Your Weekly Chromoscope 4/6-12

April 6 to 12:

The theme this week is What A Surprise — No, Wait, I knew it all the time, so this will be a week for ah-ha’s on all levels, and the bottom line is to trust yourself in everything.  Yes, things are changing, and you can go with the flow if you will only GO with the flow.

Overall Color for the Week:

You have been wanting to lay a lot of things to rest, and the current energies are giving you not only the opportunity to do so but also the push you need to get them done.  The rest is up to you.  Because of this, you can find yourself feeling frustrated at times, getting in your own way a lot, and running off after all those shiny objects.  Well, the choice is yours.  To make the most of the energy of the week, it is well to ground and center each day.  Set aside some time for breathing.  Those Breathing Moments can do much to get you back to your center and bring your focus in line with what it is that most n=benefits WHO you are.  It would be helpful to setup a kind of breath point every three or four hours in the day.  It will not take a lot of time, just a minute to get back to what is really important.  There is so much now that is pushing and pulling at you right now, people, jobs, “important” stuff, appointments, others’ agendas, etc.  It is time to know your real opportunities.  It is time to be yourself.  It is time ot be WHO you are.  This should be your focus this week.  To work from the true knowing of your heart, to stand in your power, and to be within your core self.  It sounds like a lot, but it is just saying to be WHO you are.  There is a lto coming at you this week, and you can do it!

On the larger scale, as you feel and psychically react to the shifts and changes taking place on so many levels and within so many dimensions this week, you can find yourself questioning the essential truth of the world as it has been presented to you for so long.  Things are shifting on all levels.  There will be more shifting within the crust of the Earth.  Some will come to the surface this week, but much is setting up for a major event sometime within the months of the summer.  There winds are packing more and more strength and there will be many wind events this week.  It is well, if you wish to see the force of all of this, to keep your eyes on alternate media sources.  You are being fed what is acceptable or thought to be acceptable, just enough, but there is so much more.  Even so the skies will bring forth some visitors from other systems and dimensions.  They will wink an and out.  So be aware of what is going on in the heavens.  At the same time, the spring gridding of the skies will become more prevalent, and with this will come the hint of a spreading disease, one that appears over night and lays waste to many.  The markets are in a kind of whiling dance with movements seeming so promising while at the same time there is much worry because it all seems to be out of control.  And those who feel they are pulling the strings are finding themselves more and more out of the loop, as though some other power has taken over.  Look for odd events and announcements from individuals in the tabloids.  There can be a new charismatic type coming to the surface with hints of end times.  Many will fall prey.  All in all an interesting week as the energies twist and turn and realign old alliances.  Things can become turbulent, but it is well to stay grounded and refer everything to the deep inner knowing of the heart.  There is a pattern in all of this.  You have watched it coming together, and now it is morphing into a more conspicuous formation.