Peggy Black on Claiming Your Power

Claim Your Super Powers

Story by: Peggy Black

We greet you beloved as together we witness the dawning of the new age. This new age, this new reality of consciousness is being called forth by you. You are the instrument, the conscious voice, the frequency and the vibration that is bringing about tremendous change around the world. You may shake your head in disappointment when you examine the Earth as it is now, for there is deep dysfunction still entrenched in the world. Discord is still being perpetuated, especially by the media and those who run that aspect of reality; it is their focus upon this discord that engages the collective matrix, and anyone who is still engaged in their own separate polarity will anchor the discord.

This is your personal opportunity to step into your power. You are being called forth to anchor a different reality, in which there is harmony and well-being. We continue to encourage each individual to realize that you personally can hold the vision, the emotional frequency of a reality that supports all life.  It is this awareness within each awakened individual that is truly calling forth a world in which there is peace within the hearts and minds of the collective.

You are not powerless. You are truly powerful beyond measure. Step into that realization, allow yourself to just imagine, even pretend, that you have these superpowers that allow you to offer the collective the opportunity to heal. Imagine that you have the superpowers to transform any event occurring in your reality. These superpowers are always used only for the highest and the best for all concerned. This is where your mastery is being activated. This is where you claim your magnificence as a multidimensional being.

Each time you hear or see some disharmony, immediately offer the quantum field of all possibilities a new and different scenario. Just imagine you are a multidimensional editor of the production that is being projected on the screen of reality. Imagine you can re-write the script. Imagine that you can re-write the outcome of any event, in your personal life or in the collective.

How would you orchestrate the news broadcast if anything were possible? Allow yourself to expand into the realms of light and truth in which the entire broadcast would be news of outstanding new inventions that offer solutions to your environment’s well-being, or the announcement of a phenomenal new discovery in the healing of your physical form. Allow yourself to imagine feeling and even expressing the excitement of the extraordinary unfolding news of peace taking place upon your planet.

Realize that your news broadcast invites and offers an opportunity for you to focus on a different outcome.  Imagine you could shift the situation or event being reported. Using your clear and focused consciousness, see and feel this different solution, call forth the vision, the intention, and the healing energy of transformation. This is your opportunity to use your conscious skills and alchemical mastery to co-create a new reality.

Play with this possibility that you can call forth a more harmonious, more loving, more conscious experience. Imagine your relationship with your family and loved ones, perceive in this imaginary reality that they are engaging you in a loving, conscious and supportive manner and envision yourself responding in a more loving manner to them in return.

If you have any troubles or trauma in your past, picture yourself traveling along the time line and editing that experience. Make sure when you edit any experience that it is in the highest form of healing for all concerned. You can use sounds to shift and transform this experience.

This is where it all begins, in the field of energy, the quantum field of all possibility. Your personal power is holding the vision, as well as the vibration and frequency until it manifests in physical form. You call forth these changes with what you offer to your vision, by using your thoughts, words, beliefs and emotions. If it feels impossible to do this from your present situation, we invite you to pretend, and exercise your superpowers to change and reconstruct any situation.

There is an intense shift taking place within the hearts and minds of all humans; some are resisting, some are confused, and some are celebrating these changes. Each individual is awakening to their true connection to the collective consciousness, they are beginning to recognize that all is one. When you shift an attitude or belief, it is felt in the collective matrix.

When you envision and incorporate compassion, love and appreciation in your heart frequency, you are adding this to the collective consciousness. You are imprinting the quantum field with your personal vibration of compassion, love and appreciation. You are claiming your superpowers as a multidimensional starbeing. You are claiming your personal connection to the Divine Source as a true focus and anchor of transformational energy. You are calling forth a new reality. Your energy frequency and your visional vibration are joining others of like mind and heart. Once these visions of life-sustaining energy gather in the infinite field of creation they become form, they are made manifest.

Each time you send forth a vision, a desire that is generated from the chalice of your heart’s awareness, it goes forth and joins similar vibrations and frequencies. This becomes a force of change as your energy field calls forth and anchors a new paradigm.

We honor and celebrate who you are as conscious divine multidimensional starbeings. You are truly making a difference in the lives of others each time you send forth your blessings of peace and compassion, you are uplifting the collective consciousness.  Each time you envision a different and more life-sustaining outcome you are literally bringing your vision into the world. Do not be discouraged; conceptualize and hold your visions with conviction. Allow your sixth senses of knowing to emerge. Allow yourself to step into your superpowers of co-creating a better world.

Call forth support and assistance from the realms of Light and Love. Invite this divine presence and spirit in all its magnificence to join you in the transformation and healing of all that is before you. Know that you are loved beyond measure.

Peggy BlackPeggy Black
Transducer, Scribe and Witness, is a world traveler and lecturer with thirty-five years experience in the healing field


Kingsley Dennis on the New Monastics


The past few years have left many of us waiting around for the ‘Next Big Thing’ – or some grand televised miracle to happen. The world has recently been filled to overflowing with doomsayers and images of breakdown, violence, and corruption. Many of us have been distracted, or sidelined, into indifference. We were told we lacked the power to make any lasting change. The early years of the 21st century were largely media-centered on insecurity; and this insecurity and fear was used by opportunistic governments to strengthen incumbent structures of authority.

