The Group Address COVID

Greetings from Home, dear ones.

We join you this day as a collective because planet Earth is shifting. It’s moving very quickly now because you have a visitor on planet Earth, a new life form. Although it’s been there for a while, now it has crossed over into the human kingdom and is spreading aggressively. There are several important aspects of this to keep in mind. First, this being is evolving or what you’d consider to be mutating very quickly. Because it’s fighting for its life, this being instead calls it evolution.

The Gift

We also tell you that the integration occurring between humans and this creature, which you’re calling COVID-19, will result in a positive benefit in the long run. The next stage of evolution is to start bringing through more of your spirit into your physical body. However, one of the biggest challenges is that your spirit and physical body are incredibly enmeshed. It’s very difficult to loosen one from the other, but that’s what this virus does. It loosens the connection just enough, so that the next stages of evolution will actually be a little more comfortable. Dear ones, understand that not everyone on the planet needs to catch the virus. A critical mass will be reached, when everyone with the new attributes will no longer need to go through this process. When that happens, COVID-19 will either mutate again so that it isn’t as harmful, or you will find many of the answers that you’re currently looking for. At this very moment, a cure for this is available and humans are on track to find it. You’re starting to hone in on the different combinations and other techniques that will work best for the majority of people in most places.

An Answer

Yes, there is an answer that is coming soon. You haven’t quite found it because you have not yet reached that critical mass. However, it is already on the horizon and there are several ways to reduce that timeline even further. Obviously, you can focus on bringing in all that energy to discover the cure that in truth is already there. Yes, it’s already been found. Now it is simply a question of going through the shortened process of approvals to learn more about how it works. Besides being what you refer to as a vaccine or preventative treatment, it’s also a cure for people who already have the virus and it will help them greatly.

The Wave

In the meantime, the wave will pass through planet Earth. You are seeing the effects of it in different countries around the globe. Many of the poorer countries, especially those with humanitarian crises already well underway, will be hit very hard. This wave will continue for a time while this process spreads in many different areas. Dear ones, we tell you, that is the most difficult piece. The wave of this life form entering has hit the United States very hard, and much of that has to do with the way people are polarized there. However, at the same time they also have an opportunity to make more of a difference than other nations. For similar reasons, India will lead the way shortly.

Know that many people who catch this virus may only show slight symptoms or might not even know they are sick. The virus can be fatal and should be taken seriously, but not everyone who catches is it is going to come close to death. There is much more to this that you can work with. For some time, we’ve been very concerned about the incredible separation you’ve had on your planet. The beautiful part about that is that the separation is easing. Oh yes, people are still pointing fingers. But remember you’re all in this together, and that’s the most important piece. You will see the human heart rising during all the chaos. When you see it, identify it, celebrate it, share it with your friends, and pass it around because that’s what will bring a resolution to everything.

Come Together

For those of you who consider yourselves energy healers, especially distance healers, join any programs you can to find ways of connecting people. It might be either online with us here, or in small groups somewhere else. You can even come together online with other people and focus your energy on returning health, because that is coming now. Even after all of this clears out, you’ll find that your world is different. It will feel quite restrictive in the beginning, because you’re not used to these differences. But we also tell you there’s real beauty that can come from all of this. Hold on to that potential and know that every step you take now leaves a path that many can follow.

It’s not as difficult a time as you think. So, breathe, walk through it. Try to be there for those who are working with this energy. As you can understand, the first responders are those taking the brunt of this right now. We also tell you, dear ones, that is an incredible achievement for them. Support them in any way you can. Know that you’re all in this together, and the only way out is together. Allow this experience to eradicate much of the separation that has previously existed.

So with that, know that everything you are able to do from this point forward will make a huge difference. Re-member to look at the ways you are alike, instead of the ways you are separate. By doing this you will bring together the human heart of mankind. And with that, we will leave you for the time being. Know that you’re never alone. It is with the greatest of honor, that we ask you to treat each other with respect, nurture one another, and hold each other tightly, even at a distance.

Espavo, dear ones.

The group


March Channeling – The Group via Steve Rother

The Beacons of Light — Re-minders from Home

Beacons of Light March 2020

~ Stitching Hearts Together ~

NEW Audible Light in Steve’s voice Download the mp3 here 

A special note on Coronavirus:

Greetings from Home, dear ones. We wished to add to the message this day to talk about what is in front of most humans at this time. Changes in lifestyle are a reaction to life forms originating in the cosmos that has crossed from the lower vibrational animals to humans. Much fear is on Earth. The challenges are many, yet simple to understand. Consider this to be a very “sticky” creature both inside and outside of the body. As people distance themselves, it becomes a balancing act between safety and isolation. You are now learning much about this virus as humans call it. It will ultimately leave behind an easier path for evolution in all humans. It has the effect of loosening the ethereal body. Children are affected less as most already have this new level in place. Only a small percentage of humans need to catch this to reach a critical mass and some who do will not feel sick, yet, all can be carriers. There are other viruses already on Earth, answers are already planted, and that knowledge is making its way into the collective consciousness.

Please keep in mind that we have been talking about the growing separation on Earth. The message that follows is all about that. We even made the comment several times that if Earth was attacked from outer space that it could have the effect of bringing together hearts as all humans realize that they are more alike than they are different. From our perspective, that has happened. Lightworkers globally now are being called into action in new ways. Keep in mind you will make it through and on the other side humans will take this opportunity to build anew.  Many who have been holding the energy quietly and now will be called into action. There will be more fear on Earth. Consider this as an opportunity for light and all Lightworkers. Fear and Love cannot occupy the same space. Find the Love and pass it on. Keep the hearts connected in as many ways as you can, dear ones, and a new world will emerge. If you are successful, the human heart will rise in unity.


The group


Greetings, dear ones.

We join you this day with such a joy. You see, when you left Home, you were all connected. There’s a very deep connection between you because you’re all a part of one other. Dear ones, it’s like calling two fingers on the same hand separate from one another. That separation defines you as an individual, for it is how you define things as a human. However, remembering the connection is how you define things as a spirit. Recently there’s been even great separation, and that deep connection seems to have gone by the wayside. In truth, some of the separation has been intentional. Why? Because if humans are to be controlled, there’s only one way to do that and it’s to separate and divide you from one another. That effort has been very successful.

Unity of the Heart — That separation and division can change, but it is up to all of you. No matter which side you think you’re on, the most important part of this is to lose the sides and begin reconnecting hearts. Remember, dear ones, everything is connected at Home. You will laugh about this when you return Home, for there’s a strong connection with everything. The months and years ahead will present new challenges, new difficulties. All you need to do is to look back at your own history and see that is true. As these new processes grow and the energies start coming together, you will quickly find the power of unity, especially unity of the heart. In truth, many of you even jumped into the timeline at this exact moment because individually you are carrying something important for the collective. The challenge is that if you are separated, you won’t remember.

Stitching Hearts Together — What we’re asking all of you to do during these times ahead is to lose the sides. Do you define yourself by your past choices? If so, it makes change that much more difficult. Start looking at how you can connect with one another, even for a moment. Find one thing that you have in common with every person who crosses your path. All you need to do is find that one little thing about a person that you can resonate with, then you instantly restore the connections that you had at Home. You can actually feel a strength coming from others when you can harmonize with them. It’s available to all of you at this moment, as the connections are very strong.

Dear ones, know that this is also an opportunity for light to stitch together the hearts that have already been separated for way too long. Those new energies are here right now, and we can’t wait to see what you do with them.

There are a wide range of waves emanating from differing parts of the universe that constantly bathe planet Earth.  Last November we told you about one of these waves coming in and opening up opportunities to change everything by shifting the base energy on which you all live. That has taken place, but there are residual waves continuing to come in even now one right after the other. One of the most beautiful things that we have seen during this wave of energy is the rise of the feminine energy. It has moved into the base and anchored in an entirely new way, in a whole different place.

You have made that possible, dear ones, and you have been wildly successful at that. Although you don’t see the results of that quite yet, the new feminine base has been firmly anchored. It takes time for it to propagate and for that voice to be heard as a collective. Make no mistake, it is in motion. You are all responsible for that happening, because without the space for it to land the energy would have come then quickly gone back out. In effect, everything would have returned to normal. But that did not happen, even though you still have a lot of confusion everything is now in place.

You’ve anchored something very powerful here, and in the months ahead you will move into it. If you can begin to bring this energy in, finding a way that applies to you. Everyone will deal with it a little differently. Some people will feel it as a strength, while others may feel it as a weakness. Why? Because if you’re moving from the masculine energy, which defined power as force, into the harmony of feminine energy it can feel like you’re vulnerable. Dear ones, we tell you, it is in that vulnerability that the greatest strength lies. So, when this happens and you must plan how you’re going to react, bring all the energy in with intention. Stop, take a few breaths, and then act instead of reacting.

In the months ahead, you’ll find opportunities opening because of the work that you’ve already done. Although you may think you’re sliding backwards or your society is somehow going in the wrong direction, that’s not how it’s measured. Quite simply, it is measured one heart at a time starting with yours. You see, you are setting the energy for your own world in more ways than you know. Although it may seem like you’re disconnected from the others you’re not, for this is the practice of discernment amidst chaos.

A New Pace — You’ve been very busy. Planet Earth has not slowed down, in fact it is now speeding up. Years ago, it was discovered that the stars in the sky are moving away from Earth at ever increasing speeds, and now the Earth is also increasing its pace.

By connecting back with the basic principles of being kind to others as well as yourself, you will energetically open doors in so many new ways. It is a time of unity, dear ones. As you move from one season to the next, the energy on planet Earth is also shifting rather drastically right now. It’s connecting at the most basic levels. Although you won’t see this show up in your news on a regular basis for the time being, the energy is coming together and building. Expect a miracle, dear ones, and we’ll help you create it.

It is with the greatest of honor that we ask you to treat each other with respect, nurture one another and play well together in this beautiful new Earth.


The group


December Beacons of Light – the Group

Greetings, dear ones.

I am the Keeper of Time. I join you this day to share with you from our perspective what it will be like for you on the path ahead. Oh, you have so many changes happening. Yes, planet Earth is all about change. That’s very challenging for humans who don’t do well with change. Typically,you have all sorts of challenges with it, especially when you become hung up with your belief systems and believing that you cannot change in some way. Well, I will tell you a little bit of what’s coming and you can choose if you wish to change.

A Time of Mastery

The focus of the game here on Earth can be summed up in a single word called “mastery.” In reality you are pretending to be separate from Home, and from all of the connections that you have with all of us. You’re pretending to be a human inside that physical bubble of biology. As you pretend to be human, you are learning how to master everything one piece at a time. That’s typically why you take life lessons as you come into the game. Not only do you take on life lessons, but you work with them over and over and over, lifetime after lifetime, to make sure that you have a level of mastery. As you are well aware, everything is changing very rapidly now. The biggest challenge that we see on planet Earth right now is that all of you can be a part of the very simple separation.

With so much separation occurring people go into fear, that’s what they do. They step back in their belief systems, start separating, and begin focusing on taking care of themselves rather than connecting with the whole. That causes its own set of challenges down the road, with everyone acting separate. Let us give you a different view of what’s going on. You’re seeing a lot of confusion and frustration. People are using the energy in different ways, and you’re experiencing manipulation on so many different levels right now. It’s incredible and most of it is actually happening right out in the open, because that’s the only way it can.

