Manipulating Climate

Engineering Winter, The Increasing Desperation Of The Weather-Makers

by Elle Nov 9, 2015

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Dane Wigington

The climate engineers are increasingly desperate to mask the true extent of planetary meltdown by creating short term extreme chemical cool-downs. In recent winters the geoengineers kept most of their focus on the Eastern US. Boston was the target for headlines in the winter of 2014-2015. The engineered winter in the East was accompanied by engineered drought in the West. The 8 minute video below, “Engineered Winter, Engineered Drought” outlines this scenario.

In the next map the sporadic spotting of frozen precipitation is telling. Rain in northern Montana and snow in south central Arizona. Chemical ice nucleating materials sprayed over storm precipitation can and do turn what should have fallen as rain, into snow. The Chinese government has openly disclosed this practice. The nucleation process creates a cold dense layer of air which sinks, builds up on the ground, and eventually lowers the mercury. This is a temporary effect, but it produces the desired headlines and deception in regard to the overall picture.


The Nov. 4, 2015, map below shows extensive radio frequency/microwave transmission impacts which are clearly visible in the moisture flows feeding the engineered western winter event.


On the evening of November 4th, 2015, corporate media (like the Weather Channel) were trumpeting the big winter storm in the West. Does the next map below reflect true winter snow storm temperatures? There is only one temperature reading on the entire map that is even at the freezing mark, and that is not where the snow is falling. The majority of the map shows record or near record highs for a 6 pm temperature reading for November 4th. More record highs are expected in the East during the coming week and perhaps off and on during the rest of November. Welcome to geoengineered weather whiplash.


The Taos New Mexico report below shows possible snow showers for Thursday November 5th at a temperature of 41 degrees. Why would it snow at 41 degrees?


Let’s go North to Montana where snow showers can apparently occur at 43 degrees after rain at 41 degrees.


This is the latest NOAA extended “forecast” (scheduled weather) map. It is important to remember that private defense contractor (and geoengineering entity) Raytheon, does all the weather modeling for NOAA (whose personnel are all under a federal “gag order” along with all NWS employees). This is yet another ridiculously unprecedented scenario showing conditions that are unbelievably out of balance. Record high temperatures in the East are expected to continue in some regions until mid November.


What did it look like for most of the last three winters? The exact opposite of what is occurring at this time. The East was put under the big chill while the West was fried. The geoengineers can only cover so much area with their jet stream manipulated chemical cool-downs. The size of those areas is shrinking as the planet continues to warm.


The map below is especially astounding and documents a very tragic event that occurred on October 4th, 2013.


Take a good look at the temperatures on the map above, they are as a whole, very high. The small cool section is a huge departure from the rest of the country, but still there are no below freezing temperatures shown. Yet, this map documented a snowstorm in South Dakota that killed up to 100,000 cows, how is that possible when temperatures were almost 90 degrees in regions surrounding the event? I captured the temperature map above before it was taken offline, the map reflects another example of engineered winter.

The next map shows the “departure from normal high temperatures” for a 2 year period from 2013 to 2015. The constantly engineered cooling Eastern North America is evident. It has been the most anomalously below normal zone in the entire world since 2013 (2012 was the warmest year ever recorded in the US). What happened? The geoengineering assault was ramped up to new highs. Temporary toxic cooling at the cost of a worsened overall warming.


Though there are countless sources of anthropogenic damage to the planet and the climate system, climate engineering must be considered the top of the list. The ongoing winter weather warfare is not natural in any way. The extreme climate forcing being pushed on planet Earth by the climate engineers is tearing the climate system apart and wreaking havoc on the biosphere as a whole. Few have any idea how extensively the weather and climate is being modified. Even many who are already aware of geoengineering are unfortunately not yet acknowledging the cool-downs for what they are, completely engineered. Accepting the engineered cool-downs as natural is exactly what the power structure and the geoengineers want, why would we do their bidding? If we are to effectively fight against the climate engineering insanity, it is imperative to understand and recognize all the parts to the puzzle. The engineered deception of the US population is a major goal for the geoengineers, we must all learn to see through it. Make your voice heard in the critical battle to stop the ongoing omnicide being inflicted on our planet by climate engineering.



Typical Messages fr/Spirit

The 7 Most Common Messages From Spirits During Readings With Psychic Mediums

| November 8, 2015 |

The 7 Most Common Messages from Spirits During Readings with Psychic Mediums

by Bob Olson

When people are considering getting a reading from a psychic medium, they often don’t know what to expect. If the medium is able to contact their deceased loved one, what kinds of messages from spirits will be sent? Will they be judgmental? Will their message be sorrowful?

