6 Steps to Lighten Up

How To Get Out Of A Funk In 6 Easy Steps

grounding with earthby Sarah Petruno

You’ve been having a bad morning, a bad day, a bad week – your car wouldn’t start on the way to work, then it started snowing and your forgot your ice scraper, you forgot your lunch, and your favorite food cart was not there, then, when you finally got home, you realized you forgot to turn the slow cooker on this morning.

This is miserable! And the temptation, to remain sulky the rest of the day, evening, or the next few days, feeling down on your luck, focusing on all the terrible, is very high. We all do it – we have a series of crappy events, then, we just want to sit down and feel sorry for ourselves.

While this is certainly an option, there is an alternative. We can’t change what happened, but we can change how it made us feel. And while yes, you’ve heard this a million times before, there IS a way that you really can do this. With practice, in as little as 10 minutes or less, you can quickly energetically heal yourself and shift your perception, turning your crappy day, into an opportunity to realize all that you are grateful for, and give yourself a second chance to change your mood and outlook. All it takes, is to realize you are in a funk, then decide you don’t want to be anymore. Then, follow the steps below – and boom – your sad day cloud is lifted, and you begin to feel better and motivated to give it another shot. This process, is a quick, simplified version of a grounding and clearing meditation. Get out of a funk, ground, and clear your energy in 10 minutes or less. So, how about it?

How to Get Out of a Funk – In 6 Easy Steps

1. Ground Yourself.

This is the first step in working with energy, and as we begin, you’re becoming a self energy healer. The process of grounding is essential to all spiritual and energetic healing practices. Simply, you place a grounding cord that is connected to the seat of yourself to the Divine Energy located deep within the earth. I call this Earth Energy. This anchors you to the Earth, and allows you access to receive Earth Energy – it also provides a firm foundation to connect you, with the Divine Mother Earth. If you’re connecting upward, you need to be firmly rooted on the Earth, because, well, that’s where you live at this time and this is where most of your energy comes from. Without grounding before connecting upward, you could lift off and become lifted, which can create feelings of aloofness and disconnection. Grounding yourself allows you to in essence, pull it together, calm down, feel a sense of stability, and security – you’re connecting with sacred Earth Energy here, and in doing so, a sense of calmness, centeredness and stability is always the result. Seated in a chair, with your feet on the floor and your hands in the receptive position, take a few deep breathes, and while doing so, imagine a tree trunk starting at the base of your spine, encompassing your legs, and traveling down into the earth. The roots of this tree extend deeper and deeper until you reach the center of the Earth, where your roots will reach the center of the Earth, the location of the source of Earth Energy. Imagine this center as a glowing ball, and allow your roots to wrap around it a few times. Now, imagine your roots traveling back up to you. With each deep breath, imagine you are taking up white Earth Energy into your roots, and drawing it up to your body. You are now accessing Earth Energy. Imagine the energy flowing up your roots until it reaches your feet – and see it travel upward through your thighs, torso, chest, until it reaches the top of your head, the Crown Chakra. Imagine it flowing out of the top of your head, like water from a glorious crystal fountain, the blowhole of a whale, a geyser eruption. Allow all or some of this Energy to cycle back down from your head to your feet, in a loop, and travel back down to the center of the Earth. Complete this loop 2-3 times, to ensure that Earth Energy is completely flowing through your physical body. You are now grounded.

2. Remove Foreign Energy.

Now, it’s time to remove all the energy that you have absorbed or has been transferred onto you, that is no longer serving you. For now, we will be focusing on how to remove it the foreign, negative, not-you energy. This happens in 2 parts – an internal removal of foreign energy, and an external, aura focused energy removal. Internal Energy Removal. Using the circuit of Earth Energy that is now flowing through you, you can remove, or flush out, the foreign energy inside your physical body that is no longer serving you. To do this, simply imagine that as the Earth Energy cycles back down to your feet from your crown, the strength, and energetic pull of the flow is yanking out all the little black and grey wisps of energy that are no longer needed, and flushing them out, back down to the center of the earth, where they will be cleansed and purified. If you are familiar with Biore Pore Strips, the process is similar to that, except internal. The energy no longer serving you, is being pulled out and flushed away by the flow of Earth Energy. Aura Energy Removal. In addition to the foreign energy existing externally, foreign energy also attaches itself and sticks to your aura, as part of a natural process of the energy that exists all around us, radiating from each being who may cross your path. After you have finished grounding, and the internal energy flush, now is time to take a peek at your aura, your external energy, and see what it looks like. Your Aura is your energetic shell that exists around you physical body, imagine it now, as a golden egg that extends all around you, including above your head and beneath your feet. Imagine what it looks like, and imagine now, where foreign energy, energy that does not belong to you, exists. This foreign energy, can be any place surrounding you, and typically looks black or grey in color. The shapes can look like small rocks, boulders, spikes, helmets, clouds, shields, capes, or even as a dusty covering of your aura. As you identify each piece of foreign energy, work your way through removing it. Simply imagine yourself pulling it off, brushing it away, throwing off the black cape, or tossing aside the small rock – imagine each piece falling to the ground. Continue this procedure until all of the foreign energy is removed

3. Cut Cords.

You are grounded, cleared of all foreign energy, now it’s time to cut your cords. Cords are energetic attachments to other individuals, places, or situations – anytime you think of or converse with someone or something, there is the potential that an energetic cord has attached to you in this single interaction. It is either drawing on your energy, sending you energy, or both. For the purposes of this exercise, we are not going to find out who the cords are attached to or what they are doing, we just going to remove any that exist, all at once. Sometimes, it’s really not important who it is, or what it’s doing, it just needs to go – and that’s what we’re going to do here. Any energy connection to any individual creates an exchange, and with this flow in continual motion, your ocean may never be still. Grounding, is a process of stilling the ocean within you. To do this, imagine your hand out in front of you, it is grabbing onto a bundle of ropes. Each rope is a cord that is attached to you, in some way or another. All the ropes could be connected to you as a spider web in all directly with many strings, or as a single bundle to one or two sources. Now, bundle them all up, and now, you are holding onto this rope bundle. Now, yank the bundle of ropes quickly and forcefully, removing all the ropes and their attachments from you, as though they’ve been plucked rapidly by tweezers. Now, you are holding a bundle of ropes, and on one end, your hand frees each end of the rope and their attachments to you, but they are still connected on the other side – to everyone, and everything else. Give your rope bundle another quick yank, detaching the ropes from everything else they’re connected to on the other side. In your hand now, is the rope bundle, and a pile of loose rope lies on the ground. Drop your rope bundle aside, and toss it to the ground. Done. Cords removed.

4. Call your Energy Back.

You’ve now detached yourself from all things to which you were corded, but, your energy may still exist in those places. It’s time to call it back. All the places to which you have invested a lot of your energy, past, present or future (think: worrying), your energy may exist there, outside of your body. In calling your energy back, you will be operating at full energetic capacity, and it will restore you with a sense of rejuvenation and motivation. To call your energy back, quickly, simply imagine all of the people, places, things, or relationships in which you feel you’ve been giving a lot of your energy – and ask it to come back to you. Imagine this energy leaving that place, and flowing back to you, as a golden stream of light, coming to rest in your core, your physical center, as an ever growing ball of golden light. Start the process by focusing on a single place, and continue moving from one place, to the next, until you feel that you have asked your energy to return to you from all of its pursuits outside of your physical body. There’s no right or wrong amount of time here, it’s up to you, and following your own intuition. By the nature of our existence, always interacting with other beings, there is nearly ALWAYS some of your energy existing out of your body, but the extent to which this is the case, depends really, only on how frequently you ask your energy to return to you. Allow yourself to be open to the places from which your energy returns. It can return from somewhere you never believed it to be, or even from very past events and scenarios, those which may cause you sadness or pain. For learn more and for more detailed instructions on how to do this, check out this article on energy retrieval.

5. Rejuvenate Your Aura.

By this point, you have removed foreign energies, cut cords, and called your energy back. All of your energy is now yours, and yours alone, but now – you must fill the holes left behind by the cords, or by the removal of foreign energy. It is not enough to stop now – your energy is filled with holes and you must seal them off, and in doing so, you are healing your aura, your energy. You are protecting yourself from further cording, or attachment of foreign energy. Once the holes are filled, it’s time to strengthen, reinforce, and boost your energy, infusing your energy with that of the Divine. This sounds wonderful. . . but are you sure I can do this? Yes! Everyone has the power to draw upon Divine Energy to heal themselves. Everyone. All you need, is the knowledge and the wherewithal to do it, which is what I’m teaching you now. The first step, is to imagine the skies above you opening, and from those skies, pours down a pink, golden light. This is a healing light, and as the light falls upon you, imagine it filling each, and every hole, and watch as the holes become filled. Imagine this pink, golden light, gliding over the surface of your body, smoothing, buffing, and patching over the holes. As if you are using a golden glowing spackle to blend plaster into the wall of your home. You are now applying this same practice to your energetic field, except instead you are using a plaster of light. Continue to draw down this Divine Light, and imagine it filling, smoothing, and polishing your energetic field until you feel the job is finished. Next, still with your grounding cord connected to the Earth, draw upon that Earth Energy once again. Only now, imagine it filling your physical body from below the earth with bright, white light. Internally, imagine the energy of the Earth, filling, and internally boosting, your energy – and continue to draw upon Earth Energy, until you are internally glowing, bright, white light. You have now, rejuvenated and restored your energy, internally. The final step, is to draw upon Divine Light once again, only this time, the color changes to a bright, golden yellow. And instead of filling holes, you will now imagine the Divine Light swirling all around you, as if you are Cinderella being transformed by the Fairy Godmother. As the Light swirls, it condenses, and piles on top of itself, creating a bright, golden bubble, swirling around your physical body. Continue drawing upon this Light, until this bubble of golden yellow light fills the room in which you sit. You are now protected, and surrounded by Divine Light. This now completes the meditation portion of this exercise. Before you stop, be sure to thank the Earth, for restoring your energy and receiving and cleansing all energies, cords, and ties that you have returned to it; thank the Divine Light, for healing and restoring your auric field; and finally, thank your Guides, for assisting you with this process (because they were).