Even though you truly have no more secrets, you can always choose to believe what you wish to. Your beliefs are at the base of much frustration and that is in turn causing separation. We find it fascinating that humans have these systems set up to share their wealth, and to work toward common goals. Consider the very simple illustration of insurance in any type of situation, whether life insurance, health or any type of insurance. The basic idea is to spread out the risk so that no one has to pay an absorbent amount. As you move into this type of separation that you’re in right now, people start seeing the smaller picture instead of the larger one and start re-examining. Some rightfully ask, “Why am I paying for that person over there? Why should I pay for them to have a benefit out of my own pocket?” And so these systems begin to fail.

2019 A Year of Change

The year will be filled with a lot of shifting and change. We tell you that is happening and you will not have to deal with those same initial issues. However, the planet is changing. As you witness that change, you will see people go into fear. As they go into fear, they will step back into their own belief systems and isolate themselves. They will disconnect themselves intentionally from others for fear that they’re going to give too much away. Unfortunately, that is a norm with humanity. When you go into fear you separate, but that is what we’re asking all of you to start working with.

Small Empowerment Groups

Find ways that you can unify even in small groups, because they can make more of a difference now for humanity to step to this next level. When spirits gather the energy is amplified exponentially. But when that energy is harmonized in small groups it becomes like a focused laser. This is a time when that can make a huge difference, especially with the Earth changes ahead. Have a small group of spirits come together on a regular basis. You will start to ground light in a profound way and those will actually be the markers for others to follow.

In other words, you have the opportunity to step out of the difficulties and challenges. It doesn’t need to affect you in that way. So, do you have a part to play there? Yes, some do. Some of you have come in with very specific jobs. Your contracts are that if this happened in a certain way, then you would awaken from the dream showing up at the perfect time with your part of the puzzle. Others may stay in the confusion, but when that happens please do not think that you are doing something wrong or that somehow you are not good enough.  Generally, it simply means that you have a contract.

Follow your heart and that will shift the outcome of your world. Re-member, in some cases your contracts are completed with just a sentence, smile, or pat on the back. Sometimes it is just to be there to remind the person that they are not going through something alone. Yes, you can all connect and walk through this together. How does one move through the quicksand, which will quickly sink everything if forward motion is stopped? The only way to do it is to hold hands, for that is unity.

2019 Positioning for Higher Ground

As you move into 2019 several things are going to happen. First, you’ll have a lot of opportunities for things happen in ways that you never dreamt possible before. You’re at a stage now where things are not working very simply; people are clearly manipulating things behind the scene. Most of the time people can even see them, they’re right out in the open. What is happening here is you’re working with planting the seeds for the collective vibration of humanity, which is carrying a new dimensional reality. It is absolutely astounding. You see, dear ones, the progression of things seems to be falling apart. Why? Because what happens if and when you fall completely apart is that you begin anew. Why would one want to begin again? Ah, now you get back to this word mastery and that’s a key element. From your very first lifetime on this planet, you were pretending to be separate and your intent was to master the art of mastery. Yes, this is how to master everything as it comes up. It has taken you lifetime after lifetime. Some of you are perfectionists and even though you’ve reached very high levels of mastery in certain areas, you’ve decided to take that life lesson again so that you could really perfect it. When you are complete with it, then you simply move onto another life lesson that you’ve signed up for. You have opportunities this next year to start mastering things very quickly, much faster than humans ever thought possible before.

Usually, to master even one of the 12 primary life lessons could take up to 40 or 60 lifetimes before you would actually move on to the next. What if you were able to speed things up and suddenly were able to master several at once. Can you imagine how life on planet Earth would change if that were the case? We tell you that is the case and it begins in 2019 and the opening will peak in 2022. But how can you move into this unity consciousness in the fifth dimension from where you currently are? We have already mentioned spiral time and soon you’ll start thinking in those terms as well.

Spiral Thought

As humans begin thinking in spiral thought and focusing in a different way, things will be faster for you. You will have a way of being able to communicate very similarly to the days of Lemuria, with open hearts. They had always connected to each other and felt every emotion and thought from everyone. Teachers will have opportunities to work with their students who will be forsaking questions and seeking answers. Although you may not always have their answers, you can help them to perfect their questions. Dear ones, that is what mastery is all about. Master healers are awakening from the dream at an incredible pace right now, and you can do several things to work with this. First, you can be there to offer assistance in any way that you can. Your teachings, your truth, and all those things that you have learned over all of your lifetimes as a spirit can be of service.  You are starting to come back together and access all those multidimensionality pieces as one. If you start using that gift, you can heal one-on-one in so many ways.

Many of you will leave imprints, even different types of energetic imprints. Some will leave these imprints in things that you touch and leave for others to find and pick up. For example, some will have a magical ability to touch a door knob and leave a beautiful energy so that everyone who follows you, touching that door knob in some way, will light up.

Gardeners of the Heart

Another way that many of you will be working with others is through the planting of seeds. Dear ones, some of you are marvelous gardeners of the heart. You have this ability to help people awaken from the dream, to heal themselves and clarify their own energies. Many of you are quite good at it, actually. Much of this is happening not only because you wish to master, but so do your students. You can teach them how to master one thing after the next, which is what you are doing during this remaining time on your planet. You are mastering everything that you can, so that as you step up into this next level you don’t have to carry those lessons with you. You don’t have to try to go through all those difficulties to recreate those situations again. A New Harmony with Earth.

There’s one key element that we’d like all of you to focus on, especially during 2019, and that’s your connection with the Earth. All humans are experiencing a massive change, but so is the Earth and you’re a part of her as well. You are carrying a dense physical body which is actually made up of the Earth, for the physical body is not yours. When you look in the mirror, you see that body reflected back to you. But you are not that body. In the future humanity will step up into a higher form with much less density. In the meantime what is happening now is that humans have an opportunity to master things, one right after the other to step up to this next level.

This mastery of a connection with the Earth will be an incredible focus for 2019. We told you some time ago that by the time 2022 arrives, you will be in the midst of another solar cycle. Those cycles can start sending solar flares or “CME” as you call them, coronal mass ejections. Basically, these are particles of the sun which are coming to you. Some of them you already know quite well, x rays, gamma rays, etc., and light rays in all forms of visible light. There are also new particles arriving now, but you have a weakened defense shield. The magnetic field around planet Earth has been decreasing drastically and is now down by some 26 percent of what it used to be only a century ago. So, that is drastically reducing the amount of filter that provides protection. As the sun spews out these particles, normally your magnetic fields diffuse and neutralize them. However, this time it could be different. If the Earth becomes too charged up from the solar flares coming in during through 2022, that could trigger some significant challenges.

What can you do about that? Well, you don’t have an influence over the Earth or her magnetosphere in a physical form. But you do with her heart, because you love the Earth and that can heal the planet if only enough energy is spent to do so. Many of you are still going through the grieving process of learning that the next steps are coming from all of you.  Just like moving into a perfect and brand new home, there will be space for you to grow with your family and it is everything that you need. But then one day you’re packing everything up out of your old house, as you prepare to move once again. You walk around from room to room, remembering all those beautiful memories that were made in this house. You remember all the events, everything that happened, and all the smiles that took place there, but in doing so you also grieve for it.

Well, dear ones, planet Earth and her people are not very well versed at grieving. People simply have no idea what to do with these emotions. In your next game we hope you teach this in your schools, because that grief process can either elevate things very quickly or slow down the progression of everyone. There are different phases of it, such as times when you become fed up. You get sick and tired of being sick and tired, and then you go through the anger phase. But don’t try to cut it short or think that you must resolve the entire grieving process so you can move to the next level.

Star Gazing

Right now many of your scientists are focusing their research on Mars, but how can a human build an entire life on Mars? How can we expand our consciousness? You will find out much more about the systems around you, particularly about what used to be on Mars. Dear ones, it was you that used to be there a long time ago before your memories and certainly before any recorded history of those times. What we tell you dear ones, is that you do not need to go there again. You can step up right where you are and create a new game. What will that look like? Does it mean you’ll have to release the body? Will you have to go through a death process? No, you won’t. You can literally step up in vibrational increments to achieve what is needed.

So, will it be confusing? Yes, we can pretty much guarantee you it’s going to be confusing. Gradually what will happen is that you no longer have physical difficulties. It doesn’t happen instantly, but over time it’s happening more quickly. However, if your vibrational frequencies do not match this, at certain times you’ll become somewhat invisible. Now, this may be difficult for many of you that came in with an incredible sensitivity and empathic ability. That actually gave you the gift of learning how to become invisible, but this will happen quite by accident now.

There’s no more waiting. It is possible to start stepping up into these higher vibrational bodies and into the new game. Most importantly, use the time you have remaining in your dense physical body to master everything that you can. Look for every opportunity to learn something new to grasp something new, to play and even dare to fail at something. Oh, we love that there are so many possibilities. These next few months can be quite exciting for all of you. So, don’t be afraid. Step up,try to come back together in any way possible, even if you are all separate. Or even if you are invisible in that group, send love, because you will never be disconnected. That is the one piece that we wish you always to know, dear ones.

That is why you have always been attracted to hearing messages from the other side of the veil, because you re-member them in your heart. It doesn’t have to ring true in your head or even your ears or eyes, but in your heart it always will. We remind you of who you really are and that’s our job. It’s our only job, for we’re not here to change your world or show you the open door. However, you will be experiencing a lot of that soon, especially from other beings that have been working with you for quite some time. Know that you’re never alone and you will have help. When you feel that separation, step up because there is something that you can master in that instant. Step up to the next level and watch what happens, then teach your students to do the same.

It’s a changing world, dear ones. You came here specifically with this to give, so the greatest of honor is that we help you re-member who you truly are. Hold this mirror in front of you, until you can carry it yourself. Then help all of your students to take that step and to treat each other with respect, as you walk through this new game. Nurture one another and play well together. Hold that door open as you create a whole new set of rules. It is a magical time to be a human on planet Earth. We are watching every step that you take with love, honor and gratitude.

Espavo, dear ones, I am the Keeper of Time.



September Beacons of Light fr/The Group

Beacons of Light
September 2015
Presented Live 08/29/2015

Get On With It
The Great Frustration

Greetings from Home, Dear Ones.

You are magic. Each of you holds a special form of magic, something that you specifically brought from Home. You intended to focus your entire life on bringing it to Earth, and you are starting to re-member that in new ways. This is a magical time on Earth, dear ones, where each of you can start to re-member your true power and step into it even the tiniest bit. Your actions and commitment are what creates your world in front of you, for these are new times. We will share a little bit of what lies before you right now so that you can view it from our perspective. When you do this, dear ones, you fall in love with humanity. There are times when you turn on your television sets and see that the world according to your belief systems is a mess. It appears everyone is going in different directions. Although you cannot see what is truly taking place, we do so we will share that with you. These are amazing times that may also a little bit challenging for many of you. You do not quite understand what is taking place. These changes are happening in many different areas simultaneously, but we will only share with you one that is making a difference in your own reality.

