Scientist Who Studied Safer Alternative to Traditional Vaccines Murdered In Front of His Children

- The Facts:35-year-old Tristan Beaudette, a scientist from Irvine was recently murdered. He was in the process of making some important vaccine discoveries.
- Reflect On:Why are so many holistic Doctors, and those who are doing revolutionary research that could change our medicine, disappearing?
Having researched vaccines for more than a decade, it’s quite easy to see how the rhetoric we commonly hear from the mainstream is simply just not true. We are living in an age where hundreds, if not thousands of scientists are questioning the safety of multiple medications, including vaccinations. A new study published in the journal EbioMedicineoutlines this point, stating in the introduction:
Over the past two decades, several vaccine controversies have emerged in various countries, including France, inducing worries about severe adverse effects and eroding confidence in health authorities, experts, and science (Larson et al., 2011).
This is actually a big problem in science, I wrote an article a couple of years ago regarding the issues that currently plague a lot of peer-reviewed science, and how most of the findings have actually been proven false. It’s a heavily sourced article, you can check it out here.
The science showing vaccinations are safe is virtually non-existent, and there are a lot showing that they’ve been more harmful than we are aware of. The truth is, not all vaccines have been tested and are completely safe. The reason Congress exempted vaccine makers from liability in 1986 was that vaccines were causing harm. Since the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Act went into effect, the federal government program has paid out 3.8 billion dollars in vaccine injuries and death.
I’m going to link some articles at the bottom of this one that has a lot more detail in it as to why more parents are choosing not to vaccinate their kids.
It’s no secret that more and more people are choosing not to vaccinate, and an increasing number of parents are doing the same. This has come with no short response from the mainstream, who seem to enjoy making it appear ‘stupid’ and making one feel and seem ‘foolish’ for even questioning the safety of vaccines. Obviously, these people are growing in number, and they’re not stupid. In fact, I applaud them for doing their own research and putting their critical thinking caps on, the fact that a number of peer-reviewed scientific publications keep emerging, and scientists continue to raise concerns at various international conferences held throughout the year, don’t worry…You’re far from stupid and you’re in good company. Again, the articles with the science and information will be linked.
It’s odd how we are made to fear not vaccinating our children, especially when the herd immunity hypothesis is constantly pushed.
The problems with vaccines not only comes as a result of recent science but multiple disclosures of scientific fraud and other eye-opening revelations with regards to those whom we deem our ‘health authorities.’ There are too many examples to count from.
When it comes to choosing not to vaccinate your child, and why so many parents are refusing to do so, we need to start understanding instead of reacting and instantly pointing a finger. The science has not spoken, and anytime we stop questioning things, we are far from science. Both sides really need to come together in an open public, honest and most importantly, nice discussion and acknowledge the information that each other has.
This would be great on a global stage with scientists from all over the world getting to speak…
So just to get that clear, parents and individuals are more than justified in refusing to vaccinate.
When I came across this current story about the death, yeah, it’s speculation, but I’m not surprised. I’ve been told personally by a professor at a Canadian university in the field that labs being broken into and shut down in an illegal fashion does happen.
According to TheFreeThoughtProject,
A tragic death has police searching for a killer and a motive in California this week as a beloved father was murdered early Friday morning while camping with his two daughters in Malibu Creek State Park. The victim was identified as 35-year-old Tristan Beaudette, a scientist from Irvine.
Beaudette had taken his two daughters, ages 2 and 4, camping over the weekend so his wife, who is a doctor, could study for an important exam. According to police, they responded to reports of gunfire around 4:44 a.m. at the campsite.
The story was also picked up by the L.A. Times.
“It appears that the victim was camping at the site with family members and no other individuals were injured during the course of the shooting,” police said. “There is no suspect information. There is no known motive for the crime.”
According to his Linkedin page, Beaudette worked as a senior scientist for the pharmaceutical company Allergan where he worked on pharmaceutical drug product development. He was a father and a reputable scientists who was inside of the pharmaceutical world for years after obtaining his Ph.D in chemistry from Berkeley in 2005. He studied and worked extensively on research papers about vaccines.
While at Berkeley, Beaudette was a graduate student instructor and worked on several research projects that were focused on pharmaceuticals and vaccines, according to his Linkedin profile. He wrote that he, “Synthesized polyacrylamide, polyacetal, and polysaccharide-based acid-degradable microparticles and used in vitro and in vivo techniques to characterize their ability to elicit cell-mediated immune responses for applications in vaccines and cancer therapy.” He also wrote, he, “Developed methods for chemoselective particle functionalization for use in targeted drug and gene delivery.” And, “Led a multidisciplinary team of chemists, immunologists, and biologists in an NIH-funded collaborative project involving the design of novel protein-based vaccine formulations,” while also composing, “multiple scientific research proposals. Presented and published graduate work at national conferences and in peer-reviewed journals.”
One of the studies he published in the Journal of Molecular Pharmacology dealt with protein vaccines, which, according to the study, are “a safer alternative to traditional weakened or killed the whole organism based vaccination strategies and have been investigated for their ability to activate the immune system against certain cancers.”
Recently, the Italian police raided their home, the police took all digital assets that were owned by the two nano pathologists, including laptops, computers, and flash-drives, basically years of work and research.
You can read more about that here: World Renowned Scientists Have Their Lab Shut Down After Troublesome Vaccine Discovery
I don’t know much about this man’s research, but to suggest he was murdered for his work might be a long leap, but it’s not out of the question. This is something that can happen, does happen, and has happened in the past. The fact that it happened so mysteriously is nothing new.
We’ve covered strange stories as such in the past, for example,
77th Holistic Doctor Shot Dead In Her AZ Home With Her Entire Family
It’s one of many examples, and if you think about the take-over of medicine by chemical medicine and the Rockefeller initiative in the early 1920’s, again, it’s really not that far-fetched. We can’t say for sure, but at the same time, it doesn’t seem right to rule out foul play in the unfortunate passing of Beaudette.
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