6. Shift your Perception.

Your Energy is healed! You are filled with Divine Light and Earth Energy, and inherently, you are now radiating pure love, positivity, and high energy. In this moment – you have the choice. The choice to maintain this current state, or the choice to return to your previous state, the state that you just healed from. The decision is yours to make in this moment. Yes, you had a bad morning, a bad day, a bad week. You can choose to continue to focus on these circumstances, or to shift your perceptions, to change your outlook. Let’s say, for example, the woman at Dunkin Donuts drive thru forgot to make your latte a non-fat latte. That’s it! She ruined your diet. 80 calories, you’re totally screwed. And now it’s all you can think about – your messed up latte order. Consider the alternative: She’s at work, and in fact, she made it to work this morning at 4am in a snowstorm while her children were still sleeping. She’s just doing her best, to support her family. Mistakes happen, and hey – what does 80 calories matter in the long run anyway? Instead of sending hate, choose to send love and compassion instead. What about that crockpot you forgot to turn on? You’re beating yourself up for it, you failed to provide dinner for your family, and not only that, but you also just wasted $10 and no one has dinner. Hey! Snap out of it – you can choose to let it go! Shift your perception – who cares that dinner wasn’t ready when you came home?! Make some macaroni and cheese, and consider it a blessing – your freezer meal wasn’t going to be as comforting anyway. Choose now, to release yourself from this burden and allow yourself to have a more pleasant evening. You deserve a break! After you’ve completed your energetic exercises, give yourself a small pep talk, filled with positive affirmations and positive thoughts for the rest of the day, week, or month. You choose to embrace and exude love, positivity, and happiness. You choose to be a beacon of light now. You choose, to be grateful and appreciative. You choose to release, let go, and shift your perspective to one rooted in love, happiness, and gratitude. You are now an energy healer, a healer of yourself! With these tools, you can lift yourself up and power on, through your funk, and complete your day with a new, rejuvenated, and loving outlook.

from:    http://howtoexitthematrix.com/2016/06/27/how-to-get-out-of-a-funk-in-6-easy-steps/

On Mudras & Healing

Mudras: The Healing Power In Your Hands

Mudras hold an innate healing power that supports the mind-body connection … and have been used for centuries.

A mudra, a symbolic or ritual gesture performed with the hands and fingers, is a spiritual gesture used to stimulate different parts of the body involved with breathing and to affect the flow of prana in the body.

Mudras have been in use in the East for thousands of years, particularly in Buddhism. Buddha statues often have the hands in certain hand positions. They have been used as a spiritual practice (and still are), as a way on the path to enlightenment.

However they’re also used for physical ailments. – source

The Healing Power In Your Hands

Mudras are a powerful addition to any meditation.  In a recent article posted by Forever Conscious, shows us some of the most common mudras and how to use them to boost our mind and body connection.

by Tanaaz, Forever Conscious

Mudras are positions of the hands that are said to influence the energy of your physical, emotional and spiritual body.

Mudras have been used in the East for thousands of years and were practiced by many spiritual leaders including Buddha. Today, Mudras are still used in Yoga and meditation.

Sometimes we may subconsciously place our hands into Mudra positions without even knowing it and other times we can use them to help channel and stimulate healing.

There are hundreds of Mudras but here are some of the most common:

1.) Gyan Mudra (Mudra of Knowledge):mudra of knowledge

The tip of the index finger touches the tip of the thumb while the other fingers remain straight.

Benefits: Enhances knowledge, stimulates the pituitary and endocrine glands, increases memory, helps meditation, prevents insomnia, can boost mood and bring clarity.

Practice: Any time while sitting, standing or lying in bed.

2.) Prithvi Mudra (Mudra of Earth): mudra of earth

The tip of the ring finger touches the thumb while the other fingers remain straight out.

Benefits: reduces physical and spiritual weaknesses, can increase the life force, can help clear skin, promotes body functionality.

Practice: Any time.

3.) Varuna Mudra (Mudra of Water): mudra of water

The tip of the pinky finger touches the thumb while the other fingers remain straight up.

Benefits: helps to balance emotions and helps to retain water. Helps to relieve constipation and cramps. Can also help regulate menstrual cycles and hormonal conditions.

Practice: 15 minutes three times a day.

4.) Vayu Mudra (Mudra of Air): mudra of air

The thumb wraps over the index finger while the rest of the fingers remain straight.

Benefits: helps to calm an anxious mind, soothe a strained voice and can help decrease stress. Can also help reduce impatience and indecisiveness.

Practice: 10 to 15 minutes, 3 times per day.

5.) Shunya Mudra (Mudra of Emptiness): mudra of emptiness

The tip of the thumb presses the middle finger down while the rest of the fingers stand straight up.

Benefits: reduces dullness in the body and can also be highly effective for ear aches. Can help restore confidence and boost mental cognition.

Practice: 40-60 minutes daily or for an earache- 4 to 5 minutes.

6.) Surya Mudra (Mudra of the Sun): mudra of the sun

Bend the ring finger under the thumb while the rest of the fingers remain straight.

Benefits: helps stimulate the thyroid gland, helps to alleviate weight gain and reduces appetite, stimulates digestion, helps relieve anxiety and stress. Helps to guide you to your purpose.

Practice: 5 to 15 minutes, twice daily.

7.) Prana Mudra (Mudra of Life): mudra of life

The ring and pinky finger both bend to meet the thumb while the index and middle finger remain pointed straight up.

Benefits: improves the life force, helps to strengthen the mind, body and spirit, helps promote taking action, improves immunity and motivation. Helps enhance vision and reduces fatigue.

Practice: Any time.

8.) Apana Mudra (Mudra of Digestion): mudra of digestion

The middle and ring finger are bent under the thumb while the pinky and index finger stand straight up.

Benefits: helps to regulate the excretory system, helps detoxify and stimulates bowel movements. Helpful at relieving constipation and piles.

Practice: 45 minutes daily

9.) Apana Vayu Mudra (Mudra of the Heart): mudra of the heart

The index finger bends to touch the base of the thumb while the middle and ring finger bend to touch the tip of the thumb. The pinky finger remains stretched out.

Benefits: stimulates healing of the heart and helps physically protect the heart. Can also help reduce gas and heart burn.

Practice: 15 minutes, twice daily

10.) Linga Mudra (Mudra of Heat): mudra of heat

Interlock the fingers of both hands but keep the thumb of the left hand pointing up. Take the right thumb and wrap it around the thumb so it touches the index finger of the right hand.

Benefits: helps to stimulate heat in the body, helps reduce phlegm and congestion, good for strengthening the lungs, helps to invigorate and balance the body.

Practice: Any time but do not over practice.

12 Healing Mudras,  Volume 1

The first 12 healing Mudras of vol 1 are: Guru mudra, Trajitam mudra, Jii mudra, Amrita mudra, Aghnya mudra, Raahu mudra, Danta mudra, Panjabhutani mudra, Tri stambha mudra, Naga mudra, Bhumi mudra and Svargatim mudra. These mudras can support your health..

from:    http://www.ewao.com/a/mudras-the-healing-power-of-your-hands/

Ancient Wisdom & Healing

Belief and the Healing Arts of Ancient Civilizations

byzantine hippocratic oath

1 Comment by WRF Staff

The majority of this article and all of the quotes are taken from The Healing Gods of Ancient Civilizations (1925), by Walter Addison Jayne, M.D.

The various superstitious practices of the ancients may seem strange to us, but some of the drugs and therapies that were used then have been rediscovered over the last several hundred years, and have proved to be of great value.

Today, the modern doctor has the snake symbol of Aesculapius. In those ancient times (as well as today), medical practitioners faced the problem of how to stimulate the recuperative powers of the afflicted patient into action. Old temple disciplines included purification, temple-sleep, and various hypnotic rest states. Bodily processes were aroused and focused through intensities of suggestion, through touching the patient, along with lifting the faith of one who was ill.

Perusing the deeper concept of the ancient healing gods, we find it focuses upon the idea of a body-mind relationship. Hippocrates believed that body and mind are a unity, and to affect one is to affect the other. Modern medicine has taken more of the viewpoint of isolating the “one cause” and prescribing a specific remedy that will bring the solution. Interestingly, although Pasteur originally held strongly onto the effect of the microbe in medicine, his dying words were, “the microbe is nothing, the terrain is everything.”

The earliest definite knowledge of Egyptian medicine is obtained from several medical papyrus manuscripts from the twelfth dynasty, about 2000 B.C. In those writings, it stated that it was the duty of the pharaohs to maintain the health of their subjects. From the ancient writer Maanetho, we read that King Athotis of the first dynasty of the Thinites practiced healing and wrote anatomical works. “Eventually all the great medical centers were located at the chief capitals along the Nile. These shrines were depositories of medical lore, and the ancient traditions are confirmed by the lists of diseases and their cures. Clement refers to forty-two Hermetic books at the temple of Hermopolis, of which six were medical texts giving formulas and remedies. On the walls of sanctuaries were inscriptions and tablets in commemoration of miraculous cures with statues and steles erected by former patients in grateful recognition of cures effected by the divinity.”

Healing methods in the ancient days consisted of religious rites, ceremonies and special formulas which brought forth the mysterious, miraculous powers of deities and other supernatural beings. The healing theme centered around the idea of expelling the unseen, malicious actions which caused disease. Appeals to the gods for the cure of disease were made orally or in writing.

The priest/doctor would make the examination and give the ceremonial form of diagnosis. The patient would then make a formal statement regarding the problem, such as, “I, (patient name), am a sufferer with (naming the disease or the problem).” Treatment consisted of incantations, prayers and possibly the giving of some remedy along with commands, spells, coaxing and threatening. All of these had some symbolic meaning which served to impress the mind of the patient.

“Egyptians assumed that the body was divided into 36 parts, each of which was under the sway of a certain god. ‘There is no limb of his without a god,’ (Leyden Papyrus, a.k.a. Leiden Papyrus) and so invoking these, they heal the diseases of the limbs.”

On some occasions the priest would put on a disguise and would appear to a patient as the god of the body part, imitating the god in voice and gesture, and utilizing relics to chase the evil spirits away.

