What Time Is It?

Time is Speeding Up; Really!

| November 14, 2016 

Time is Speeding Up; Really!

When I say, “Time is speeding up,” people just look at me and say, “It’s just because you are getting older.” I don’t think so. There is evidence that time may in fact be speeding up.

Firstly, one must understand that time is relative. Traditionally, we think of time as being a constant in the universe, but it’s not. Einstein proved that. His calculations showed that the closer an object comes to the speed of light, the slower time passes. Scientists have done experiments that prove Einstein’s theory to be correct.

So, if Einstein’s theory is correct, then the opposite must be true; if our speed decreases, time will speed up! Researcher Gregg Braden says that is exactly what is happening. The rotation of the Earth is slowing down, and time is speeding up. Evidence for his assertions comes from the Schumann Resonance. The Schumann Resonance is, in layman’s terms, the heartbeat of the Earth. In scientific terms, it is the Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) of the Earth’s magnetic field. In the 1950’s when the Schumann resonance was discovered, it was recorded to be an average of 7.8 Hertz. Now, according to Swedish and Russian researchers, says Braden, it is an average of 12 Hertz. That means that the normal 24-hour day feels like a 16-hour day. In essence, we’ve lost one-third of our normal daytime.

Interestingly, the Bible predicted this would happen. It reads, “And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise.” (Revelations 8:12).

However, if time is speeding up, how come the clocks aren’t speeding up? Why don’t the clocks on Earth indicate a 16 hour day? That’s a great question! I have the same question, and I don’t have a scientific answer for you. My best guess would be that the speed of the electrical pulses on Earth is somehow tied to speed of the rotation of the Earth. This would explain why a two-hour movie, still takes two hours to play by our clocks. But, how can the speed of the rotation of the Earth affect anything on Earth (other than time)? Well, we know for a fact that the Earth’s magnetic field has been weakening at a parabolic rate. And since magnetism and electricity are so closely related, wouldn’t this have an effect on the electricity of the planet?

Furthermore, Mr. Braden says that the Earth’s rotation will eventually stop with respect to the sun, and start rotating the opposite direction. Scientists have known for a long time that there have been reversals in our Earth’s magnetic field once about every 10-12 thousand years, but they don’t know why or how. Gregg Braden provides us with an answer. Our Earth is a gigantic magnet. In elementary physics, we learn that if you change the direction of the rotation of the electro-magnetic we reverse the direction of the magnetic field.

That, as it may be; I wonder how is it possible that so many people are oblivious to the acceleration of time? If you’ve ever seen the movie, “The Cube,” you might get the picture. In one room of the cube, time was slower; and in another room of the cube, time was faster. However, to the perceiver inside each room, time seemed constant. They were completely unaware of the change in the speed of time, except when the characters looked into another room, from without. That’s why many people today, think that I’m crazy to suggest that time is speeding up; because it is nearly imperceptible. However, I use benchmarks to measure time. Like when I was a child in the car looking out the window. As my father accelerated very slowly, I could not feel the acceleration, but I saw the fence posts going by faster and faster. The fence posts were my benchmarks.

The benchmarks that I use today to perceive the acceleration of time are as follows. I cannot teach the same amount of material in one 40-minute lesson that I could two years ago. I cannot get the same amount of work done in an 8-hour work day as I could two years ago. I cannot get the same amount of tasks done in a 24-hour day as I could two years ago. Am I the only person who has notices these things? No. Just do a Google-search for “time is speeding up” and you will see 37 million web-pages that deal with the issue of time speeding up. Some of the authors of the aforementioned websites have made the connection between Gregg Braden’s work and Terence McKenna’s work entitled, “Time-Wave Zero”. Mr. McKenna’s work is fascinating. In a nutshell, he took the 64 ideograms from the I-Ching and mapped them in a linear fashion onto a 2-dimensional graph. He got a “time wave”. When he placed the “time wave graph” over a time graph of World history, he noticed some amazing correlations. The peaks of the “time wave graph” matched significant events in world history. While that is interesting in and of itself, the most interesting thing is that the wave ends on December 21, 2012. At that precise point, the wave hits the zero line on the graph, and Terence McKenna interprets that as the end of time. There will be no time. We will be in a state of being where there is NO TIME.

