Your Color Vibe for Friday, 12/27

Friday, December 27:   Dark Brown Earth

There are things in the air today that can leave you wondering just what is happening.  The energies are swirling around, reaching a crescendo as the year draws to the end.  This is a day in which the truth will be uncovered in different areas.  You can respond as you will.  Things that are true remain so, it is your reaction and desires which color the truth according to how you are able to deal with it in a given time period.  Be kind to yourself and others today.  The sense of ease that is around can be accessed by you if you are open, allowing, and accepting.  Know what you know and use your intuition, the inner knowing of your heart as your guide.  Listen to what it being said there and know that the messages coming forth are for you to assist you in these most chaotic times.