TIme for a Leap of FAith

Spiritual Leap Of Faith

BY:    Kim Hutchinson
Clayhut Healing Centre

The theme of owning one’s power keeps coming up in my healings, readings and conversations. As a response to encouraging people to stand in their power, I am frequently met with unbridled fear. Never have I had so many people in such crisis over the same issue. This is obviously a collective consciousness blockage which needs to be purged.

What is a spiritual leap of faith?

Imagine that you are leisurely driving along the Road of Life, a meandering country lane. You are on your way to Enlightenment Town, a Shangri-La of spiritual awareness, Oneness and Divine Love. Accompanying you on this trip are some great friends. These angelic guides are lovingly assisting you all along your journey.

Suddenly, without warning, the road comes to an abrupt end. You stomp on the brake pedal with both Suddenly, without warning, the road comes to an abrupt end. You stomp on the brake pedal with both feet, and your car skids to the very edge of the precipice. There, before you, lies nothing but open air….no road, no land, just sky and clouds. Gingerly you exit your vehicle and creep towards the edge of the cliff. Your breath quickens as you peer ever-so carefully over the sheer cliff face. The land below is so far away that the trees look like matchsticks. Your gaze shifts upward and you squint hard trying to see what lies on the other side. Alas, it’s too far away.feet, and your car skids to the very edge of the precipice. There, before you, lies nothing but open air….no road, no land, just sky and clouds. Gingerly you exit your vehicle and creep towards the edge of the cliff. Your breath quickens as you peer ever-so carefully over the sheer cliff face. The land below is so far away that the trees look like matchsticks. Your gaze shifts upward and you squint hard trying to see what lies on the other side. Alas, it’s too far away.

You turn to your friends and bemoan the fact that there’s no bridge. Your friends tell you that there is in fact a bridge there, but that you can’t see it. They explain that you must cross this chasm unaided, using faith as your only support. You can’t imagine anything more insane, and so you argue with them, but to no avail. They are adamant that you can do it.

Your friends’ lack of assistance, coupled with the daunting and seemingly impossible task ahead, causes you to react with fear, and that fear turns into anger. Instead of taking the leap of faith, you plunk yourself on the ground and cross your arms in defiance. You refuse to move forward without their help. You even consider turning back. You are at an impasse.

Owning your power

At some point in everyone’s spiritual reawakening process, you must make a leap of faith. This point in your journey back to Oneness almost always appears with little or no warning. Although unspeakably frightening, the leap is unavoidable and very necessary. Not only is it mandatory, but it must also be achieved by you alone. No one can assist you, for to do so would defeat its purpose. It serves to help you own, and stand in, your spiritual power.

Ego is the problem, not Spirit

Your ego is scared and so it’s throwing up road blocks everywhere it can. It doesn’t want you to take that leap of faith. It’s telling you to go back where it’s ‘safe’. Since the ego is connected to your left At some point in everyone’s spiritual reawakening process, you must make a leap of faith. This point in your journey back to Oneness almost always appears with little or no warning. Although unspeakably frightening, the leap is unavoidable and very necessary. Not only is it mandatory, but it must also be achieved by you alone. No one can assist you, for to do so would defeat its purpose. It serves to help you own, and stand in, your spiritual power.brain, it uses your intellect to rationalize away the need for this leap.

Ego is very good at arguing its case, and it (temporarily) wins almost every argument with spirit. That’s because your soul doesn’t argue. It just states the truth quietly, and then stands in that truth. The ego clamors to be heard; the soul whispers. The ego is clever; the soul, authentic.

The leap from the head to the heart

The chasm you must cross is the one from the brain to the heart. You must to leap from one side (earthly/ ego/ brain/ male) to the other (spiritual/ soul/ heart/ female). Once you fully cross into the heart, your ego will never have the same control over you. That fear you’re feeling is the stemming from the ego’s false belief in its impending demise. Ego believes it is fighting for its life.

What the ego doesn’t know is that the soul will lovingly incorporate the ego into your whole Being, and will nurture and protect you in a way that ego never could. In other words, this leap of faith will make your ego a very happy camper; that is, once you get across to the other side. So, you must make this crossing despite your ego’s protests.

Dealing with ego’s arguments

“I can’t do it.”

Actually, you can do it; otherwise, the challenge would not have appeared. Don’t believe your ego. It is making you feel powerless. It wants someone to help you; yet, if your guides give in, they would only be compounding your feelings of powerlessness. The only cure is for you to take the leap of faith. It’s the only way to discover of what you are really capable.

“I’m not ready!”