Even more interesting is what Gregg Braden says. He says that when the Schumann resonance hits 13 Hertz, we time will speed up to infinity. How he arrived at that conclusion is beyond me. However, some new-agers have interpreted this to mean that we who will be living on planet Earth when that happens will experience a shift in consciousness. The veil of secrecy will be lifted. We will then become cognizant of all the lies that we’ve been told by politicians, historians, and the like. Furthermore, it is told by the ancients that the veil between this mortal realm and the spirit realm will dissolve. We will be able to freely converse with those on “the other side”. If what the new-agers and the ancients predict is true, I personally can’t wait.

from:    http://www.bodymindsoulspirit.com/time-is-speeding-up-really-body-mind-soul-and-spirit/

Healing with SOund

Sound Healing – The Power of Sound
by Elle

0 5

Guest writer, ZenGardner.com

In the beginning was the word and the word was God. The Hebrew translation for word can also been interpreted as sound. If the word of God was a sound then, could that be the reason for this material creation? There are ancient mystics and sages who believe that the sound Aum or Om is the sound of creation. More recently, back in the 1960’s Swiss scientist Dr Hans Gerry researched the Cymatic frequencies and how they influence physical form. This exploration of the effects of Cymatic frequencies on matter came up with some breathtaking results and I have included the links below this article. Sound really does affect our physical condition in many ways, and this is what I want to explore with this article. Cymatics shows us that sound creates form, and can heal also.

Jonathan Reid is another Cymatic researcher, who is a musician and a scientist. Jonathan was researching these Cymatic patterns within the walls of the Kings chamber inside the Great Pyramid. He was experiencing great back pain while conducting the experiments, and later realised that the pain had disappeared and never came back, and it was the culmination of the sound frequencies that healed his back. We do use sound for healing in hospitals today in the form of ultrasound, which is used to heal tissue, can decrease swelling and gives a gentle massage to the affected area. So we already use sound in today’s modern world for healing and health, but all the possibilities have not been explored as yet. Let us go back in history and see where this was used then.

Pythagoras and Sound Healing

pythagoras and his soul adjustmentsPythagoras has been credited as being the Father of Mathematics, Geometry and Music. Pythagoras was actually a sound healer. He worked out that music is mathematics and he would perform what he called ‘soul adjustments’ with this music. Pythagoras used intervals, including the Fibonacci series, as a medicine for the body and the emotions. The Fibonacci series of numbers can be found everywhere in nature, and are looked upon as the building blocks of life. If we look at the scale of western music, a scale comprises of 8 notes, and the chord sequence of that note is the third and fifth note. The Fibonacci series starts at the beginning, which is zero, and then the next number is 1. Add zero and one together and you get one. Add one to that and you get two. Add one to two and you get three. Add two and three and you get five. Add three and five and you get eight and it goes up like that. So the numbers go up like this 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233 and so on. The Fibonacci series gives perfect balance in growth and movement, so therefore you get a balanced expansion. So now can you see that the first note, the third note, the fifth note and the octave (eighth note) is all part of the Fibonacci series in relation to a musical scale.

Tuning your chakras

Fibonacci sequence

Another researcher into Sound healing is Jonathan Goldman. He also has researched heavily into the use of sound by the ancients and has made many great discoveries. He also realised while working in an anechoic chamber that the nervous system has a sound, and that sound could be affected by tuning forks. Einstein spoke about the Universal Energy Field and explained that this is the only reality. In modern life today we are being detuned from that field and we all need to find ways to tune us back up. Sound healing is a great way of doing this. We have seven energy vortex points that run up the spine of the body, known in Eastern philosophies as the chakra system and these can all be opened and tuned by tuning folks. The tuning of the chakra system simply runs up the C scale in musical terms. C, D, E, F, G, A and B. C is the root chakra, D is the sacral chakra, E is the solar plexus chakra, F is the heart chakra, G is the throat chakra, A is the third eye chakra and B is the crown chakra. Once you start to work with these chakras and sound, your reality starts to look different. I found this to be an amazing journey.

