April 22-28

This is a week for knowing what is and what is not important.  The answers to these questions may surprise you. Your [priorities have been shifting in many different ways.  Because of everything else that has been going on, you have not been aware of all the deep changes that are happening within your energetic core.  This week, they will be brought forward as you make choices that are surprising to you.  Look at these, and spend time with them.  There is much that you can learn from that.  You may find that some of your favorites no longer attract you as they once did.  This includes people, foods, places, things, programs, etc.  The changes in energy that are happening cannot but affect your energy also.  Much of this is on a subtle level, but as things mount up, they come to the surface.  This week, that is what will be happening.  Be aware of Freudian slips and be alert for synchronicity.  There are hints in all of this.

On the larger scale, things will start out quietly this week, however as the middle of the week arrives, there will be an huge crescendo of activity in all areas.  This will take many b y surprise as much of it is unexpected, even unthinkable.  The Trickster is out this week making sure things log shots and log shots shoe-ins.  All of this can lead to uncertainty in politics, finance, travel, the weather, etc., etc., etc.  Look for an announcement that can shake up some tottering political situations.  Also, it appears that there can be some issues this week with communications and electronics.

Sunday, April 22:    Lime Green

This is a day in which resolution is in the air.  In order to benefit from this frequency, however, you will need to focus on what it is that you are wanting to resolve in your life.  At this time, you need to be a part of what is going on and to own it in all its various elements and permutations.  Step back and look at the big picture.  Let the pattern emerge.  There is more going on than can be seen from a single point of view.  Open up to your own unlimited potential, and you will find a hint of what is to come.  You are part of the process, so you will want to be aware of how it is moving forward.  By so doing, you can gain control and walk into your power.

Crystal Vibe:    Strawberry Rutile Quarts—The energy of this stone bring awareness and recognition on many levels and in different dimensions.  It is a gentle facilitator, needing you to be patient and understanding as things come to the fore.  Resonates with the Third Eye, Crown, and Upper Chakras.

Monday, April 23:   Royal L:avender

Happy Birthday, Emilie:    This is a day for dreams.  The current energy holds the promise that dreams can come true.  Take time to be with yourself, your innermost desires.  Take time to acknowledge your connection with Universal Consciousness.  Perspectives are shifting, and you will be seeing things differently.  The dimensions continue their leakiness as things pop in and out of view.  Be aware of things at the periphery today.  They have a message.  There is a sense that what once did not belong is not part of the whole picture.  By acknowledging this, you can find yourself opening to new ideas and inventions, people, places, and things as this day wears on.  Take time tonight to relax and meditate, whatever that means to you.  There is fulfillment in this.

Crystal Vibe:    Solution Crystal—-This stone vibrates to the fairy frequency.  It is a connector with the Elementals and the energy of Gaia. It opens to resolution and understanding.  Resonates with the Root, Crown and Ninth Chakras.

Tuesday, April 24:    Pale  Gold

Things are stirring beneath the surface today.  Take time to look below what is out in front of you.  Much is being communicated without words or actions.  Emotions and feeling lie close to the surface.  You can be moved to tears or find yourself laughing at the slightest thing.  This might confuse you a  bit, but let it go.  The current energy is calling for just being in the moment.  Do not try to read into things.  They are just what they are.  You are jsut what you are.  This is a good day for doing some personal work, writing, journaling, drawing, meditating, whatever fulfills your creative urge.  Then put it aside.  You are giving yourself a message, a treasure, that you will better understand in a few days.

Crystal Vibe:    Tibetan quartz—-This mineral assists actively in the realization of creative potential.  It activates the healing energies that are imminent in Nature and opens them for those who are requesting aid.  Resonates with the Navel and Tenth Chakras.

Wednesday, April 25:    Lavender

There is a calm in the air today.  It is best to take advantage of it to tie up some loose ends, to have conversations that you have been putting off, to get some perspective in terms of what it is that you are attempting to manifest in your life.  There is help out there on many levels, some physical, some dimensional, some spiritual.  This is a day when you can create something.  It is good to start out the day grounded and centered and with a firm intention.  While the calm allows for things to happen more easily, it can also lead to dreaminess and lack of concentration.  By intending your day you can get a lot accomplished.

Thursday, April 26:    Light Blue

The senses will be very active today, and it is this fact that will make you realize that you have been hearing more, seeing more, smelling more for some time.  Pay attention to the evidence of the sense ofr  it has messages to bring you of the changes that are at hand.  You can find that you are seeing into more than even before, and this can include personal relations, business endeavors, etc.  Trust your intuition today.  There can be some times when you will need to respond quickly and your intuition can guide you in the most appropriate path.

Friday, April 27:    Pink Flesh

This is a day you make all for yourself and all by yourself.  Be thoughtful and heart-full in your choices for they will reflect WHO you are.  You may, therefore, discover some unusual things about yourself.    This is not a day for paying attention to or taking cues from others.  Doing so can confuse the growth process that is going on right now.  Look through your own eyes.  Use your own discretion.  Follow your own intuition.  You are moving forward in your process.  Yes, interaction happens, but you can distance yourself from the stuff of others.  See if for what it is and give it back to them