Mt. Etna Eruption Sped Up Time

Mt. Etna eruption put clocks in the local area forward by 15 minutes

Published on July 12, 2011 10:10 pm PT
– By Jim Duran – Writer
– Article Editor and Approved – Warren Miller

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( — Mt. Etna erupted this week. The volcano is to blame for speeding clocks up by 15 minutes.

People turned up for work early and noticed that their clocks were 15 minutes fast. The volcano stopped flights at Catania’s Fontanarossa airport.

The clock thing is a mystery to some, saying aliens, ghosts, or other events of the supernatural caused it. However, our lead scientist says other wise.

“Since only digital clocks seemed to be affected, then one must consider the fact that digital clocks (like any other clock) do not measure time, but rather measure an event, such as the vibration of a cessium atom, and relate it to the passage of time,” said Senior Meteorologist Kevin Martin.

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