Here are seven of the most common messages from spirits we hear from those who have passed during a reading with a psychic medium.

The 7 Most Common Messages from Spirits

Common Messages from Spirits #1. “I’m okay.” Immediately following their passing, people in spirit want their loved ones to know that they are okay–they are happy, healthy, and alive.

Mainly, they want us to know that they survived death; that is, they did not disappear but rather still exist, only now in spirit form versus physical form.

Common Messages from Spirits #2. “My suffering ended the second I died.” Many people worry that their loved ones continue to suffer from their illness, injuries, or mental anguish after death.

Therefore, one of the most common messages from people in spirit is that their suffering ended the moment they left their bodies. Once in spirit, they were free from all human and physical suffering.

Common Messages from Spirits #3. “I’m closer to you now than I ever was before.” People in spirit commonly convey through mediums that they can see, hear, and even read their surviving loved one’s thoughts.

Consequently, our loved ones in spirit know more about what’s going on with us physically, emotionally, and spiritually and therefore feel closer to us than when they were living in their physical bodies.

Common Messages from Spirits #4. “I’m watching over you.” As an expansion of the prior message, our loved ones in spirit commonly want us to know that they are watching over us from the spirit world and guiding us when appropriate and possible.

This doesn’t mean, however, that they are constantly hovering over us at every second; but they check in on us regularly and come to our side whenever we think of them.

In this way, they always know what is going on in our lives (our triumphs and disappointments). They are watching when we graduate from college, become a parent, get a new job, and even when we become ill, have an accident, or suffer a terrible tragedy.

They do guide us when it is appropriate for them to do so, but we must be open to their guidance by following our intuition and remaining aware of the signs, coincidences, and messengers they send plus the circumstances in which we find ourselves.

Common Messages from Spirits #5. “I was greeted by loved ones here.” Our loved ones in spirit commonly want us to know that they were greeted by loved ones who passed before them upon their return to the afterlife.

They often refer to this as a homecoming celebration, where family members, friends, and even pets greeted them with love and jubilation.

Common Messages from Spirits #6. “I am living in peace, joy, and love in the spirit world.” Although it is not possible to put into words the blissful experience of living in the dimension of spirit, our deceased loved ones often try to convey to us how wonderful it is.

They describe living in the light of the hereafter as feeling welcome, warm, safe, loved, joyful, boundless, liberated, peaceful, friendly, sweet, blissful, radiant, dreamlike, free, and harmonious, to list just a few of the common descriptions.

Common Messages from Spirits #7. “I love you.” As simple and basic as this may seem, love is the most important of all messages.

Our loved ones in spirit always want us to know that they love us, which also means that they forgive us, they are proud of us, and they want nothing more for us than to be happy.


The Horrifying Specter of Geo-engineering

As always – Do your research, think for yourself!

Be the POWER you know yourself to be:

The Ultimate Weapon in the Toxic War on Humanity and Mother Earth

by Zen Gardner

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Geoengineering, the ultimate weapon in the toxic war on humanity and Mother Earth. How to protect yourself in this escalating battle.

Willem Felderhof

The irreversible awaking of humanity to the fact that we are under attack by the psychopaths in power is exponentially ongoing. More and more people are waking up, and are experiencing the reality of the fact that we are at war and under a vicious multi layered attack. The realization of this undeniable fact is a crucial element in our fight to save the future of humanity and the planet itself. Millions of people are realizing the implications and devastating effects of the geoengineering, climate engineering and weather modification programs.

The enormous amount of information that is available on the dynamics and mechanisms of these programs and how they work in conjunction with each other is boosting  general awareness in an unprecedented way. Now it is time to take the next steps in order to fuel the reversing momentum. The toxic multi level assaults on our health make us weak and powerless and that’s exactly one of its goals. Epidemics of all kinds of diseases and health problems are exploding, while this information is mostly ignored or falsified in the corporate owned mainstream media. However, factual information on the reality of this ultimate health crisis is widely available on the Internet for anyone who does proper research.

But those who are awake don’t have to look much further than their immediate vicinity to realize that there is something seriously wrong on the matter of health. In this crucial phase of the war against humanity we should strengthen ourselves on a physical and psychological level, and the good thing is; there are ways to protect yourself against the intensifying attacks by the maniacs that are losing their power.