Bin-aural beats and the Fibonacci sequence

wake up your chakrasAnother way to affect the human condition through sound is the use of binaural beats. Binaural beats are created by playing two different tones in each headphone, no less than 1 Hz and no more than 30 Hz, and the brain will process these two beats by filling in the difference between the two frequencies. If you have 400 Hz in one earpiece and 410 Hz in the other earpiece, you are creating a binaural beat of 10 Hz in your brain. The five cognitive states your brain operates in are Gamma (over 40 Hz), Beta (13 – 39 Hz), Alpha (7 – 13 Hz), Theta (4 – 7 Hz) and Delta (<4 Hz). As the frequencies decrease, cognitive focus and alertness decrease. You will start to move to more meditative states depending on what Binaural beat you are listening to. I have been working with Doctor Tomasz Kopec, who is known for his research into Open Focus Theory, and we have come up with an exercise that is designed to help you get into a meditation state very easily. We have combined one of Tomasz’s exercises with music tuned to the relative chakra with a binaural beat placed in the background. So while being guided by the exercise, you will have the binaural beat also working to get you into the desired state, and some music to ease you through the gaps in the exercise. You may get it the first time, or it may take a few attempts, but you should feel refreshed and relaxed after the exercise.

The Schuman pulse

binaural beats

We have four exercises in this series. The first exercise is just a general exercise and the binaural beat is based on the pulse of the earth, the Schumann pulse, which is 7.8 Hz. This is also the frequency of the Alpha state for the brain, which is wakeful relaxation. This is the desired frequency for rest and digest, which is a human state this modern world doesn’t seem to allow us to visit very much. Here is a very simple exercise you can use daily for your body to get into that healing zone. The first exercise has been designed by Doctor Tomasz Kopec to diffuse your attention. The other three exercises are designed to go up the chakra system, so the second exercise is the sacral chakra, the third exercise is the heart chakra and the fourth exercise is the third eye chakra. These exercises with the relevant binaural beat and sounds used for the tuning of the chakra will enable you to open up the three most powerful chakras in your system and release the full potential of you as a human being. Our world is becoming more and more obsessed with the physical body. We are being dragged into this material world by the meme we live in, and by choosing to wake up your energy body, you will be making a great change for yourself. You will start to wake up the senses, see the mad world for what it is and start to realise that you need to wake up, pay attention and do something about changing yourself, and changing the world around you. More and more people are starting to take these steps, and the results are wonderful to see. Here is the link to the first free exercise below.

shuman pulse

Change your energy

Our energy body, or you may have heard of it as a light body, can carry the physical body. Indeed it does especially in the Western world with our bad diet, additions and habits. When you begin to wake up to your energy or light body, you understand that if you want to work at an optimum, these two bodies should work in tandem with each other. So both of these bodies need good fuel, exercise and the proper rest to work properly. Our exercises will help you to rest and you may not notice the change in you at first, but, with time, I am sure you will start to feel the difference. This world is a wonder and if we all start to experience it from that understanding, then things will change automatically for the better. We all need love. We all want to avoid suffering. We all want a better world. So rather than staying in systems that do not serve humanity as a whole, let us rid the ones that no longer work that are being controlled from the shadows, and make the ones stronger that do. The first steps are easy really. Choose love or choose fear. We believe these exercises will help you make steps to find the real you inside, where you can now start to build the life you want, and then start to help others build the life they want around you. So what is good for me is good for you. It is a very simple principle in theory, so why not put it into practice. The time is now and a new world is waiting for us when we reach the numbers to make the true change this world is crying out for. Turn on, tune in and chill out. Yeah!!!!!!

Free exercise link



from:    http://www.zengardner.com/sound-healing-power-sound/

Leaving the Reincarnation Wheel

How To Exit The Reincarnation System

August 3, 2014

How To Exit The Reincarnation System

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.
Editor, In5D.com

We have all heard about the tunnel of light that our soul follows upon leaving the physical body, but what is the true meaning of the life review?  Why does a life review almost always involve having us continuously looping back into this 3rd dimensional reality and what can we do to stop these cycles of reincarnation?

Commonalities Within The Near Death Experience

Just about every person who has a near death experience will say that they didn’t want to come back to Earth and that the other side of the veil felt like “home”.  So, if everyone feels this content on the other side of the veil, then why do we keep coming back to this hellhole?

Just about every person who has a near death experience will say that they didn't want to come back to Earth and that the other side of the veil felt like "home". So, if everyone feels this content on the other side of the veil, then why do we keep coming back to this hellhole? As evidenced by thousands of near death experiences, there is a common theme that people experience upon leaving the physical body:

  • The initial “death”
  • The tunnel and the white light
  • The other side of the tunnel
  • Meeting “beings” including angels, guides, friends and family
  • Your life review
  • Getting sent back to earth
  • Lessons learned from the other side

The tunnel of light is so appealing because it gives us the opportunity to meet with loved ones have predeceased us.  The feeling of love is described as being magnified much more than anything we can humanly experience in this 3rd dimensional reality. In reality, the tunnel of light is a soul harvester that keeps recycling your soul along with the energy of your physical body upon reincarnation.


