Your Color Vibe for Tuesday, 8/19

Tuesday, August 19:   Silver Grey

There is a change in the air today, and you will be feeling it willy-nilly. It is a good idea to stay away from people who push your buttons. In this energy, all of your buttons are really obvious. This is very much a think-before-you-act kind of day as things are not going to be going as you expected and plans you made are going to be disrupted, and stuff that you thought was going to be easy is going to turn out to be a bit tricky. Time to take a breath, take a look around you at the beauty of nature, the clouds, the rain, the Sun, the plants. There is so much beauty in little things and all of that is a reflection of the greater beauty. You truly do, as the Native have said, Walk in Beauty, if you will only allow yourself to see it and to be it.