Many Governments Do Not Represent the Collective Heart of Humanity

You have this wonderful thing taking place in the United States called your presidential elections. Oh my goodness, we cannot wait to watch all of this mayhem that you are preparing. This is a massive journey into what we are not quite sure. In the beginning you used these elections to choose the best person for the job. Of course, over many decades it has turned into something entirely different. So, let us take you back quite a few years to when this change started to take place. It was actually during the early 1960s when you had a presidential election between Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy. This election was actually decided for the simple reason that one was able to present himself better on television than the other. That experience had a huge effect for the first time in the collective. Most of the people you have chosen to run your governments are lawyers. They have a history of all this understanding behind them. Why would it be that one must be a lawyer to run your countries? That would simply indicate that everything must go through the legal system. What has happened, dear ones, is that in many places in the world your governments no longer represent the collective heart of humanity. As we have very simply shared with you before, it is the collective heart of humanity that will run and rule. Now what you are seeing is your governments are trying to scamper to get in front of this. Your presidential elections in the United States are a very simple example of this happening.   All these people are jumping in front of the camera presenting themselves very well and confidently what they are saying does not always make sense. Why are so many people backing and encouraging them? Because they are channeling the frustration. It is very simple. They are the only ones that have even addressed this frustration. There is a gap in the middle of your economic system, where your middle class should be but quite simply is not. Why are your governments not representing you in that way? You have turned this into a capitalistic system and, therefore, the money speaks louder than the collective. That is in the process of changing.

Money Speaking Louder Than the Collective

Exactly how this change takes place we will have to wait and see. It could possibly result be a complete collapse of the system then rebuilding it on solid ground, which in our estimation is not a bad thing at all. We wish you would just get on with it! Or, you can continue to prop things up and pretend everything is okay, and actually make small changes along the way to evolve it in that way. We tell you, dear ones, the earlier method is currently underway but we will have to wait and see where this goes.  What about this frustration and why is it there? Quite simply, you have turned everything—especially in this area—into something based everything on capitalism. Capitalism was the most important piece and you have brought it into your government, In truth, through your systems, those that speak the loudest tend to get elected. Well, you are about to see how loud people can speak. In fact, you will actually end up voting most of the time by turning the channel because it will get pretty crazy over the next year. When you turn the channel, most of the time they actually know it. Yes, your voice can be heard in different ways, dear ones. Right now, it is a circus but it is fun and interesting to watch. Does it represent what is taking place? It represents the frustration that is still not being addressed.

The People’s Frustration

Why is there so much frustration? A person can see very clearly where the frustrations come from. You had an election at one point where your entire collective decided on one person, but another person became president. You can feel that your government does not actually represent you; it has more to do with those who are paid by these companies to be lobbyists. Those are the people that fill these gaps and move your government one way or the other with corporate money. Now you are at a point where you are going to make some important decisions. We are specifically talking about the United States at this time, but as you know all of your energies are connected especially through your economic systems. So, what is good for one is actually good for all countries. The whole world is watching these changes as they are evolving, because everyone will affect another one. We can hardly wait to see where you go with this. We see none of this as bad and it might help you to keep that in mind, because our vision is further than yours. We can see what you build on the other side and that is why we hope you just get on with it and take that next step. Above all we hope that your governments are able to adjust  quickly enough, because currently they are not listening.

Let Your Collective Voice Be Heard

Now you have a fresh energy of new people coming in. The good part about that, at least in the United States, is that your collective voice is being heard right now. That is fascinating, for all of this is bringing attention to something that has vanished. Many people have felt like, “Oh, that is just them. They will go do their thing anyway. They do not need me to participate.” Dear ones, they do need you. You are part of the collective in more ways than you can imagine. To express your voice in that collective is going to be one of the greatest possibilities that you have. You will create your world on a small scale, as well as on a large one where you will interact with the others. It is how you all come together at these magical times. Dare to dream. Dare to bring back your hopes. Look into the future and dare to plant the greatest possibilities for yourself at that moment. Treat yourself well knowing that you are a creature carrying all the energy of what you call god. Each of you can start using those abilities to create your world around you. When you reach that highest level to where you have created something that fully supports you, that is the time you become the highest use to the universe.  are Those times are happening right now.

It Is Time to Get On With It

So, we will ask you, what will it take in your life to get on with it and take that next step? Are you waiting for an election or for some door to magically open? We tell you, dear ones, you have that opportunity now…very clearly. Step into it. Claim it. Step forward. Each of you has brought a part of the blueprints for the New Earth from Home. Now you may call it your internal truth, but it only fits together when you can speak it in such a way that it fits together with the other truths around you. How do you do that? Very simple. Practice. That is all there is. Keep trying and step forward in love, then you will start to fill some of these gaps where this frustration is. How can this frustration about this middle level be solved? Through creativity, and through giving them a voice. Giving them the power to re-create. Of course when we speak of them, many of them are you. Channel it and do so in a very positive way. Look for change, absolutely. There are many shifts and rapid changes that need to take place in your systems in order to transition from one area to the next. We see those about to begin, though not yet beginning. The beautiful part is that the collective vibration is making a noise that cannot be misunderstood on this Earth. People are starting to step forward very carefully, knowing that every movement they make affects others around them. Your own vagus nerve is starting to evolve so you can feel that compassion even more throughout all humans. This is part of the lightbody returning that humans are now experiencing. You can hold more of your own light.  What we ask you to do dear ones, is get on with it. Step forward. Step up. Here it comes. Deal with it the best you can and do not wait for the perfect opportunity, for it is here, now. You have so much that is taking place, yet what you may not understand is that you are in charge of all of it. The collective vibration now decides. That means if you choose to be quiet, you give up your power. It is time to speak, and step forward, to claim your willingness and your wisdom. Not that it is always perfect, but unless it is offered up there is no possibility of reaching harmony.

A Critical Date

Bring it forward. In these times, dear ones, you will be well guided. Sometimes you will open your mouth with a clear intent of your heart to speak something, but you will not quite know where the words are in your head. So you will start to channel from the heart in a new way, which is the opportunity for spirit to speak clearly through you. As you devise and develop this new way of working together in the new planet Earth, we can hardly wait to see what you do next. We tell you specifically that we have given you a date to watch for, the second week in November was to be a critical tilting point. At the time we gave you that date it had to do with the Federal Reserve making a specific move at the end of October. Now, we tell you that has already passed and you have already moved that critical date. Not out of trouble but moving in the right direction. Yes, you had a little dip in the energies in the meantime, showing some of the weaknesses in the global economies in the world and China has a big part of that. Work together with it, dear ones. Send them energy and wish them the best. Know that you are all connected. Stop pointing fingers and calling yourselves separate and claim responsibility for all of it. That is the way of the new Earth, knowing that you are part of every piece of it. Claim your failures as well as your success because that is how you grow and just enjoy playing the game. It is time to get on with it.

It is with the greatest of honor that we ask you to treat each other with respect. Nurture one another at every opportunity. Play the new game well together.

Espavo, dear ones

The group.

The word Espavo is an early Lemurian greeting : “Thank You for Taking Your Power”

– See more at:

The Group via Steve Rother on Heart’s Hologram

Hologram of the Heart

Steve Rother
a message from Steve Rother
Monday, 15 September, 2014  (posted 17 September, 2014)

Greetings dear ones. I am eM.

A New Energy of Balanced Power

I have come with the very special intent to help you land energy on planet Earth, to help you bring your higher self in connection to everything you are doing. I have come in with a balanced energy. Many of you think that means that there is no sexuality. That is not the case, however. This energy is balanced in all areas. When you pretend to be a human, you must decide which side you will be on. When you have many incarnations in one area, you tend to come back in that over and over again, which is the challenging part of it, even as a spirit. Right now you are seeing more influx of the feminine, more raising of the balanced energies on planet Earth. This triggers the discord, force, and takeover that you are witnessing today, because the old energies – the masculine energies are here. How do you work with this? Many of you turn on the television and get so discouraged you turn it off again. Yes, dear ones, there are many difficult energies that you see on your planet right now as a result of this wave of light that came in. It came in from a number of different sources, but basically you brought it in with you. All the new energies that are here – including the Crystals, the Indigos and every part of it – have come in at a higher level of this connection. As so, you have brought in a new energy of balanced power, which is the challenge for many of you but you foresaw this. Many of you saw what was going to take place on planet Earth and have positioned yourselves accordingly. Now we tell you that there is more of the E-Family on this planet than ever before. This is as it should be. These are the reasons you came. Many of you have brought yourselves in at this exact junction of time and space; many of you even chose not to come in through your first set of parents but chose another set of parents that you may not completely harmonize with in order to place yourself at an exact junction where you could make a difference. Approximately 20 percent of the planet is in what we call a backup plan right now. It is very simple and very beautiful;  it means that you put yourself on the game board at a very specific time.

The Redefining of Power

How do you carry this balanced energy? How do you express your power as a balanced being? Ahh, that is the question. That is what you are all wrestling with right now. You see power being played out in many ways on your planet; you see it being redefined in many ways. Now, we tell you that force is not power. This has always been this way and all governments, not one single government or one single energy, have played this game to some degree . Right now, it is playing out in many parts of your world. The masculine energies, the masculine powers that be, are claiming and grasping at everything that they can grasp at thinking that this is the last opportunity to make those plays. Their greed is what motivates them in many ways. Now, this does not have to be this way. It is up to you to change it. Dear ones, soon you will find the collective vibration of humanity, the collective heart, and that is what we wish to speak of this day.

Spirit Rights and the Collective Heart

You came in to bring in the collective heart , which is the beauty of the balanced energy that I get to represent to you. It means not being masculine or feminine or even being human, but allowing your spirit to come out. This is why we are so excited about the spirit rights that you speak of for this is what is truly taking place. Each spirit on your planet has a whole set of undeclared rights. Would it not be nice if your governments knew about them? They will shortly. Even though they will not necessarily read what you are writing, the collective vibration will have its day on planet Earth. The balanced energy of the masculine and feminine will come back together as one both in full power. That is the beauty and the truth of this.

Times of Change

Of course, there are several who are still invested in the old ways.  This situation will continue for some time until you reach a collective vibration where you have had enough. You will change it when humanity is done with it; when you have learned all that you can and see your own reflection enough in all these different ways. We ask you to hold that thought, to hold that energy in your heart and hold it as your truth. Project yourself down the road in the timeline. Understand that it has already been resolved and that you are simply going through the mud puddles to get there. These are the times that you came for. You have all been on planet Earth at various times before. None of you on Earth right now are new. You have all been heavily invested in planet Earth and its growth. Now you have the opportunity to carry more light in your own physical being to integrate more of who you truly are without the density of it all. There will be many who grasp at the old ways, pull you back down and say, “No, that is not the way. That is not what is written.” Dare to write again. Dare to claim your future. Dare to set it into motion and watch what happens.

When a collective vibration reaches an understanding, everything changes. That is the truth of what is taking place. Your technologies are in full support of this change, which is why you have so many of them. We also tell you that this is the reason why there will be many who will try to control your technologies; who have tried to block certain things in their countries so that their people will not be too empowered. We tell you that this also happened in the sixth century with Constantine and the rewriting of the bible. Many of the truths that you had known, were rewritten because of the fear that you might take your power. Well, you are back and that is the beautiful part of it.