The Life Review

Part of this process involves a life review, where you see your life in a panoramic, 360 degree view of everything you did in this most recent incarnation. Then, you see your life from the perspective of everyone you met within your previous incarnation. You may see how you hurt someone's feeling when seeing your life from their perspective or you might see how much happiness you brought someone else after doing a kind deed for them without expecting anything in return. Part of this process involves a life review, where you see your life in a panoramic, 360 degree view of everything you did in this most recent incarnation.  Then, you see your life from the perspective of everyone you met within your previous incarnation. You may see how you hurt someone’s feeling when seeing your life from their perspective or you might see how much happiness you brought someone else after doing a kind deed for them without expecting anything in return.

Many times, you will be with a Source-like being who appears to be all-loving and will laugh with you at your life review, yet the same being will send you back into this 3rd dimensional reality after a life-review, despite how happy the person is to be on the other side of the veil.

Spirit Guides

We are all assigned spirit guides but who are they and ultimately, what is their main purpose?  Is it possible that they are merely representatives for those who have kept us looped within these perpetual cycles of incarnations?

According to the Wes Penre Papers:

I am not very keen on many of the ‘spirit guides’ who come and get you after you have departed from your body at body death; most of them are Sirian Helpers, such as non-physical Vegans and Grays. Be particularly on your guard if they tell you to follow them ‘into the light’ or ‘to the tunnel’, or go see relatives. If you choose to go with them, you will end up in the Sirian recycling system again with full amnesia, and then being shot down into a new body here on Earth.

I once had a dream where I was about to incarnate into this 3rd dimensional reality. I was placed in an elevator-like room, which represented the descending process to earth.  I remember being in this place many times beforehand but could not remember what I was supposed to do next.  I was on the top floor (the 14th floor which meant the 14th dimension?).  My memory was so badly erased that I couldn’t remember how to descend to Earth.  This is a test we receive on the other side to see if any memories were remembered and if so, then you would have to go back and have them cleared again.

There were other tests to see what I remembered but I can’t recall what they were.

These were the last fragmented memories of the other side before I was born.

It’s possible that there is an elevator-like area designed to erase all of your memories from previous lives and the other side of the veil.

Granted, there are some guides who volunteered to come here to truly guide you out of this cycle of reincarnation and chances are, if you’re reading this right now, your spirit guide is one of them.

Schumann Resonance

You may be thinking, "How is it possible for a Gray to show love by being a spirit guide?" Please keep in mind that they are using technologies beyond our comprehension in order to wipe out our previous life's memories. The Schumann Resonance on Earth has been at 7.83hz for what many people believe to be thousands of years. Recently, the resonance has been rising as high as 8.15 cycles per second. You may be thinking, “How is it possible for a Gray to show love by being a spirit guide?”  Please keep in mind that they are using technologies beyond our comprehension in order to wipe out our previous life’s memories.  The Schumann Resonance on Earth has been at 7.83hz for what many people believe to be thousands of years.  Recently, the resonance has been rising as high as 8.15 cycles per second.

You can find the daily Schumann Resonance here.  It is on a Russian website and is translated into English.  Just click the “Frequency” link on the left hand side of the page.

What if the tunnel of light was capable of creating a resonance of 1,000, 10,000 or even 1,000,000 cycles per second? What if the Grays were impervious to the Schumann Resonance or were programmed to appear as spirit guides, upon death of the physical vessel, to convince us to enter the tunnel of light?  At this point in time, you would feel immense love and would innately trust them, based on an artificial program designed to keep you trapped into the recycling system of reincarnation. Ultimately, it’s not love that one would feel; it’s just another artificial system of control to keep us locked in to this current system of negative energy.

Past Life Regression and Soul Groups

Through past life regressions, we know that all of our past lives are either stored within our cellular DNA and/or within our soul, yet we are unable to immediately retrieve these memories. When under hypnosis, you can remember the most minute details of a past life but once you come out of hypnosis, you have a hard time remembering what you had for dinner yesterday or who the last person was to call you. Does anyone else find this particularly odd? How is it possible to remember, in detail while under hypnosis, our past lives and why do we keep incarnating with the same cast of characters? Through past life regressions, we know that all of our past lives are either stored within our cellular DNA and/or within our soul, yet we are unable to immediately retrieve these memories.  When under hypnosis, you can remember the most minute details of a past life but once you come out of hypnosis, you have a hard time remembering what you had for dinner yesterday or who the last person was to call you.  Does anyone else find this particularly odd?  How is it possible to remember, in detail while under hypnosis, our past lives and why do we keep incarnating with the same cast of characters?

