Overall Color VIbe for the Week 7/14-20

July 14-20

The theme this week is coming together.  All sorts of things will be gravitating inwards this week.  Many of them you would never consider as having any sort of relation.  There can be many surprises with all of this.  It will be occurring on all levels and in all areas.


Overall Color for the Week:     Light Orange

There can be some disturbing issues that are coming your way this week.  They can be related to any area of your life, such as health, finance, belief, relationships, etc.  These are actually opportunities to stop, take a breath, and look at things from a different and new perspective.  This is a good week for letting your sense of humor be ready to deal with tricky situations.  A lot of people are kind of losing it, and by using your sense of humor as your first response, you can find yourself defusing some otherwise potentially inflammatory encounters.  You will be asked to look at some things in your life this week as the predictability you expected has begun to fall apart.  But even as this is happening, the pattern is taking form.  You can be surprised to find yourself saying things, doing things, liking things that previously you would have not done.  This can lead to some soul-searching moments.  Those are the times to go within and contact WHO you truly are.  There is comfort in this.  It can lead to a new appreciation of self, and ability to move forward.

On the larger scale, the week will start out somewhat quietly, but will be followed by a lot of missteps, misinterpretations, miscommunication, etc.   This will leave a lot of people looking very badly while, at the same time, showing them for what they truly are.  There will be a kind of odd quiet in the financial markets as things just go differently.  There is no real interpretation of what this means, so it is being left alone.  The weather patterns are shifting greatly, and you will see some of this this week as storms come and go erratically, temperatures go from one extreme to the other, and disasters happen where none were expected and are averted when according to all the old patterns, they should have occurred.  There is an eerie quiet in the beginning of the week.  This merely covers much of what is going on below the surface in all areas.  This week has a bright light as a new breakthrough is made in the field of alternative health, even as those in the mainstream are predicting more disease.  The Galactic energy is making itself felt more and more as it establishes an echo with the heartbeat of Gaia.  This will grow as the year progresses, becoming more obvious, even as those strange hums throughout the world are becoming more obvious.  It is very important at this time to research everything.  There is more and more partial information, even misinformation out there.  The week ends with a boom as Mercury goes direct.