So the question is, “Why did you need to be here this day? Why were you called specifically and what was your agreement before you came in?” That is the beautiful part of what I get to do because I work in what you call the Tavern of Light. This is the beautiful place where every spirit goes before an incarnation. They sit at the table and draw in all of their spiritual family—past, present and future. They make contracts, they make agreements, and they make opportunities to get something done. Now, we tell you, dear ones, that you are part of a large contract: . being on the planet of free choice at the times of change. We cannot tell you that this change will naturally go toward its highest level but that is why you incarnated in so many numbers. That is why the E-Family is back with such energy to make a difference in the collective vibration of humanity. Do not be discouraged when you see the difficulties on planet Earth. Do not be discouraged when you turn on the news and see the old masculine ways of using force over power or in the place of power. You hold the power. That is the part that we are here to tell you. You hold the power of creating your reality right in front of you. Do that in a balanced way and share it with your neighbors. Share it with all those who will listen to you and you will bring your light to home. As you start to do that, everything starts to change.

Encounters with Spiritual Family

Dear ones, many of you will be calling in members of your spiritual family which you have not met before. It is a beautiful energy to watch as it takes place because all of you have been in a reunion of sorts on planet Earth. Now you will start to see even more of this happening. It is very magical, so welcome these people as they come through your life in the most beautiful ways . Not all of them will stay within your boundaries or work with you on a daily basis; some with simply come through and pass by. Take what they have to offer you; take the reflection they will bring you and thank them for the memories they help you re-member and move forward in the collective. Hold a vision of yourself as the highest being. Hold a vision of your light being held within a physical being and it will start to connect. These are the holograms that are creating the new planet. These are the new energies which you are working with.

A Hologram of Heart Light

Dear ones, if you shine a beautiful beam of light from an angle, photons move without density at the highest possible speed in your universe. Yet if you take a second, even a third, fourth or fifth beam of light and cross it with it, you have the opportunity to create a hologram, a full three-dimensional projection which can create reality. Now, we are not actually talking about a beam of light as you know it to be, but about a beam of your heart light. We ask you to focus your heart light on this projection, because the more people who focus on it from different angles, the more concise this new hologram is becoming. You have done this before in the days of the Magna Carta. You have done it in the days of the Declaration of Independence. You have done it so many times on your planet. You have actually done it back in the early days of Babylon as well. There have been many times on your planet when a critical mass reached a certain level but simply could not move past it. You are at one of those junctions right now. Come together in some way. Hold the vision of this new planet and hold the vision of why you came here, even if you cannot see it because you will be one of the last to see yourself in the mirror. That is the nature of the veil which you have devised. You have agreed to play this game blindfolded, which you have done over and again. But now is the time you can start to re-member. Begin in your heart and hold it there for that is the place where you make a difference. When you connect with others and everyone focuses their heart’s desire, you create a new hologram. That is what is taking place.

Now, there are many who feel this energy and feel this change, and wish to hang onto the old ways. You will feel pull backs from those who are grasping at the old ideals and the old ways of success on your planet. Be very cautious of what you give your power to, dear ones. You brought something in which is very unique and a custom of planet Earth. You would come in and find something to reflect your power. Because of the veil in front of you, you could not see yourself. You could not see your own shadow or the light coming from your heart. For that reason you created these reflections. Some of them were religions, some of them were belief systems, some of them were experiences that you had that allowed you to take yourself and step down a new path. Anyone who has ever had a near-death experience comes back with a whole new vision of what life is about. These are the types of reflections that many of you have gone through. Now is the time when you can reflect each other’s light in the most beautiful way and focus that energy to create a collective vibration of Home.

Repositioning your Lives

These are the times when you are carrying more of your light. It is not easy and it doesn’t always seem to fit in the world. Even though you cannot always see the reflection of it, you are the greatest beings that have ever lived. You are the Family of E; you are the truth behind the empowerment words and as such, you will create everything in front of you when you work together in harmony. Although these are the most difficult transitionary periods on the planet, all of you can start moving. We ask you to start repositioning your lives during the next several months, to look at new opportunities and at what you need to be happy on this planet. If you have been playing the game of putting one foot in front of the other, consider what it would be like to take a right turn or a left turn. Consider what it would be like to change your dance, to shift your rhythm, to change something intentionally. Ahh, but then you play the old human tapes, “Well what if I change my direction and it is the wrong direction?” We say there is no wrong direction. You will learn something no matter where you go. Once you learn the power of being in charge of yourself, it will all come together. These are the connecting points for all of you in the new energy.

The best people for the job are on the job

It is a beautiful time to be here. No one said it was going to be easy, but we are not worried. We are watching planet Earth from afar and are not concerned because the best people for the job are on the job. You have already incarnated; you are there and you are finding each other. Does it mean that you must all come together in one belief system? No, dear ones. That will not happen. A little bit of success will go a very long way. What you are seeing now is people grasping at the old ways. Set your intent. Set your heart that this will change and that you will start seeing a world that is kinder and gentler – a world in which you know how to harmonize with each other. The day that you start looking at ways you are alike rather than the ways you are different, is the day that everything shifts. That day is closer than you think because you have such great hearts, which is the beauty. Find that passion. Step into it in some way even if you think it has no value, because if it makes your heart sing, you are part of the collective. If everybody did that, the world would change in an instant.

Preparing for a Shift in the Energy (March 2015)

The reality is, dear ones, that there are more from the E-Family on the planet than ever before. Right now, you have some of the most powerful creators on this planet, holding this light and this beautiful energy. Some of you still doubt yourselves. That is okay. That is not the important part. The important part is that you are here and holding a light and that you brought something from Home that only you could carry. We tell you, dear ones, that the tides are changing. In the time that you call March of the coming year—especially toward the end of March – there will be a shift in your energy. There is an energy coming in at that time which will help you reset. Position yourselves in the highest place now. Find where you wish to be to let your heart out and start creating that hologram of light. Where are your dreams? Many of you have been in survival mode and as such, have lost your dreams. When you are fighting day to day to make something happen, you lose sight of the larger vision. These are the times to bring it back and as you do, you will find help from the other side coming through you very strongly. You will find other members of your family finding you. They are spiritual family that comes out of nowhere and will cross and intersect your life to help reflect you for just a moment to remind you that you are on the most beautiful path and the most beautiful, magical moments of your life. Look at your own histories and your own biases because each of you will have to determine that yourself. All of you have been slightly out of balance one way or another on planet Earth. It is part of the nature of duality which you have been living in. Now, you are living in a field of triality which is quite different from what you have stepped out of.  Yet you do not have all the pieces. Hold it in your heart first. Know that you are not alone. Do what you can to connect in any way possible with the others. That is what focuses the heart energy and forms the new hologram that creates the new planet. This is more possible today than it was even last week.

Share your light in the collective

We know that you cannot see these advances; we know that you get very downtrodden and drained by many of the energies which are forcefully on planet Earth right now. In the past, these have succeeded. They will not succeed this time. It is not the way of the new energy, dear ones. Support your light and share it in the collective in the most beautiful ways; this is how you will start to create this hologram and step into it. The greatest hologram creators are here and we call them the Family of E. We thank many of you for being here. Many of you have actually amassed enough energy and wisdom to move onto other experiences and yet you brought yourselves back here so you could be a part of this beautiful energy. Now is the time to awaken from the dream and hold it deep within you and position yourself for the wind at your back. Position yourself for a new coming, a new energy and a new hologram of light.

It is with the greatest of honor that I ask you to treat each other with respect. Nurture one another at every opportunity. Know that you are whole and complete beings balancing in a new way. And play well together.

Espavo.  I am the Keeper of Time.

The group

July Beacons of Light via Steve Rother

~ The Golden Key ~
The Balance of Power

Greetings, dear ones. I am the Keeper of Time.

A Higher Vision

I have moved forward into what you call the group because today I will speak of where you are at this junction of time and space, which is so beautiful. You have been here before to experience very similar energies. Now is a unique time, because many of these challenges on Earth have come from the junctions where realities cross and leave permanent imprints. Let us explain.

Your Multidimensional Nature

You are multidimensional in nature. You look at yourself and see only one being, though of course you are not just one being. You are multiples; you are 11, let’s say for the sake of argument. With all of these beings going on at one time it is actually a grand torus. almost as if you had 11 different rays of light all moving together. Although you see time as linear on your planet, it is actually in the form of a torus. We will just call it ‘linear,’ because with your limited perceptions that is how you view time. You see it as past, present and future only because you see a line. Well, we will use your illustration for this. Of course, with the past, present and future, only one of those is real; the present You can remember when you were three years old. You can also imagine what it is going to be like when you get much older than you are right now, so you prepare yourself and move accordingly. Do you know why you age in your physical body? Because you expect to, dear ones. Not too long ago the Keeper heard someone on TV say, “I am 70 years old but, of course, 70 is the new 50—is it not?” You are re-defining everything in your world and this is perfect, as it should be. Understand that where you are right now is very unique. Let us explain why.

Crossing of Dimensional Lines

Go back to the concept of a line for just a moment, and imagine a linear line. Your other 10 dimensions of time and space are next to yours and on similar lines. Dear ones, where those lines have crossed and when they cross, they leave permanent imprints on each other. These are very unique moments and greatest stories in your history you share.. These stories, such as the one about your Garden of Eden, never change and continue throughout all of humanity Although many of you have greatly misinterpreted that one, it is true and how it evolved was beautiful indeed. It was the story of your first exercise in density, and you have had many of these throughout your history. Your greatest teachers on Earth, those whom you call masters, are simply lines that have crossed each other at different moments. These multidimensional lines, which have always been separate until now, are starting to cross. So you are currently seeing a tremendous amount of this in your lifetimes; this was the greatest hope of all that you could be here at this time.

Many of you on the other side of the veil stood in a long line so you could come here to experience the possibility of multiple lines crossing at the same time. We have described the multidimensional nature of humanity before; we have also told you that the veil between them, the walls between your dimensions, are thinning. You are starting to have this bleed through where you’re feeling things that are not quite yours. As this has happened you have lost a bit of your security or sureness of yourselves, because those walls provided you structure that is no longer there in the same way. However, it does mean that you can start perfecting yourselves in new ways. Although none of these individual lines carry all of the truth, together you are a perfect being. It could very easily be said that you had to divide your perfection in order to be here on planet Earth, to play this game of pretending to be a human. You are doing rather well. In fact, you have some very unique opportunities.

Three Steps Forward

There have been waves on planet Earth before where you have gone through similar exercises; sometimes they turned into what you have called very negative experiences. Know, dear ones, that you are in charge. That is the message we want you to have today. No matter what you see coming, no matter any difficulties we share with you in upcoming messages, know that you are in charge. How does one take charge of their lives? You have been trying since you were born with somewhat limited success, or so you might think. No, that is not true. The reality is that you are exactly where you wanted to be. Now you measure yourselves in different ways so you might say, “Oh, I wanted more money. I wanted more excitement in my job. I wanted a relationship that could actually be on the same level as me.” You have all these ideas of your success but we tell you, dear ones, you are in the perfect place. You are in the space that you wanted to be when you came down to Earth in this incarnation. So, how do you take charge of that? How does one bring joy back into their lives? Well, dear ones, at many times it is seeing things from a different perspective and re-evaluating. There is a trick in this which we have spoken of many times: you are creator beings. You are walking, conscious creators on planet Earth, and the beauty of it is you have the ability to create everything in front of you. Most of you have tried very hard to prove us wrong when we say that. “Oh, I have done everything that you said. I have done every part of it, read the books and followed the ABCs of creation. I have taken the courses and have the credentials.” You have done all the things that you thought you needed to step forward with the exception of one: responsibility. How do you take responsibility for where you are?