Awakening of the Inner Warrior

inner warrior

A very essential and powerful step in your protection against the ongoing attacks to your health and life is the realization that you are under attack. You have to realize and accept the fact that you are part of a relentless “silent’ war, and the increasing attacks you are experiencing are part of a well planned agenda designed by psychopaths. It is a war against you, your loved ones and the planet you live on. Once you can see this, your instinctive reaction to this reality will trigger your sleeping inner warrior. And because of that you’re back in business, regardless of the situation you’re in.

At this point you have to make the crucial decision; do I stay a victim, a passive bystander, or will I be the fearless active warrior. When the realization that you are under attack sets in, your fight/flight mechanism will trigger all kinds of powerful biochemical responses that will serve to protect you on a physical level against the enemy. It does not matter what enemy we are facing, your ancient fight/flight instincts will wake up the inner warrior. And the warrior in you will come up with strategies in your battles.

You can stop digging in your past with your therapist or psychiatrist because most of the health problems you are experiencing are the result of the ever increasing exposure to the multilevel toxic attack, and have nothing to do with personally inflicted stress. The highly damaging effects on a physical and psychological level as a result of the structural exposure to the ongoing slow killing programs like Geo engineering, EMF radiation, GMO’s and processed foods are the real source of the escalating health crisis. The message to yourself should not be “I am NOT OK , I have all kinds of health problems” but “I am 100% OK and perfect, my body is only reacting to vicious attacks from all directions”. This strong core understanding that you are 100% OK will have a profound effect on a cellular level and will protect you in your life in the toxic microwave. The realization that you are OK will reduce the resonating tendency of your cellular system on foreign unnatural EMF intruders. It will also reduce the FFR (frequency following response) in the brain.

With this liberating perspective your actions will not be any longer focused inside or on your past for healing or solutions. You will change the dynamics of your actions 180 degrees. You’re no longer a powerless victim in fear but a fully aware fearless warrior willing to take any action that is needed to survive. As stated before, you are back in business. From here it is you who decides what the next action will be. And the only right decision you can make if you are awake is to get involved with intelligent and powerful action. NOW. You will forget your own story and your irrelevant personal problems and goals, when you understand what we are facing. I will speak more in depth about this powerful element of protection during my coming tour in Europe. And also on different ways to detoxify your body and mind.

Preparing for the mother of all false flag attacks

The Kardashianation of Vladimir Putin in the alternative media is feeding the distraction of society in a highly effective way. The passive obsession with the actions of this noble oligarch in the Middle East perfectly serves the worn out geopolitical script. While we are being distracted by the staged geopolitical chaos with all the insane wars and crises, the geoengineering architects are paving the way for the mother of all false flag attacks. Despite the fact that a lot of people are waking up, most people are not familiar with the concept of false flag attacks. They are still in the doomed mindset of accepting the idea that we are continuously attacked and under threat by an enemy their elected officials and media presents to them.

While the conditioning of the minds of the masses to accept geoengineering as a normal phenomenon is taking place, frameworks are being created to make geoengineering programs legal. When this stage is completed the road is free for a next Hegelian show. While numerous false flag attacks in history like the 9/11 attacks in NY, the sinking of the Lusitania, Pearl Harbour, Tonkin incident, Sarajevo bombings, Charlie Hebdo, the 7/7 bombings, MH-17 etc, etc have been used to lead us into useless illegal devastating wars which served only the globalist elite and NOT the people, the one that is coming to us will be the most disastrous one ever. Corrupt puppets in the pathetic global political arenas and even the pope are helping to prepare our minds: “Global Warming is our common biggest threat”.

To fight this manufactured enemy we need a one world centralized government to save humanity and the planet. And in this battle the ridiculous slogan “either you are with us or you are with the terrorists” will be even more applied. The terrorist in this case however will not be a synthetic terrorist in a cave, but anyone who will oppose geoengineering as a solution for global warming. In other words: YOU.

Do a reality check, wake up the inner warrior in you and join the forces with intelligent and powerful action. We live on borrowed time; it’s the perfect moment to lose all your fears and act out of your box. Our children and Mother Earth are calling us and have waited long enough.


