INCOMING CME: During the early hours of July 9th, a coronal mass ejection (CME) billowed away from new sunspot 1247. A preliminary analysis of data from NASA’s twin STEREO-A and -B spacecraft suggests that the flank of the CME could hit Earth’s magnetic field sometime on July 11th or 12th. This is not a major CME, but it could spark polar geomagnetic storms when it arrives.


2 thoughts on “New CME

  1. I seem to be sensitive to new dream states when I read similar (but never the same!) info from the daily NOAA RSGA updates and subsequently pay attention to my reactions. Usually there is a correlation for me; eg. strange dreams or restless sleep patterns during sleeping hours or distracted thinking patterns during waking hours.

    How do you think polar geo-magnetic storms affect the Earth? More specifically, how do you think they affect us as humans?

  2. Interesting question. The Polar Areas, as you are aware, are critical points upon the globe. I would venture that they hold some of the “mother” Vortexes of the Earth, hence when there is activity there, it travels on many levels throughout the Earth, affecting those who are either sensitive or themselves close to nodes within the Earth’s grid. I would say that both conditions apply to you. Your dreams are a kind of up-welling of energetic information, unfiltered due to the dream state. As the new energy is just that, new, some of the dream states can be confused or unreadable, likewise a kind of disorientation during waking hours the novelty of this energy can bring you to a distracted state..

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