Jonathan GOldman on Frequency & Intent

Shifting Frequencies: Frequency + Intent
by Jonathan Goldman
From “Sedona Journal Of Emergence”
July 1996
This is Jonathan Goldman and Shamael talking to you about frequency shifting and the power of sound. Jonathan will deal with the psycho-acoustics of sound, as well as his own experiences. Shamael will deal with the inter-dimensional aspects of this work. We will unify as one voice for this experience with you.

To start, let us say, that everything is vibration. From the chair that you may be sitting in to the paper of this magazine you are holding, everything is in a state of vibration. This is not a new idea. Your ancient mystics have known this for many a millennium, but now your scientists are beginning to understand this and agree with this. It is a wonderful start.

From the electrons spinning around the nucleus of an atom, to the planets spinning around suns in the galaxy, everything is in movement. Everything is in vibration. And if it is in vibration, it is putting out a sound.

Now, whether or not we can hear this sound is a different matter. Sound travels as a wave form. First, let us say that one way of measuring sound is how fast or slow this wave form is moving. These waves are measured as cycles and sound is measured in cycles per second. This is called its frequency. Very slow waves make very low sounds. Very fast waves make very high sounds. The lowest note on a piano is about 24 cycles per second. The highest note on a piano is about 4,000 cycles per second. Now, we hear from around 16 to about 16,000 cycles per second. Yet just because we can’t hear something does not mean it is not vibrating, nor creating a sound. Dolphins can project and receive information upwards of 180,000 cycles per second, more than 10 times that of humans. And this to them is sound. Do not let the notion that if you can not hear an object it is not vibrating or making a sound. There–we have solved the old Zen Koen asking about a tree falling in the forest.

Every object has a natural vibratory rate. This is called it’s resonance. One of the basis principles of using sound as a transformative and healing modality is to understand the idea that part of the body is in a state of vibration. Every organ, every bone, every tissue, every system–all are in a state of vibration. Now, when we are in a state of health, the body puts out an overall harmonic of health. However, when a frequency that is counter to our health sets itself up in some portion of the body, it creates a disharmony that we call dis-ease. This is very simple to understand, yes?

Now, if we were somehow able to create the correct resonant frequency for something that was vibrating out of harmony, say for example, the liver, and we were able to project this frequency into that area, one could conceivably create a condition of healing by restoring the imbalanced area back to its own resonant frequency. It is as though your body and all its parts are like some wondrous orchestra that is playing some sort of “Symphony of the Self” when we are healthy. But what happens when the third violin player from the end looses their sheet music? Soon this player begins to play out of harmony and rhythm. They are not only playing the wrong notes and the wrong timing, they begin to affect the whole string section. Pretty soon the entire orchestra begins to sound badly. This is what happens when a counter frequency sets into the body.

Currently, our medical approach to dealing with this problem is simply to either give the poor string player enough drugs so they collapse and are no longer in the orchestra–either that or to cut the head of this player off with a broad sword. This does alleviate the initial problem. The string player is no longer playing the wrong notes. In fact, they are no longer playing period. But what if it were possible to somehow give this player back their sheet music. What if it were possible to somehow encode and project the correct resonant frequency back into the organ and get it vibrate to its proper frequency? This is the basis of using sound for healing; to restore back to harmony some portion of the body that is vibrating “out of tune”. This is a marvelous concept and one which is becoming more and more understood as time goes on.

There is another aspect of sound healing which we will deal with later. It has to do with the use of sound frequencies to nullifies the vibrations of that which set the body portion off its normal resonance in the first place. We will clarify this concept in the future. For now, the first is enough for your understanding.

Many of your new spiritual scientists, discoverers and therapists are working with this concept of resonant frequency healing to create balance. Many are successful. They have developed different instruments, machines, tapes and other sound devices which project the healthy resonant frequency of a body part, (or, for the matter, of the chakras) into a person.

We are all for the various devices and what we call “toys” that you on the Earth plane seem so fascinated with. We would like to suggest that while some of these devices may be very effective for restoring resonance back to that which is vibrating out of harmony, you all have within yourselves the most powerful, effective and wondrous device for healing that you can imagine. It is free, extremely efficient and it does not require batteries or electricity. It is your own voice. Your own, if we may, God given instrument for sound healing. It requires only a little training to use, does not require another operator to be applied, and it allows your to find the exact frequencies for resonance. This does not happen with many of your toys which are “locked into” specific sounds for specific parts. This does not allow for frequency shifting, which is the change of the vibratory rate of either a part of the body, or the whole body and its associated energy centers as well. We will discuss more of this later as well.

You on the Earth plane like your toys. Your hospitals and medical centers are full of many toys that project sound and other vibrations. You now have catalogs full of these toys that you can use in your home to induce meditation and what not. Many of your new researchers have developed sound devices that project different frequencies into you for different effects. They are useful and sometimes very fun and we encourage them. However, it is important to realize that they are merely tools producing and effect. And this effect can be achieved without them if you are interested in doing a little work on yourself. What is most interesting, however, is that while many of these sound devices and recordings do create positive change, the actual frequencies or notes that they use are not the same.

