Your Color Vibe for 8/20

Tuesday, August 20:    Light Yellow Ochre

Full Moon/August Blue Moon:     This full moon will be bringing many things that have been in the shadows out into the open.  There are things here that you never thought you would have to look at again.  It is time to see things for what they are.  The old emotional stuff that you heaped upon them means nothing to anyone but you, and now, looking at them again through a new lens, well, they do not seem to mean much to you either.  Just like those old mementoes or love letters or souvenirs that came, that left so enthralled, that you saved them and stuffed them into a remember box, well right now, they are nothing but paper that can be recycled.  And perhaps a few memories to be reconsidered.  There is the possibility that in the light of the full moon today, you can see yourself strong in WHO you are..