When you are in a situation that you do not cherish or are not happy with, the first thing to understand is that you purposely put yourself there. The second thing to understand is that you can change it. Now if you say, “Okay, I am going to sit down and change this whole thing. I do not like where I am. I am going to shift the energy this day, then, I will turn around and teach it to other people.” Most of you are wired that way, for you have come to Earth many lifetimes. Most of you are teachers at heart, yet you do not completely learn the lessons until you turn around and teach them to someone else. That is the way you think, which is very beautiful. You are part of each other. The challenge comes when you put yourself on a higher or lower level than the people that you teach. You are all part of one another, so how does one assume a level? The first thing to do, dear ones, is to ask yourself: “What was I trying to accomplish to get here?” You may know the actions and mistakes it took to get here and have vowed not to make those mistakes again. However, the reality is that your spirit led you there intentionally. The fact that many of you are in challenging situations right now would seem that there is a difficult energy on Earth, but you asked for this. You not only asked for the energies, changes, and shifts to place you here, but you asked to be one of the very few here in a physical form to experience this moment.

The Golden Key

There are many ways that you can change your reality. The first is to take responsibility for it, and to know that your spirit placed you there for a reason; the second is to change your perspective on it. Do you understand how many beings on Earth have a job that they dislike? They say, “Oh, if only I were wealthy I did not have to work at all. , then I could really make a difference on Earth. I could really teach what I came to teach.” Perhaps you have a contract at work? Perhaps there are people you agreed to meet and they are just waiting for you to speak the words you promised to. But you think you have to get another job before you can speak your truth. The key is to first find the joy in wherever you are now. Yes, if you take an inventory, joy may be a small portion and discontent may be the larger piece. You may say you still want to change but you cannot change, dear ones, until you find that spark of light. That is the piece we want to share with you today. First take responsibility for where you are, knowing that you are in the perfect place. Oh, some of you do not like that and would much rather be in a gentler place, an easier spot where the energy used to flow like in the olden days. We will tell you that the olden days were not quite as joyous as you think. You had to carry a very low vibration, for sometimes ignorance is truly bliss, and. Although you may have been in a blissful state, you were also very ignorant and it was difficult to understand what the energy was. All of humanity has risen in recent years and months. As a result, many of you are disjointed; you feel as if you lost your magic, wondering where to go from here. You do not quite know what is next, but you are closer than you think. There is a golden key and until you find it, you will not move your circumstances or change. Take responsibility and know that you can only find the golden key by experiencing all that you have just gone through. You may not be happy with the circumstances and you still may wish to change, but that is perfect. Look for the key.

How do you find the golden key? These are the crystals you have placed on your path. Sometimes they jump out at you and other times you have to become good at acceptance in order to receive them. You tend to look at something and say, “Oh, this is not going to do me any good. I need something over here, not over there.” Until you find the light in the moment and live in the now moment, you will repeat the same situation over and over again because that is the cycle. When we tell you about the grand torus and the way it moves together in all 11 dimensions of your time and space, you must understand that each part is made up of a circle. Time is truly circular, dear ones, not linear. Therefore, when you experience something difficult, we guarantee you it will repeat until you find that golden key. When you are able to change your perception of it and find that one glimmer of hope then use it. These are the ways of the new world; these are the ways of the empowered humans, for you are making space on your planet, dear ones.

A New Balance

There is a balance arriving of masculine and feminine in an entirely new way. It has come in before because all the energies have, in waves. Previously you had such a low vibration that you were not able to use it, for it completely overwhelmed you. You ended up in a grand war, which was very difficult. That does not have to happen or work in the same way this time. You are the creator beings; you are the ones creating every moment of your lives through your perception and an individual part of this grand torus, which is yours. Together you are complete and perfect, living on the planet of imperfection. It is not possible for you to carry that, so you hid it in different parts of yourself. Now is a beautiful time, because many of these energies can finally cross each other. So what happens when one of your energies cross and you meet another you or another part of yourself? You become aware of some of your perfection in the most beautiful ways. This is what is ahead and what many of you will be teaching. If you believe you are lacking something in your life then you feel, “Oh, I am not good at this aspect of being a human. I am very good at this part but this part over here is very difficult, because it has always been an enigma for me. I have never been able to figure this one out.” You can know that there is another part of you that has already mastered that part, when you come to these beautiful junctions where these lines cross as they are just starting to do.

You will see the signs in many ways including astrological. And you will see many of the imprints of this opening, for it is starting a new energy on planet Earth. It will be a time when you can fully awaken from the dream. Even if you were awake today, what would you do with it? That is the question. Why wait? Play in your mastery now. Claim it by taking responsibility for exactly where you are and knowing that you are here for a reason. Even in this junction of time and space, though this density seems to have taken over your cares and your worries on planet Earth, know that you are here on purpose. Look around you, dear ones. There may only be one person that you are here to meet in this particular moment. Make that connection. Pass on that ray of light, or receive that gift from them and it will change everything. How do you direct it? You will learn that through every aspect of yourselves, because you are becoming perfect. You are starting to cross dimensions within yourself in every moment, dear ones, especially during those things that you call challenges. Now is the time to look for that golden key; search for that one aspect that you can only reach by placing yourself in that position. Even if it does not seem all that beautiful to you, find another way of looking upon it. Are you aware that you create something every time you open your eyes and focus? The universe does not exist in the way you think it does. Look around you. I am looking at some of the things on the Keeper’s desk right now; I see pens, letter openers, and what he calls mice. The truth is, that those atoms are scattered in a random pattern. They are moving around all the time, but it is only when he looks at them and expects to see something that they jump together to make those items that he perceives. So, what would it take for you to expect something different? Expect a miracle. It means changing your thought patterns, changing the way you think about time.

Creator Beings that Age

The only reason you age in your physical bodies, dear ones, is because you expect to. You think that is what is necessary. You will find this very soon, for these are the gifts that many of your own parental races have had in the 8-12 foot range on planet Earth. Many of them are re-turning, dear ones. Does that mean you will have a space ship landing on CNN? Well, we really do not think so. But what it means is that you will start to re-member some of the magic in you. You will start to understand your true nature. Look at yourselves in the mirror and you see a limited aging being moving down a linear timeframe. Start to understand that time is circular, which is the reason you repeat things in your lives. So, if you missed it and you made a mistake, do not judge yourself. God does not judge himself/herself, for that is insanity. Leave it go and know that it will repeat through the natural, circular time and you will have many opportunities to do it if you take the pressure off. You will start seeing things from a different perspective. You will dare to go out and make lots of good mistakes. Now you will start to see your truth then you will start to understand who you truly are and in those moments, we will turn around and offer it to each other.
This is the Age of Empowerment, dear ones. It is here in a very clear way. It is here for all humans, most of which are confused by it at this moment. It came in during an incredible wave that we spoke of it 11 years before it came in. You knew it was coming in this lifetime, which is why you placed yourself here. Welcome Home. Welcome to the New Earth. We will help you understand not by teaching you or by giving you new pieces, but by simply helping you re-member what you wanted to do when you first came here. Those are the golden keys that each of you carry. Some of you brought them into the clan that you were a part of, while others brought specific rays of light to planet Earth. Many of you are from the Family of E, the Family of truth and empowerment, here to help all of humanity take this next step into empowerment and create the new world. It has already begun, which is why you are here. Celebrate it! Celebrate the situations which you believe are difficult, and doing so will help you change your perspective. It may confuse some people in the beginning, but once you are able to see it from the viewpoint of a conscious creator then it changes right before your eyes. This is the magic that all of you hold.
You are the greatest angels that have ever lived anywhere. We applaud you, dear ones. You have no idea how very special you are. You have made a veil of forgetfulness. Many of you wear it proudly, and we tell you it is starting to fade. We applaud you and are here with big smiles on our faces as you start to awaken from the dream, wiping the sleep from your eyes. You are taking charge, for a new world is here. Welcome Home. Look for those beautiful keys, those golden keys to help you create a life of your choosing. Celebrate Home, dear ones, and celebrate who you are in this now moment.

Espavo. I am the Keeper of Time.

The group


The Group through Steve Rother 10/15

Greetings from Home.

You Are Beautiful Imperfections

Greetings, I am Elrah of Rhythmic Service.

I am here to settle everybody down for a moment and to give you a big old smile—one of my smiles…there you go. You think it is amusing that I am sitting up here talking in this funny voice, smiling and acting silly, but do you know what I am doing? I am settling the energy because if you just close your eyes for a minute and reach out in front of you energetically, you can almost feel the level of the energy in the room. A lot of you felt it when you first came in today and some of you went back out and came back in again a couple of times to acclimate to the energy. You know, it is becoming real. That is the nice part about it because for a long time this could not be part of your reality. You see, it exists in the smaller worlds when you are children. But when you start to become adults you do not re-member that you can feel the energy of the room; you do not even think that you can even feel the hearts of others people, but you can. When the Keeper was really small, his parents were religious and they kept taking him to church all the time and he wanted to be a preacher at some point so he kept asking, “How do I get there? How can I be the best that I can be?” They just kept saying, “Be good. Be good. Just be good no matter what.” Well, what is actually good? He was very confused about that until he was caught being bad then he understood a bit more. Sometimes you need the polarity to see where your boundaries are and there is nothing wrong with that, dear ones. You are on the Earth for a reason. Number one: You are not expected to be perfect, did you know that? In other words, you cannot be perfect even if you tried to be. That is part of the rules on planet Earth. There is only imperfection here. Perfection is at Home. When you come to Earth you divide all your perfection into different dimensional levels just so you can play and pretend to be perfect. Now we are going to ask you to shine your light on all your beautiful imperfections because that is truly the light from Home that you brought. That is the essence of the flavor of light that you give it.

We Are the Ice Cream – You Are the Flavors

The Collective Heart of Humanity

We gave a channel that was very interesting to me because it was straight from my heart and it was all about ice cream. Oh yes, ice cream on your planet is very popular and for a lot of different reasons. Not only does it taste good, it is sweet and always puts a smile on your face but it always offers a bunch of choices, does it not? You can choose this flavor or that flavor,  and eat ice cream so many different ways … in a cone, in a milkshake, or a banana split. Well, that is the way we put it because it kind of expresses who we are. You see, at Home we do not have to deal with the egos or the physical bubbles of biology that you do. We are the light; we are the ice cream and you are the many flavors. You are all expected to bring it through to the best of your individual flavor. The light is the same light coming through all these beautiful rays; each one of you flavors this light in the most exquisite way. Well, that is the light out there that you are now starting to sense when you feel the energy in the room. Although you are experiencing that, there is much more than that now. There are people all over the planet who have been thinking that they have been in charge, but are realizing this is no longer the case. Many of them are people you have elected to run your governments and put in important positions to run things for you. They think they are in charge so they do the best they can because most of them are working from their heart, too. You have to understand that even if you disagree with someone, it does not mean that they are not working from their heart. It just means they are not communicating with both their heart and head, so they are up against the energy in the room. You see, it was not as important before because not everyone could feel it. Now you all are feeling everyone else’s energy. Your technologies certainly have something to do with it, because youcan all pull out a cell phone now and pull up all kinds of things very quickly on the internet. You could not do before, and you are no longer limited in the way you used to be. That energy in the room is not the energy in the room anymore, for it is the energy on planet Earth. Everybody is feeling it and trying to figure out where the resistance is, and where the path of least resistance is.  It is the collective heart on planet Earth; it is the one heart of planet Earth, of humanity.