Remedies were given to assist the spoken formulas, with many remedies given to patients, by the gods, during their dreams. Time has proven the value of many of the modalities then employed, such as castor oil, aloe, mint, myrrh, copper, lead, salt, cedar, opium, and others that are still in pharmaceutical use. “It would appear that remedies used without the magical words were valueless or failed their full effect.”

There is no question that the aspect of the mind in the healing process was a strong consideration. When we review the wording of the incantations from any of the ancient papyri, then this theory becomes very clear. The Ebers Papyrus states in its opening line, “this is a book for healing all disease.” An example of an incantation given while drinking a remedy states, “Welcome, remedy, welcome that which destroyest the trouble of this my heart and in these my limbs… the magic of Horus is victorious in the remedy.”

Another incantation for cataract of the eye reads, “come ointment, come to the patient and take from him the water, the pus, the blood, the pain in the sys, the chemosis, the blindness, the flow of matter which are being worked there from the god of inflammations, of each kind of death, of each kind of pain.”

The Greeks also believed that disease and death, like other processes of nature, were ascribed to superhuman agencies. Although there was a belief that Zeus sent disease, in a declaration attributed to Zeus in the Odyssey, we read, “Alas, how forsooth, do mortals reproach the gods! For they say that their evils are from us, whereas they themselves, through their own infatuations, suffer grief beyond what is destined.”

The Greeks looked to the power of the gods for healing, using customary rituals, hymns of praise, prayers and sacrifice. An elaborate system existed of beneficent acts of friendly deities, demigods, and heroes. These took precedent irrespective of all other means employed. Greek cures consisted of two major methods, direct and indirect.

Direct healing was through divine intervention, very commonly by the transmission of the divine power by means of some agent or sacred object. The healing power of the gods was transmitted by simple divine presence, by the laying-on of hands, through some sacred relic, or through the medium of a priest, priestess, or sacred animal.

Asklepios (Asclepius) healed Theopompos, the writer of comedies, by the laying on of hands. A man having but one good eye slept in the temple, and dreaming that Asklepios applied an ointment to the empty socket, he awoke in the morning with two sound eyes. Marinos tells of Procius, the philosopher, who suffering from arthritis, had covered the part with a cloth. A sparrow, sacred to Asklepios, plucked the cloth away, and the disease with it.

Gaining power to cure oneself by touching the image of the god, or his altar, was often used. For example, the statues of Theagenes in Thasos, Pulydamas at Olympia, and the Corinthian general Pelichos was thought to possess healing powers for fevers.

Indirect cures were obtained by following directions received through dreams and visions. Fragments from the shrine at Lebena records cures due to application of remedies indicated by the gods in visions. Therapies included mild and innocent purgatives, roots, herbs, diets, fasts, baths, rubbing with ointments, and gymnastics. “Tales of the marvelous cures effected at the healing temples spread the fame of the healing deity, Asklepios, throughout Greece. It was such common knowledge that the sick, in going to these sanctuaries for relief, were probably already imbued with a certain religious fervor, while their imagination was excited by the hope that they also might be the recipient of the divine grace.”

The dream temples were quite well known. Psychology played an important part in the healing success. “At Pergamon, patients were conducted through the sacred spot by attendants who related the legends and explained the remarkable cures recorded on the steles and tablets. The tablets and symbols that covered the walls of the temple were examined, then, the patient being properly prepared, was allowed to approach the image of the god, offer sacrifice with prayer, and allow the diseased part to come in contact with the hand or other part of the statue. An air of sanctity pervaded the temple and the sacred spot, and the sick could not fail to be deeply impressed by the majesty of the deity and the supernatural powers with which he was endowed, so that, with imagination fired by the marvels of the sanctuary, the patient awaited the mysterious events which would take place during the night of dreaming in the temple.” In the morning, the dreams and visions of the night were told to, and interpreted by, the priests, who then gave appropriate directions for any treatment that should be carried out. Belief was an integral part of the ancient healing arts. The learning of the virtues and attributes of the gods produced the activation of the healing powers within the patient. Whether it was the Egyptian, Greek, or other ancient civilization, they understood the importance of stimulating the patient’s own healing energies that surely led to the miraculous cures which did take place.

There is an important place today for the theories of healing utilized by the ancient civilizations. The mind and body have not changed significantly in the last few thousand years, only the manner in which we view and utilize their relationship.

from:    http://www.wrf.org/ancient-medicine/belief-and-the-healing-arts-of-ancient-civilizations.php

World Changing Types

The 9 Personalities Which Are Changing The World

Nine distinct personality types make humanity very special, not only in their interactions with each other, but within themselves. Synchronicity ties them all together in a beautiful system that makes everything work. No human being is ever represented by just one of these personality types, but rather a mixture of several. And while the western mindset focuses on happy moments as the ideal, it is unaware that each piece of the puzzle, each with its flaws, is integral in the spiritual evolution of humanity. Everything is shifting and changing so quickly and each of these segments is playing a critical role in human consciousness.

9 Personality Types – Do You See Yourself?


Regardless of the initiative, these are the doers of our world. Being the number of ‘new’ in which all manifestation begins, they symbolize the principle of beginning or initiation through purity of purpose. It is the energy that begins all actions and leads the way in new directions. Without them, we would have a lot of trouble getting things done because when nobody else wants to do it, they step up and get it done with courage, originality and decisiveness. Their drive makes them magnificent manifestors and they require the support to keep them going. They do not tolerate laziness from the people within their circles, and they don’t like to ask for help from others. The Initiator is somebody we all depend on for monumental achievements because they are masters at self-sufficiency, invention, focus and rationality.

Key Strengths:
– Creators and primal force of consciousness and grand movements.
– Do not see an end to their journey and goals (retirement does not exist)
– The most powerful Initiators are those who awaken to their purpose to serve rather than rule (because they also make great rulers).
– Always at the forefront of directing and leading others
– Trust in their own ability to separate right from wrong regardless of what they are told.
– Often mentally stronger than most other people
– Live and breathe what they think they need to do and nothing will stop them from doing it.
– Generally optimistic people who have a great deal of inner strength and are often a source of inspiration to others.
– Self-motivated, striving for progress, with ambitious will, power and positivity.
– Pioneers with leadership qualities that attract many followers.
– Have an initiative, instinct and intuition that makes it all self-perpetuating.


Since the Initiators often drive themselves into physical illness through their constant drive to keep moving forward, the healers are necessary to help bring balance back to their physical health. It is a feminine energy that dominates the healer, but many men exhibit very strong healing energies. They symbolize the principle of coming together with another, positive/negative, male/female, day/night, black/white, yin/yang. They unite like-minds, and like-ideals. Above all, life must have meaning for Healers. Their intuitive sense is very strong and among the strongest of all personality types. They reflect a quiet power in the natural flow of judgement, and the need for planning and communication to do what is best for our souls. A healer’s strength and power is resilient and lasting and are some of the greatest powers hiding behind the throne. Some of the greatest men and women to ever walk the Earth (especially Initiators) had a healer as their partner or confidant by their side. They are extremely effective at bringing peace, harmony and balance to many different experiences, and they do it with tolerance, patience, co-operation and sensitivity — particularly to the needs of others. They are more likely to suffer in silence if they cannot get people within their close relationships to understand what the problem is between them.

Key Strengths:
– Skilled mediators exemplifying very high levels of compassion and empathy
– Their intuitive prowess is the highest of all personality types
– Eternally optimistic that the world is going to get better and that everyone will live in peace and harmony.
– Cooperate well with others in order to maintain harmony in their own lives.
– Avoid conflict and confrontation and instead see the big picture
– Tend to be selfless and focused on the greater good
– Concerned about seeing that everyone has the opportunity to develop their full potential.
– Want to be accepted for who they are and strive to maintain a job where that may be expressed
– Promote personal growth of themselves and others
– Exceptional nurturers and will always ensure that children are raised in a warm and loving environment, even at the expense of their own comfort


The Catalysts of the world have the unique gift of changing people and circumstances with consistency and creativity at all times. They are the meditators of the planet who allow others to tap into their energy. It is a vibrational state that is very stable throughout human consciousness and not necessarily of the stereotypical meditator with closed eyes in lotus position. The meditators may be one who can achieve the same energy while dancing, painting, crafting or using any artistry skill that enables them to achieve the vibration. When Initiators and Healers become frustrated, they look to the Catalysts for assistance on a quantum level. None of them may understand what they are doing for the other, but whatever comes the way of the Catalysts, becomes more peaceful because of them. When the Initiators and Healers unite, they often need the synthesis of the Catalyst to put all that energy into effective action. Those who exhibit Catalyst energy are enlivening, youthful and enthusiastic with their talents spread through communications of all kinds. They are masters are harmonizing energies with their emotions. Their energy does not work well with structure, plans or routines because of their ability to move out of linear thought. Catalysts are capable of very deep love, intuition and even psychic gifts and emotions, and this needs to be admired and loved by others.

Key Strengths:
– Carry the strong seed programming as ascended masters
– Can help anybody find peace, clarity, and love within
– Able to cope with life’s ups and downs and will not be disheartened for long by any setbacks.
– Many are truly gifted musicians, writers, dancers, and public speakers
– Broad-minded thinking, synthesis and triad
– Enthusiasm, youthfulness and enlivenment
– Great communicators and often have a brilliant command of language.
– Feel the need to inspire and beautify the world with their natural capabilities to take anything they have and create something beautiful from it.
– Encourage rather than discourage and always find solutions rather than problems

Before there was technology of any kind there was Gaia. Most modern day humans have lost this connection. Many “Protectors” are not aware they are light workers, but they do know they are connected to Gaia consciousness. They are the tree huggers, environmentalists, gardeners, animal whisperers, and all lovers of nature. Some ignore their own dietary requirements for energy and instead sacrifice those needs for their truth and love of Gaia. They love the Earth and Mother Nature for all she is and what she provides, and that passion never leaves them for the rest of their lives. They are born with it, infused at birth with a love for all that is Gaia. They are trustworthy, patient, conventional and traditionalists, yet seek security and ‘home’ as their haven. Protectors are extremely loyal to their cause, hardworking and security-conscious, with high values and morals. Their vibration needs disciplined harmony, dependability and responsibility in their lives. They are dependable, serious-minded individuals who need to be practical about all that they do. They have strong opinions and beliefs about what is right and necessary even if their perspective conflicts with the masses.