To illustrate this, let us discuss your chakras for the moment. They are these spinning discs that feed energy into what becomes the physical body. When Jonathan was first researching this area many years ago, he came across a simple system that worked with the 7 chakras using the seven notes of the C major scale. In this system, your root chakra was vibrating to the note “C”. The next chakra resonated to the note “D”. The next chakra to the note “E” and so on, with the crown chakra vibrating to the note “B”. It was a very easy system and Jonathan was quite pleased to find this. However, as he continued with his investigation into this, he found many other systems that worked with many different notes besides these. The variety of different notes that was used was quite extraordinary. And none of them was in agreement. This caused Jonathan some perplextion as he could not understand how all they different systems were not in agreement with each other and yet all of them seemed to work to some degree. Then he developed a formula which he first put forth in his book HEALING SOUNDS.

The formula is this: “FREQUENCY + INTENT = HEALING”. Frequency of course, is the actual sound used. Healing was a term he used back then to describe the process of putting something into its healthy resonance. He would today use the term “Frequency Shifting”. Intent, in this formula, is the important ingredient. Intent is the energy behind the sound. It is the consciousness that is encoded into the sound. Intent is very important.

Jonathan began to realize that it might be possible for two people to make the same sound and have a very different response, depending upon the energy that was put into the sound. Have you ever had someone you were not particularly fond of see you at a party and say in a snake-like tone “Good to see you” and felt as though you immediately wanted to leave the party. While the words (or the frequency) may have been one thing, the intention (or energy behind the words) said quite another. And the effect was not one of welcoming, but rather something very different. This is an illustration of how intentionality affects the outcome of the sound.

Returning to the subject of the chakras, Jonathan found that even specific mantras would resonate different chakras, depending upon the intentionality of the person giving them. The “Om” might resonate the heart chakra, or the belly chakra or the third eye–it all depended upon what a spiritual master might be teaching to a person. As Jonathan began to realize the importance of intention, he began to spend considerable time in his teachings stressing the important of this. And at the time, it was necessary to do this. However, we admit that he went a little overboard. Initially he began by talking with scientists and medical doctors who were so interested in examining only the frequency of the sound that the idea of intention was a new (and somewhat ridiculous idea to them). Nevertheless, Jonathan continued sharing the importance of intention in his workshops, lectures and writing. And as usual, things got a little out of alignment. People began to think “Well, it doesn’t matter what sound I make as long as my intention is there”.

On one level, this is true. On another level, it is not. The formula which Jonathan was given was “FREQUENCY + INTENT = HEALING”. This formula was created for the 3rd Dimensional Earth plane as it is currently evolved in your time and space. While it is true that in higher dimensionalities, Intent (and consciousness) does create all, very few beings on your planet have reached the level of development, where the actual sound they create is unimportant and the intention is everything.

Now undoubtedly, there are spiritual masters on your planet who can belch or create any such sound and produce miraculous results. However, a majority of you (while you may perceive you are spiritual masters, and you may be) have not reached the state of development where you can do this. We illustrate this point by saying that if you wish to calm someone down with a sound and then you shout in their ear, the result will be that your shouting will undoubtedly produce severe reactions of agitation in the individuals. Their heart beat, respiration and brain waves will all escalate and they will probably not enjoy your shouting in their ear, regardless of your intent. So we say that until you can levitate or dematerialize or do any of a number of frequency shifting exercises that you will ultimately be able to do, we urge you to pay attention to the frequencies that you are using. As well as the intentionality that you are putting into these frequencies.

About the authors:

Jonathan Goldman is an international teacher and pioneer in Sound Healing. He is the author of HEALING SOUNDS, president of Spirit Music and director of the Sound Healers Association in Boulder, Colorado. Jonathan has created numerous recordings, including “Angel of Sound”. He travels throughout the world presenting Healing Sounds Seminars. He may be reached at (303) 443-8181.

Shamael is the Angel of Sound, an inter-dimensional being whose energy has been on this planet since its inception. Shamael is the true name of the angelic presence known as “Metatron”, guardian of the Kabalistic energies of Kether. He is present on any sacred sound. He is a consultant of Jonathan. He may be reached by chanting “Eheih Shamael”.