Harmony: The Third Wave of Empowerment.

Re-member, dear ones, a few months ago we gave you a message about the third wave of empowerment. We have been talking about the first and second waves of empowerment for many years. The first wave of empowerment was learning how to follow the leader, to actually follow someone that could lead you into something better. It took a long time for humans to learn how to do that. Then the second wave of empowerment was learning how to follow yourself, which is infinitely more difficult than following somebody else because it means you have to build up your trust levels and learn to enforce your healthy boundaries. It was very important to learn and you have done well over the last 60 years on Earth. Now you are in the third wave of empowerment and it is causing all kinds of problems on Earth. The third wave is harmony. Look around  and you can see what is going on in your governments and what is taking place economically; you are having a hard time with polarity there. The more you try to come together, the more you want to go completely apart from each other. This is a natural reaction to the removal of the energy in the room, because now there is no reason not to harmonize. So many people have built up all their belief systems: “I have to do this, I have to do that, I have to do this. I have to oppose this, I have to be opposite of that. I have to be polarized.” Now there is a third pole, which means it is not simply black and white any more. You have a third position here where you can tap into your own higher self, which is why we call it triality. This third position allows you to have a new pole. It does not have to be black and white any more. Now you can experience all the beautiful colors of the rainbow, and choose any one of those expressions because you do not have to be only this way or that way. It can now be this way and this way, yet so many of you are having difficulties.

Harmonic Hearts: The Energy in the Room

When you turn on the news and watch all the challenges that the planet is going through, if you look closely you will see that they are all changing because of the energy in the room. Is that not interesting? You almost went to war a couple of weeks ago. A couple of weeks ago you were just that close, but what changed it? Again, the energy in the room. So many of you held it in your heart that new ways were found, new possibilities broke through that were not even there in the beginning. Now you have everybody coming forward trying to save the day. It is really so beautiful, but we know you do not trust them all and you think most of them are playing games. The truth of the matter is that everybody on this planet is trying to do the best they can. All you need to do is to pay attention to the energy in the room because that is the marker—that is your space where you can know where things are right or wrong for you. You are the only one that matters, you know. Ahh, you did not think that. You have been thinking about everyone else all around you. “How can I make life comfortable for them?” Now it is going to be about you because this is the grounding of the new energy and the new light. This is the beauty of the energy in the room. The energy on planet Earth has changed; there are no more secrets. Many of your world’s leaders are having all kinds of problems with that one, but that is all right because there is no black and white, there is no polarity. There is not even right or wrong in the way you have always thought about it.

Back in the days when the Keeper was really young, he was taken to church and told to be good. Why was he told to be good? God watches everything and keeps score, and the Keeper was told that very clearly. At the end of the year if you do not have enough brownie points, you are not going to get any Christmas presents or some other thing they told you about for not being good. Now you go by the energy in the room instead, because you have collective hearts that are matching all over the place. We tell you that it used to be quite possible for people to put something over on the general public, but it does not work that way anymore. Now all of you are learning new forms of communication that will be coming through the heart completely. Everything must be completely open, because in the times of no more secrets it is not possible to hold anything back. You are all becoming what you call psychic. Now we do not really like that word, because it is actually your spirit coming through your physical body in a beautiful way. It is the same way we communicate at Home all the time, which is why you know so deep in your heart it is beautiful and it is truth. All of you now can start working with this energy. Even though there are 7 billion people on this planet, do not ever forget that you are one of them. You are not simply one seven-billionth of the planet, but you are much more than that because you hold the energy in the room. When world leaders are going in one direction and they say, “We do not care what happens. We do not care who finds out. We do not care what takes place, we are just going to do it anyway.” It will not be possible anymore, which is just what happened. You averted war on your planet and it was not anybody’s plan to do that; you did that within your hearts. You should be very proud of yourselves because all of the machinery was gearing up to go to war. It was going to happen on your planet again and they did not need any more excused, but the energy in the room changed it. They were not able to make it work. How beautiful is that? You are starting to take charge of your own reality. Planet Earth is turning into a place for conscious creators and we are so proud of you.

I am going to step aside and bring in Em while we still have a little time left. Because I get so excited, sometimes it is hard for me to step aside sometimes. But you see, we do not deal with the egos the same way you do, so Em is just happy as a pear back here…I do not know how happy a pear gets, but he is happy. He does not care whether I am speaking with my tones or whether he is speaking, because we are of the same heart. Even though all of you have to carry around these heavy egos, which are very difficult to carry, know that they are necessary on Earth. However, the ego keeps you from seeing another’s heart. So if you just pay attention to the energy in the room, your lives will become easier—you will see the way to go and find that path of least resistance in the most beautiful way. Now I will step aside for just a moment and bring in Em.

Balancing the Male/Female Energy

Well, greetings. I am eM. We had a laugh stuck way down inside and we needed to let it out. He did not want to let it out, so I just went ahead and let it out anyway. Welcome everybody. I am so joyed to be with you because you are balancing your energies. We tell you it is so exciting for us to watch from this perspective, because what has happened is that you have been polarized in so many ways on Earth. It is how you have been allowed to play the game and, therefore, you have been able to find confidence by having an energy already set. Now you have taken these in polarity and called this one male and this one female and you get so stuck in those energies that it is very difficult for you to balance sexual energy on your planet but you are doing such a marvelous job of it. You see, I am balancing what we call male/female energy. Now I do not have to live on Earth so it is easy for me, much different from many of you because it is a constant balance to be able to do that. It has been a very long time on Earth where you have been trying to balance this energy. Now you have been in the swing of the male energy for quite some time and what most of you do not re-member is that there were times when the feminine was also in charge. However, we had just as many problems so it is about a balance. It is no longer about polarity, and because you are losing the polarity you can start balancing the sexual energy between all of you. That is opening up all kinds of possibilities.

It was only recently that we asked an expert to come into the LightMaster group and educate some of the LightMasters about what transgender was all about, because you are not familiar with your full sexual expressions on planet Earth. You are only familiar with the polarized versions which you needed to build your history. Now it is changing and there are so many beautiful ways to experience love on planet Earth. Love is love is love, and there are no more rules. It is that simple. Now what is taking place is that you are saying, “Okay, I do not always have to be in this relationship or that relationship.” And we are telling you not to measure your sexuality by your relationships but by your energy, by who you are. Can you find your own restrictions with your sexual energy beliefs? Well, sure, you all have them in some way. You all have learned your set of rules on planet Earth with which you must live by in order to balance all of these beautiful negative and positive polarized energies. Now all of you have access to a much deeper love and connection to your own spirit, for your spirit does not know polarity. When you come here and pretend to be a man or a woman, it simply means that you are taking the spiritual energy from Home and running it through a filter which only shows a small part of it. It is not until you become balanced in all areas that you will be able to hold more of your own spirit in its completeness and uniqueness. It is not easy by any stretch of the imagination, because  in a field of polarity success has always been determined by repetition. “Oh, you did something wonderfully. That is great.” Is this success? No. Not until you repeat it several times. Once you learn to do something this way, you have learned to do it over and over and over again. Then it turns into a belief system, which is what we call “BS.” This gets more of you in difficulties than you could possibly imagine. You have always used them because they are very successful, but you are also eliminating all of the other possibilities. Now that is changing and we tell you there will be reactions to the balance of male/female energies.


A depolarization is also happening that will allow all of you to harmonize in new ways. Again, it is not easy. The moment you try to depolarize, all those polarized beings stand up and say, “Wait a minute. This is my truth, this is the way it has always been, and this is the way I am going to keep it.” That is human nature so be patient not only with yourselves, but with all of the creatures on Earth. You are changing and you are changing the light as it comes from Home and you express it with your beautiful flavors of ice cream, as Elrah calls it. You are flavoring the light; that is also what you do at Home and we recognize your light. We see you; we know you have been placed here specifically because of your gifts. Now what we are asking you to do is to take off all of the protection that you have placed there so you can have a comfortable life and start being who you really are. There is no explanation needed for the truth. You do not ever need to describe or defend your emotions to anyone. They are your truth. You may not always like them, or you may wish you could shift them from time to time, but we ask you to just be who you are. Experience all the good, the bad, the ugly and every other part of it because it is the whole concept of your human experience. You are on a search for beauty on planet Earth. All of you are looking around trying to find the beauty you know from Home and occasionally you find a piece of it. When you do, we light up from Home and we say, “Look! He found beauty. Is that not marvelous?” And everyone smiles and lights your path for you. Reach out and find that beauty; it is all around you and part of who you are now.

Re-seeding Planet Earth with New Light Forms

We wish to add one more thing now, for we have spoken of a very important event that is taking place on planet Earth. It actually began around January this year. You see, you have gone through a massive portal, dear ones, through the 12-12-12 all the way through December 21st and you have emerged into a new world, one that you are acclimating a little bit at a time and finding your new comfort zones in this new world. It is quite different from what you have seen before. Part of the reason is that many of the things that have been placed in your path to mark your way and give you confidence have recently been removed. Many of you have been able to see your reflection. You have called yourself a psychologist, or a healer, or maybe even a reader. Those words do not work anymore. You are much larger than all of those reflections that you have been looking for in the universe around you. So, many of you have panicked because your reflection is not there anymore. One of the things that took place at this time is that there was a protective shield around Earth which has been there for millions of years—not thousands. It was actually emanating from planet Earth through the pyramids on Earth. There was a pyramidal grid which created a very light magnetic shield around the Earth, which kept many of the meteors and comets from destroying your planet and from interrupting your flow and evolution of life on planet Earth. It has been very successful, for there are many asteroids and rocks out there that have been aimed very directly at your planet that have not hit it. Earlier this year that protective shield has been removed because you are no longer in need of it the same way that you were. What we are telling you is that a miracle is happening every day now. You are now receiving many of these comets, asteroids, and specks of dust from outer space that you did not receive before. Although you have always received some to a small degree,  this year it has grown dramatically and you will see even more the rest of this year more. Why? Because of the simple reason that you are being re-seeded. Planet Earth is starting a whole new cycle of life and these are the seeds of life that are being replanted.

When the Keeper turned on the news this morning, he saw that global warming has now been proven. There is no doubt in scientific minds anywhere that global warming has been caused by humans. We tell you, dear ones, it is absolutely true. We also tell you that you can change it and you have already turned the corner. Now like a massive freight train moving in one direction, if you decide to take a right turn it will take some time and that is what is taking place now. All of humanity is adjusting and starting to shift to the new energies. Every time you see a meteor come in or you hear a story that yesterday a meteor exploded over this country or that one celebrate, because it means that the new seeds of light are being planted and changing all of Earth.

Now, your scientists and biologists absolutely disagree with what I am saying.. Planet Earth, according to them, is still on a dying cycle. You are losing species at a rapid rate right now, but this is why we are re-planting it for you. Now it will take time for these seeds of light to develop, but you are the ones that chose to be here during this change of the cycle. You did not wish to wipe out Earth and start over again as you have done before. You wanted to stay here in these bodies and walk through this consciously. We could not be prouder of you, for you have made it much easier already than you have ever dreamt. We tell you this because a couple of things have happened in recent days and more are to come. One of them is that you had a massive earthquake in a part of your world that you call Afghanistan or Pakistan, but it basically formed a new island. This island is not expected to be here very long because it will be receding into the ocean soon, but it will be here long enough. The tectonic plates have simply moved around one other, and during that time where these energies been building up there has been a stress on Earth that all of you have tied into. All of you have found life a little more difficult because of the stress the Earth has been going through. We look at the horrible things that have happened and you try to send your energy. But also celebrate Earth, because she has just released a tremendous amount of tension and she is re-setting a lot of energy. Now, why did the new island come up? Well, the island is a very small island. It is only about 30 inches high and about 60 meters across which will be settling back down, but it has made it to the surface to collect stardust.