Yet it is my view that 2014 will be a significant year in marking a shift in human relationships and thinking patterns. I feel we are going to see an increasing emergence of what I refer to as ‘disruptive innovators’; that is, individuals acting as unexpected change agents. It will be individuals, not governments, who will show a greater potential to catalyze transformation and change in the world. This is because real change occurs when the ‘anomalies’ (i.e., the change agents) become too numerous to be absorbed into the present system. That is why individuals and groups ‘doing their own thing’ are so important right now.

All great ideas and innovations began life as ‘disruptive’ from the periphery; from those people just ‘going it alone’ and following their instinct and motivation. That is why it is my view that 2014 will be an important year on the individual level rather than needing to look to global movements or grand action for change. A new model that is set to empower the coming changes is what I have referred to as the ‘new monastic’ model of action whereby individuals/groups get on and create new ways of doing things, without fanfare or large billboard announcements. Such ‘monastic work’, so to speak, often operates below the radar and is authentic through its activity rather than seeking visibility and attention. The ‘monastic worker’, in seeking change, chooses a way of life that has meaning and that can bring lasting change for those involved. Often the monastic worker strives for assisting change within their own communities. They are like ink dots on the blotting paper, slowly spreading their impact by diligent yet creative work. What makes this model not only more appealing today, but also much more effective, is the rise of global communications and distributed networks. Now, the hard-working monastics can connect, share, and collaborate.

Therefore, doing things our own way, participating through our ‘small-scale’ contributions, can have greater impact than would normally. It is an ideal time now to look towards our own lives, our future, and start to create the change for ourselves that we wish to see. A time to examine our lifestyles – the food we eat, our securities, our dependencies, our networks, our finances, etc – and to be truly honest with ourselves.

The new monastic acts as a synthesis between a vibrant perception of the world and a practical way of action. That is, people who are motivated by both an inner spirit as well as practical vision. Such change catalysts can create meaning and significance in everything they do – even the small seemingly mundane things. By working with a strong inner vision we are also able to transform the world external to us. Our modern modes of connectivity and communication can bring the new monastics into a networked gathering of ‘heart-mind-spirit’ in order to work with both practicality and vision.

The challenges we face may appear to be out of our hands, yet each of us has the power to choose how we respond to them. A considerate and compassionate response can be nurtured by shifting our behavior patterns away from materialistic self-centeredness toward a more community-centered set of values. Doris Lessing, in her book Shikasta, tells of how the ‘broken Earth’ needs to regain the energies of SOWF (‘Substance Of We Feeling’). The keys to our collective development may very well have been planted within each of us, in our social sense of responsibility – in our innate urge to come together. The human species is, after all, a social species (as anthropologists keenly like to remind us!). It is easy to behave ‘spiritually’ when one is confined to the hermit’s cave – then our only struggles are with our own ceaseless thoughts. However, sincere activity also requires that each individual understands and accepts the role of their social participation; of their presence and responsibility with friends, family, and within the community.

As a global community of individuals we are being urged toward supporting and developing a shared, empathic consciousness. Through a combination of physical changes on the social, cultural, and political levels people all over the world are beginning to awaken to the audacity of our situation. From this there may be further ‘awakenings’ as the ironic, incredulous, and often absurd factors of many of our lifestyles are brazenly shown in the shocking light of current times. In these upcoming years the new monastics will continue to emerge throughout the world, becoming agents of change within communities. They will spread their influence through social networks – both physical and virtual. In order to ‘change the world’ we must first become change agents within ourselves. We should also recognize that human consciousness is inherently integrated into every aspect of our lives. Humanity is naturally integrative, and does not consciously seek to separate. Integral consciousness is an aspect of the new monastics, whom are conscious and aware of bringing the inner world into constructive play within everyday life. Each person can be a part of this groundswell, with strong and confident voices and deeds, and yet devoid of ego and grand announcements.

The year ahead, more than ever before, is going to be about the people on the ground.  It will be about how ordinary people can make a great difference; and the changes each of us makes in our lives to be more aligned with moving forward. It will be about how resilient we are; and how we nurture a focused and positive state of mind and being. It will also be about integrating our spiritual selves with practical applications in the world. Transitional periods are not normal times – they are periods where individual action can have a much larger impact on historical developments. Now is the time for individual ‘monastic’ endeavor to take up the challenge – and the responsibility.

We are here to work to make a change – it is time to come together. I feel 2014 will show that the ‘next big thing’ is actually US. Or, as Doris Lessing would say, it is time for our Substance Of We Feeling (SOWF) – which is needed like wine grapes need a good soil


Russell Brand – Time for a Change

Time For A Spiritual Revolution: Comedian Russell Brand Discusses Corruption and Non-Compliance

compost capitalism16th November 2013

By Openhand

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

People of the world rise up!

Divine Consciousness moves in mysterious ways. It can flow through whoever is open and touching unity consciousness.

I was chatting with my teenage son a couple of days ago about the state of the world and how it seems that society at large doesn’t really care about what is happening to our planet and isn’t really changing. Representing the younger generation, he said “You’d be surprised. People really do care. They just don’t know what to do about it.”