Key Strengths:
– Works steadily and can be very persistent.
– Finds great satisfaction in accomplishments with physical labor, especially on the land and favors results over financial reward or public recognition.
– Believes in effort and control, and is certainly goal-oriented, but goals are simple and down to earth.
– Doesn’t like to make waves, but values moral convictions and will not back down when convinced that they are doing “the right thing.” (also causes extreme intolerance in Protectors who cannot appreciate other perspectives)
– Long-term commitment is likely to be a priority since they are faithful and dependable.
– Very career-minded and are highly ambitious in this area
– Thought, consideration and contemplation goes into just about every decision or move they make
– Build a solid foundation for the self and others, and making sure that all is safe and secure.


Game changers have the greatest number of old souls out of all personality types. They anchor all others and are extremely independent in mind and soul. They are multi-talented and with many interests. They are attractive, independent, free-thinking, fast moving, and potentially foot-loose. They are often very sexual beings. They are resenting restrictions and responsibilities while carrying instabilities and unpredictability. They draw our attention to the wonder of life, and it beckons us to appreciate the perception of chaos all around us. So why are they the game changers? Because they walk and spread compassionate action anchoring all others. They go about their lives without building a website, writing a book, talking on stage, but rather walk their talk before doing anything else. How they treat others is their strength in changing the planet. They have an uncompromising demand for freedom in thought and action.

Key Strengths:

– Practice the principle of multiplicity, progression and passion and symbolize the need for change, variety and new growth
– Broadcast and disseminate information like no other
– Very pragmatic and opportunistic and can be very, very persuasive.
– Intellectual, versatile, investigative and imaginative.
– Great flexibility and this allows them to stop something and go off in an entirely different direction.
– Does not hold onto anything that creates monotony in their life and abhors routine and a dull, monotonous occupation is ‘death’ to them
– Ability to adapt and change freely as they are free spirits who have a sense of adventure and curiosity about life.
– Highly inquisitive individuals who consider hands on experience to be the best teacher in life.
– Deeply intelligent, philosophical and spiritually-minded.


The Nurturer represents harmony, balance, sincerity, love, and truth. They are considered the most “harmonious” of all personality types. Creating an environment of peace and harmony is always the strongest impulse. They “light” our path in areas where we require spiritual and mental balance. They beckon us to administer compassion and consciously choose forgiveness in a situation. They are the mothers of the world. They are about sacrificing, caring, healing, protecting and teaching others. No family or community can function without the power of the Nurturer to keep them together and safe. They are the glue that keeps a family or community together. They are full of sympathy, and their sense of justice is well developed. So much in fact that when they perceive injustice, they will sacrifice all their time and effort to set things straight. They are right fighters of peace and harmonious integration. Unfortunately they often fall prey to forms of jealousy and small-mindedness, tending to be more focused on the minor details and self-righteousness while ignoring the bigger picture. Despite this, the Nurturer is actually the most harmonious and stable among the nine personality types.

Key Strengths:
– Symbolizes responsibility and service which they achieve through love, nurturing and protection.
– Innate desire within to bring harmony, peace, justice and truth to all experiences in life.
– Derive their greatest joy from taking care of everyone else and these people feel most useful when they are fixing things.
– Will fight for their ideals and principles on behalf of a deep concern for others
– Strong beliefs and opinions about what they feel is the truth
– Within relationship realms, they are loving, supportive, comforting and accommodating, and make for fair, balanced and stable partners.
– Make great hosts as they are welcoming to all and know how to bring a sense of beauty, balance and love to all family occasions and social gatherings and outings.
– Greatest expression of inner Divinity is through teaching and guidance and are happiest when they see the positive results of their influence blossom in other people.


Resonate with the vibrations and energies of the ‘Collective Consciousness’, faith and spirituality. They deal with esoteric and scholarly aspects of reality. Focused on activation of imagination and manifesting results in our lives through the use of conscious thought and awareness. They carry what can only be defined as a magical vibration with an underlying understanding of the fundamental laws of the universe. They are secretive, mysterious, stand-offish, intuitive and introspective. They tend to have strong psychic tendencies and are natural healers with a core of inner-strength. They are visionaries, seekers, thinkers and searchers of Truth always trying to understand the underlying, hidden truths. What are termed as conspiracy theorists are some of the greatest Explorers on the planet. Many are interested in the metaphysical, not because they are believers, but because it allows access to the ambiguous, abstract world of questions for which there are no clear answers. They are often spiritual, but not religious and will never stop seeking answers about who they are and why they are here. . Money means nothing to them and will never make a choice or a decision based on an expected financial outcome. Most are not warriors but analysts or strategic planners. More often, however, you will find them in the world of academics and science.

Key Strengths:
– Some of the greatest thinkers and are often very perspective and intuitive.
– Have a love of natural beauty, and flourish when they spend time in natural surroundings, away from civilization.
– Outstanding ability to heal people on the spiritual, emotional and physical levels (work well with Healers).
– Able to intuitively tune into the emotions and needs of others.
– Investigator and inventor whose energy shines in solitude.
– Demand a lot of themselves and others due to their extremely high standards
– Have a love of natural beauty such as flowers, plants, oceans, seas and lakes
– Never satisfied until they can link the known with the unknown, and this leads to a great deal of research, analysis and investigation.
– Knowledge and wisdom are their goals and their quick intelligence and inquiring mind leads them to gather many sources of information simultaneously like no other. They are masters at sourcing knowledge.


Perhaps the most misunderstood of all personality types. When the Karmic equalizer comes knocking, you can be assured that you will reap what you’ve sown. They are practical, realistic and intelligent. They exhibit vibrations of authority and personal power, self-confidence, executive ability, inner-strength, professionalism, management, material freedom, success, good judgement, money. They know the difference between make-believe and genuine spiritual realizations. They are more comfortable in the realm of material, tangible facts, and will be truly exceptional as soon as they develop their spiritual connection and natural intuition. On the material plane, they are focused on results, often in the form of money, yet do not care much about money for the sake of money. They are not greedy and only see money as a tool, not an end-result. Some of the more recognizable traits of the Equalizer are drive, ambition, authority, efficiency, organization, management, discipline and control. They are goal-oriented, focused, have good judgment, can discriminate and are practical and realists. They are closely related to the Initiators and have strong leadership skills, never shying away from a confrontation. They tend to do well in business and in authority roles. The lessons of this path are many and varied, but generally have to do with learning to overcome adversity and learning about compassion for others through having faced and survived often horrendous life circumstances and/or situations.

Key Strengths:
– Generally content and sure of themselves.
– They know what they want from life and know how they are going to achieve their goals.
– Determined and strong-willed
– Will never betray their own beliefs and principles or another’s trust.
– Most often their life purpose is learning to manipulate money and power – without becoming corrupted in the process.
– Natural leadership qualities, great long term vision and can accumulate a lot of power, prestige and wealth in their lifetimes.
– Have tremendous potential for improving the lives of thousands, perhaps millions of people in practical ways, which is part of their Equalizing abilities
– Self-reliant and independent and do not feel at ease at the mercy of anyone else.
– Support anything that brings beauty, justice, meaning and profit to the world.
– Have an air of success and project an image of being at ease with themselves and their surroundings.

Associated with universal love, eternity and faith and the height of vibrational frequencies. They have a wisdom and responsibility, and the ultimate goal of the Finalizer is to serve humanity. They deal with intellectual power, inventiveness, influence over situations and things. They make us recognize our own internal attributes, and extend these abilities out into the world to make a positive, influential difference. This vibration has come to serve the world and make it a better place for all to live in. They work without motive. Their purpose is for the greatest good of all. They have a protective energy and they have great power and love in their soul. They are aware that they have come with a mission that adheres to the principle of Universal Love and compassion. Intuitively, the Finalizer understands the connections between all of mankind. They get the end game. They see no real difference between their neighbor next door and the person living in a very different culture and environment on the other side of the world. They are the least judgmental of all types, the most tolerant and the most conscious. When circumstances require, they can be a powerful force, strong enough to take over and bend others to their will. Yet they are not leaders in the way both the Initiators and Equalizers are. Their leadership qualities are in the higher realms of philosophy and justice. When they are done with you, they will change your mind and you will see their perspective.

Key Strengths:
– Compassion, selflessness and generosity
– Wisdom, intuition and high idealism
– Charitable, benevolent and altruistic.
– Sympathetic understanding of the under-privileged and under-developed
– Share the aspiration and idealism of the more advanced souls
– The dreamer who feels at home in the realm of the arts, medicine, religion, drama, philosophy and metaphysics.
– Healer and educator, acting always for the benefit of others.
– Looks for solutions from the inspirational, intuitive and creative worlds
– Takes care of everyone else, but needs to learn to speak up when they themselves need help, love and support.

Each of the above are beautifully intertwined, masterfully integrated and perfectly synchronized in millions of people around the world. Each is playing a role in how we integrate the coming waves of energy into human and universal consciousness. All are beautiful and exactly as they should be, so whichever resonates with you, know that they all exist within you.

Michael Forrester is a spiritual counselor and is a practicing motivational speaker for corporations in Japan, Canada and the United States.

from:    http://preventdisease.com/news/16/012516_9-Personalities-Changing-World.shtml

Working with Crystals

How To Best Find And Use The Right Healing Crystals For You!

January 19, 2016 

How To Best Find And Use The Right Healing Crystals For You!

via David Wolfe,

Everything has a life force of some sort or another and this is especially true of crystals or gemstones. Many people find them full of useful energy. Some people even think they have a form of consciousness. “I do feel that they have been infused with energies throughout their life, be it from their development into being (time, minerals, energy, water) or by those who imprinted their consciousness into the crystals themselves.” (Healing Crystals)

So the energy infused in the crystals is what allow them to do the amazing work they do.

Crystals and Gemstones for Beginners

Clear Quartz

How To Best Find And Use The Right Healing Crystals For You!

