Your Color Vibe for 8/11

Sunday, August 11:    Banana Yellow

If there is something that you have to do today that you were not looking forward to, get ready.  Time is going to stretch out to eternity, and you will not be able to get any sense of what is going on or why things are taking so long or why you are in this situation, etc., etc., etc..  When that happens, you need to find a new point of focus, and open with the intent to be part of a different reality, and, poof, everything will change.  Perspective, interest, connection.  These are three big issues for today.  You can change what you are looking at by seeing it from a different angle.  You can find things interesting when they take on a mysterious nature.  And when you feel that you are part of what is happening, then you are invested and what is going on means something to you.  It is all up to you.