6.1 Earthquake in Bali

M6.1 quake hits Bali with injuries due to panic and moderate shaking damage

Last update: October 13, 2011 at 4:16 pm by By 

Earthquake overview : Early reports indicate as many as 50 people have been injured in Bali around 115km from the hypocenter from this moderate shallow-depth earthquake. Moderate damage to shops as well as falling debris has caused cars and other shop fronts to be damaged.

UPDATE:  In Denpasar the meteorological agency’s wall is reported to be cracked. Windows have been broken by the shaking.

A supermarket after the quake – twitpic by arthermulyadi

UPDATE: Between the injured people are a lot of students which suffered head wounds when roof tiles crashed on them. As they told to the local press, they panicked and ran out of their classroom when debris fell on them. (ER: Another proof that even students are not learned to be prepared in an earthquake country like Indonesia)

UPDATE: Some ancient Hindu temples along the coast were damaged. A section of a supermarket ceiling in Seminyak area is reported to be collapsed, but did not caused any injuries

to read more, and for updates, go to:    http://earthquake-report.com/2011/10/13/m6-1-quake-hits-bali-with-injuries-due-to-panic/