Clear quartz is highly versatile and is a powerful amplifier. It is believed to amplify any frequency including the natural frequency of one’s own body. Our bodies have their own EMF (electromagnetic frequency) and that is what the silica, in the quartz, picks up.


How To Best Find And Use The Right Healing Crystals For You!

Citrine’s energy is happy & creative so if you’re feeling down or need to get out of a creative block, reach for this. It gives a great boost to anything to do with finances or prosperity & abundance. Its also a great manifestor with it’s sunny energy. (Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy)

Rose Quartz

How To Best Find And Use The Right Healing Crystals For You!

Rose quartz’s energy is very calm, gentle, and compassionate. It is truly a stone of love, all sorts of love. If one is feeling the need to feel loved or if they are wanting to project compassion towards another person, rose quartz is the way to go.

Green Aventurine

How To Best Find And Use The Right Healing Crystals For You!

Green Aventurine is a healing stone of all kinds because is has great vitality. If one needs healing with anything, finances, friends, health, growth, or confidence, this is the stone to have in one’s arsenal.


How To Best Find And Use The Right Healing Crystals For You!

Amethyst is a great stone of protection & purification. Its also known to enhance intuition & helps with the release of addictions. Basically, it is a great crystal to have around. It is always needed.

How to Pick the Perfect Crystals for You

Once one has decided what crystals they need, now it is time to pick the right ones. Certain crystals will work better for some people, but not so well for others.

Here are 3 steps one should follow to find the right crystals for them!

1. Set an Intention

Before starting the process to find a crystal or gemstone, set an intention. This means one should speak aloud or inside about what crystal or gemstone they are hoping to find. For example, “Thank you amethyst for becoming my next gemstone. Please reveal yourself to me.”

2. Follow the Senses

We have the physical senses and the intuitive senses. Physical senses include sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste. The intuitive senses include clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairaudience (clear hearing), clairsentience (clear feeling), clairalience (clear smelling), clairgustance (clear tasting), and claircognizance (clear knowing). (Oprah) Use all of these to pick the perfect stone.

3. Wait for a Feeling

Sometimes a crystal or gemstone will just stand out to a person. If a stone keeps on grabbing one’s attention, it might be the right one. Also, some stones will vibrate or give off a form of energy when held by the right person. Feel for this.

from:    http://in5d.com/how-to-best-find-and-use-the-right-healing-crystals-for-you/

Cellular Consciousness & Healing

Your Cells Are Listening: How Talking To Your Body Can Help You Heal

By Therese Wade, MScWake Up World where this was originally featured.

“Every part of your body has its own consciousness or its own soul.” These transformative words, spoken by indigenous medicine women, began my journey within to discover the extraordinary healing capacity of the human body.

When this perspective was introduced to me, I was suffering from a severe chronic pain disorder. I suddenly imagined incorporating this concept into my meditation routine. I thought: Can my body hear me? Can I talk to it to gain its cooperation in healing this condition?

That night, after reaching a state of deep calm through meditation, I inwardly engaged my body in a heartfelt conversation, with hope, but having no idea what to expect. After about one hour of this focused communication, something amazing happened. My tissues began to respond. Connective tissue pulled and stretched apart layers of scar tissue. Nerves fired and my calf muscles began to perform flexion and extension exercises independently of my conscious control. As this response continued, one of my calf muscles that had become paralyzed by the neuropathic condition — diagnosed as Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy — came back to life as electric-like jolts shot through the area.

My heart pounded as I realized that the path to my freedom from this condition had finally begun. With a background in acupuncture and Oriental medicine, I knew too well how prevalent chronic pain is in this country and I wondered what the implications of this phenomenon could mean to so many others who were suffering. As I continued to make progress with my condition, I organized my approach into a system that I could teach to clients and shifted my professional focus to hypnotherapy.

When instructing my clients, I explain that a regular meditation practice is necessary to train the brain to enter alpha and theta brain wave states. While in these states, communication between the conscious mind and the physical body is dramatically enhanced. I have found that when communicating, there are three key steps to gaining the cooperation of the body:

  • Approach your body with genuine compassion, understanding that it is made up of conscious cells who experience emotions.
  • Build trust by engaging your body in positive mental conversations about your desire for the two of you to cooperate and overcome the ailment.
  • Allow changes in the conversation by using different thoughts and words that elicit spontaneous elevated emotions.

From my experience, the above guidelines are necessary to achieve dynamic healing responses in the body. I recently came across a very similar set of factors that were discovered by researcher Cleve Backster, who spent 36 years studying biocommunication in plant, animal and human cells. He referred to these factors as real intent, attunement, and spontaneity.[1]

Backster, formerly an interrogation specialist for the CIA, wrote about the defining moment which led him to his real work in this world, in his book Primary Perception. [2] This moment occurred one February morning in 1966 when he decided to monitor the Dracaena Fragrans plant in his lab utilizing polygraph equipment. He attached the electrodes to a leaf and began to think about ways that he might induce a surge in electrical activity in the plant. In humans this surge in electrical activity is associated with intense emotions. He suddenly imagined burning the electroded leaf. The same instant this idea entered his mind, the polygraph pen shot to the top of the chart showing an extreme reaction on the part of the plant. Amazed, he walked to his secretary’s desk to retrieve a set of matches while pondering the possibility that this plant was somehow detecting the force of human intention.

When he returned with the matches, the plant was still showing the same high level reaction which would interfere with tracking additional changes on the chart. Backster decided to “remove the threat” by returning the matches to the desk. At this point, the chart displayed a downward trend as the plant apparently began to calm down. [3] When Backster attempted to repeat the same results by pretending that he was going to burn the plant, there was no reaction. The plant seemed to sense the difference between real and artificial intent. He eventually discovered that plants become attuned to their primary care takers, responding to both their positive and negative emotions and to their return after being away for a time. [4] Chart findings also showed that plants prioritize the emotions of their primary care takers over the emotions of others nearby.

Backster later expanded his research to include testing human cells for signs of consciousness. He collected white blood cells from human donors, electroded them in a test tube and then recorded the cells’ reactions as the donors experienced different emotional states. He found that spontaneous emotions were necessary in order to elicit an electrical reaction in the cells. For instance, if a donor forced herself to feel an emotion, the cells would not respond. However, when she received a distressing phone call from her daughter, the cells reacted significantly.

He noted that distance seemed to be irrelevant in these experiments. For example, a donor left his electroded cells behind in the lab, then kept a detailed log of any stressful emotions experienced on his trip home to another state, such as missing a turn on the freeway, standing in a long line at the airport, and the take-off of his plane. Later, his logged incidents compared with the chart recording showed strong correlations between the timing of the stressful events and the electrical reactions in his cells. The chart became quiet again when he arrived home and went to sleep. [6]

These experiments were conducted while using equipment that screened out electromagnetic radiation — the usual energies used for information transmission. The cells behaved as if the screens weren’t there, suggesting that this communication is carried by a field still unidentified by conventional science. [7] Some scientists believe that the further development of quantum physics may help guide us to understand this field that communicates emotional intent between living things. [8] Quantum Entanglement is a process where two particles of matter which have interacted with each other, still behave as if they are connected after being separated by many miles. When an energetic change is made to the properties (position, momentum and rotational spin) of one of the particles, the properties of the other distant particle will change at the same instant.

This scientific phenomenon and the research of Cleve Backster, point to the Eastern concept of oneness — the view that all of nature is interdependent. Ancient cultures understood this interconnection as a living universal energy field that sustains life while guiding the evolution of consciousness throughout the universe. The meditation techniques involved in my practice bring the mind into attunement with this field. Energy from this field is then focused into a physical healing event through clear intention — delivered by means of a conversation that evokes spontaneous emotions — and attunes the physical body to the conscious mind. This method which I call Antara (Sanskrit for within), enables one to experience the raw creative healing ability generated by an alliance of the mind and body with this living universal energy field.

from:   http://themindunleashed.org/2015/12/your-cells-are-listening-how-talking-to-your-body-can-help-you-heal.html

Food, Nutrition, & Inner Knowing

Heard of the Glycemic Index? Forget About It!

Heard of the Glycemic Index? Forget About It!

Originally published on Kelly Brogan MD.

With nutrition and wellness information omnipresent, it is important that we follow our inner guide and discover what works for us as individuals.

Forget about the Glycemic Index

We are so saturated with information. With stimulus. With advice. With authoritative edicts on health. A chain of gurus have come before me seeking to guide patients into the light of wellness. People are blinded by it, however. They feel confused, skeptical, and disenfranchised. And then they default to consensus and conformity around FDA standards of disease-care. There is a better way.

It involves awakening your inner guru. Getting in touch with your own inner compass.

This is necessary because there is no one just like you out there. No one has walked your path, accumulated your exposures. Grown and changed in response in quite the same way.

Modern medicine doesn’t acknowledge the vital importance of biochemical individuality. About how we are a unique collective of organisms, an ecology within that is connected to an environment without like a snowflake in a winter sky.

So, it only stands to reason that we would interact with our environments uniquely, and support ourselves through nature in a personal way. Nutrition is, perhaps, our most intimate dance with the living ecosystem of this planet.

Weston A. Price tried to tell us about individualized diets. Francis Pottenger tried to tell us about individualized diets. Dr. Nick Gonzalez tried to tell us about individualized diet. They were, in many ways, speaking a Truth that we weren’t quite ready to receive.

This is because we have been programmed, for decades to believe in an automated universe – one that could be explained neatly through scientific cause and effect – and one that interfaced with our robotic bodies in predictable ways. In this model, nature is “mostly stupid” as Alan Watts would say, in that it could be easily mastered and put in its place of subservience. Germs are tedious annoyances out to get us. Diseases are mistakes. Medications and vaccines are applied to one and all. And food is caloric fuel for our body machines.

When you look at food as part of our relationship with the living world beyond our skin, you understand that it is information, energetic, and complex in ways that we don’t have mechanisms to understand. This is why reductionist concepts like the “glycemic index” have always struck me as a misguided construct.

Now we have a brilliant study, perhaps one of the first of its kind, that decimates this false flag of nutrition consciousness. Published in Cell, an Israeli group of researchers followed 800 people with a prescribed diet for one week, assessing biological parameters from blood sugar to their microbiota. What they uncovered was a clear signal of Truth: the same foods affect different people differently!