How To Exit The Reincarnation System

Just by having this knowledge upon death, you can to opt out of the reincarnation process without being persuaded to come back for having to repay negative karmic debts.  Many of those who have predeceased us have already bought into the system but if they have not yet reincarnated or have made a soul contract, then they may also be saved from having to do this, yet again.  It’s a truly a brilliant strategy by the archons to use the energy of love against us in order to keep us coming back as economic slaves to a system that feeds off of our energies.

Remember, “As above, so below”.  Just about everything we Upon death, we take what we have learned, including our personality. We also vibrate at a certain level, so as you increase your vibration now you will take all of your hard work with you. Remember to connect with your oversoul before entering the tunnel of light or ask your guide to help you to connect to your oversoul. If you wish, you could tell people about the tunnel of light before they enter it. have been taught is a lie, including why we need to constantly incarnate into a system of economic subservience.

Upon death, we take what we have learned, including our personality. We also vibrate at a certain level, so as you increase your vibration now you will take all of your hard work with you. Remember to connect with your oversoul before entering the tunnel of light or ask your guide to help you to connect to your oversoul.  If you wish, you could tell people about the tunnel of light before they enter it.

If you enter the tunnel of light, do not allow any council to convince you that you need to repay any karmic debt.  Any perceived karmic debt was part of what you decided to experience. This doesn’t mean that you should have no guilt for intentionally harming someone because ultimately, we should love everyone and respect everything.

If you do decide to come back to help this planet, do not agree to come back to this 3rd dimensional reality of systemic control through a “soul contract”.  Come back on your own terms, which includes the remembrances of all previous lives and everything you have learned throughout your incarnations as well as on the other side of the veil.

You could come back into a fifth dimensional version of Earth, but only choose this if you are certain that it is a version that is not under the control of the archonic system. You could also choose to come back as a non physical guide to the old 3rd dimensional system to help others, just as our guides have done.

Ultimately, your true peace will be found once you realize that YOU are SOURCE/CREATOR and you have the ability to create worlds and galaxies that are harmoniously filled with love outside of this system of control.

from:    http://in5d.com/how-to-exit-the-reincarnation-system/

Importance of Schumann Resonance

Staying In Tune With The Schumann Resonance Is Key To Our Well Being

May 18, 2015 

Staying In Tune With The Schumann Resonance Is Key To Our Well Being  in5d in 5d in5d.com www.in5d.com http://in5d.com/ body mind soul spirit BodyMindSoulSpirit.com http://bodymindsoulspirit.com/

by Joe Martino, CollectiveEvolution

The law of biogenesis states that life cannot be created from nothing, it is always life that creates life. This profound statement can begin a series of questions into the scientific unknown relating to who or what created human life.

“Omne vivum ex vivo – all life is from life”

In 1952, German physicist Professor W.O. Schumann of the Technical University of Munich began attempting to answer whether or not the earth itself has a frequency –a pulse. His assumption about the existence of this frequency came from his understanding that when a sphere exists inside of another sphere there is an electrical tension that is created. Since the negatively charged earth exists inside the positively charged ionosphere, there must be tension between the two, giving the earth a specific frequency. Following his assumptions, through a series of calculations he was able to land upon a frequency he believed was the pulse of the earth. This frequency was 10hz.

It wasn’t until 1954 when Schumann teamed up with another scientist (Herbert König) and confirmed that resonance of the earth maintained a frequency of 7.83 Hz. This discovery was later tested out by several scientists and confirmed. Since then The Schumann Resonance has been the accepted term used scientifically when one is looking to describe or measure the pulse or heartbeat of the earth.

Even though the existence of the Schumann Resonance is an established scientific fact, there remain few scientists who fully understand the importance of this frequency as it relates to life. In the 1920’s another German scientist, Hans Berger, built an EEG machine himself which led to the first ever recording of frequency transmitted by the brain. While this was a profound discovery on it’s own, it is when we link it to the Schumann resonance that we see an even more profound truth.

