November 13-19

Overall Color for the Week:    Royal Blue

The energy of this color assists you in knowing, without a doubt, of your deservedness.  It can remove doubts and open you to what it is that you feel is your true queen/kingdom.  Much that was unresolved can be finding form this week. At this time, you can take a hand in how things are turning out, so be aware of what is happening around you and take hold of the opportunities that are coming your way.  There is much emotion in the air this week, and some sorrow.  As things shift and change, so are you and those around you.  This can lead to nostalgia and a desire for how things used to be.  This is part of everything that is happening right now.  When you are feeling out of control, there is a tendency to look to the past for it is set, and there are no more decisions to be made.  There might be regrets, but at this time your perspective is widening, and you will be able to see things in a new way, even to make out a plan behind it all.  This is a week to be in touch with your life’s purpose.  This is a week in which you can move forward in many areas.  Take advantage of the flow and the vibration.,  It is there for you.  Be aware also that your senses are changing, and you will be finding that things are just different.  This is all a response to the shifts of the new vibrations and frequencies as they come in.

Animals and plants and weather and water and everything else take on a new meaning this week as old patterns and ways change and anomalies prevail.  Keep an eye on these things as they are all part of the larger pattern and, in many cases, they represent a response, a reaction, to what has been done to the environment, to Nature, and to the things of Nature.  As this happens, so-called revelations will come out about things that have been going on for a long, long time, but have been hidden.  This will effect all areas, politics, religion, finance, spirituality, ET’s, etc.  Be ready for some surprises.  There will be more Earth events, some tragic, and many unexpected and seemingly without a cause.  It is time to go within and recognize the ley lines and grids that hold Gaia together.  She does not work within our definitions.  She has her own, and that will become more and more obvious as time goes by.  It appears that Air is the element to watch this week.

Sunday, November 13:    Lilac

There is time today for remembering people and things that have been important in your life.  These are not just people you knew personally, but also such as historical figures, characters in novels, etc.  There are so many layers at work today.  You can find yourself aware of all sort s of things at all different times.  This can be a bit confusing and perhaps disconcerting, but there is synchronicity in the air today and everything can be brought together in a new perspective.  Look for that ah-ha moment.  It can tell you much about what is going on right now in your life.

Crystal energy:    Brazilianite—-The energies of this mineral work to align separate levels and types to bring about an harmonious and fulfilling exchange.  Resonates with the Solar Plexus, Heart, and Throat chakras.

Monday, November 14:    Grainy White

There is not a lot of ambition or perkiness in the air this morning, so just take it easy.  This is a good day for engaging with things you love, people, places, and things — some real, some imaginary, and some very wishful. Do not look to get things settled today, there is a slipperiness in the air that makes things not stick.  So center in WHO you are and take a look at the environment.  The very slipperiness of the energy of the day leaves trails and tracks which can show you what is behind a lot of the things that are happening all around you.  Take time to go within when things are confusing.  Your own strong heart knooing will bring to the surface all that you need to know.  And the wonderful thing about it all, is the serendipity and the play.  There is a lot of that around today also.

Crystal Energy:    Fossils—-Ammonites:  The energy of this fossil aids in working with the mysteries of the individual within the whole. It traces a path with many outcroppings and allows one to see the choices ahead. Resonates with the Solar Plexus and Heart Chakras.

Tuesday, November 15:    Dark Blue

There is more going on with people from your past, so expect there to be a rebound.  Perhaps there will be contact, on whatever level, perhaps not, however in any case there will be a sense of what went before.  This is a foundational energy and assists you in establishing your own foundation, both knowing where you came from and being clearer as to where you are going.  This is a day for stepping into the mystery of which all things are part and becoming one with it.  By so doing, you can learn much about you, about WHO you are on all levels and in all dimensions.  The Trickster loves this in-between energy and likes to have fun with it, so be clear as to what is real and what is just seeming.

Crystal Energy:    Pearl—-The energy of this beautiful piece has to do with taking what you are given and, through clear focus, creating what you desire.  There are no limits or definitions unless you choose them. Resonates wtih the Crown and Upper Chakras.

Wednesday, November 16:    Royal Blue

Pay attention to your intuition today as it can guide you through some otherwise sticky situations.  Once again, the Trickster is about, and he is causing a lot of little slip ups, including Freudian slips, schedule mix-ups, and lacks of communication.  The energy is such that you will be seeing things more within a larger picture than usual, and you might just feel “Oh, well,” about it all. Just remember that not everyone is feeling that way and do not react without first taking a moment to understand what it is that is truly happening.  A lot of people are having trouble knowing what their priorities are.

Crystal Energy:    Root Beer Obsidian—-This stone emits a strong healing energy, but one that is also discretionary and listens to the needs, wants, and desires of the person.  It can be a good friend to those of the heart, yet seem powerless to those who cannot be at peace with its lessons.  It resonates with all chakras.

Thursday, November 17:    Pale Apricot

There is a kind of lazy energy in the air today, contrasting at the same time with a snese that there are a lot of things that you want to get down.  But then, there is confusion as to which is most important, which to do first, and which can wait until later.  Do not allow yourself to fall into this.  If you are confused, take a moment to write down what it si that you are thinking of doing.  Then take a moment, go within, center, and then look again.  You will find that things become a lot clearer when you go from your heart center.  There will be a lot of things being said today also, and you will want to know the true from the not-so-true.  People are beginning to feel themselves bowing to pressures all around them, especially as the time of the Holiday Season grows nearer, along with the powerful Winter Solstice of this year.  Time is all out of whack, that too adds to the general muddledness of the day and the next month or so.

Crystal Energy:    Sugilite—-This mineral emits a healing energy which can be directed and utliized in accordance with its color, blue or purple.  It brings clarity of vision and connection.  Resonates with the THird Eye, Crown, and Upper Chakras.

Friday, November 18:    Light Navy Blue

Look around at the things and people who surround you.  This is a day for knowing your “team”, which can also be your community.  If you are feeling yourself isolated and not part of the group, then this is a good time to analyze what is going on with all of this, and if it is not right for you, then it is time to move on.  Again intuition and the knowing of the heart fit onto this process.  Do not discount what you are feeling or even the ‘voices in your head’.  You know deep inside what is right for you and it is time to act upon  that.  You do not need to be one of the crowd unless you want to be.  This is a time for making decisions, but first you must o within to your Core Self .  This involves time spent in meditative activity, whatever kind works for you — sitting, walking, drawing, painting, writing, day dreaming, anything that allows you to let go of the logical element and move into the deeper place within.

Crystal Energy:    Conichalcite—-There is a healing energy that this mineral imparts.  Its influence moves throughout the body.  Resonates with all chakras.

Saturday, November 19:    Bright Lavender

Things that you have been expecting to happen today may take more time than you thought.  Also, you can find that you will need to change your plans as odd obstacles pop up unexpectedly.. Keep your sense of bhumore about you and do not fall into some of the general anger and upset that is all around.  The waves opf energy that are penetrating this dimension right now are contradictory and out of sync.  You may feel this alos in how you are feeling physically.  Listen to your body.  This is a good day to stay well hydrated, so keep that water coming. This is a kind of symbolic representation of allowing the energy to move through.

Crystal Energy:    Analcime—–The energy of this mineral aids in setting boundaries and defining terms in relationships.  It resonates with the Fourth Dimension and assists in dimensional shifts.