Even obese, diabetic patients following formal dietary recommendations for a “healthy diet” found surprising information on the effects of foods such as tomatoes on their blood sugar. Of course, we know that there is more to the benefits of a diet than its benevolent relationship to blood sugar. We know that microbiota have a meaningful role in the metabolism and impact of foods on the body, and that food can directly impact the microbiota, enhancing strains required for its digestion.

We also know that the autonomic nervous system and associated individualized differences in pancreatic innervation can dictate whether one person thrives on a high carb (whole food) diet and another tanks on it. I’ll never forget the feeling of shattered nutrition dogma when Dr. Gonzalez discussed with me a patient of his whose insulin-dependent diabetes had resolved on a prescribed high carb vegetarian diet complete with multiple glasses of carrot juice daily. (We will be publishing this case soon!)

In summary, the Cell article authors state:

“Measuring such a large cohort without any prejudice really enlightened us on how inaccurate we all were about one of the most basic concepts of our existence, which is what we eat and how we integrate nutrition into our daily life.”

Because nutrition is one of the most basic concepts, our confusion is emblematic of how far we have come from intuitive living. This is why, the most profound healing involves a transformation of consciousness, a reclaiming of agency, a connectedness to the inner and out communities we thrive with, and a relationship to intuition.


I ask my patients, after 30 days of a whole foods, organic diet, to begin to observe their preferences for pastured red meat, fruit, and leafy greens. This observation requires mindfulness around eating and a daily practice of meditation (even a couple of minutes!) to clear the clutter so that you can actually feel what is best rather than reacting from your head. Because you are your own best healer.

from:    http://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/heard-glycemic-index-forget-about-it-1?page=2

The Healing Power of the MInd

12 Stories To Make You Believe In The Power Of Your Mind To Heal You

October 2, 2015 

12 Stories To Make You Believe In The Power Of Your Mind To Heal You

by Dr. Lissa Rankin,

My book Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof That You Can Heal Yourself is full of data scientifically proving that the mind can heal—or harm—the body. But data can be dry, and sometimes what resonates most deeply within our souls are stories. So sit back, grab a cup of tea, and let’s have story time. I’m going to tell you a few true stories that will demonstrate to you how powerfully the mind affects your physiology.

1. Mr. Wright

As reported by Bruno Klopfer in the Journal of Projective Techniques in 1957, Dr. West was treating Mr. Wright, who had an advanced cancer called lymphosarcoma. All treatments had failed, and time was running out. Mr. Wright’s neck, chest, abdomen, armpits, and groin were filled with tumors the size of oranges, his spleen and liver were enlarged, and his cancer was causing his chest to fill up with two quarts of milky fluid every day, which had to be drained in order for him to breathe. Dr. West didn’t expect him to last a week.

But Mr. Wright desperately wanted to live, and he hung his hope on a promising new drug called Krebiozen. He begged his doctor to treat him with the new drug, but the drug was only being offered in clinical trials to people who were believed to have at least three months left to live. Mr. Wright was too sick to qualify.

But Mr. Wright didn’t give up. Knowing the drug existed and believing the drug would be his miracle cure, he pestered his doc until Dr. West reluctantly gave in and injected him with Krebiozen on a Friday.

To his utter shock, the following Monday, Dr. West found his patient walking around out of bed. Mr. Wright’s “tumor masses had melted like snowballs on a hot stove” and were half their original size. Ten days after the first dose of Krebiozen, Mr. Wright left the hospital, apparently cancer free.

Mr. Wright was rockin’ and rollin,’ praising Krebiozen as a miracle drug for two months until the scientific literature began reporting that Krebiozen didn’t seem to be effective. Mr. Wright, who trusted what he read in the literature, fell into a deep depression, and his cancer came back.

This time, Dr. West, who genuinely wanted to help save his patient, decided to get sneaky. He told Mr. Wright—that some of the initial supplies of the drug had deteriorated during shipping, making them less effective, but that he scored a new batch of highly concentrated, ultra-pure Krebiozen, which he could give him. (Of course, this was a bold-faced lie.)

Dr. West then injected Mr. Wright with nothing but distilled water. And a seemingly miraculous thing happened—again. The tumors melted away, the fluid in his chest disappeared, and Mr. Wright was feeling great again for another two months.

Then the American Medical Association blew it by announcing that a nationwide study of Krebiozen proved that the drug was utterly worthless. This time, Mr. Wright lost all faith in his treatment. His cancer came right back, and he died two days later.

2. The Hexed Girls

As described by George Engel in the Annals of Internal Medicine, Baltimore Case Study Number 469861 was an African American woman born 22 years earlier on Friday the 13th in the Okefenokee Swamp near the Georgia-Florida border. She was the third of three girls delivered that day by a midwife who proclaimed that all three girls, born on such a fateful day, were hexed. The first, she announced, would die before her 16th birthday. The second would not survive her 21st. And the patient in question was told she would die before her 23rd birthday.

The first two girls died within one day of their 16th and 21st birthdays, respectively. The third woman, terrified that she would die on her 23rd birthday, showed up at the hospital the day before her birthday, hyperventilating. Soon afterwards, before she turned 23, she died, proving the midwife’s predictions correct.

3. The Blind Women of Khmer Rouge

As described in Anne Harrington’s The Cure Within, 200 cases of blindness were reported in a group of Cambodian women forced by the Khmer Rouge to witness the torture and slaughter of those close to them, particularly the men in their lives. Examination of these women found nothing physically wrong with their eyes. The conclusion those trying to help them came to was that by being forced to view the unbearable, “they had all cried until they could not see.”

4. Multiple Personalities With Different Health Issues

Anthony Robbin’s Unlimited Power : The New Science Of Personal Achievement describes a case of a psychiatric patient with a split personality. One of her personalities was diabetic, while another was not. Her blood sugars would be normal when she was in her non-diabetic personality, but then when she shifted into her diabetic alter ego, her blood sugars rose, and all medical evidence demonstrated that she was diabetic. When her personality flipped back to the non-diabetic counterpart, her blood sugars normalized.

Psychiatrist Bennett Braun, author of The Treatment of Multiple Personality Disorder, describes the case of Timmy, who also had multiple personalities. One personality was allergic to orange juice, and when this personality drank orange juice, Timmy would break into blistering hives. However, another personality was able to drink orange juice uneventfully. If the allergic personality was in the midst of an allergy attack and he shifted back to the non-allergic personality, the hives would disappear instantly.

5. Stamatis Moraitis

Stamatis Moraitis was a Greek war veteran who was living in the United States when he was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer and told he had only 9 months to live. He was offered aggressive treatment, but after 9 doctors apparently assured him that it wouldn’t save his life, he decided to save his money, decline treatment, and move with his wife back to his native Ikaria, a Greek island where he could be buried with his ancestors in a graveyard overlooking the Aegean Sea.

He and his wife moved into a small house on a vineyard with his elderly parents, where he reconnected with his faith and started going to his old church. When his friends got wind of the fact that Stamatis was back home, they showed up with bottles of wine, books, and board games to entertain him and keep him company. He planted vegetables in a garden, basked in sunshine, savored the salty air, and relished in his love for his wife.

Six months passed, and not only did he not die, he was actually feeling better than ever. He started working in the untended vineyard during the day, making himself useful, and in the evenings, he’d play dominos with friends. He took a lot of naps, rarely looked at a watch, and spent a lot of time outdoors. At one point, 25 years after his diagnosis, Stamatis went back to the United States to ask his doctors what had happened. Apparently, the doctors were all dead. Stamatis finally died this year in Ikaria. He was 102 years old.

6. Anita Moorjani

In her book Dying To Be Me: My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing, Anita Moorjani tells the story of how she was dying of end stage Stage 4 lymphoma when she experienced the classic “white light” near death experience many have described. As she traveled to the other side, she was able to look down upon her loved ones, even though some of them were not in the same room with her. Her heart was filled with a feeling of profound unconditional love, and she was happy to be free of her dying, tumor-riddled body.

Then she was told that she had a choice. She could stay in the white light and die, or she could go back and share her story with others. She didn’t want to come back. Her body had been in so much pain, and her soul had been suffering. But she was told that if she came back, her cancer would be cured. She believed what she was told, and felt called to come back so she could share her experience.

Anita’s cancer was gone within several weeks. This all happened under the care of her bewildered doctors, who documented her spontaneous remission. Anita is now on the Hay House speaking circuit with me, spreading the message that death is nothing to fear. I will get to hug her this weekend at Hay House’s I Can Do It conference in Pasadena.

7. Hope heals

As described by Dr. Bernie Siegel in Love, Medicine and Miracles, a chemotherapy regimen called “EPOCH” was being studied in a research protocol for efficacy. Most of the study centers were reporting consistent results—some benefit from the chemotherapy, but nothing earth-shattering. But one study center was getting dramatically better results, so the research team investigated. What were they doing differently?

Turns out the doctor in the center with better results had renamed the chemotherapy regimen. Instead of telling his patients they were getting EPOCH, he rearranged the letters and dosed them with HOPE.

8. Fake surgery heals knees

In an article in The New England Journal of Medicine, Dr. Bruce Moseley, an orthopedic surgeon renowned for the knee surgeries he performed on people with debilitating knee pain, reported about a brilliant study he designed to prove that his signature knee surgery was more effective than others.

The patients in one group of the study got Dr. Moseley’s famous surgery. The other group of patients underwent an elaborately crafted sham surgery, during which the patient was sedated, three incisions were made in the same location as those getting the real surgery, and the patient was shown a prerecorded tape of someone else’s surgery on the video monitor. Dr. Moseley even splashed water around to mimic the sound of the lavage procedure. Then he sewed the knee back up without actually doing anything.

As expected, one third of the patients getting the real surgery experienced resolution of their knee pain. But what really shocked the researchers was that those getting the sham surgery had the same result! In fact, at one point in the study, those getting the sham surgery were actually having less knee pain than those getting the real surgery, probably because they didn’t undergo the trauma of the surgery.

What did Dr. Moseley’s patients think about the study results? As one World War II veteran who benefited from Dr. Moseley’s placebo knee surgery said, “The surgery was two years ago and the knee has never bothered me since. It’s just like my other knee now.”

