Your Color VIbe for 8/27

Tuesday, August 27:     Red

Hurry and wait.  Beginnings and ends.  Forward and back.  These are all things that will be part of the energy today.  It is not a good day for powering through stuff, as you can find yourself powering into a dead end.  This is a good day for stepping back, seeing things as they are, imagining how you would like them to be, establishing a plan, step by step, and then  going over all of it one more time.  Tomorrow there is a new rush of energies that will be coming in that can just pull you along in their flow.  Because of this, if you have already set out what it is that you want to be doing, then you will have an established plan which can bring some order out of the coming chaotic energies, allowing you to harness them and direct them into channels and avenues that will most benefit you as you are moving forward.  This is a day also for stepping back and just feeling about people, places, and things.  Take time to make note of the thoughts that come to you.  Write them down.  Journal them.  These things will be important.  You will see.