Dr. Anker Mueller, a colleague of Hans Berger, stumbled across Schumann’s published research results in the journal `Technische Physik.’ Upon reading Schumann’s results about the earths frequency, Dr. Anker Mueller was astonished to discover that the frequency of the earth was an exact match with the frequency of the human brain. Herbert König who became Schumann’s successor at Munich University, discovered and further demonstrated a clear link between Schumann Resonances and brain rhythms. He compared human EEG recordings with natural electromagnetic fields of the environment (1979) and found that the main frequency produced by Schumann oscillations is extremely close to the frequency of alpha rhythms.

Natural electromagnetic processes in the environment (I-IV), human EEG readings in comparison. Schumann oscillations (I) and the EEG a-rhythm, as well as locally conditioned fluctuations of the electric field (II) and the EEG d-rhythm, show a noticeable similarity in their temporal variation. – Herbert König, 1979

Research carried out by E. Jacobi at the University of Dusseldorf showed that the absence of Schumann waves creates mental and physical health problems in the human body. Professor R.Wever from the Max Planck Institute for Behavioral Physiology in Erling-Andechs, began a study where he built an underground bunker that completely screened out magnetic fields. He then got student volunteers and had them live in the bunker for four weeks where they were hermetically sealed in this environment. Throughout the four weeks, Professor Wever noted that the student’s circadian rhythms diverged and that they suffered emotional distress and migraine headaches. Considering that they were young and healthy, no serious health conditions presented -which likely would not have been the case with older people or people with compromised immune systems. Wever then added the Schumann frequency back into the environment and the results were astonishing. After only a brief exposure to 7.8 Hz (the frequency which he had been screening out), the volunteer’s health stabilized. This demonstrated a direct link between humans and their connection with the pulse of the earth. This was later confirmed in 2011 by Luke Montanye who stumbled upon a discovery during research of water memory.

We go back to the statement that all life must come from life. This life was always believed to come from material forms like egg and sperm or spore and cell division. The professor showed that DNA sequences communicate with each other via frequency. Further, he was able to show that the frequency communication was so advanced that it was able to organize nucleotides, which are the ingredients that make up DNA, in such a way that it could make brand new DNA. While other previous studies were able to show this, Montanye did something different that no other study had done. He removed all DNA from the water and introduced a frequency. That frequency was 7.38 Hz, Schumann Resonance. When introduced, the test tubes were producing new DNA helixes. When the frequency was not present, no new DNA formed. Thus we have a link between Schumann Resonance and the creation of life.

Even though Schumann Resonance could be confirmed by measurements at the time of discovery, it is now much harder to detect that resonance due to the fact that our atmosphere is now heavily inundated with man-made radiation and various frequencies. This suggests that our wireless technologies of today are drowning out the natural signal our mental and physical body requires to function in a healthy way. Could this be a link to the increase in cancer cases over the past few decades? Considering the importance of the Schumann Resonance as it relates to health and the creation of life, one would assume our energetically polluted air space is certainly not helping.

More About Professor W.O.Schumann

More About Professor W.O.Schumann  in5d in 5d in5d.com www.in5d.com http://in5d.com/ body mind soul spirit BodyMindSoulSpirit.com http://bodymindsoulspirit.com/

Winfried Schumann was born in Tubingen, Germany, the son of a physical chemist. His early years were spent in Kassel and in Berndorf, a town near Vienna. He majored in electrical engineering at the Technical College in Karlsruhe. In 1912 he gained a doctorate with high-voltage technology as his thesis.

Prior to the First World War, he managed the high voltage laboratory at Brown, Boveri & Cie.

During 1920, he was made a professor at the Technical University in Stuttgart, where he had previously been employed as a research assistant. He subsequently took a position as professor of physics at the University of Jena. In 1924, he was made professor and director of the Electrophysical Laboratoy at the Technical University of Munich.

The Munich laboratory subsequently became the Electrophysical Institute, where Schumann continued working until retiring from active research in 1961 at the age of 73, though he continued teaching for a further two years. Schumann was 86 years old when he died on September 22, 1974.

from:    http://in5d.com/staying-in-tune-with-the-schumann-resonance-is-key-to-our-well-being/

The Unity of Life & Consciousness

By Will Hart

In the early decades of the 21st century scientists, and various independent researchers, have been blazing trails into new frontiers. The mechanical models of the universe are being sloughed off and a fresh, revolutionary vision has emerged.

They are proving that we are physical, biological and electromagnetic (EM) beings, living in a tapestry of naturally generated, oscillating EM fields. Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries science mostly focused attention on the biochemical side of the human body and brain.

That paradigm, however, is changing quickly and radically.