On Sound & Healing

How Sound Affects Human Consciousness and Health

Posted by admin on June 13, 2013

The Dharma Of Sound Healing

By Diane Mandle | Sound Energy Healing

Music has always been recognized as having a powerful effect on human consciousness. But in the past few years, there has been more research into the science of sound, and how it can be used to improve our lives. We are learning why different kinds of music and sounds have the effects that they do on the body, emotions, mind, and spirit. Science tells us that all life is energy in one form or another. Further, this energy is eternal, changing and morphing from one shape or form to another. Each ‘energy shape’ has its own particular pattern of frequencies, or vibrations. When one form experiences a matching frequency in the form of a musical note, the form will begin to vibrate in sympathy with the note in sympathetic resonance. A strong enough vibration can even cause a form to restructure itself, as has been noted with cancer cells, crystal glasses, water crystals etc. With the Himalayan bowls,(also known as Tibetan Singing Bowls) every note creates sympathetic resonance with every other note producing harmonic overtones that commence the healing process. Let us, for a moment, look at the difference between healing and curing: Curing is an end product or finite result. Dictionary definitions define it as “the complete biological resolution of a diseased state” or ” the elimination of disease, distress, evil”.

Healing is a Process and infinite in nature. Some definitions include: “the making or becoming whole, the mending of a breach”, “to free from grief , troubles, evil”, ” restoring to health or soundness”; and my personal favorite by Jeanne Acheerberg “an intuitive perception of the universe and all its inhabitants as being of one fabric.” Healing is a movement from disharmony to harmony, from duality to non-duality or Divine Awareness. The journey of healing then is a spiritual awakening with consequences on our physical well being. As we awaken, our perspective shifts. As our perspective shifts, our vibration shifts. As our vibration shifts, our cellular make up shifts.

The shifts can not occur as separate entities – they affect the whole of who we are and extend infinitely. This link between body and spirit has been much ignored by the medical profession but the link is quite clear. Healing is a process where we are released from an ego centered finite perspective of ourselves in the world and move into our essence where our vibratory energy is connected with the universe. Healing can lead to being cured. But if one is simply cured on a physical level, without sufficient healing, the core issue that caused the condition in the first place is likely to manifest again. A vital step in the healing process is that of establishing resonance with the condition in question. Most people resist their condition. You cannot release that which you do not own. Sound is the train that helps us get to healing. How? We now know that different pulses stimulate different brainwave centers. We also know that we can create brainwave entrainment through a process of sympathetic resonance and that we normally entrain or fall into vibrational step to the strongest vibrations in our immediate environment.

Our body is a perfect transmitter of vibration, being 70% water Further, nerve bundles in our spine transmit vibrational sensory data to brain stem and limbic system (our emotional processing center). Placing bowls directly on the body significantly increases their effectiveness. The bowls vibrate at the frequency of perfection, otherwise known as the Sanskrit mantra AUM. They create harmonic overtones in which each note contains all other notes and none is a separate entity on its own. Their sound entrains us into health by entraining our energetic system to resonate with them in their perfection. In the universe every dissonant chord tends toward becoming a harmony.

And that’s what they help our bodies to do. The harmonic resonance of the bowls literally pulls us back into a more universal energetic flow. They effectively transmit their soothing and peaceful vibrations through our 70% water body in a way that affects our entire nervous and immune system and initiates the relaxation response bringing us into a Theta brainwave state (waking dream state that is home to creativity, inspiration, intuition and where we can let go of our ego boundaries, of our consciousness of our physical state and connect with the non-physical, non dualistic.)

The sound vibrations of the bowls balance our right and left brain and with repetition in conjunction with visualization can hold us in the Theta state for longer and longer periods of time. The vibrational sound from the Himalayan bowls initializes our parasympathetic nervous system and helps to raise the disease fighting immune cells while also reducing our stress response and creating cardio respitory synchrony (the synchronized flow of our brain, respitory and heart rate waves). Our capacity to heal from any illness is predicated on our body’s ability to achieve cardio-respitory synchrony and this is exactly what is achieved by listening to the bowls. When they are placed directly on your body, as in a private session, then the healing potential is greatly increased because you are receiving the vibrations in your muscles and organs in addition to hearing them.

In other words Vibrational Sound creates the optimum physical/spiritual container needed for healing. Dr Mitch Gaynor, Director of Oncology at the Cornel Cancer Prevention Center states: “‘Sound can redress imbalances on every level of physiologic functioning and can play a positive role in the treatment of virtually any medical disorder.Bowls are teachers: Let’s not reduce the healing that takes place only to science. We have already seen that healing is predicated on spiritual awakening. The bowls can be seen as great teachers. They carry the Buddhist Voidness teachings which purport that nothing exists independently of anything else. Each note from these sacred instruments contains all other notes and herein lies their magic. Although possessing a variety of harmonics, the fundamental vibration of each bowl is rooted in the Sanskrit mantra OM. This is the vibration that our brains entrained with. This primordial sound is the perfection of the universe. The ensuing sympathetic resonance between brain and bowls reawakens the intrinsic blissful self in us. Our attitudes, beliefs and behaviors will either engage with or sabotage the healing potential as well. Positive thinking can strengthen your immune system and change your life. The combination of the sound vibration of the bowls with positive visualization and affirmations will greatly enhance the healing experience.

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