As someone who has been concerned about the planet for the best part of my life, hearing his simple statement really helped me to contemplate that maybe people really do care; that maybe it is up to the trailblazers of the coming revolution to stand up and be heard. The more people who rise up and really follow their hearts and lead by example, the more likely people at large will be willing to change.

As Open said recently in our ‘Transformation of Humanity’ video…

“What the world need right now is a spiritual revolution”

Russell Brand isn’t your average, every day speaker. He’s a comedian. Yet, he’s touched something so deep within himself that he feels given to share a message of profound spiritual revolution and non-compliance with the corrupt system. He’s an unexpected gift to the spiritual world. I am awestruck!

Be inspired by the latest Russell Brand video from ‘The Journey of Purpose’ – it really illustrates the choice that we are all being given to make right now. What choice do you make?

Rise up people!



Gregg Braden on Emerging WOrld

Gregg Braden’s Newsletter. . . a portion of his emailed letter. . .

Posted on August 16, 2013 by

Great Mystery Is Solved

Awakening the power to reshape our world.

Modern science is hot on the trail of solving one of the greatest mysteries of all time. Nearly 70 years of research in an area known as the “new physics” is pointing to a conclusion that we cannot escape.

The discovery: Everything in our world is connected to everything else. That’s the news that changes everything, and which is absolutely shaking the foundations of science, as we know it today. “OK,” you say. “We’ve heard this before. What makes this conclusion so different? What does it really mean to be so connected?” The difference between the new discoveries and what we previously believed is that in the past we were simply told that the connection exists. The new experiments, however, take us one step further.

Dearest Global Family,

Welcome to this new edition of “Bridging Science, Spirituality, and the Real World,” the only official newsletter for Gregg Braden!

Since our last edition I’ve had the opportunity to travel across four continents and speak with hundreds of people from 12 countries regarding the dramatic changes in our world, and what those changes mean in their lives. As different as the countries, people, and languages are from one another, there’s a common theme that came up time and again in the course of our conversations: What can we do to make our lives better while the world is going through so much change? It’s a great question, and the answer leads to the very crux of what my 2013 books, seminars, and media specials are all about.

The Facts
To answer the question we must honestly and truthfully acknowledge two facts that give context and meaning to the world that’s unfolding before our eyes. The facts are:

  1. We live in a time of extremes.
  2. We can no longer separate our everyday lives from the global stage.

It’s these facts that change everything about the way we’ve been led to think of ourselves, our relationship to the world, and the way we solve problems of relationships, finance, health and careers. It’s precisely because our daily lives and world events are so closely linked that we can no longer separate them.

The crises of climate change, for example, extreme weather, failing crops and failing economies translate directly into the cost of the transportation to and from our jobs; the cost of the food at our local market; the interest we pay to the local bank for the loans on our cars, homes and education, and the interest the local bank pays us on our CDs, IRAs and personal savings. The fractured economies of the world translate directly into the stress in our lives at the loss of neighborhood businesses and local jobs; the closing of factories and the loss of the benefits they bring to our local communities. There is no doubt in my mind that such big shifts happening on the world stage pave the way to healthier, safer, happier lives for us all. I am also under no illusion about the amount of change it takes for us to get to that better world.

Our lives are changing in ways that we’re not used to, and the change is happening faster than we’ve been prepared to think about and deal with.

The bottom line

While we certainly cannot solve the problems of the whole world in our living rooms, it’s from our living rooms, offices and classrooms we can choose how we respond to what the world is showing us. The key is that it all comes down to the way we think—about ourselves, our relationship to others, our relationship to the world today and our relationship to the past. It’s through the lens of our thinking that we solve the challenges that cross our doorstep each day.

The Answer

I began this letter with the question “What can we do to make our lives better while the world is going through so much change?” The following is an example of the transformation that’s possible in the answerIn our recent past, we’ve been led to believe that we’re separate from ourselves, separate from Earth, separate from our history and that we solve our problems through competition and conflict. It’s these beliefs that have led us to meet the challenges of our lives through the way we answer, consciously or subconsciously, the following question:

What can I get from the world that exists?

Through new discoveries of today’s best science (Deep TruthHay House 2011), we now know that some of the thinking of the past was incorrect, and some the thinking was plain wrong. The new discoveries tell us that through our thoughts, feelings and emotions we are deeply connected with ourselves, interdependent upon the world around us, deeply connected with our past and that Nature is based upon a model of cooperation and mutual aid. These discoveries lead us to change the question. The new question is:

What can I share with the world that’s emerging? 

The way we answer this question is the key to everything. It opens new doors of possibility to the loss of jobs, careers and familiar ways of life in the past. And it gives us a way to embrace the needs of the new world that’s emerging rather than being stuck in an idea of a world that no longer exists.

A perfect example of this change of thinking in real life is the story of Ken, a friend of mine who lives in a rural community in Northern New Mexico. When his business as a home builder collapsed with the housing crisis of 2008, he asked himself the question

What can I share with the world that’s emerging?”

His answer was to apply the skills he’d developed building homes, which were no longer needed in 2008, to begin building something that was needed then, and continues to be needed today. He began to design and build a unique style of modular greenhouse so people would have a reliable supply of affordable food. Through Ken’s innovative design, his greenhouses can be used indoors or outdoors and will sustain a family, or a community 12 months of the year, regardless of climate and weather. To read Ken’s story click here. It’s stories like Ken’s that translate the theories of what’s possible in our world into real-life examples of transformation in our lives. Enjoy the story and I look forward to seeing you “on the road” in 2013!

