Your Color Vibe for 8/18

Sunday, August 18:    Brilliant Blue

This is a great day for starting new projects, making big shifts in your life styles, changing your environment, meeting new people.  It marks a big turning point between where you have been and where you are going.  Carpe Diem!  Take advantage of the energies that are out there and trust that you can do whatever it is that you desire.  This is not a time for what-if’s or the what-will-they-think’s or the I’m-not-worthy’s.  This is a time for knowing how truly great and powerful you are.  It is an opportunity to embrace and accept the creator inside of you who has the ability to mold things to your desires. This current does not last long nor come terribly often.  It is the push you need to get out of your way and into the light.