Your Weekly Chromoscope 11/3=9

November 3-9

The theme this week is No Favorites.  That means that anything can happen to anyone anywhere at anytime and/or anywhere at any time and/or at any time.  Be prepared.

Overall Color for the Week:     Medium Grey

So, it is time to forget everything that you thought you knew.  And it is time to begin to know everything that you never really thought about.  This is true in all areas of your life — people, places, things, ideas, concepts, employment, food preferences, health issues, cause and effect.  All different.  Things you never thought could happen will be happening.  So you can find yourself really, really out of it this week and unfocused.  It is important at all times and in all things to be grounded and to open to the perspective that comes from connectedness to the Universal Consciousness.  That is where it all becomes clearer.  Your emotions can be on a roller coaster up and down and up again throughout the day.  You will find old stuff welling up this week, things you thought you had moved beyond.  And the dreams.  Pay attention.  There is a theme throughout it all, but well disguised behind tales and events and people from here and the past.  You will find as the week progresses that it will be very important to speak your truth and to stand firm in your power.  There are whirlwinds of energy coming through that are upsetting people and things around you, and if you are to stay focused, you must grounded and strong in your core.  This is not a week for questioning what you know to be right.  If doubts arise, then go within and see them for what they are, distractions to take you from position of WHO you are in an attempt to make you view things from someone else’s perspective.  All that matters right now for you is that you are strong within yourself.  You have all the resources within.  Trust your intuition.  Things can be very noisy.

On the larger scale there are so many levels of things happening right now.  It is as though there are many, many different dramas being practiced on one stage, each behind its separate curtain, yet things are leaking from one are to the other.  Because of this, the political situation this week is going to be incredibly muddled.  This can lead to some interesting moments within international affairs.  Sit tight.  This kind of a mix up is actually beneficial as it forces countries to see things differently.  There is something coming in from space that will be making the headlines.  It will be used by some people as a fear-gathering technique and by others as a curiosity, while there will be some of those fundamentalists will be harping even more about the end times.  There is an energetic burst on the way from the area of the Sun.  Whether or not it is from the Sun itself or some kind of extra-dimensional energy that is being focused and directed through the Sun is hard to say.  It can lead to some rather touchy moments with the communications system.  Gaia is heaving at this point in time.  There can be some rather startling and unexpected weather and earth events as a result.  Perhaps related to ground shifts attendant upon other seismic or volcanic activity.  Things are getting slippery on the Earth, so there can also be more landslide type events.  The animal world is acting and reacting differently.  You will be hearing of these things in the news this week.  Government policies that have been enacted in haste and without the good of the people in mind will be shown for what they are.  Also there can be more news coming out this week about the real dangers of GE foods.