With love and deep gratitude,

Gregg Braden

Taos, New Mexico

In addition to proving that we are connected to everything, research now proves that the connection exists because of us—specifically because of our consciousness. Our connectedness gives us the power to stack the deck in our favor when it comes to the way our lives play out. In everything from searching for romance and healing our loved ones, to the fulfillment of our deepest aspirations and the peace of our world, we are an integral part of all that we experience each day. That the discoveries show we can use our connection consciously opens the door to nothing less than our opportunity to tap the same power that drives the entire universe.

Through the connection that lives inside of you, me, and every human that walks the earth we have a direct line to the same force that creates everything from atoms and stars to the DNA of life! Read more »

Our ultimate fate will be the outcome of all the major crises of our time if they are left unchecked. These crises include: an unsustainable world population; climate change; growing shortages of food and fresh water; the widening gap between poverty and wealth, health and disease, and illiteracy and education, and the growing threat of war.

We know these problems exist. We’ve already applied the best minds of our time, and the best science based upon the best theories available, to study these problems. But if we were on the right track with our thinking, doesn’t it make sense that we would have more answers and better solutions by now? The fact that we don’t tells us we need to think differently.

I believe there are six deep truths (and the facts they reveal) that will radically change the way we’ve been led to think about our world and ourselves in the past. Let’s explore what they mean. Talk them over with the important people in your life; and discover if, and how, they may change the story that is shared in your family and across our world.

Deep Truth 5

A growing body of scientific data from multiple disciplines, gathered using new technology, provides evidence beyond any reasonable doubt that humankind reflects a design put into place at once, rather than a life-form emerging randomly through an evolutionary process over a long period of time.


THe Heart and Change

How the Heart Helps You Chang

By Deborah Rozman

Ever tried to make a change in your life only to fail or come up short on motivation? We all have. What we’ve learned at HeartMath is that when you really want to change, reinforcement will come from your heart. Your heart wants to get out of the negative trap and not have to endure the hurt, resentment and anguish anymore of not making the change you say you want. When you’re ready, your heart will motivate you to improve your relationship, save your job, lose weight or write that book.

What many people don’t realize is that love is integral to motivation. Feelings of care and appreciation move you out of old hurts and resentments as you realize you don’t need to hang onto them as security any longer. Love makes it possible for you to shift to the wide-angle lens of perception. Take Shauna for instance. She was constantly annoyed by her parents. Every time she visited them, she felt her anger triggered. Then Shauna fell in love. Riding high and feeling great about herself, she saw her parents in a new way. Their reactions no longer bothered her. Instead of making her want to run a hundred miles, their reactions slipped off her like water off a duck’s back. Why?

When you’re in love, you open your heart more. The hormones released from being in love give you a more cushioned response to situations. You can build that same cushion from within. You don’t need to wait to fall in love. Learning how to self-generate more love in your system creates that cushion — so you don’t react as quickly to people or events with an angry survival response but respond with a centered response. The heart tools build security — a cushion of inside reinforcement — and inner security is what gives you the power to change.

The heart is really about transformation. That’s part of nature’s design. Your heart is what transforms the physiology of anger that drains your system into the physiology of love that gives you wholeness and effectiveness. You achieve this by replacing angry emotions with real care. Feelings of care and appreciation are the building blocks for love that you build inside yourself. When you replace the anger with care, you choose a more effective emotion. Care transforms perception. Care is an ingredient of intelligence that causes your entire system to work more harmoniously and respond more effectively to resistances that come up in life. Care gives you rhythm. Life happens, negative things happen. Self-generated care enables you to move through the resistances and inconveniences of life with more intelligence and less energy.

For example, say you are in a crowded airport and late getting to your plane. You start to anxiously push your way through the crowd, bumping into luggage and people, frustrated because you can’t move as fast as you need to. You’re angry at whoever is in your way. Your head is driving you. If you stop and use a heart tool, get centered in your heart, and find an attitude of appreciation or care, your flow changes. You see the openings in the throng and feel your way through in a rhythm, dancing around obstacles, getting to your gate with minimum energy expenditure. That’s what tuning to your heart rhythm can do.

The heart rhythm is subtle. To find a smooth rhythm when you need it requires a new reference place inside from which you respond — a heart-intelligent place. That reference place will feel different from your mechanical head, and you’ll come to recognize it. So how do you tell the difference? See my previous post, “Distinguishing Mind from Heart.”

My heart has led me to change, as well. I knew I needed to go to bed earlier to get more sleep. I had been staying up late to have more time for me after a full day and often evening of work. I’d be tired in the morning and not as clear during the day, but it was hard to break out of that. When I finally got sick, I had a talk with my heart. It gave me a very clear feeling that I needed to turn off the TV and stop earlier and have that time to journal, meditate and create quality time for myself. Those self-care activities were far more rewarding than what I had been doing that I thought was rewarding. That quality time for myself refreshed me and felt really good. I find that if I do something nurturing – not just mind-stimulating – for me – it keeps my heart open and is fulfilling. Using “my time” to connect with my heart and having a creative dialogue between my heart and head inspires and empowers other positive changes in my life.