The ISON Comet Seeds the Earth with Stardust

You have a particular comet that is coming, which you know about  we have even spoken of it previously. It is now expected to reach you on November 28th 2013, which in the United States is the day you call Thanksgiving day. This comet is going to pass near Earth as it has done before but it will sprinkle so much stardust on Earth that the re-seeding process may actually be visible  and some may see the stardust coming down out of the atmosphere. That dust carries life. These are the star seedings of the planet Earth in the new cycle, in the new Earth, the one that was to die but you changed your minds. You awoke from the dream and took your charge as conscious creators and here you are, walking around on the new Earth saying, “Why is not everything the same? Why do I feel depressed? Why can I not see my light?” You have no idea how much you have already done. You have already won the game, dear ones. We know it does not feel like that.  We know it is difficult for many of you just to survive, but you have no idea what was previously to happen. More than 90% of planet Earth would have been completely wiped out and it would have been very similar to what you know as Mars today. Yet, here you are ready to walk into this next phase of life. Walk into it with your eyes open. Celebrate it at every opportunity, for you are the greatest angels that have ever lived. It is our honor to be here speaking to you and help you to re-member who you are and what you came to Earth to bring, because now is the time. Re-member the energy in the room and when you turn on the news and see some world events, think about the energy in the room. Will the energy of humanity allow that to happen? Know that your voice and your heart make a huge difference on planet Earth. It is not a numbers game, it is an energetic game. As you learn to connect your hearts even quicker through the aid of technologies—you do not need the technologies, they are simply teaching you how to use it…how to use your own hearts to create a world of consciousness on planet Earth. You are magnificent…every one of you and we hope you feel that magnificence and that specialness and uniqueness that all of you carry. You are spirits from Home pretending to be humans but we know who you are and we are here just to remind you.

It is with the greatest of honor that we ask you to treat each other with respect. Nurture one another at every opportunity. Enjoy this comet that is coming and play well together.


The group



Steve Rother’s Latest Beacons

Note: This message has been edited and in spots rechanneled by the group for better clarity in this format.

Greetings from Home, dear ones. I am Elrah of Rhythmic Service.

You can choose to be on top of the world, if you want to be. You can decide how you want to view life because that new vision is important. I am going to step back here for a moment to bring in my brother the Time Keeper, but I came in first to bring you one of my smiles. There it goes—see, I got you, did I not? You were not going to smile back but I got you anyway. You know I can do that and you can too and it is part of what you are going to be hearing more about. As you start to carry this light, there are so many ways you can use it. You are just starting to find out about the new energies on this side of the portal, and you are going to anchor this in a new way. I am going to step aside and let my brother come in because he has some key words he wants to bring you. Know that I love you and any time you get too serious I am the one sneaking up behind you and tickling your funny bone, to remind you that you are playing a game. You are supposed to be having fun and if you are not having fun, I am going to come and get you so just re-member that.

Greetings from Home. I am the Keeper of Time Today is a very magical day. You have now passed an energetic demarcation point that will allow most humans to begin to anchor in the new energy on this side of the portal. It has been very challenging for most of you. You have felt the differences in time; you have moved from compressed time into expanded time, and simply not been able to bring it into your heads at this point. You notice that it feels different, but you are not able to fully describe the changes or the differences that are taking place globally with all humans everywhere. Now you can start to change this.

Projection of a Shadow World

There was the first quadrant that had to complete. We could not even talk to you about it until the 31st of March. After the third month, we could begin to identify it because you have to settle this in. If we come in with information too early, we can impede your progress instead of helping it along. Therefore, the release of information and the timing of it is of great importance to all humans at this point. This is my job, for I am the Keeper of Time. I am the one who lowers his finger when humanity is ready to accept new information. We tell you, dear ones, you have passed a critical point. It had to do with the length of time past the portal and now you are into your second quadrant. This  is now allowing you to anchor your hearts, whereas before your energy was anchored with your physical body. You were searching in the shadow world that you had projected, because you knew the energy was going to be different. You realized it was all going to change the moment you stepped forward so you projected into it your expectations, belief systems, and daily routines so that everything would appear to be the same. Most reading this message are now at a very high vibration and are starting to see through the clouds. You are seeing through the illusion and the emptiness of the illusion and becoming very dissatisfied.  This is very challenging for most of you to do this because you are starting to see the reality, not the dream. It has been very difficult for you so you have been searching and looking all over for the different parts in your brain to find the right perspective. Most of you have tried on all sorts of new caps, ideas and perspectives during this time. That has been marvelous but now we are going to anchor your heart, because that is the part that has not found its grounding. We tell you, dear ones, that why many of you have felt so distant and challenged at times.

When you left Home, many of you were scarred in a way that has been carried with you throughout most of your lives. Many of you came to the table with all your ideas and said, “I am going in. I am going to live a life on planet Earth and make contracts and do different jobs, to make sure that I offer my part of god on planet Earth in the new energy.” You set up all the potentials. You set everything in motion but one thing that most of you were not expecting was a huge case of separation anxiety. Once you found yourself on planet Earth inside one of these bubbles of biology, you still remembered Home. Although you could not justify it in your brain, your heart knows the way Home and never forgets or takes you too far from it. Many of you experience such tremendous anxiety at that point of separation from Home that you have spent much of your life trying to heal that scar tissue, trying to re-connect that part of you that was missing. Now we tell you it is entirely possible to anchor your heart in new ways. and what you will find is that it has an effect on a global basis. You have always considered yourself to be a complete, the whole being within yourself which you are. But we also tell you that as you step further into this, you are connected to every single being, blade of grass and leaf; they are part of you in some way. Now you will have the opportunity to ground your heart on this side of the portal. As you have the opportunity to do this, you will be able to live in your heart energy much more than you ever thought was possible.

New Needs of the Physical Body

We will tell you that for some of you it is going to be uncomfortable, because most of you are not familiar with stretching your heart that large. The more you do this the more you feel and then you are able to recognize that light in others and help to bring it out. That is the connection that all of you will ground with. You are carrying more light than you have ever carried before; you are holding more energy in your physical body than ever before. Because your grounding has always been with the physical body, but now your spirit has taken over a physical body and therefore the physical body needs regular grounding. What is the grounding? It is everything from drinking water to feeding the body to nurturing it—oh yes, sex, of course. All of the things of Earth are part of that grounding process, but now your spirits need grounding as well. You are carrying more light than ever before and you have new needs even of your physical body, which is the reason there is so much interest in helping the physical change. As you start to align your energy in your physical body it aligns with your spirit automatically, which allows you to carry and be responsive from the spirit not the human. Now you are talking about living in multidimensionality, all of your perfection is here at once where you can call on the larger you, the one you call your higher self. That is the perfect you but you are living on a planet of imperfection. If you held your perfection from Home, you would not be able to play the game. You have great difficulties, and we have seen lots of them come through. You are here, now, to bring that to fruition.

Some of you will step into this very hesitantly because your heart is the part you have always protected. You are free to express your visions and try on different thoughts, but new feelings are much more difficult for you to harmonize with. You have a tendency to hold the old and protect what you have even if it is painful. Now is the time. As you ground in this new energy, your bodies will have an opportunity to connect more of your heart energy than ever before. That is the opportunity for all of you to find a stronger grounding and a new light Home. If you are still carrying some of these old energies with some of the challenges and scar tissue from when you left Home, you can learn to release them. Have you ever heard a baby crying to and you know their spirit is disturbed but you cannot find anything physically wrong? Dear ones, those are often the memories from Home, for when you finally awaken from the dream and open your eyes you will see us and understand what you have been missing. If it were possible we would pull aside the veil for just a moment and show that to you but that would not work either, for all of you would go Home. You would say, “This game is ridiculous. Let us go Home and play.” We would have to start all over again, would we not?

The Challenge: Exercising Your Light

Here is the piece we give you for this month. You are the bearers of light, of a new light. You are carrying a specific percentage of your own energy from Home in the physical body you have right at this moment. If you are able to share your light with 10 people over this next month, it will grow 100 percent. That is a simple equation to understand. How do you share your light with someone? You have opportunities every single day of your life. Most of you say, “Oh, but that does not fit into my world. I cannot say that to this person. I can say it over here in my safe room full of Lightworkers where I can say anything, but over there in my job at the bank, I cannot say that.” Try it. Push the boundaries. If you are not able to actually say something with words do it with your heart energetics. If you are able to touch and make contact with 10 beings over the next month, you will start a wave on planet Earth that will build and crescendo into a new energy toward the end of this year. That is how fast this can happen now. We tell you this because you have done it before. We shared with you a little secret—a mathematical secret quite some years ago. We simply said, share and celebrate these dates because these dates will build upon themselves and you began at the 02-02-02 and went all the way through the 12-12-12 where you walked yourselves through these portals. That was incredibly beautiful from our side of the veil. There was so much cheering going on here that we could not hear ourselves think. No. we do not have ears…and we have no need to think…but there were so many energetics behind you harmonizing with you, that it was amazing.

What happened was that you created the energy and at the time when the world was originally going to end, you had so much energy behind you that it just kept on going. That created a shadow world, comprised largely from your own expectations. Even though the portal was there and you knew that on the other side it would be different, you projected into it your dreams and your hopes. You put forth your image of who you were in that moment, and you created the possibilities to move effortlessly through something that would have quickly taken 90% of all life on Earth. You walked right through it, dear ones, never giving it a second thought. Now you are anchoring in a new way and you say, “Why are things different?” You knew things were going to be different, but you did not know how. You have all been looking for this point, thinking “I will wake up one day and all will be perfect.” We tell you if you did, you would be bored out of your mind. You would not like planet Earth at all, for it is the challenge that often brings you to your senses to who you really are and what your capabilities are. Know that you have made it. Now, what are you going to do with it? That is the real question. You can anchor this energy, you can ground it and find the new ways to balance your body and your spirit. As long as you are working with this, it will work.

We brought up the point of separation anxiety because there are many of you that carry scar tissue from the day you were born, and now is the time to start releasing that. There are many healers all over the planet and more surfacing and awakening every day. Why is that so? It is for the simple reason that you all brought something from Home. You have all brought a key element that only you could carry, so know that is needed now. This is why we are all here together awakening each other from the dream. You are becoming the new human every moment of every day. How will your heart adjust? That is the question. When you find that pain, that difficulty, or even when you love so much that your heart hurts, understand that you are in the right place. You know that you have just stretched your human being to carry more light. It is not about pain; it simply means that you have moved past the pain of separation anxiety. You have not been dumped on Earth, even though many of you feel that way. Some of you feel as if you made a deal and then all of a sudden, it is not there anymore you are all by yourself. We tell you that you were placed there for a very specific reason and you will find it very soon.  Trust your heart, as it always knows the way Home and you will find that if you can move past the fear of stretching your heart. Now you will find the strength that was never there before. Where you have always considered this to be a little bit of a vulnerable area, you would use this part of your brain to think around it,   justify it and to make it work in your world and now it can be pure energy. Allow yourself to reach as many people as possible.