This leap of faith opportunity would not have appeared unless you were ready. Your higher self and This leap of faith opportunity would not have appeared unless you were ready. Your higher self and angelic guides do not make mistakes. You don’t have to believe or feel you’re ready in order to be ready. In fact, the majority of spiritual seekers do not feel ready when presented with their leap of faith challenge. Your human incarnation has never encountered anything like this before, so how could it feel ready? Thankfully, this has nothing to do with your mind/ego/human side. The leap is a spiritual feat.angelic guides do not make mistakes. You don’t have to believe or feel you’re ready in order to be ready. In fact, the majority of spiritual seekers do not feel ready when presented with their leap of faith challenge. Your human incarnation has never encountered anything like this before, so how could it feel ready? Thankfully, this has nothing to do with your mind/ego/human side. The leap is a spiritual feat.

“This is crazy! I’ll fail/get hurt.”

The leap may look impossible, but it’s actually designed to strengthen your spiritual confidence. Without this extreme challenge, would you ever be willing to fly solo? Or, would you ever come to appreciate how incredibly gifted and intuitive you are? Most people feel “less than” until they are forced to discover of what they are truly capable.

“I don’t know what to do, or how to do it.”

If your spiritual guides have presented you with a leap of faith challenge, then that’s your assurance that you do know what to do; you just don’t know with your human brain. You need to tap into your intuition. Whether or not you feel intuitively capable, remember that your intuition is like a muscle. The more you use it, the better it gets. No one can work it out for you. That would be like taking you to a gym and demonstrating how to lift weights. Unless you’re doing the work, you’re not developing your intuitive muscle.

“I won’t do it, and you can’t make me!”

You’re right; you have free will. You are not required to do anything your spirit and angels suggest. But, if you are serious about owning your power, their guidance is golden. (Have they ever led you astray?) The next step is really up to you.

Like mama and papa birds, your angels and soul are telling you it’s time to leave the nest. Their urging doesn’t mean they don’t love you anymore. Quite the contrary! They love you so much that they want you to know the exhilaration of flight.Spread your wings and fly, baby bird!

Like mama and papa birds, your angels and soul are telling you it’s time to leave the nest. Their urging doesn’t mean they don’t love you anymore. Quite the contrary! They love you so much that they want you to know the exhilaration of flight.

The ego’s supreme belief in its inability to survive the leap of faith is the only thing standing in your way. If you could silence your ego long enough to enter your heart, then you could establish the connection with spirit that will empower you. Then you could sprout wings and fly cross the chasm. But if you continue to listen to ego and its fears, you will never know how amazing you are, or how high you could soar.

How to shift from ego/mind to heart/soul

Your head is not your friend right now. The heart is the key. That’s your place of peace and fearlessness. In order to stay heart-centered, here are some suggestions:

  • Draw a labyrinth in the sand and then slowly walk it
  • Go earthing (walk barefoot in the dirt or on sand)
  • Breathe slowly, deeply and rhythmically
  • Spend time with people you love
  • Sit beneath, and/or hug, a tree
  • Practice Yoga, Tai Chi or Qigong
  • Paint, draw, write or compose
  • Swim in the ocean or a lake
  • Play with childlike abandon
  • Volunteer at a soup kitchen
  • Go on a spiritual retreat
  • Pet a dog, cat or horse
  • Hum or Sing
  • Hold a baby
  • Meditate
  • Garden
  • Laugh

Do whatever you can to still your mind. Once ego is silenced, it’s much easier to shift your awareness to your heart. From there you can enter the sacred space of your heart along with the tiny space. Within that space dwells your soul, your connection to All That Is. Every answer you could ever want is in your heart.

Fly free, baby bird!


from:    http://in5d.com/spiritual-leap-of-faith.html

On Hawaiian Huna Philosophy

The Esoteric Ancient Wisdom of the Hawaiian Huna Philosophy


23rd December 2013

By Paul Lenda

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

A long time ago, Hawaii was a mystical and magical place (and still is today in many ways). What made Hawaii especially magical in ages past was that there were shamans called kahunas that lived on its emerald islands. These individuals experienced true nature of Reality, in which they realized several critical defining aspects of reality that were later taught to others in order to guide humanity towards a full Self-realized state of existence.

In the early 20th century, with the rise of New Thought, there was an individual by the name of Max Long who linked the ancient kahunas to abstract and mystical metaphysics he was contemplating upon. He believed the key to Huna is the concept of the ‘ Three Selves’, meaning the unconscious, conscious, and superconscious, which he called the unihipili, the uhane and the aumakua.  Also, the word Huna is a Hawaiian word meaning “secret,” but it also refers to the esoteric wisdom of Polynesia.