How do you bring the heart into the changes you want to make? Follow this adaptation of HeartMath’s Heart Lock-In® technique:

  1. Shift your attention to the area of your heart and breathe slowly and deeply.
  2. Activate and sustain a genuine feeling of appreciation or care for the thing you want to change.
  3. Radiate these feelings of care and appreciation toward yourself and your intention for five minutes or longer.
  4. When you catch your mind wandering, simply refocus your attention on the heart area and reconnect with feelings of care and appreciation or other heart qualities.
  5. Notice how this extended radiation of care has affected your body, emotions and thinking.
  6. As you complete your Heart Lock-In, be receptive to your heart’s intuitive guidance. Is there anything your heart would like you to know in this moment about your intention? Write down whatever you quietly sense.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           from:

Short, But Meaningful, Commentary

I have always said that Obama was a loose cannon.  I was greatly disappointed by his actions in his first term.  However, I have confidence that in this next term, he will move beyond all the conditioning and the controls under which he was acting  and become the man he truly is.

The energetic thrust of this world at this time allows for no more pandering to a clique on controllers who have a cavalier attitude towards the people of the world, feeling that they are mere cattle to be led and used for whatever profit can be made.

The terms of profit have changed.  No longer will profit be read in the bottom line of a corporation.

Profit will become a word that means the betterment of all people.

Profit will imply the personal development and fulfillment of all persons.

Profit will call for the right use and consideration of the Planet in all her aspects.

Profit will be clean water and real food.

Profit will be the rise of corporations by, for, and of the people.

Profit will be the recognition of the sanctity of life in all its guises.

Profit will be gratitude for the beauty of the Earth.

Profit will be an acceptance of the existence of extra-terrestrial races.

Profit will be a considerate use of the resources of the planet, of people, of the Universe.

Profit will mean connectedness to All That Is.

Profit will be an acknowledgement of the angelic nature of all beings.

Profit will be a knowing that the dimensions are shifting.

Profit will be the road to ascension.

If profit is other than this, then this planet is in even graver trouble than before.

What Can Happen This October…


October Surprise – A Portal Into a New Timeline? | | Esoteric, Spiritual and Metaphysical DatabaseOctober Surprise – A Portal Into a New Timeline?

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

Many people can innately feel that something big is about to happen but are not sure exactly what that event might be.

Astrologer Carl Boudreaux made a few interesting statements in his October 2012 Astrology report where he stated  three fascinating possibilities:

  1. Existing trends will veer suddenly and rapidly in new directions
  2. New trends and phenomena will spring suddenly and forcefully into existence and
  3. The whole chart seems like a portal into an entirely different time line


I have spoken to other astrologists and psychics who also feel that something huge is about to happen this month.

As for myself, I keep getting the feeling that a bank run might occur this month as we near the end of the Federal Reserve’s 100 year charter at the end of the year.  The Fed will either need to create some false flag event or help to perpetuate a war in order to survive.

As we know, history always repeats itself, so it wouldn’t be surprising if there was a bank run sometime this month, possibly on October 19th or 26th.  Another couple of numerological  dates might be on either October 16th  or 25th, which in numerology equals 13.

10/16/2012 = 1+0+1+6+2+0+1+2 = 13
10/25/2012 = 1+0+2+5+2+0+1+2 = 13


On a more positive note, it is quite fun to speculate the meaning of a portal into a different timeline. To me, this means the end of the cabal and the beginning of a new age of truth and compassion for one another.  Perhaps it might even mean some sort of vibrational shift where mass awakening occurs?

Whether this event occurs this month or sometime in the near future, many people are feeling like we are on the verge of something really big.



On Transforming Fear

Transform Fear Through Core Belief Work

Most of us have one or more challenging core beliefs which surface repeatedly over the course of our lives. These core beliefs are usually rooted in deep, unexpressed fears. Depending on your perspective, core beliefs either cause all sorts of problems, or present many opportunities for growth. When you choose to look at core belief work as an opportunity, you are much more likely to transform your fears into learning tools which lead to a better life. Below are the most common core issues, their related fears or beliefs, and suggestions for dealing with them.

Examples of Common Core Challenges and Associated Fears or Beliefs

  • Abandonment – Nobody cares about me. I’m all alone. I don’t matter. I can’t trust anyone.
  • Arrogance – I’m better than all of you. I’m too much. I’m right and you’re wrong.
  • Damaged – Something is wrong with me. I’m a failure. I’m damaged.
  • Inferiority – I’m not good enough. I’m stupid. I’m worthless. I’m boring. I’m hopeless.
  • Rejection – I’m a burden. I’m unwanted. Nobody wants to spend time with me.
  • Shame – I’m bad. I’m evil. I’m a mistake. I’m a monster. I’m disgusting. I’m possessed.

These challenging core beliefs often originate from childhood family scenarios. They can be a result of negative messages that were repeated many times to us by our parents or other significant people in our lives. Or one of these beliefs may have been driven deep into us during one or more traumatic experiences. Was one of the above core beliefs drilled into you in your early years?

