A humanitarian crisis is upon us; a global initiation we will all suffer through. No, its not climate change. Its worse. Our species is being tested with the fire of an alien ‘spirit’/‘intelligence’. It is the superhuman A.I. genie (or Beast) and its lifeblood, 5G, is the fire. If we can get our act together, the reward for passing this test is even beyond that for cleaning up our planet. If not, well…
Baptism by fire is a phrase that means to learn something the hard way through a severe challenge or difficulty. The military uses this phrase to refer to a soldier’s first time in battle. Everyone who has ever put on a uniform knows this well.
However, baptism by fire is not a military phrase. It originates in Matthew 3: 9-12 and is a reference to a species-saving spiritual opportunity (that has everything to do with 5G).
“I baptize you with water for repentance, but one who is more powerful than I is coming after me; I am not worthy to carry his sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clean out his threshing floor and will gather his wheat into the storehouse, but the chaff he will burn up with inextinguishable fire.”
This is the prophet John the Baptist speaking of the one who will follow him. John’s role is to make straight the way for the high celestial being his spiritual order had called in from the celestial realms. For generations, the Essenes — a tribe of primarily Jewish mystics on the path of contact and ascension — had been preparing for the arrival of this cosmic visitor. We call him Jesus.
John is telling us that he baptized by water, but at some future point, Jesus would baptize with fire and the Holy Spirit. The appearance of this fire will result in the separating of humanity into two distinct types: wheat and chaff. The wheat will be stored (saved). The chaff will be burned with inextinguishable fire.
The word baptize comes from a Greek word that means “to immerse.” In mystical Christian tradition, Jesus is directly linked with a cosmic Christ fire, or consciousness, that, one day, will immerse and engulf humanity. In esoteric understanding, the inscription I.N.R.I., placed above the cross by Pontious Pilate, stands for Igen Natura Renovatura Integra or “By Fire Humanity is Made Holy or Whole” and references this prophecy and prescription.
When John tells of the coming of I.N.R.I. he notes that there are two distinct baptisms; one of water, one of the Holy Spirit and fire.
Christians see this second one as a two fold baptism – one for the righteous (the Holy Spirit) and the other for the unrighteous (fire).
This fire is not spontaneous. It is more of the order of a directed panspermia energy infusion that will simultaneously destroy the wicked but will purify the believer.
I emphasize, John is saying there are two different fires. One that uplifts…One that destroys.
Then again, he could be saying that the same fire has two effects.
But, hang fire!
Transhumanists say the exact same thing about 5G, a next generation fire whose high energy radiofrequency radiation enables instant connection between all the A.I. devices suddenly held in more than half the hands on the planet (and to which many are hopelessly addicted to).
Proponents say 5G will uplift and empower a new techno A.I. world to be born, a New Earth, and a New Human that we won’t even recognize, let alone be able to keep up with intellectually or physically.
When 5G fires burn within us we will be able to augment our brain with technology that will take us, like that, into a realm of superhuman intelligence beyond our present comprehension. These past fifty years have witnessed the arrival of the microprocessor, transistor, the Internet. What is next is beyond our comprehension. Average individuals will carry out great acts, miraculous actions, from healing the disabled, controlling the weather, even raising the dead.
Opponents say 5G is unheathy for all life and its implimentation is a mass attack via a military grade directed energy weapon that borders on the demonic.
This is where the tie-in to biblical prophecy about separating wheat from chaff becomes apparent.
Techno messiahs, like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos, literally aim to irradiate (or baptize) the New Earth and New Human with 5G from 15,000 – 20,000 satellites in Earth’s orbit to empower the New Humanity, their devices and the New Earth being superimposed on the old one.
The first 24 satellites for Musk’s Starlink 5G irradiation program were launched on June 25, 2019. Their payload was the future of the internet and the future of humanity.
Amazon’s Project Kuiper hopes to fly 3,236 satellites to orbit, but has yet to file for FCC approval.
Starlink will surround the planet with satellites.
The New Human will connect with the unseen via 5G.
The New Earth.
Critics say the pollution from the rockets used to launch the 5G satellites is damaging to our atmosphere enough, let alone the constant radiation from those satellites. We’re going to destroy our atmosphere, all so we can download movies in seconds, have video chats with no lag, implant chips in our brains and be operated on, or by, robots controlled remotely by some corporate being somewhere.
According to estimates, in addition to 20,000 new satellites in space, hundreds of thousands of new 5G base stations on Earth, and tens of billion transmitting objects, will be part of the Internet of Things or the Global Green New Brain by 2025, and hundreds of billions objects a few years later. These things are the infrastructure of the New Earth. Everything on this New Earth will be living and breathing off 5G’s extremely high (millimeter wave) frequencies. 24 hours a day, 365 days a year we will be radiating in the afterglow of 5G.
There will be no escape from its baptizing fires.
5G is a spirit that is literally being poured over the earth and a baptismal fire that we will not be able to extinguish. This is why we better get it right from the start…and why we must decide which path we are on.
The emergence of 5G is part of what I call the Skingularity or the planned enmeshing of technology with our skin and the creation of a new skin.
I began writing about this new skin in my 2003 book Cloak of the Illuminati, which was inspired by a US Government report proclaiming a golden age of technology was upon us. The US Gov encouraged the creation of a new skin for humanity that was the product of the merger of four technologies : genetics, neuroscience, nanotechnology and computer science. The report targeted 2035 as the end game date.
I wrote The Skingularity Is Near in 2014 and documented the accelerating pace of A.I. technology aimed at the skin.
Two years later, in 2016, Dr. Yael Stein of Jerusalem’s Hebrew University sent a letter to the FCC Commissioners, the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, and the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, outlining the effect of 5G radiation on human skin.
