Your Color Vibe for 08/04

Sunday, August 4:    Red

This is a watery kind of day, when there will be tides coming in and out and tides turning.  Be aware of the little things today, the stuff that seems to be merely an ornament, something in the background.  The little things today are actually mirroring what is going on on the larger scale.  So, if a bee buzzes you when you walk outside, a stranger asks an odd question, a book falls from a shelf, take heed.  There are messages in all of these things.  You are changing, and you need the little things to startle you into realizing and accepting that you are changing.  It is time to focus on yourself within the whole, and to see how it all ways together.  Today is a day for things moving and churning, but there is a rhythm in all of this, and at the end of the day, you will find a shift has occurred.