There is an acknowledged, but as yet little understood, relationship between the solar wind, lightning, the ionosphere; and the Earth’s standing wave (Schumann Resonance) with human brainwaves and consciousness.

In fact, an amazing, interlocking synchronicity exists between these phenomena, which clearly reveals just how interwoven the threads of life, the earth’s EM pulse, and awareness truly are. A research team led by Australian university professor Irena Cosic published a paper the author herein quotes with permission.

 “A continuous extremely low frequency (ELF) process is present in the geomagnetic field. Resonant oscillations in the ionosphere of the Earth and oscillations in the plasmasphere and the magnetosphere are caused by the solar wind… ” (1)

To break the model down into easily understood graphic images, picture this: A bolt of lightning strikes the earth, (about 2000 thousand do every day producing 50 strikes per second) the lightning discharges hit the ground. Then the waves bounce up to the ionosphere and are reflected back to the ground creating an oscillating EM field, between the surface and the ionosphere.

lightningOver the course of geological time, the daily lightning strikes set up a standing wave — which Tesla suspected and actually measured first in 1899 — but today is called the Schumann Resonance after a mathematician who predicted the phenomenon existed, which researchers verified in the early 1950s.


This standing wave has an extremely low frequency (ELF), 7.8 Hz. Now here is where makes the bolt of lightning metaphor, for a stroke of genius, very real. The peak of the alpha brainwave is also 7.8 Hz. That means that the human brain is precisely tuned to the earth’s resonant EM field, generated by electricity.

It is very important to keep in mind the fact that this natural resonant, energy field has an extremely low frequency.  By contrast most artificial sources of electromagnetism operate in much higher frequency ranges. For example Tesla set the AC electrical grid to function at 60 Hz.  Radio, TV, microwave are much higher.

The ELF waves are very slow and very long compared to the higher wavelengths; from 1 to 100 Hz. These waves are subtle, which is illustrated by the fact that the range of frequencies that comprise human hearing extend from 20 to 20,000 Hz. We cannot hear the lower parts of the ELF band, though human brainwaves extend from 1 to about 30 Hz.

It is therefore interesting to discover that natural systems are based upon the ELF wavelengths. So far, we have examined the earth resonance — which our brains are in synch with — and found they are both attuned to an extremely low frequency rate.

Now we turn to another natural, earth current called the telluric current. While the Schumann Resonance is a standing EM wave oscillating between the earth’s surface and the ionosphere, the telluric currents are geo-magnetically induced waves that flow across large areas at or near the surface.
These currents appear to be caused by interactions between the solar wind and the magnetosphere, as well as solar radiation effects on the ionosphere. The wavelengths of the TC currents are also in the ELF range.
Telluric currents have been used to measure the electric potential on the Earth’s surface at different points. This has allowed the calculation of the magnitudes and directions of theme, and at the same time helped to establish the Earth’s electrical conductivity.

If much of this is new information to you, it is a lot to assimilate, so let’s pause for a moment to reflect. Think about it. We humans are ELF receivers and transmitters, our brains are finely tuned to this naturally generated and sustained, global, electromagnetic field.


Next, alongside that we are generating an artificial EM field as well that is not in the ELF range. We will consider that more toward the end of this article. But first, let’s take this to an even deeper level in terms of the earth-brain resonance and human consciousness.

“The peaks of the resonant characteristic of the system…reside approximately on 100, 21, 14.1, 7.8, 5.7, 4, 1, 0.1 and 0.001 Hz [1]. The most common geomagnetic frequency is 7.8 Hz and plants, animals and humans living in such environment are known to benefit from it.”(2)

That paper was focused on a number of interesting phenomena, but the human brain-wave pattern was not its chief focus. The author’s noted the geomagnetic frequencies of the Schumann resonance quoted above; at this point I shall insert the fact that the human brainwave range precisely matches them.

In fact, the band extends from the Delta (brainwave) 1-3, Theta 4-6, Alpha 7-13, and Beta 14-21 (cycles per second).

Neurological studies tell us that the brain is made up of billions of cells, neurons, which use electricity to communicate with each other. The combination of millions of neurons sending signals at once produces a spectrum of intense, electrical activity in the brain.

That electrical activity is detected using sensitive medical equipment, i.e., an electroencephalogram (EEG), which measures the activity over areas of the scalp.  So in essence, an EEG takes readings of the voltage fluctuations, which are the product of ionic current flows within the neurons of the brain.