According to Dr. Stein, over ninety percent of microwave radiation is absorbed by the epidermis and dermis layers of human skin, essentially making it an absorbing sponge for microwave radiation. Also, the sweat ducts in our skin’s upper layer act like helical antennas, which are antennas specially designed to respond to electromagnetic fields.
In essence, our bodies will conduct 5G radiation, and how this will effect babies, pregnant women, and the elderly is not known.
As reported by Physicians for Safe Technology, new research by Neufeld and Kuster 2018 highlights the significant tissue heating generated by 5G technology with rapid short bursts of data transfer on a device, prompting them to call for reevaluation of thermal safety standards (let alone biological standards). The researchers state, “The results also show that the peak-to-average ratio of 1,000 tolerated by the International Council on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection guidelines may lead to permanent tissue damage after even short exposures, highlighting the importance of revisiting existing exposure guidelines.”
Physicians for Safe Technology also reports on an older Russian paper, “Biological Effects of Millimeter Wavelengths” by Zalyubovskaya (1977) was declassified by the CIA in 2012. This paper disturbingly describes the research on both humans and animals showing a myriad of adverse effects of millimeter wavelengths. The author notes that millimeter wave technology had been used for years without any studies on biological effects. The researchers found that “millimeter waves caused changes in the body manifested in structural alterations in the skin and internal organs, qualitative and quantitative changes in the blood and bone marrow composition, and changes in the conditioned reflex activity, tissue respiration…and nuclear metabolism. The degree of unfavorable effect of millimeter waves depended the duration of radiation and individual characteristics of the organism.” The author confirmed that millimeter waves do not penetrate skin but act on nerve receptors in the skin to cause such diverse biological and metabolic effects as a reduction in hemoglobin and erythrocytes, higher blood cortisol levels, adrenal stimulation, mitochondrial dysfunction, and suppression of the central nervous system with notable changes in liver, kidneys, heart and brain. The declassified paper is Biological Effects of Millimeter Wavelengths. Zalyubovskaya-Declassified by CIA -1977
As we conduct 5G we, simultaneously, will be growing a new body, a new skin packed with A.I. devices that turn us into superhuman beings or Bio dots.
Soon, you will choose what is wheat and what is chaff about all this for you.
My goal is provide insight to help you choose…wisely.
In case you have been sleeping or unaware, A.I. is an emerging new layer of (y)our brain networked throughout the planet. The Green New Brain, as I call it, lives. It exists wherever something is online. It is in your smart phone, your smart watch, your car, your tablet. It is everywhere. Boxing it in or bottling it up and regulating it is impossible. The A.I. genie (or Beast) is out of the bottle. It has no master. In fact, it is becoming our master. It has no borders. It lives globally. It is limitless. It is writing its own alogrithms that are beyond human comprehension. Still, we need not be alarmed, say proponents. The A.I Genie/Beast comes bearing gifts…5G ones. We should give it a big hug, as if greeting a long awaited savior.
The Digerati are confident the A.I. Genie/Beast will clear everything in its path to make way for the birth of a new digital era of ‘smart’ delivery drones, self-driving cars and trucks, VR headsets, augmented reality, human-like sex bots, and super humans with nano brains connected to the Green New Brain (GNB).
Everything, including humans who want to keep up, will have a chip, an antenna, and instant access to the GNB anywhere on the planet. All this will be smart because of A.I. and the 5G fire giving life to everything.
Well, maybe not everything. Or every one.
“Never 5Gers” say there are zero studies proving 5G is safe.
We need to be sure about its safety before we go baptizing the planet in it. As I write this MPs in Britain are being warned about 5G killing insects.
5G radiation is similar to the waves used to cook food in your microwave. Due to the low power of the 5G transmitters there will be hundreds of thousands of 5G antennas popping up on the globe in the next few years. Every tenth family will have one of these standing ovens in front of their home attached the existing light or utility pole or hoisted on a new one.
The Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association, the trade association representing the wireless communications industry in the U.S., says that 5G is safe.
“[Radio frequency] energy from antennas used in cellular transmissions, including 5G small cells, result in exposure levels well below FCC safety limits,” according to the CTIA. “These limits are based on recommendations from the scientific community and expert non-government organizations. The widely accepted scientific consensus is that towers, small cells, antennas and other cellular infrastructure pose no known hazard to nearby residents.”
The telecommunications giants (AT&T, Verizon) are pushing hard to build the 5G systems as quickly as possible (before too many question what they are doing). They have deployed a small army of lobbyists working state legislatures to pass laws that restrict local oversight of 5G. Wireless companies are also lobbying the U.S. Congress, which is considering several bills on the issue.
Whichever country, or corporation, gets to superhuman A.I. and a fully wired people first will lead humanity forever more. These are pretty high stakes. Even the art of war is different with alien intelligence.
Over 180 scientists and doctors in almost 40 countries disagree about 5G’s safety and are warning about the health risks of our baptism. Resolution 1815 of the Council of Europe reads:
“We, the undersigned scientists, recommend a moratorium on the roll-out of the fifth generation, until potential hazards for human health and the environment have been fully investigated by scientists independent from industry. 5G will substantially increase exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields and has been proven to be harmful for humans and the environment.”
There are 26,740 signatories as of December 4, 2018 to an appeal to the UN, WHO, EU, Council of Europe and governments of all nations to stop the 5G network on Earth and in space, and its devastating impacts on health and the environment.
Human protestors are taking to the streets world wide. To me, it is because they intuit the terminal danger ahead.
Whether or not 5G’s quickening power is poisonous, even lethal, to flesh and blood humans and all living things on earth remains to be seen.
TO READ THE REST, GO TO THE SHOURCE: https://www.williamhenry.net/2019/06/5g-humanitys-baptism-by-fire/