January 11-17

Overall Color for the Week: Rose

This is a week in which you are feeling like things take ups and downs, and you are not quite sure what that is all about. You are sensing that there is a new current at work, that new things are coming about. During this week, you will be seeing the beginning of themes and activities that will become more important as the year progresses. Follow your heart in its promptings and be ready to marvel at some of the synchronicities you create this week.

Sunday marks the beginning of the first Mercury Retrograde for 2009. This retrograde will be especially difficult if you are too rigid in your plans, patterns, ideas, and opinions. Be flexible during this period and always look to the bright side of things. Be ready to laugh at seeming obstacles and misfortunes. They are only what you make of them.

Sunday, January 11: Fuchsia

Things are looking a little too bright today. People are a little too loud, and too perky for you. You just wasn’t to get away from it all, withdraw, read a good book, watch a favorite movie. It is not a time when you are feeling the need for newness. The creative juices just are not flowing today. Take care of yourself. Indulge in a little fantasy. Treat yourself to a favorite food, and know that it will all be different tomorrow.

Monday, January 12: Medium Purple

Today it feels like a good time to dance a bit, hop a bit, skip a bit. But not out in the open. You are feeling that things are getting better. You are feeling it might be a good time to make some changes in your environment — move around some furniture, change a picture on the wall — and your wardrobe — match up outfits in new combinations. Take a new perspective. You feel like you are just about ready to handle anything, but you are still keeping it under wraps. Why is that?

Tuesday, January 13: Dark Blue

The stage lights are on, the props are in place, and the supporting cast is waiting, but you linger in the wings, not sure what to do. This is your production. You are the star. It is time to take a step and move forward. Know that you deserve the attention. Stand up in front of the crowd and let them know how great you are. There is no need to hide. You know the lines, go out there and show them your stuff!

Wednesday, January 14: Plus green

You are not feeling quite right. Perhaps it is a headache, a touch of the flu, a bit of indigestion. You do not feel that you are willing or able to take on anything today. You cannot get in touch with what truly matters for yourself. You feel out of touch with your center. But then, you are not sure that that really makes a difference. Do not make great plans for the day. Not much will get done.

Thursday, January 15: Chocolate Brown

Yum This is a day when you wish to indulge, but for whatever reason you are not allowing yourself to enjoy what is happening around you. You find yourself overly critical and a bit jealous of those with whom you come into contact. You want to be alone, but then you want to be with people. Things just do not seem to be happening the way you want them to. You want things to be different. You are looking for someone to blame. Time to take another look at things. Try something new for yourself, and see if that does not help.

Friday, January 16: Brilliant Blue

Hurrah. You feel that everything will go fine today. Unfortunately, from the get go it seems that you were completely wrong in that idea. Take a deeper look into what is happening. Are you the one causing things to be not quite the way you wanted them? Are you dealing with expectation that cannot possible be met. Scale down and look at what is around you. Appreciate it for what it is and take joy in the little things.

Saturday, January 17: Light Pink

It is time to take a ride. Go out with some good friends. Enjoy a cup of coffee or tea and some good conversation. Today you are seeing how wonderful the people around you truly are. It is a good day to make plans for the coming week. Think of things that you have always wanted to do and resolves to get them done.. It is a time for expectations to be realized, but first put your intent into those expectations and your joy into the knowing that they will be realized.