaching ore quickly than one might wish, but there it is.

What can you do?  Go within.  Use your intuition.  Look from the eyes of the heart.  If something seems wrong, then it probably is.  Trust your gut.  If something looks wrong, it probably is.  Observe the signs.  If it does not seem right to take that road, turn around.  If people you know seem somewhat strange, it is time for a new gathering.

Open to the energies of the Universal Consciousness that are all around you and turn away from the illusions that are being touted as THE reality.  They have power over you only if you so choose.