Note that some people are overcompensators. If you are in this category, you may unconsciously do everything you can to make it appear as if you are anything but your core belief. For instance, someone with inferiority as a core belief might outwardly appear very macho or domineering. Yet deep inside, this is covering up a fear of being inferior. A person dealing with shame may be overly nice and giving to cover up a belief that they are really bad. Particularly if you are having trouble finding a core challenge, notice if any of your behavior is opposite of the core challenges above.

Examples of Behavior of Overcompensators

  • Abandonment – Always need to be included, join everything to avoid deeper feelings.
  • Arrogance – Act very humble, hiding their deeper belief that no one can match them.
  • Damaged – Present themselves as always great, avoid talking about their problems.
  • Inferiority – Macho, domineering, need to prove they are better than others.
  • Rejection – Present themselves as incredibly desirable, yet reject others easily.
  • Shame – Overly nice and giving. Overcompetency. Secretly fear being exposed as fraud.

Whether you are an overcompensator or not, by exploring the deep beliefs behind your fears, you can transform your life for the better. Though you may find that you have more than one of the above, generally one will be more prominent than the others. Particularly if this is new to you, we highly recommend you first focus on exploring your most prominent core challenge. To deal with this, you can then design intentions to gradually shift this deeply ingrained fear or belief.

Suggested Intentions for Transforming Fears, Core Beliefs

  • Abandonment – I am worthy of love. I can find ways to safely share myself with others.
  • Arrogance – I can learn from all around me. I can see goodness in everyone I meet.
  • Damaged – I am whole and complete just as I am. I can choose to love all of me.
  • Inferiority – I am a good, valuable person. I can make meaningful contributions to the world.
  • Rejection – I am an attractive, interesting person. People can enjoy getting to know me.
  • Shame – I can be gentle with myself. I can hold the best intentions for all deep in my heart.

At the root of all of these core challenges is a lack of acceptance and a deep feeling of being disconnected. This disconnection can be from ourselves, from others, from our spiritual nature, or from any combination of these. Here are two empowering intentions for transforming these most basic core beliefs: May I ever deepen my acceptance of myself and all around me. May I ever deepen my connection with myself and with all around me.

The above intentions are merely suggestions which you may or may not choose to use. By developing your own statements that resonate more strongly with your personal experience, you can transform your fears on a deeper level. Set aside time to explore these challenges. Change the wording any time you find something more appropriate. You might also invite close friends or family members to give suggestions. Writing down your intentions is highly recommended. Considerwriting a set of life intentions, and review them frequently to help keep you on track.

Once you have developed your intentions, cultivate an awareness of how and when your core challenge is triggered. Notice when you are telling yourself that same old story. Each time this happens, remind yourself of your deeper intention and open to shifting from your old, disempowering self-image into a new, fuller way of being. You can continually choose transformation by remembering to recognize fear as an invitation to growth.

This is not to suggest that you avoid or suppress your fears and core challenges. Working to accept and understand all parts of yourself, including your core challenges, opens the door to transformation and allows you more easily and naturally to access your beautiful deeper essence. This, in turn, can help you to live a much fuller and richer life. For overcompensators, who often have a strong tendency to avoid their fears, this is particularly important. You can find some empowering ideas on developing acceptance and understanding at this link.

Don’t be surprised if after having a significant breakthrough in transforming a core belief, you eventually find the same issue rearing its ugly head again in a different form. Most people find that transforming fear through working with their core beliefs is like peeling away layers of an onion. You make a significant breakthrough, only to eventually find the same old core belief manifesting in another, more subtle form. Yet as each layer is peeled away, you will very likely find your life to be richer, more meaningful, and more enjoyable than it was before.

By identifying and choosing to transform our core challenging beliefs, we transform our deepest fears and end up feeling more alive and more connected with ourselves and with those around us. This then inspires us to participate more fully and effectively in building a brighter future for all.

For more on transforming fear and core beliefs, there are many books, therapists, and workshops which explore this fertile topic. We particularly recommend two inspiring books. Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth provides many powerful suggestions to recognize and transform limiting aspects of ourselves. Undefended Love, by Jett Psaris and Marlena Lyons, also gives excellent ideas and tools. Or search “transform fear” and “core challenges” on any search engine to find more. By transforming your fears, you can have a richer life.


A Sense That Something is Coming

It Feels Like Something Big is Going to Happen

5th March 2012

By Chris Bourne

A defining moment in the history of humanity? 

I’m hearing from lots of people around the world that you’re feeling something ‘big’ is going to happen. It seems we’re all tuning in to a time of pretty major upheaval at some point in the not-too-distant future. It’s no surprise, such times have been foretold frequently enough and there’s a great deal of uncertainty right now in world affairs. It feels like the energy is moving in a direction of radical change. I feel that a major ‘event’ is going to happen, to cause people to look up from the pavement, through the flashing neon-lighted concrete and steel, directly into the ‘heavens above’. It feels like something defining is needed to shake humanity to its very core. And if that’s true, which certainly feels the case to me, then by the Law of Attraction, we’re bound to draw that kind of event to us.


There’s many ways in which such a big event could happen. Take for example war in the Middle East. If you’ve not realised it yet, the powers-that-be need such a major event to restructure the world’s failing economy. The West is indebted way over its head and there is no earthly way to pay back the foreign loans. Both the US and EU economies are teetering on the brink of financial collapse, which would likely cause major social unrest (it already is).

