Oltissis ET Connection?

Earthfiles Viewer Letters About Oltissis

Kubaba is the Hurrian Goddess of the city of Carchemish, Turkey,
on the Euphrates River, at the Syrian border. She was usually depicted
as a regal woman wearing a long robe, either standing or seated on a throne.
She holds a mirror in her left hand and a pomegranate in her right hand,
symbols respectively of magic and fertility. She was adopted by the Hittites
after the fall of the Hurrians, and eventually evolved into the Phrygian Goddess
Cybebe, later known as Cybele to the Romans. Source:
Museum of Anatolian Civilizations, Ankara, Turkey.

July 7, 2011  Albuquerque, New Mexico – Since my Earthfiles and Coast to Coast AM radio reports on June 30 – July 1, 2011, I have received many viewer and listener emails about dragonfly drone eyewitness “Ted Connors” and the library book he says was confiscated by NSA and Homeland Security agents at his work place on December 22, 2010, concerning the subject of “Oltissis” referenced in the confiscated book. Ted says he looked through old books on a table at a local library and checked out one entitled, Ancient Greek Gods and Lore Revisited © 1962 by Fredrico Ionnides (words/spellings as remembered by Ted Connors, who is searching for original checkout information.) Ted found three references to Oltissis in the index. One reference was a footnote that the name Oltissis referred to historic pleasure palaces in Greece and China’s Xanadu. See Websites below.

The following emails are from Earthfiles viewers joining the book search with valuable insights of their own about the once-great, ancient Greek civilization on this planet lasting from the the 8th to 6th centuries B.C. through the beginning of the Early Middle Ages with the rise of the Byzantine era following Justinian I.

to read more, go to:    http://www.earthfiles.com/news.php?ID=1874&category=Environment