Willie Nelson Takes on Big Pot

Willie Nelson Takes Last Aim and Declares War on Big Marijuana

By Heather Callaghan

The 82-year-old music sensation says he doesn’t have many fights left – but he musters it all against Big Pot to keep corporate paws from ruining cannabis freedom forever. There are two things you can guarantee to be on Willie Nelson’s tour bus at all times besides his loving wife Annie and musician son, Lukas – that would be his Winchester rifle above his bed and a vast array of marijuana, usually in the form of smoke plumes if Willie’s there. Publicly, he has always been known for being open about his cannabis use.

Nelson was also known for propelling the creation of Farm Aid after hearing Bob Dylan controversially mention helping American farmers while doing a Live Aid show. Nelson just happened to be watching Dylan say this and was hit with inspiration for Farm Aid while he was there to play and doing – what else? Smoking marijuana, of course. Wil S. Hylton writing for New York magazine describes the tour bus table before Willie at the 30th Farm Aid as holding a “a vase full of pencils, an orange lighter, a smattering of pre-rolled doobies, an ashtray cluttered with the remainders of joints gone by, a dish of loose cannabis caked with kief, three slim vaporizers of marijuana extract, and a deck of black playing cards printed with the words WILLIE’S RESERVE in saloon lettering.”

Willie seems to look back on those first Farm Aid concerts with naivete – he thought it would signal to Congress a need for a serious solution and that would end the need to have the benefits. This writer wonders whether it signaled to Congress that someone else would clean up the scandalous banking/inflation mess that lead to a devastating farm-death epidemic in the 1980s. Still, Nelson says that things are better as people are now  “thinking about buying and growing sustainably.”

Hylton says, “the forces of Big Agriculture have, like Big Tobacco and Big Pharma, fallen into widespread disrepute. It is easy to forget that just 30 years ago, basically nobody was talking about these things, and that Nelson as much as anyone helped to mobilize the local-food movement.”

He was an advocate of marijuana legalization too and has seen the ups and downs. Approximately 80% of Americans are okay with medicinal marijuana and even more states are anticipated to follow Washington and Colorado’s giant step toward legalization for recreational use. The Federal government is always a thorn in the side of cannabis users and dispensaries – but legalization has unfortunately opened another kind of jar… Investors.

Now in his sunset years, Nelson is shifting his energy away from marijuana legalization to the battle against Big Pot.

Hylton announces [emphasis added by H.C.],

Even as the country has softened its stance toward marijuana, a legion of large corporations has gathered to dominate the legal market. Nelson figures he has at least one good fight left. In what may be his last political act, he is declaring war on Big Pot.

It appears that just a handful of developers are disgracing the memory of comedian Bill Hicks by putting a platinum, flashing dollar sign on a beneficial plant. They want to establish the first national brand and turn the symbol of cannabis freedom into nothing more than a Starbucks drive-thru.

Hylton dug into the research and found,

In the face of all this, investors have naturally begun piling into pot. A race is on to establish the first truly national marijuana brand. The most visible contender in this contest is probably the company Privateer Holdings, which was founded by three Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, one of whom had never smoked pot in his life but who somehow managed to persuade Bob Marley’s family to license his name and image to their packaging. This spring, Privateer completed its second capital drive for a total of $82 million in start-up cash. Or maybe the rise of corporate marijuana is better illustrated by the tech millionaire Jamen Shively, who announced plans in 2013 to create a chain of pot shops modeled on Starbucks that would “mint more millionaires than Microsoft” — acknowledging at one point, “We are Big Marijuana.”

Even the most ardent advocates of legalization have been troubled by the rise of Big Pot. The legalization movement is organized largely around issues of social justice, and for activists who have spent decades railing against the disproportionate impact of the drug war on poor communities, it has been unsettling to watch legalization engender a new slate of economic disparities. Alison Holcomb, who wrote the initiative to legalize recreational marijuana in Washington State, told me that a cannabis industry dominated by large corporations would threaten the core values of the legalization movement. “It looks a lot like the concentration of capital that we have seen with Big Alcohol and Big Tobacco,” she said. “I think that’s problematic for cannabis-law reformers, because it plays into our opposition’s strongest argument.” Holcomb pointed to the initiative in Ohio this month, where a consortium of large marijuana investors has spent about $15 million to promote legalization, while opponents have spent less than $1 million and focused not on legalization itself, but on the fact that the new law would permit only ten of those large producers to operate in the state.

