Stephen Thomson on Energy Shifts

What Is Going On?

By Stephen Thomson

As most of you know from my bio, my primary source for being of service to others is through writing and psychic readings. Through this lens and working with clients, I get an encapsulated view of what is going on in our world, more so than through any other source. It seems as if I have one client talking about a certain topic or issue that more and more people sharing the same information will follow. In this way, I have come to learn more about what is going on in our world through the recurring themes of my clients. What I have come to expect over the years is that when a certain theme appears in the lives of one client, that the same idea or issue is echoed throughout the whole of our community. The words used to describe the energy of a period or, the way in which something is manifesting may be different, but everyone is on the same page to some degree. When I think about so many of us being in sync, it always reminds me that we are citizens of one world.

This month, as a departure from the usual article I write, I wanted to share some of the themes that are constant, if not insistent in my work these days. Since I have already mentioned a common thread appears in my work, I do not feel as though I am betraying the confidence or trust of any one client. These issues are universal in nature and of issue for all of us. Since most of us do our work in some degree of isolation, which is necessary part of spiritual work, hearing about others experiences can be of tremendous value. The spiritual path each of us walks is personal and unique to us. But there are times when it is good to hear what is going on with other like-minded people. One of the reasons I have always been an advocate for spiritual retreats, which offer any kind of a process, is the opportunity to share what is going on in our journey. Something very magical comes from hearing and listening to one another’s stories. In an instant of sharing, we can experience confirmation for who we have become or where we are in our journey. We can even gain new insight and understanding for the work that lay ahead.

In the spirit of sharing, I decided to use this month’s column to talk about the buzz in my client base and community. I hope there will be some confirmation or support for everyone in this month’s column. Sometimes it is just great to know there are other’s out there just like us.

Here are a few of the topics that have been the basis of quite a bit of discussion over the past few months.


About Time

We have been hearing a lot about a perception of time seeming to be different. For many of us, it feels like time is actually speeding up. The lead/lag/manifestation period has become a very different dynamic. The period between our having a thought and manifestation — the actual event happening — seems to have noticeably shortened. There is another dynamic in relationship to time that is equally palpable. Many of us feel as though we are able to move through time in ways that we have never been able to do before. Think of the book Dune, by Frank Herbert and the concept of folding time. In this way, some of us are experiencing what we would have talked about as memories in the past. In this era, there is an added dimension to the experience. Many of us are now feeling as though we are moving through time and space to an exact moment and experiencing an event over again. Although memories are not always the pleasant ones, in the energetic dynamic described here, there is a wonderful opportunity for us to do some deeper healing, as we prepare our bodies to assimilate the coming energy shifts on the planet.


About Healing

This area of our lives and community seems to be approaching a new paradigm. We have all worked so diligently over the years, dedicated to advancing our states of consciousness and working on being better human beings. The work we have done has healed layers of our life experience and helped us to transform into the people we aspire to be and have become today. Yet, our work is far from complete. The practices we do and the techniques we employ take us to certain levels of advancement. Over time, we have cleared some of the “lighter” energetic issues of our journey. Now, our work is becoming more intense and the issues deeper. This will require more time for healing, knowing we may only achieve parts of our desires for advancement. There is some core karmic issues we are born with that will remain with us until our last breath.

How does this feel? Many of us perceive this time as having reached a plateau in our work. The big hits are less frequent and the accompanying sense of forward movement seems to be missing. Just like in our traditional education system, the more advanced the student, the harder the work. Concepts become more complex and the work to understand a subject requires harder work and dedication. Where the spiritual path differs is with the choice to stop or continue our study. At this time and in this era of humankind, we are embarking on a period when the content of our work is deeper and will continue to provide the perfect conditions for our spiritual growth.


About the Choice of a Spiritual Path in this Lifetime

There comes a time in all our journeys when we ask ourselves why we have chosen a life path focused on spiritual advancement. This important question arises from within us at varying times along the way and corresponds with a period just before we are about to experience some major shift. (Sound like what is happening on our planet at this time.) Usually we are feeling a high degree of frustration with our lives and are anxious for life to progress to the next level. After all, we are human and our ego need is to have a sense that our life is moving forward and we are advancing.

What is our motivation and where does the energy come from that propels us forward on our path? If we compare our lives to others who seem to be experiencing life blissfully unaware of the deeper mysteries behind existence, in contrast, it can feel like we are working so hard. After all, they seem happy and their lives appear to be working. Each of us can remember a time when our lives felt less complicated, focused only on material success and the accumulation of things. Whatever created the shift in our consciousness (usually a dramatic life event) that resulted in a need for deeper understanding of the Divine nature of our universe; from that point forward, there was no turning back. The interesting part of this thought track is our belief that we made a conscious decision to move our life in this direction without any outside influence.

To some degree, it is only natural for us to defer to ourselves and see ourselves as the main cause behind all the events in our lives. There are times we may even appear to be self-centered and self-focused because of our journey. We examine our everyday behavior, supported by our practices and beliefs, to create some sense of our life journey. Our work is within and it is where we go for a deeper connection and understanding of the Divine. The more we know about ourselves and understand our actions and reactions in life, the more focused our understanding of the Divine. This is where we begin and journey toward a deeper relationship with the Divine.

Can we ever step off our path and return to the person we were before? In other words, can we ever give up our spiritual quest in favor of refocusing our efforts outward? Perhaps if we chose to give up our purpose and give in to a distraction that exists on the earth plan, we could lose ground, so to speak. Once the flame ignites within us, to smother that light would take a serious effort on our part. An example of something that could potentially affect our heightened vibration would be something with an innately lower vibration such as using drugs over an extended period. Where the frustration comes from is in us. We want our unfolding to happen quickly and overnight. However, the spiritual path is a gradual unfolding that will take all the days of our lives. What do we do in the meantime, as we progress at what can feel like a snail’s pace? Create an objective view of our lives and determine where we are making progress. Perhaps that is in our reactions to others, or perhaps our tastes have changed toward food and the way we spend our free time.


About What Pulls Us to the Path?

In the spiritual community, we often talk about dimensions, a delineation of ranges of energy that affect our consciousness and how we conceptualize the universe. The first through the third dimensions are terms we use to describe the energy of the physical world in which we live. The fourth dimension is the range of energy that exists beyond the perception of the five physical senses. We most commonly call this dimension the ethers or the astral. The fifth dimension deals with a range of energy described as the creative energy behind all of life, and referred to as the creative thoughts of God. There is a constant bombarding of rays of dynamic energy from the fifth dimension, which reach us and interpreted by us on an individual basis. An easy way to conceptualize the fifth dimension is this way; the creative mental images of the Divine, which are the basis for the world we live in, are telepathically sent and received between the Divine and us. It is to the energy of the fifth dimension that we respond as creative, spiritual beings. Once the channel opens between the fifth dimension, and us it is impossible to close. What we could also allude to is that the Divine pulls us on to the spiritual path. The original cause of our spiritual journey is beyond the range of who we are as individuals.


About the Gift of Life

We reincarnate in an era when the earth energy is perfect for supporting our unfolding spiritual nature. There are periods when the changes around us can create fear. There is a lot of that going around on the planet right now. However, if we keep focused on our spiritual goals, the world around us comes into focus and we can begin to understand the meaning and importance of the time for us. Free of emotional responses, what remains is our opportunity to grow more deeply into our connection with the Divine.


If you have any questions or comments, please email me at I am always happy to hear from readers.

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