So what exactly does science mean by the term brainwave?

From the above we can see that EEG activity therefore reflects the summation of the synchronous activity of thousands, or even millions of neurons, that have similar spatial alignment. When the cells are thus moving in synch, their ions line up and create frequencies (brainwaves) which can be detected.


Picture waves on the ocean as they gather momentum, form and move in undulating, synchronized, rhythmic patterns. That is a rough analogy.

Several of these oscillations have characteristic patterns, all in the ELF band described above.  They have been identified from the lowest to highest: Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta and Gamma. Their differing spatial distributions are associated with different, and very specific states, of brain functioning.

Our brain activity is regulated by these well-defined brainwave patterns. In fact we have to cycle through them every day in order to maintain health and function in the world.

Brain Waves Graph

Delta is the slowest band of brainwaves as it is also the slowest, lowest band of the Earth’s (EM) resonant field outlined above. When you are in the delta frequency band, your body is resting, asleep, healing and resetting its internal clocks on the autonomic level.

Theta is the next level up the scale. We can identify this state as being semi-conscious, when we are falling asleep or in a light sleep. It also predominates during very deep relaxation, as in a trance or hypnotic state. The theta band is also conducive to a receptive mental attitude good for positive affirmations and subliminal, self-programming.

Alpha comes when we simply close our eyes and relax, much has been made out of “achieving” alpha, when in fact it is a completely, automatic brainwave state. Feel stressed…close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and alpha appears. As noted above, the alpha and Schumann Resonance peak(s) are in unison at 7.8 Hz.  Take a walk in nature, relax, alpha.

Beta Hz occurs when we open our eyes, have a cup of coffee and feel wide awake. This is the primary mental state most of us are in during the day and, in fact, all of our waking lives. This brainwave is where we reference ‘consensus reality’. It is the norm so we take it for granted but don’t underestimate its importance.

Keep in mind that you can’t lose these brainwave states or the conscious (unconscious) states they produce; each is an intrinsic feature of the brain as much as software is to a computer’s operating system. In fact, it would appear that the Earth’s EM field acted as the waveguide for the evolution of the human brain-consciousness.

We did not create these brainwave patterns, which regulate awareness and sleep. You can however, learn to be aware of and manipulate them through yoga, tai chi, and learning deep relaxation techniques.  It is interesting to note that we move up the brainwave scale from infancy to puberty.

There is a reason that infants and toddlers seem to be “spaced-out” and/or sleep a lot. It is largely due to the fact that their brains are mostly limited to the Delta and Theta ranges. Do not imagine that their brains are functioning just like yours, because they aren’t.

Even Alpha does not begin to predominate, in most kids, until about the age of eight. Yet in modern civilization we are forcing our children to read, write and intellectualize at earlier and earlier ages. Why…and is it really of benefit to them and to society in general?

In much earlier times children would not have been fully into Beta until puberty. As with our electrically-driven, high EM saturated industrial civilization we are imposing an artificial environment on our children´s development, and ourselves, at a very deep level.

A final point to bring into the intrinsic order of life and how we are embedded into it is phi, the Golden Ratio. When we examine the numerical series of the Schumann Resonance and corresponding human brainwaves, 1, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21…we find the Fibonacci series.

This mathematical series was created by an Italian mathematician in the 13th century. What is of interest is that the formula for arriving at phi is contained in the series. When we divide 5 into the next number 8 we arrive at 1.6.

Thereafter each subsequent division of the lower into the next higher number moves closer to phi, which is an irrational number 1.618 similar to pi, 3.14. The importance here is that phi has been found throughout nature in such diverse things as the spiral whorls of sunflowers, the DNA helix and the shape of galaxies.

Biological life has always taken place in a sea of naturally occurring EM radiation of cosmic, atmospheric and geomagnetic origin, which can be categorized as terrestrial or extraterrestrial radiation…” (3)

This reveals that there is a deep connection, a universal unity to life, which human consciousness resonates with in a precise, measurable way. We could say that the earth-brain resonance, as reflected in phi, is God’s signature…


  1. Human Electrophysiological Signal Responses to ELF Schumann Resonance and Artificial Electromagnetic Fields, Irena Cosic, Qiang Fang,1 Emil Jovanov, Harry Lazoura
  2. Ibid
  3. Ibid

Copyright 2014 by By Will Hart
Presented with author’s permission

from:    http://blog.world-mysteries.com/science/the-unity-of-life-consciousness/