Legalization and cannabis health advocates voice another valid worry: that the corporate takeover of cannabis leads to monoculture and chemical methods of pest control when grown on a massive scale. This leads to a downgrade in the quality seen by individual growers who grow such small scale that they forego the use of chemicals altogether. It’s one thing to ingest such products on an apple; but it’s wholly another to smoke them into the lungs when the chemical-laced marijuana hits brain cells nearly instantaneously.

Pesticides have already been found by unwitting consumers and no health guidelines have been established. Previously, in Denver, Colorado, 60,000 plants were found to be laced with pesticide, myclobutanil. This will probably perk the ears of both the EPA and FDA who let corporations like Monsanto poison the food supply and take their word its safe, but will, no doubt, rush in to shut down cannabis growers the moment they raise a regulatory flag. (At least they would be doing their jobs?) It will spawn a new area of study which will no doubt show the ill effects of smoking marijuana sprayed with pesticides. People are already calling for government and scientific intervention – or some kind of deus ex machina like a benevolent corporation (yeah, right!) – and it’s hard to blame them if they might be unwittingly sucking noxious fumes deep into their lungs on a daily basis. When it comes to the delicate battle for cannabis legalization – salivating corporations can ruin the whole thing.

Earlier this year, Nelson talked of opening a marijuana company called Willie’s Reserve, but not much is known yet about what that would entail. He said, “I’ve smoked enough and I want to give back.” But chances are, he also wants to protect his almost inhuman consumption from corporate handling.

Wilson is quoted as saying about the budding business,

I really believe in the environmental aspect of this. It’s a great way to revitalize small farms, and I want to make sure that any product we grow is as clean as we can make it and that, wherever possible, we’re trying to lower the environmental impact of our operations.

Marijuana is currently the fastest growing U.S. industry – look at Hylton’s report for a comparison of the business models including Willie’s Reserve. Wall St is happy to grab all the action, especially since banks are skittish about lending for small marijuana business and the federal government has placed the cannabis business into an obscure and expensive tax code with virtually no business write-offs. Now we see how the corporate vacuum formed.

Nelson’s wife Annie commented,

If you believe in the free market, then a decentralized market is free. And with a free market, people have a choice to buy clean herb. There’s some over here, and some over there, and the market can demand what people want.

Willie added,

These problems could have been fixed on the first day – but you have a lot of bureaucracy and bullshit, a lot of big corporations. So that’s what we’re up against. They’re trying to monopolize it all. That’s horseshit. That ain’t right, and we’ll do everything we can to keep that from happening.

You don’t have to light up to believe in cannabis freedom, health freedom, freedom from corporatocracy and ending the War on Drugs. Even though the chill musician can probably credit his health and lustrous hair – at least in part to cannabis – he still feels like he won’t be able to take too many more stands. But this one is important to this highway man – is it important to you?


Police Theft – What is this all about?

New Wave of Police Taking Valuables From Unlocked Cars to Teach Lesson

police taking valuables

By Amanda Warren

Connecticut news stations are reporting that “police will now be going into to cars and removing items that would attract thieves.”

Oftentimes, a person will by accident hit the button to unlock the doors or accidentally release the trunk. Oftentimes, the person will return only to have their faith in humanity restored when they see their valuables are still there. Not with the East Rock police in New Haven – now residents will be punished for their forgetfulness.

New Haven police stated intentions to “send a strong message” and by removing the valuables are “forcing residents to make a trip to the police station to pick up belongings.”

Officers “will take them to keep them safe from would-be burglars” Ironically, the way they are keeping the item “safe” is by burgling.

Obviously, this brings up clear 4th amendment violations. However, Connecticut claims a loophole under state law that allows law enforcement to take valuables in plain sight without a search warrant and with the intention of safe keeping.

One wonders if “lessons” aren’t learned by people who leave car doors unlocked – and get their stuff stolen. Not that they deserve to have their items taken by criminals or police.

What the news and police aren’t telling you about the break-ins

When you hear about car break-ins from your friends and around town – what usually happened? A window was smashed in. A lock was busted.

While police claim that there were eight car break-ins in one neighborhood and that they now must teach people this lesson for their own good – could it really be that so many people in one neighborhood simply left their car doors unlocked? Could it be that word didn’t get around about the break-ins and people in New Haven obliviously kept their doors unlocked as though they lived in Mayberry?

The police and the news are conspicuously leaving out the nature of the vehicle break-ins.

Secondly, if police are able to grab the valuables then it means the valuables were not being grabbed by crooks just yet. Is this really crime prevention or is it just beating criminals to the punch?