Then there is the part of life on Earth that we see in so many humans called self-doubt. We are not aware of that feeling here at Home, as we are connected to each other in ways that we can see. We see self-doubt as a weak link in a chain that we will not allow here at Home. That may sound harsh to humans but it is not a judgment, only a vibrational measurement and a natural settlement of the universe. Humans have experienced self-doubt often in the third dimension.  Most humans have been successful at pretending to be separate so you do not always know that your greatest strengths are all around you. You have always pretended that they are a part of something else…another teacher, another lesson to learn, or another healing to go through. All of them are connected—one heart on the globe and that is what is taking place. You are connecting the one heart and it is working in ways that you never dreamed.

Take this opportunity and use it consciously over the next month. Touch no less than 10 people with your light freely. Do not try to determine the outcome because that is not your responsibility. Your responsibility is to use it to touch them and then let it go on its way. By December 31st of this year you will be celebrating in a new energy of the heart, for now it can exist on planet Earth in a new way. You are creating this reality every single day. It is not possible to predict the future at this time on Earth, because you are writing it the moment your foot hits the ground—you are creating your path. Welcome Home, creators. Welcome to the new planet Earth.

I am the Keeper of Time and I ask you to treat each other with respect. Nurture one another at every opportunity.
Enjoy this new game and play well together.



Latest Info fr/The Group via Steve Rother

November Harvest ~ Re-seeding Planet Earth

Steve Rother
a message from Steve Rother

Wednesday, 15 May, 2013

Greetings from Home.

Dear ones, it is such an honor to be in the essence once again of what Steve calls the collective of the group. But do you know who you are? We know who we are; it is no problem for us. We know exactly where we are going and what we are doing. The challenge is that most of you need to put some sort of label on us,  so that you can bring us into your world. The name he gave us was the group. Where did he get that name? What a strange name. We never introduced ourselves and said, “Welcome. We are the group.” What group? Whose group? What a name. Where did it come from? What does it mean? We wish to tell you much of it this day, for we will share a lot of the important pieces of what is ahead for all of you. There is so much that is taking place and it is rather interesting. But let us take you back to last month when the Time Keeper opened up a whole series of interesting pieces that we are going to bring in wherever we can. We will speak of this today so that you can understand from a larger perspective of what is taking place.

Are you aware that every human that has ever been on earth has looked for something outside of themselves to reflect them? All races throughout Earth have come up with a god, a deity, a master being that they have looked up to. Some of the races have drawn them into great edifices or made them into a master story that they have passed down from generation to generation. Humans would reflect their power in this way, which was actually much needed on planet Earth. All of you are creators; for the most part all of you are unconscious creators just awakening from the dream to understand what your real power is on planet Earth. Now you are starting to grasp that and own it, and there are some things that are taking place because your reflection in the world has changed. That was the message that we brought in through the Time Keeper last month, but let me explain a bit further so I can branch this out for you to grasp it in your world.

All of you have something special that means a lot to you. Whether it is a deity that reflects your own creation, a belief system, a lucky pen, a lucky coin that you carry in your pocket, whatever it is. Whether you get up in the morning and read your astrology forecast, or you tune in to your own energies to find out where you are going to be that day. All of these are reflections of your power and all of them have just moved; they have released you. All of the powers that you have been seeing in these energies have now let go and moved further back. This is absolutely incredible, because it means that all of you can start to see more of your power in who you truly are on this planet for perhaps the first time. It is very difficult because you are carrying egos. We do not have to deal with those at Home. You need a sense of self so, therefore, you must be constantly balancing your ego. What is mine? What is theirs? Who is this? Where am I supposed to be? Well, we tell you that your heart knows the answer to those questions. That is why we are going to send you in this direction today, because you have been given the path; you have been given the road map way ahead of time just to see what has happened.

Last month we told you there has been a release of all these energies. Please do not think they are gone forever because most of you love those reflections. So you will bring them back into your life, but you may have to adjust them ever so slightly to make them really work like they did even a short time ago. The adjustment is to reflect your power, more of who you are so you can start to see yourself everywhere you look throughout the world. That is very difficult when you are carrying an ego. You have a tendency to puff up the ego to the point at which it can actually cut you off from your source, but we tell you that the opposite is also true. Because if you do not have enough ego to stand up and carry our message, you are robbing the world and yourself of your own energies that are coming through.

We told you a very long time ago that all beings on Earth have always channeled. It is such a strange and mysterious thing to so many of you on planet Earth, and yet it is not mysterious at all. You all have guidance that you listen to regularly and the more you learn to listen to it as you grow up, the easier life becomes so we ask you to find those reflections in your life. Find those belief systems and look at them carefully to adjust them to make sure that you can see your reflection in the magic that is in front of you. We also spoke last month about the release of the energy which has allowed the comets to come into your planet. You have no idea how much there is a celebration on this side of the veil over what is taking place on planet Earth. We will speak more clearly so you can hear it in a different way. This is the reason that we wanted to come back as a collective in this particular session and speak to all of you without the rhythms, accents,  and the other challenges that sometimes cause resistance. The Time Keeper will be back; he is certainly still here. He will never go away, even if we asked him to. His part of the energy and all of that love is reflected here for you.

Three Sisters: Venus, Earth and Mars

Earth has been on a gradual decline as all things ebb and flow.  We find it rather fascinating that humans are studying Mars right now, because the Earth was about to be the same as Mars by losing its magnetic field. Therefore, the solar winds would have turned it into grains of sand and erased most of the beauty and the life forms that are naturally abundant here. We think it is interesting that you are studying Mars because what we have told you is that you will find that there was life on Mars. And eventually you will find out that it was you; the planet was originally one of the areas that you came from, and we will speak more of this as we go forward.

There were some rather catalytic events that were happening, which allowed Mars to share its envelope of carbon dioxide with planet Earth that was needed at one point so that the life that was forming could shift to a new growing ground. It has been very successful. Your sciences are on target and when they finally go to Venus, they will find that there were three sisters in unison that have worked together to form the life that we are speaking to at this moment. You will find out more of all of this because all of these energies have been here on planet Earth, but have been largely misunderstood and misinterpreted because of the larger belief systems that circulated throughout humanity. When you open your eyes and look at something, you only see what you expect to see. That is exactly the way creators work, so what we are doing is allowing you to see some other pieces that you normally would not be able to envision. When you feel this release, it is scary to some of you. Many of you have based your lives on this reflection; you honored it, prayed to it sometimes, and have given it your power. To find out that it is only a reflection of your energy sometimes deflates your ego rather quickly.

There could be no greater reflection in the universe than yours. Does that surprise you? You are carrying some of the greatest information from Home within your being right now, walking around on Earth and most of you are not even aware that it is there. Trust us when we say there is an absolute test to find out whether you are finished on Earth or not, because there is no room for planet Earth for stragglers or those that just want to hang around and watch the game. All of you are carrying something important. The test? That is easy. Find a little mirror and stick it under your nose, and if it fogs up then you are not done. It is real simple. You are not finished yet; there is more to do.

The BIG Mirror

Now let us speak about the release of this information, and the release about your attachment to your reflections. Is it not interesting that many organized religions are experiencing major challenges right now? They are reforming so people can reflect the energy of empowered humans.  It is more than just organized religions, dear ones. It is every form of human collective, for it is your expectation that has formed all of this. You are the creator even if your egos cannot handle that; you have created everything in front of you every part of the way. So, let us speak of the larger picture. This release of information and of the attachments has opened the door, because planet Earth has been on a slow cycle of degradation. She has been losing species on a regular basis and slowly dying over the last 150 years, as your sciences will prove. Most of your biologists and botanists are quite concerned about this, because they see the planet dying and do not know what to do about it. It has already changed and they will see evidence of this soon. All of humanity has turned a corner, and in doing so your attachments to those things that reflected your power has been quietly released.

Many of you have seen the remnants of those who put the protective shields in place originally to protect Earth.  This is when you talk about who built the pyramids. Much of the unexplainable becomes explained when you see from where humanity is now. Many of the artifacts of Earth still have no traditional explanation about where they came from or what they are doing on Earth. These shadow memories have been intentionally blocked from you by your own design.  The pyramids have always formed a protective shield around Earth, even though they have been covered and forgotten in many places on Earth. These are not all pyramids because some are manmade pyramids that have copied the original designs with varying degrees of effectiveness.

Pyramid Power

The network of pyramids on Earth have formed a protective shield around the planet, which has kept specific meteors and comets from hitting it. That has been released and for a very specific reason. You have heard about the two big meteors that have come in and made the front pages of your newspapers, but you are not aware of all the small ones that are coming in now. Because  this protective shield  that was in place from almost the beginning of Earth has been released, you will receive a planting of these comets in November of this year toward the end of the month. You will have a comet that will come by and sprinkle life on Earth. We tell you that specifically, because all life was planted originally from comets. Your scientists do not agree with us on this point, but we will tell you, you are not from Earth nor is anyone. You have been very carefully placed here by yourselves.

Now you are going through an evolution. It was always necessary for you to die and leave the physical body, then go Home to recycle and reincarnate to come back and do it again. This is the first time that humans walked through the gate without going Home, without dying. You are walking in an ascension process right now and every step of the way you are higher than you were yesterday; all of this is a beauty that you hold in front of you. All of you have control of this. Do not fear these comets, as they are bringing a new form of life for they are sprinkling life forms. You have been losing life forms on planet Earth for a very long time and now it is being re-seeded in a new way so watch and celebrate the November comet.

You have already given it a name, but I will hold off on telling you because my names are not the same as yours. Your scientists know of this comet that is coming and it is sprinkling dust along the way. It is basically disintegrating every time it passes and when it does, it will sprinkle cosmic dust on planet Earth. In fact, your scientists are now trying to calculate to see if you will actually be able to see the dust falling. That is how much dust they are expecting from this November comet. In fact, the comet would have never hit Earth except that you went through the portal and released every part of it. It is not going to hit Earth; it is going far away from it and hooking around the sun, but it will sprinkle all these beautiful seeds of life on planet Earth.

You are here, dear ones, at an incredibly beautiful, critical time in all of humanity and all the timelines of Earth herself, the entire energies of Earth are being re-energized—even the ley lines, the magnetic ley lines that form the magnetic grid that carries your Earth are reducing. Your magnetic structures on planet Earth have reduced 12% over the last 100 years. That is also leading to your awakening from the dream. Very beautiful. You have done well; you have carried it here and you are here. You made it. Not only did you make it, but you are sitting here asking what can you do next? You are in the perfect position to be conscious creators of planet Earth and we hope that you enjoy this journey, dear ones, for you have signed up and waited an eternity for the opportunities that now lie in front of each of you. You know the way Home and if you will stop thinking with the brain and start feeling with the heart, it will lead you Home. You know the way and we will greet you with the most incredible open arms and welcome you Home when you finally do decide to shed those bodies to re-turn. Dear ones, even now you are the greatest angels that have ever lived and we mean that in all sincerity. We have never seen what has happened on Earth and we are so proud of you. You have created magic with your eyes wide open.

It is with the greatest of honor that we ask you to treat each other with respect. Nurture one another and hold those doors open every chance you get and play well together.


The group

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