FIDE Exercise

This is a great daily exercise to work with for personal manifestation, centering, and fulfillment.  I like the FIDE acronym because it means FAITH in Latin:

The FIDE Exercise consists of a series of four steps:

FOCUS  on what it is you are desiring or wishing to manifest.  Make sure that your focus is clear and not clouded with self-defeating thoughts of worry, guilt, and fear.  Do not dwell on what you lack or what it is that is worrying you at this point in time.

INTENT:  At this point, you engage the top three chakra points, the crown, the third eye, and the throat.  You use the energy of those three points to illuminate, enhance,  and further substantiate your focus.  By doing this, you are taking the vibration of the focus and giving it a greater strength of purpose.

DESIRE:  This is where you engage the bottom three chakra points, the root, the sacral and the solar plexus.  By using the energies of these chakras, you are rooting your focus and giving it a sense of purpose and meaning.

EMOTION:  Now you will go to the heart center.  That is the true core of your being.  This is where you feel what you are.  At this point, you will feel the feeling of having/being that upon which you are focusing.  This is the point of manifestation.  Stay clear in your focus, intent, and desire.  Then send out your feeling as a strong vibration of manifestation.  Feel that it is already there.  Feel that vibration of what it is that you are manifesting.  Do not question or doubt.  Take time to play with the joy of things being as you wish.  This is the point of vibrational matching and attracting.  Vibrations are attracted to like viubrations.  They like to travel in sync.  Quantum physics has told us that all is vibration; all is energy.  When the energy is stong enough, things “Matter”, i.e. materialize, i.e. manifest.  This is the point of taking vibrations and making them real.  Go for it.

Clarity and desire are strong components of this exercise.  It may take some time to become comfortable with accepting and allowing the fact that you deserve what you desire in the truth of your heart, but know that is true.
Take that as your mantra:  I DESERVE WHAT I DESIRE.

You can use this as a kind of meditation practice.  Put on some soothing music.  Sit.  Relax.  Breathe and then work on this exercise.