So they need to reduce the debt radically and quickly. What better way than to create another round of ‘problem/reaction/solution’? Generate a problem area – like the Middle East – then manufacture a ‘just cause’ to create a martial economic state, devalue the currencies and write off the foreign debt in the process. Am I dreaming, or is it already happening?

But I suspect Humanity’s attempts to control the unraveling matrix will be overtaken by other major events – shifts in universal consciousness which cannot be so easily constrained. There are major internal realignments taking place within the solar logos for example, resulting in the release of solar flares. Indeed we’re moving into a period of quite intense solar storm activity. Should the earth be hit by such a storm, as has happened in the past, it could immediately wipe out not only our power grids and communication systems, but also probably swathes of the earth’s arable land. Solar activity is certainly something that has registered strongly in my consciousness of late.

The crystal clear clarity of the main stream
But let me quickly add, that by talking openly about such things, I am not intending to spread fear – quite the opposite. For me the worst thing that could possibly happen is that society limps on in some kind of zombie-like status-quo. To me, a slow degradation of our humanity and our quality of beingness is in the interests of no one. The universe is yearning to unravel the blocked energy that our society has wrapped itself up in, and I for one, will not be sad to witness that blockage unwinding itself.

To me, this situation presents a major opportunity for mankind. If we can have trust in the inherent beingness flowing through our souls, then we’ll be presented with the opportunity to leave this dense, distorting eddy current and rejoin the crystal clear clarity of the main stream.

Many people are living in fear already, and they don’t even realise it. They’re living in a not-so-cosy state of isolation from the natural flow and our interconnectivity with all life. They’re so busy trying to protect what little they have, that they’ve forgotten our true heavenly nature: that which is beyond death and suffering; that which is magical, mystical and eternal…

Who would grovel around in the dirt and the muck for a few decades,
scratching around for an ever dwindling piece of illusionary security,
in exchange for just one day of divine, interconnected freedom?
Looking fearlessly into the jaws of fear
It seems many have forgotten the true magic of what it really feels like to look directly into the jaws of fear and not be cowed by it. Instead to say “yes my body may get broken, but my spirit never will”. Tell me what that is worth?

When you confront and loose your fear of death,
something truly magical happens:
you start to loose your fear of living too.
It means you start to become increasingly vulnerable to the moment. When we’re vulnerable and can be awesomely okay with that, it means we can keep opening. We don’t tighten down when things get tough. And if we don’t close down, then we’re open to the univeral stream flowing through us. In this place, literally ANYTHING becomes possible. Paradoxically, it’s by letting go of life that we truly get a chance to live!

Following the flow of the soul
So how might we best approach the challenging and changing times that are beginning to unravel all around us. Here are some tips and advice which spring into my consciousness…

  1. Learn to follow the soul: whatever it costs right now (and money has a limited shelf life so why hang onto it?), we must learn to honour and follow the soul. If it means ending that job, or you need to walk away from that cosy apartment, above all, take time to listen to the quiet voice within and follow it. Test it, take a chance that you really can hear. It’s an inherent language which is natural to us all, but it dwindles when we don’t listen (for essential advice on following the soul, check out…
  2. Become more as one with mother earth: we are each a part of this planet (even if many don’t behave that way). Humanity has mistreated Gaia, but she is a very forgiving soul and she wants as many as possible to join her in the new paradigm. If we consciously take time to go into nature and tune into Gaia, then in time, we will begin to understand her heavenly language. In my experience, she does not use words, but more feelings and metaphorical mirroring.
  3. Become more self sustaining: it’s no secret that the system in which we currently live, has written countless blank cheques that can no longer be cashed. Yes, make full (and appropriate) use of the resources whilst they last, but don’t mistakenly sleep-walk through life as if today was yesterday because tomorrow, you may find the gravy train has run out of juice. We need to become more self-sustaining in terms of growing our own food, finding alternative supplies of water and also alternative energy where possible.
  4. Gather in small communities: when these big shifts really shake the established society, it’s going to be vitally important to know who our real friends are. Who are those we can truly rely upon and work with? That might mean gathering in small, micro communities right now – extended self supporting families. Have you got a spare room to rent or could you put up a cabin in the garden? It’s a strong growing trend of people coming together to energy-exchange resources and services (here’s a useful transition towns video.
  5. Store emergency supplies: in the uncertain times ahead, it may well be that total collapse does not happen, but more a kind of progressive degradation where resource, energy and supply chains are frequently stretched and sometimes dry up. I’d say it’s vital to keep a couple of months supply of essential resources: dried and tinned food for example, bottled water, candles (useful for light and lighting fires), and even a couple of jerry-cans of fuel. You might need to make an essential trip.
  6. Learn to live off the land: bushcraft skills are likely to be of great value. You and your family (small community) may need to move to a more secure area – especially in times of social unrest. It’s actually not hard to live at one with the land if you’re committed and motivated, but it does take practice and some essential, inexpensive equipment (check out our survival tips thread.
  7. Invest in your future now: anyone still saving for that rainy day? Well guess what…it’s raining! The time has come to abandon fear. The time has come to live the future now, in this moment, the only real time we have. If you feel called to explore a new gift, a new way of being or to process baggage that you may be carrying, don’t delay, because you may need that gift tomorrow. There are a plethora of wonderful healing and enlightening practices springing up around the world. Many people are tuning into this wonderful shift in consciousness and we can all learn from one another. If you feel drawn, follow your heart, it may be the wisest penny you ever spent (and likewise, if you feel drawn to work with Openhand, you’d be most welcome.