9. Fake surgery heals chest pain

In the past, ligation of the internal mammary artery in the chest was considered standard treatment for angina. The thought was that, if you blocked blood flow through the internal mammary artery in the chest, you’d shunt more blood to the heart and relieve the symptoms people experience when they’re not getting enough coronary blood flow. Surgeons performed this procedure for decades, and almost all of the patients experienced improvement in their symptoms. But were they really responding to the ligation of the internal mammary artery? Or were their bodies responding to the belief that the surgery would be helpful?

On a quest to find out the answer, one study compared angina patients who got their internal mammary arteries ligated with patients who underwent a surgical procedure during which an incision was made on the chest wall, but the artery itself was not ligated. What happened? 71% of those subjected to the sham surgery got better, whereas only 67% of those who got the real surgery improved.

10. What you believe affects your life expectancy

Researchers in San Diego examined the death records of almost 30,000 Chinese-Americans and compared them to over 400,000 randomly selected white people. What they found was that Chinese-Americans, but not whites, die significantly earlier than normal (by as much as 5 years) if they have a combination of disease and birth year which Chinese astrology and Chinese medicine consider ill-fated.

The researchers found that the more strongly the Chinese-Americans attached to traditional Chinese traditions, the earlier they died. When they examined the data, they concluded that the reduction in life expectancy could not be explained by genetic factors, the lifestyle choices or behavior of the patient, the skill of the doctor, or any other variable.

Why did the Chinese-Americans die younger? The researchers concluded that they die younger not because they have Chinese genes, but because they have Chinese beliefs. They believe they will die younger because the stars have hexed them. And their negative belief manifests as a shorter life.

11. Generosity is potent medicine

After 9 heart surgeries, Andy Mackie’s doctors had him on 15 medications, but the side effects made him miserable. So he decided to stop all his medications and spend his remaining days feeling as good as he could. His doctors said he would die within a year, so Andy decided to do something he had always wanted to do. He decided to use the money he would have spent on his heart medicines to buy 300 harmonicas for children, with lessons. And when he didn’t die the next month, he bought a few hundred more. Thirteen years and 20,000 harmonicas later, Andy Mackie finally passed away.

12. The mind affects hair growth

Thirty percent of patients who thought they were getting chemotherapy but were actually getting nothing but saline lost their hair. And bald men in the Rogaine trials who were getting nothing but sugar pills grew hair. Go figure.

Still Not Convinced? I have zero attachment to converting skeptics of mind-body medicine into believers. I’m just a curious scientist who can’t ignore the evidence that the mind is more powerful that we yet understand. If you’re curious like me, read more evidence of the mind’s power to heal the body in Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof That You Can Heal Yourself or watch my Public Television special Heal Yourself: Mind Over Medicine (watch the trailer and check listings here.


Fear as a Morphogenetic Field

Collective Trauma: The Morphogenetic Field of Fear

The following is excerpted from the upcoming book Terra Nova: Global Revolution and the Healing of Love.

Behind the crisis of our time hides the core crisis of human relationships. Behind the atrocious massacres, which are currently epitomized in Syria, hides a collective soul pattern, which seems to be consistent on all continents. It is a pattern of fear. In the background of our civilization lies the morphogenetic field of fear. From this field arise horrific forms of cruelty that are actually attempts to kill off one’s own inner fear. If we want to generate lasting peace on Earth we need to transform this pattern of fear into a basic pattern of trust. This is easily said but the fear is deeply anchored within our cells. It has become a firm component of our genetic and physiological makeup; it operates as an unconscious reflex. “Fear has to vanish from the Earth,” Mikhail Gorbachev said. I do not know if he knew the profundity of this statement, however he named the deepest and most comprehensive goal we face today if we want to give a humane direction to evolution. The goal of healing work is to enable a life free from fear. The morphogenetic field of fear needs to be replaced entirely by a morphogenetic field of trust.

Fear is the result of the last millennia. Walter Schubart, in his book Religion und Eros, wrote that there is an original fear at the base of all psychological suffering – the fear of separation. It is the fear of separation that prompts us toward the most insane acts. Separation from our home, family, love partner, group – is there not something that is the same in all these fears, a primal fear of separation? It is difficult to convey the deepest, most primal layers of the soul in words. Time and again, generation after generation, the human being has been separated from that which his original nature most loves, what he loves like a child, simply because he is human, a breathing, sensual, living being. We have fallen away from the oneness and are not finding the way back. We live in “banishment,” as Friedrich Weinreb put it. Healing would thus mean reconnecting humanity with its actual home. This is the entelechial direction of our evolution at present – reintegrating the human world into its original home in life, in love, within the precepts of the Sacred Matrix.

Fear is not a private problem; it is the psychological consequence of a civilization gone awry. It arose in the collective cruelties of humanity. The task of global peace work entails the dissolution of the collective trauma, which accumulated in the collective subconscious of humanity throughout thousands of years of war and expulsion, treachery and betrayal.

Do we know that our entire culture, our states and nations have originated from war? Every one of today’s states exists on conquered land on which there were once indigenous people; there were faithful people, love couples, and playing children. The United States of America needed to eradicate native tribes and enslave millions of Africans to be able to build their nation. Truly these are not good conditions for building a humane civilization. The economy of western countries is fueled by, among other things, the weapon industry and arms trade. This is how normal war has become; how thoughtlessly we have become accustomed to it! War has become a fixture of our society. We live in a “war society” which economically cannot afford peace. If our western societies were to abandon the war economy, millions would lose employment. They could all help to establish a new peace-based economy.

Our civilization is dominated by a profound idiocy, a veritable disease of mind and spirit. It does not fit within life’s plan for people to willfully shoot at each other; this is not coherent with the code of a humane world. War is the result of an inconceivable aberration. When it is claimed that war has “always existed,” we respond that it is time to end this historic insanity. As of now, war must have no place in human culture just as jealousy has no place in love. Have we really needed thousands of years to discover this simple truth? It will be unfathomable to our descendants that people have killed each other out of jealousy. They will understand even less how people could have shot at each other and perpetrated far worse cruelties. It is no use referring to the violence in the animal kingdom or to quote Heraclitus, “War is father of all things.”[i] Such reasoning rests on the assumption that the world should remain as it has “always been.” Those who argue thus fail to see the Creator’s power within humankind and the potential for transfiguration. We are certainly not the product of the past, nor are we determined by natural laws. We are the creators of our lives. We have the freedom and the task to build a better world and it will function if it corresponds to the rules of the Sacred Matrix. Here I want to quote Satprem, a student of the Indian philosopher Sri Aurobindo and the Mother from Auroville. He writes,

After breaking through all those evolutionary layers, you suddenly emerge, in the depths of the body, into something where the old laws of the world no longer have power. And you realize that their power was nothing but a huge collective suggestion and an old habit. But just a habit! There are no “laws”; there are only fossilized habits. And the whole process is to break through those habits. (…) But that state has to come to a point when it’s experienced spontaneously and naturally by the body, which means freeing it of all its conditioning. Then you emerge into something fantastic. But really fantastic! Although I suppose that the first gliding of a bird in the air also was fantastic. Yet there was a moment when an old reptile took off and became a bird.[ii]

There are no ready-made laws and no ultimate physical laws pertaining to our bodies. There are only entrenched behavioral habits and there is a freedom within ourselves that enables us to rise to a higher form of life.

When we shed light on the vileness encapsulated within the word “war,” we see the pictures of horror stored in the inherited memory of humankind, pictures of mass murder, mutilation, fleeing, and hunger. These experiences have repeated generation after generation, over hundreds and thousands of years. They have been deeply carved into humanity’s genetic memory. Our collective human soul is burdened with this nightmare.

There is buried within us all a traumatic shell; it can explode at any time. “Everyone has their Vietnam,” said Claude AnShin Thomas, a war veteran and Buddhist monk, who has wandered the world working for peace.[iii] What is currently happening in the outbursts of violence – in gang fights and youth prisons, in schools, neighborhoods, football stadiums, and torture chambers – is the consequence of a global trauma that will continually repeat until the root causes are eradicated once and for all.

Originating from a long history of war, these horrific images form the traumatic core of humanity. This traumatic core exercises a subconscious tyranny over the basements of the soul, fires images of fear into our organism, betrays love, ridicules faith, produces patterns of negative interpretation of all events, and fights people who think differently. It produces erroneous notions of disease and healing; it steers our psychosomatic processes, our perceptions, and reflexes, our hormones, our nerve function, and muscle contractions. We are subconsciously attuned to the informational matrix of the trauma. We live in the subconscious scenario of omnipresent danger against which we need to defend ourselves. The world appears to be an anonymous jury before which we need to protect and justify ourselves. There is a collective feeling of being judged. Behind all psychological malformation, all forms of neurosis and psychopathy, hides the big collective trauma, a disease affecting the entire human race.

I want to quote Eckhart Tolle. He refers to the collective trauma as the “pain- body.” He writes,

This energy field of old but still very much alive emotion that lives in almost every human being is the pain-body. The pain-body, however, is not just individual in nature. It also partakes of the pain suffered by countless humans throughout the history of humanity, which is a history of continuous tribal warfare, of enslavement, pillage, rape, torture, and other forms of violence. This pain still lives in the collective psyche of humanity and is being added to on a daily basis, as you can verify when you watch the news tonight or look at the drama in people’s relationships.[iv]

We have grown accustomed to horrific news; it has enveloped us in fog. In the moment of awakening, a strange thought hits us: Can it all be true? Have we really participated in it? And, how do we get out? It is barely possible to see through the mechanisms inherent within the existing society and still continue walking the old path. Do we have to step out? If so, how? Where to? In order to be able to step out, we need an alternative to step into. It does not yet exist in its finished form, but arises through the creation of centers for cultural transformation, birthplaces of a new Earth. The collaboration of hundreds, thousands, millions is now needed for building the new structures, new working places, and new professions required for creating Terra Nova. All those who still have a meaningful function in the existing society may use it for setting the course toward Terra Nova. The revolution needs not only radical activists but also mediators between the old and new world.

