Understanding Gratitude

Founders, WisdomAtWork.com

Understanding The Science Of Gratitude

Posted: 07/ 1/11 08:21 AM ET

Always begin with gratitude. This is the wisdom advice that comes to us from many of the world’s indigenous and contemplative teachings. In this spirit, we begin our first blog for The Huffington Postexploring this profoundly transformative spiritual practice, and invite you to join us in taking this powerful awareness and action into your heart and onto your path of deepening spirit in daily life, work, and relationships.

The practice of gratitude antidotes two root sufferings that pervade the human experience. The first can be characterized as a feeling of “insufficiency” — not having enough or not being enough. This fundamental sense of dissatisfaction opens the way to the second kind of suffering — being incessantly busy trying to get more or be more in order to somehow fill this inner feeling of discontentment and lack.

to read more, go to:    http://www.huffingtonpost.com/joel-michelle-levey/understanding-gratitude_b_888208.html