August 12-17


August  12-18

Overall Color for the Week:    Frosty White

More surprises this week on every level.  Be strong in WHO you are as there can be some shake-ups, unexpected announcements, setbacks, and/or victories on the family front, and this includes those whom you consider your closest friends.  This is a week also for revelations, and some of them will be concerning yourself.  It is time to be aware of your own uniqueness, of your own specialness. Many of the things that you take for granted about yourself are things that others would never, ever be able to do.  It is time to realize just what it is that you are capable of.  Do not trivialize your abilities. They are amazing.  And you will need all your capabilities, all your power, all your knowing, all your compassion as the shifts and change accelerate  as this month progresses and as the year goes forward.  You have the strength, knowledge, wisdom, depth, resources, etc. to deal with everything that comes your way.  It is important to stay centered and grounded in your heart’s true knowing.  Stay rooted in your Core Self.  And use that wonderful vision that allows you to see not only what seems to be but also what lies beneath the seeming.  There can be surprises, upsets, tears, but there can also be revelations, messages, and love.  Never doubt that.  Love is there if you just call for it.


Sunday, August 12:    Grainy White

There are things going on around you that can distract and disturb.  You need to know where you stand in relation to the stuff around you.  If you are rooted and strong, your vision will be clear and your knowing single-pointed.  There is no longer the time to play the popularity game.  It is a game with no meaning, a game no one wins.  It is ephemeral.  A game anyone can define and does.  Silly stuff.  High school is over.  It is time to let all that go.  We have all grown, changed, expanded.  Change your perspective.  Open your vision.  All is energy, and energy is all.  Let go of the regrets, the sorrows and welcome the new energy that comes in to assist, to accompany, to direct.  It is all over the place today.

Monday, August 13:    Light Yellow Green

This is a good day for relaxing, stepping back from all the stuff that has been clamoring for your attention, from all the tasks you have to get done, correspondence to acknowledge, dust bunnies to attack. You know how it is, that as you go through the day to day all sorts of stuff accumulates on the periphery.  Let it go today.  It is interesting that when you take your concern or angst away from some stuff, it just melts away.  Priorities are changing.  You are moving into WHO you are.  Today you can get a sense of just what that means as you bye-bye things that you never cared about, only thought you should.  Enjoy the feeling.  You might just go to bed tonight with a smile on your lips and a greater sense of your own power.

Tuesday, August 14:    Light Blue Green

The energies today seem calming and friendly, however there is a bit of the pixie behind it all, that little charmer, that little Trickster who can throw stones in your path.  You may find yourself being tongue-tied or out of step with things around you.  That is the pixie playing her tricks.  This is a good vibration in which to hone your skills of observation as there is a clarity she brings that can allow you to find focus on things at the periphery that were hidden or somewhat obscured before.  This can lead to some interesting ah-ha moments.  The pixie also brings thoughts of childhood, so be ready for some remembrances of things past.  When they come, look at them from your current perspective to see what the messages were at that time.  We all forget the wisdom we had a s children, before all the stuff of adults and others was dumped n us, making us question what we knew.  There are things of today that you will wish to remember later on, so it is a good idea, as the night arrives, to do some journaling or tie some strings that you can refer to as the weeks go by.

Wednesday, August 15:   Bermuda Blue

You are in the middle of things in so many ways.  The middle of the month.  The middle of the quarter.  The middle of all the changes that are happening.  You will see this today and it will take on a most interesting meaning for you according to  what level you are willing to/able to/brave enough to take a look at things.  A sense of humor coupled with compassion will bring new revelations and new connections.  The day can end with a the wow, but only if you go into it with no definition, no judgment, no limitations.  You know how to do this.  So just be.  Oh, and it is a good idea to be aware of things that are going on beneath the surface.  These things will be drifting to the top as the weeks go on.  If you get a feel for them now, when they come closer you will be able to identify them, classify them, and put them in their places.

Thursday, August 16:    Cloudy White

Emotions can be close to the surface today, so be ready to step back from situations that will evoke quick responses.  This is an excellent time in which to be the observer.  Much of what will be happening around you is merely a shifting of positions.  It is not time to react now as everything is still in flux.  It is important that you are grounded and centered in your Core Self.  Use the wisdom eyes of your heart to see through a lot of the seems-to-be out there.  Agendas are at work, but only item by item.  You will not have enough information to know the whole thing.  It is best always to formulate your opinions based on real facts.  As the day winds to a close some unexpected information can be coming your way.

Friday, August 17:     Blue and Orange

So, there are things to be said today, but watch out for the emotions.  You are conflicted in terms of who and what you want to be right now. You will feel the pull of societal norms and all the so-called right things, while standing on the precipice and seeing all the could-be’s.  Which way will you go?  This is a day for dealing with WHO you truly are.  You know the answer to that on an intuitive level, however whether or not you will act upon your knowing is up to you.  This is a dress rehearsal.  Be glad of that.  Many questions and issues will pop up.  Work with them.  Play the part.  See how they fit you.  Just know that the real performance is not far away. Oh, and since you are the star, and the audience and the critic are you, well, you have the freedom to make it be as you wish.

Saturday, August 18:    Light Rose

Well, the week is finally drawing to a close, and in retrospect, there are some things you are proud of, some things you got done, some things that you might have done better, and some things that made absolutely no sense at all.  (Did you expect them too?)  It is such crazy energy now that from one moment to the next you may question what you were doing and how you got there and is this the right rabbit hole and …  But the week is over and there is a bit of a respite in the air today.  You will find that you will be looking at things differently.  Your reactions are changing.  Those same old buttons do not work as they did before. (This can be a challenge for some of those who thought they knew you so well.)  In many ways you have paid your dues, done the right thing, been the proper person, but all that is shifting now.  Today you are at the proverbial (stinking) crossroads.  What to do?  Follow the deep knowing of your heart, and a new world can open up to you.