Openness, commitment and love
No one can accurately prophecy because the future is shaped by the feelings, intentions and choices we all make in the moment. However, there comes a point when the moment is so committed to a particular flow of circumstance, that it becomes inevitable for a chain process to unfold. It’s just like taking a step, there comes a point when your foot is sure to land, it’s simply a question of when and exactly how.

I feel that’s the situation we’re all living in right now.
It feels very much to me as if certain ‘tipping points’ have been activated.
I’d say a convergence of consciousness is taking place with the divine purpose of unraveling a particularly persistent blockage – the very society in which we live.
We can either live in fear of that, deny it is happening, or do something much more courageous, much more divine, much more human. We can embrace the coming changes with openness, commitment and love. We can see it as an opportunity to truly let go of the limitation and constriction of the past. We can re-embrace the divine flow of life and allow it to sweep us up into our rightful place – an eternal fearlessness, openly embracing change and continual evolution.

Indeed, something big is about to happen!


Alan Cohen on Cycles

Alan Cohen,
The Tide Always Comes Back In

A coaching client told me about a friend of hers who was freaking out because “the economy is never going to recover.” I suggested to her that her friend was suffering not from economic distress, but simple nearsightedness. Of course the economy is going to recover. Thinking that the economy will never return would be like standing on an ocean shore watching a wave break on the beach and anxiously exclaiming, “There will never be another wave!” There is always another wave, and the tide always comes back in.

Everything in the manifest universe functions in cycles. It’s all about frequency and vibration, crests and troughs. Economics is no exception. The economy goes up and it goes down. The stock market goes up and it goes down. Real estate goes up and it goes down. For every up there is a down and for every down there is an up. To believe that when it is up it will stay up and when it is down it will stay down is quite the short view.

People who recognize the wave nature of life are not disturbed when things change. Smart people do not resist or complain about change; they capitalize on it. In the 1970’s during the “gas shortage,” people were selling their big gas-guzzling cars and buying little economical ones. At that time I read a newspaper article about a fellow who was buying Cadillacs for ridiculously low prices because he expected that the time would come again when gas would be plentiful and there would be a demand for Cadillacs. Sure enough, the oil companies “found” more gas, the price of fuel plummeted, and the price of Cadillacs soared. The man was an entrepreneurial visionary.

(Translated to today’s market, we might say that a visionary would recognize there are other sources of energy besides oil, and place his or her chips on the tide of commerce flowing in that direction.)

In the wake of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, lots of people were afraid to fly and travel, and the tourist industry suffered badly. Many tour agents threw up their hands and found other careers. In the spring of 2002 I read an article in a Hawaii newspaper about several tour agencies that were thriving. In the midst of the doldrums following September 11, they were planning trips for the following spring. They realized that at some point people would feel more confident and want to travel again, and these tour agents would be waiting for them and have trips for them. That’s exactly what happened. While the tide of tourism was out, they were preparing for its return. They were the only agencies thriving at that time.

One of my favorite models of vision in action is portrayed in the film, Tucker, the Man and His Dream, based on the true story of Preston Tucker. In 1947 Tucker developed an automobile many years ahead of its time, with a range of features that have since become standard equipment. Because his invention posed a threat to the auto manufacturers in power, Tucker was squashed and falsely accused of crimes. In the midst of his trial, Tucker doodled. When he was acquitted, Tucker showed his wife the sketches — schematic plans for a new kind of refrigerator with the potential to revolutionize the industry. Tucker wasted none of his precious time. Why bother with a trial when you can be creating things that will change the world?

I am also inspired by creative entertainers who see beyond appearances. Mel Torme, for example, wrote The Christmas Song (“Chestnuts roasting on an open fire…”) in the month of June, when there was no Christmas, snow, fire, or chestnuts. Oscar Hammerstein, partner in the legendary musical team of Rogers and Hammerstein, composed his magnum opus, The Sound of Music, while he was dying. While his body was withering, his spirit was soaring. He was not distracted by the appearance of limitation. While one tide was going out, another was coming in.

An economic downturn, or recession, is an intrinsic piece of a greater progression. Abraham-Hicks notes that, “This economy is planting seeds of desire, intention, and invention that will make the economy stronger than it ever was.” Likewise, Native Americans would purposely burn down certain forests because the area needed cleansing, and the forest that grew back would be healthier. There is a wisdom in apparent destruction, which paves the way for ultimate construction. I once saw a sign posted at a road construction zone, “The inconvenience is temporary. The improvement is permanent.”

We are going through a period of temporary convenience. We can moan, complain, criticize, and blame, or we can take a breath and flow through it. Just keep watching the ocean, and you will find that the next wave is not far behind the last one.

Alan Cohen is the author of many popular inspirational books, including I Had it All the Time. 