In the wake of the great trauma, disturbances emerge in interpersonal communication. In almost all cases, they run according to a similar pattern of subconscious belief sentences that constantly perpetuate the latent subliminal war among people.

I want to name three examples:

  1. Many people live in the subconsciously imagined situation of not being accepted by others. Consequently, they interpret the reactions of those they speak with from this vantage point. A compliment can thus be heard as ironic, a pensive gaze as judgment, a question as aggression, a good suggestion as criticism, and so on. This is how severe interference emerges beneath the surface of our contacts; this is seldom understood and can lead us all the way to hatred. In many political discussion groups one witnesses conversations that become increasingly long and meaningless, for they are steered by the distress of subconscious beliefs that have absolutely nothing to do with the objective issue at hand. Such neurotic interpretation patterns become especially dire in love relationships. Once two lovers have worked themselves into the noose of such misunderstandings there is rarely a way out because any rational possibility for correction is shut down. How many relationships fail due to the injuries partners inflict upon each other from within the interpretation pattern of non-acceptance? And once they are really at odds with each other the assumption of non-acceptance finds obvious confirmation. This is a stark example of a self-fulfilling prophecy. The neurotic then has every reason to see his delusion as reality. He defends himself against everything that could heal him. In fact this is a fundamental problem of our society – a deep psychologically anchored defense against anything that could heal.
  2. A second example, closely related to the first, is the fear of separation in love. As a result of the great trauma many people live with the conviction of not being loved. When they have found a love partner they still tacitly do not believe in his or her love and therefore live in latent mistrust and latent fear of loss. They therefore do everything to prevent separation, which is exactly how they invoke actual danger of separation. For the strategies one enacts within the fear of separation – such as clinging, whining, complaining, blackmailing, etcetera – are not conducive to love. As a therapist, I have witnessed this pernicious pattern of self-fulfilling prophecy to be present in almost all love relationships. It is not easy to believe in love within a society whose sexual laws force most people to lie to their partner. The therapeutic response ultimately consists of building a community where no one has to lie anymore.
  3. An astonishing example of the impact of subconscious paradigms is provided in the history of the First World War. All nations that started the war – Germany, Austria-Hungary, Russia, and France – lived under the expectation of immanent attack by one of the others – a typical relict of the great historic trauma. Historians agree that there was no rational reason for war. It was a psychological theater beyond compare. One could have performed it on stage with humor, had not approximately fifteen million people died. This is a classic example of the psychopathological background to global politics so long as it is directed by people that have not resolved their subconscious trauma.

I am trained as a psychoanalyst and have actually never left this profession, but I have continued, deepened, and refined it over almost forty years of group work. In order to understand what happens among human beings, I needed to get to know many layers of the soul: the conscious and unconscious, open and suppressed, biographic and karmic layers. I have gotten to know more than a hundred groups and projects and have seen how the same basic patterns of neurosis recur everywhere in similar form. I myself have been my best research object; bit-by-bit the psychological processes, the habitual reactions and disguises, the suppressed images and impulses, which comprise the totality of the subliminal war of our times, revealed themselves. The war was also latently in me. However, there was an inner point from which I could recognize and correct my neuroses. We call it the “God Point” in the human being. It is the inner point of reflection from which we receive direct feedback that enables us to remain on the entelechial track. I assume that it exists in all people. It is implicit then that everyone would be able to recognize their mental incapacity and live a responsible life.

A very important condition for successful global healing work is the dissolution of the traumatic core. With this realization we stand outside of all historic revolutionary concepts. We need ways of living that enable us to overcome our horrible heritage. Generating such ways of living is the crucial topic of our time. One immediately understands that a phenomenon is addressed here that can neither be solved by political revolution nor by individual therapy. We need collective solutions, a healing of the psychological foundations.

From our many years of healing work, we know how difficult it is to dissolve the psychological consequences of this trauma. The groups currently standing on the political and human frontlines need an extensive knowledge of life and its healing powers if they are to withstand the conflict. We can activate the powers of healing with every action. The work in the new centers is largely and fundamentally consciousness work. It requires collective training to continuously choose the positive side. The old field of anger and fear has to be transformed, through an historic effort, to a field of trust and love. We have to do this with all our strength, in collaboration with all peace groups and projects worldwide, until the information of peace has become firmly absorbed into the genetic system of Homo sapiens.

from:    http://realitysandwich.com/318607/collective-trauma-the-morphogenetic-field-of-fear/

Talk to Your Body for Healing

Your Cells Are Listening: How Talking To Your Body Helps You Heal


By Therese Wade 

“Every part of your body has its own consciousness or its own soul.” These transformative words, spoken by indigenous medicine women, began my journey within to discover the extraordinary healing capacity of the human body.

When this perspective was introduced to me, I was suffering from a severe chronic pain disorder. I suddenly imagined incorporating this concept into my meditation routine. I thought, Can my body hear me…can I talk to it to gain its cooperation in healing this condition?

That night, after reaching a state of deep calm through meditation, I inwardly engaged my body in a heartfelt conversation, with hope, but having no idea what to expect. After about one hour of this focused communication, something amazing happened. My tissues began to respond. Connective tissue pulled and stretched apart layers of scar tissue. Nerves fired and my calf muscles began to perform flexion and extension exercises independently of my conscious control. As this response continued, one of my calf muscles that had become paralyzed by the neuropathic condition — diagnosed as Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy — came back to life as electric-like jolts shot through the area.

My heart pounded as I realized that the path to my freedom from this condition had finally begun. With a background in acupuncture and Oriental medicine, I knew too well how prevalent chronic pain is in this country and I wondered what the implications of this phenomenon could mean to so many others who were suffering. As I continued to make progress with my condition, I organized my approach into a system that I could teach to clients and shifted my professional focus to hypnotherapy.

When instructing my clients, I explain that a regular meditation practice is necessary to train the brain to enter alpha and theta brain wave states. While in these states, communication between the conscious mind and the physical body is dramatically enhanced. I have found that when communicating, there are three key steps to gaining the cooperation of the body:

  • Approach your body with genuine compassion, understanding that it is made up of conscious cells who experience emotions.
  • Build trust by engaging your body in mental conversations about your desire for the two of you to cooperate and overcome the ailment.
  • Allow changes in the conversation by using different thoughts and words that elicit spontaneous elevated emotions.

From my experience, the above guidelines are necessary to achieve dynamic healing responses in the body. I recently came across a very similar set of factors that were discovered by researcher Cleve Backster, who spent 36 years studying biocommunication in plant, animal and human cells. He referred to these factors as real intent, attunement, and spontaneity.[1]

Backster, formerly an interrogation specialist for the CIA, wrote about the defining moment which led him to his real work in this world, in his book Primary Perception.[2] This moment occurred one February morning in 1966 when he decided to monitor the Dracaena plant in his lab utilizing polygraph equipment. He attached the electrodes to a leaf and began to think about ways that he might induce a surge in electrical activity in the plant. In humans this surge in electrical activity is associated with intense emotions. He suddenly imagined burning the electroded leaf. The same instant this idea entered his mind, the polygraph pen shot to the top of the chart showing an extreme reaction on the part of the plant. Amazed, he walked to his secretary’s desk to retrieve a set of matches while pondering the possibility that this plant was somehow detecting the force of human intention.

When he returned with the matches, the plant was still showing the same high level reaction which would interfere with tracking additional changes on the chart. Backster decided to “remove the threat” by returning the matches to the desk. At this point, the chart displayed a downward trend as the plant apparently began to calm down.[3] When Backster attempted to repeat the same results by pretending that he was going to burn the plant, there was no reaction. The plant seemed to sense the difference between real and artificial intent. He eventually discovered that plants become attuned to their primary care takers, responding to both their positive and negative emotions and to their return after being away for a time.[4] Chart findings also showed that plants prioritize the emotions of their primary care takers over the emotions of others nearby.

Backster later expanded his research to include testing human cells for signs of consciousness. He collected white blood cells from human donors, electroded them in a test tube and then recorded the cells’ reactions as the donors experienced different emotional states. He found that spontaneous emotions were necessary in order to elicit an electrical reaction in the cells. For instance, if a donor forced herself to feel an emotion, the cells would not respond. However, when she received a distressing phone call from her daughter, the cells reacted significantly.[5]

He noted that distance seemed to be irrelevant in these experiments. For example, a donor left his electroded cells behind in the lab, then kept a detailed log of any stressful emotions experienced on his trip home to another state, such as missing a turn on the freeway, standing in a long line at the airport, and the take-off of his plane. Later, his logged incidents compared with the chart recording showed strong correlations between the timing of the stressful events and the electrical reactions in his cells. The chart became quiet again when he arrived home and went to sleep.[6]

These experiments were conducted while using equipment that screened out electromagnetic radiation — the usual energies used for information transmission. The cells behaved as if the screens weren’t there, suggesting that this communication is carried by a field still unidentified by conventional science.[7] Some scientists believe that the further development of quantum physics may help guide us to understand this field that communicates emotional intent between living things.[8] Quantum Entanglement is a process where two particles of matter which have interacted with each other, still behave as if they are connected after being separated by many miles. When an energetic change is made to the properties (position, momentum and rotational spin) of one of the particles, the properties of the other distant particle will change at the same instant.

This scientific phenomenon and the research of Cleve Backster, point to the Eastern concept of oneness — the view that all of nature is interdependent. Ancient cultures understood this interconnection as a living universal energy field that sustains life while guiding the evolution of consciousness throughout the universe. The meditation techniques involved in my practice bring the mind into attunement with this field. Energy from this field is then focused into a physical healing event through clear intention — delivered by means of a conversation that evokes spontaneous emotions — and attunes the physical body to the conscious mind. This method which I call Antara (Sanskrit for within), enables one to experience the raw creative healing ability generated by an alliance of the mind and body with this living universal energy field.

Therese Wade received her Master of Science Degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from Bastyr University in 2003. Her combined experience with Chinese medicine, shamanic studies, kundalini meditation and hypnotherapy are integrated within her approach to mind–body–spirit medicine. Please visit AntaraHealingArts.com for more information.

from:    http://expandedconsciousness.com/2015/09/10/your-cells-are-listening-how-talking-to-your-body-helps-you-heal/