The 7 Huna Principles

IKE — the world is what you think it is
KALA — there are no limits
MAKIA — energy flows where attention goes
MANA WA — now is the moment of power
ALOHA — to love is to be happy with
MANA — all power comes from within
PONO — effectiveness is the measure of truth

IKE — the world is what you think it is

This principle is essentially saying that our consciousness creates our reality. Our perception of reality is subjective and does not necessarily reflect the true objective reality, if such a reality should even exist. If someone thinks the world is full of deception, evil, and hatred, they will only focus their awareness on such matters and become completely blind to anything otherwise that would contradict this perception. Each one of us has the inherent power to transform our reality in any way we see fit. This power has the ability to transform not only one’s self, but all those around them.

KALA — there are no limits

In an infinite reality, there is no beginning or end of anything, which signifies the limitless nature of all that is. Anything is possible and self-growth is likewise infinite. There is always a process of be-ing and become-ing. With no limits, anything that is infinitely possible, can happen, is happening, and will happen, in its infinite forms. This is a concept that is simply too magnificent to be able to comprehend by a human brain.

MAKIA — energy flows where attention goes

Where someone focuses their attention, that is where an directed energy stream will go. This is how the healing method of reiki works and how the method of prayer works as well. When someone directs their thoughts towards a particular form of sentient energy, such as a loved one, this additional energy will be either in a positive form or a negative form. Depending whether the thought-forms are malevolent or benevolent, the end-result will be mimicked.

Sending positive energy and healing hope will have a beneficial effect. If the contrary is occurring, the opposite will result. This can be magnified to show its effects on global consciousness. If positive thoughts are sent into the global consciousness, then there will be less animosity, hatred, anger, and other malevolent emotions. This was demonstrated to be a reality in the 1987 Harmonic Convergence.

MANA WA — now is the moment of power

The power of ‘now’ is monumental. Existing and living the present moment does away with the stress of thinking about ‘what-if’ scenarios or reliving painful memories in an endless loop. All that is, is, and always will be as such. There will be complete inner peace when someone lives in the ‘now’ moment.

ALOHA — to love is to be happy with

Love is such a powerful state of consciousness. When love is experienced, it is a feeling that requires something to be happy about. It can be a physical manifestation of energy such as a person, tree, etc. or it may be completely subtle and nonphysical such as the love for existence. This requirement of having something else be a part of the love equation, demonstrates the interconnectedness with all that is, in all its varying frequencies and energy forms.

MANA — all power comes from within

The individual is the greatest power plant that exists. The mind is more powerful than it is often given credit for. With the power to create, destroy, restore, shift, and change, anything is truly possible for a person to do. Realizing the inner power that each individual has will empower that person to not only completely control their being, but will give one’s self the opportunity to share this power with others and create mutually beneficial exchange relationships.

PONO — effectiveness is the measure of truth

How effective something is in creating a positive and beneficial shift or change in someone or something is a good indicator of the genuine nature of something. It will give a better reflection between truth and falsehood, or rather, between truth and the ignorance of truth.

The seven Huna principles are a great introduction to the power of consciousness and should be able to transform your daily life into something far more empowering and positive on many levels. There’s such tremendous potential for each of us to make a difference not only in their own lives, but in the lives of every other person on the one planet we all share.

The power is all within you. Express it, with love.

from:    http://wakeup-world.com/2013/12/23/the-esoteric-ancient-wisdom-of-the-hawaiian-huna-philosophy/

Cheryl Richardson on Empowerment

Recipe for Success: The habits that create an exceptional life

Cheryl Richardson
a message from Cheryl Richardson
Monday, 22 August, 2011  (posted 7 September, 2011)

On September 20th I’ll be releasing my next book, You Can Create an Exceptional Life.  This book is written with Louise Hay.. and it’s a teaching story that unfolds over the course of a year of traveling together throughout the US and abroad.  I’m excited to share this experience with you.  It certainly has been an extraordinary journey that has changed my life….

During one of our first meetings, I asked Louise about her spiritual journey – the path that led her to touch the lives of millions.  As I listened to her story, a recipe for success – both in business and in life – began to reveal itself.  This week, I thought I’d share a bit of this wisdom with you.  Here are a few habits that, when practiced, contribute to living an exceptional life…

Optimism-putting attention and energy toward solutions rather than focusing on problems.

Simplicity-focusing on small, simple, and manageable steps instead of making things complicated.

Trust-learning to trust Life by seeing the perfection and opportunity for growth inall our experiences.

Service-focusing more on how we can best encourage and assist those in need, as opposed to getting lost in our own personal vision and quest for success.

Action-making a commitment to show up and walk through the doors that Life opens for us on our journey.

Faith-being willing to take chances and keep moving forward without knowing the outcome.

Magnetism-developing and tapping into the ability to attract what we need by putting (and keeping) ourselves in the right state of mind.