Previously, Kristan Harris reported that police in Illinois were opening unlocked car doors – but even they stopped at leaving a “Gotcha!” card. The card was to let the driver know that if he or she wanted to, the officer could have taken the valuables. It was unclear how far the very real “Gotcha” program reached. Curiously, when Harris called to ask about the officers he was told they weren’t “real” officers, but were community service officers.” What is the difference if they were arbitrarily given the authority to enter people’s personal property? Why are departments hiring peepers to enter cars?

Look how the news team trains the public to get used to cops entering vehicles and removing valuables. Are we back in Kindergarten?

Interviewees have mixed reactions – they feel uncomfortable but are not sure exactly why. Maybe it’s because the “lesson” being taught is a contradiction. How can you teach people about crime by committing crimes against them and making them fight to get their property back which is what they would have to do if they were reporting a legitimate crime. Perhaps the feeling of unease is the kind people get when they sense degradation. They are also getting the message that it’s justified for their items to be stolen if they forget to lock their doors, but really it’s never just – which is why it is a crime regardless of who does it.

Readers quick to say “who cares?” or blame irresponsible people must ask themselves about the omitted information and ask “why? why this and why now?”

When is it ever okay to supersede the Constitution and lose individual rights over the actions of criminals, idiots, or eager government? Or all of the above…


Moving into Personal Purpose

How to Shift From Obligation to Purpose

Written by November 3, 2015


When was the last time you did something for the sheer joy of it?

When was the last time you made something for no reason other than the making of it?

When was the last time you went somewhere just because it was there?

If it’s been a while, you may need to reconnect with your Purpose.

Your Purpose can be a powerful presence in your life… but often it is overpowered by the contradictory feeling and vibration of obligation.

I’ve spent a lifetime untangling the two and learning to distinguish between Obligation and Purpose.

I grew up in a family where just about everything was motivated by obligation. My father practiced law for most of his life, a career he very quickly came to hate. But because he felt obligated to provide for his family he never allowed for other options.

And that obligation led to resentment and anger. As I grew, I vowed, mostly unconsciously, that I would NEVER work from of a sense of obligation. I would “find my purpose” and only do work that came from joy and fueled my joy.

That’s what I vowed.

But, as they say… the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!

So, while I found my “calling” and the work that would eventually bring me joy… it took many years before I stepped out from the shadow of obligation that followed me around.

Have you ever met a doctor who does great work in the world, helping people, healing people, but feels burned out and exhausted all the time because he feels obligated?

How about an activist who can’t find time for a “day off” because she feels obligated to go to every rally and demonstration?

Or what about an energy healer who feels that she is personally responsible for healing every one of her clients?

And have you ever given money to a homeless person because you felt obligated – responsible, guilty, etc. – to do so?

Whatever your individual purpose might be our higher purpose is to awaken to our Higher Self and, in the process, raise the vibration of this planet.

Acting from joy and love raises your vibration and the vibration of those around you. Acting from obligation dampens or lowers your vibration… no matter how noble or valuable the action might be!

Let me say that another way:

Doing noble things – healing people, working for a cause, giving money to someone in need – because you feel obligated to do so does NOT lead to a long-term, sustainable increase in your vibration and the vibration of those around you!

Your vibration may rise while you are engaged in the action but that heightened vibration is not sustainable if the action is based on obligation.

Years ago when I started doing Intuitive Coaching and Energy Healing my vibration would be sky-high during the session. But after the session, the strand of obligation that ran through my motivation would pull me down very quickly and often to a lower vibration than before the session.

So does the short-lived high vibration I held during the session, and the somewhat higher vibration of my client counteract the lower vibration I had after the session?

I actually don’t think so.

Obligation is a bottomless pit that can never be filled. No matter how much you do you can never satiate that sense of obligation. As quickly as you fill in that hole, the energy of obligation digs it deeper.

The energy of Purpose, on the other hand, provides a solid foundation upon which you can build. When you act from purpose you are able to build sustainable structures… including higher vibrational thoughts, emotions and actions.

There is never enough for the insatiable energy of obligation. You can never do enough, achieve enough, provide enough or be enough.

With purpose there is always enough. Every action is enough. You are enough.

Every action you take from obligation brings you back to neutral (or lower).

Action taken from purpose adds to and enhances what you have already created.

So begin to pay attention to your motivation, not just your actions. What drives you to do what you do? Is it joy, love, and passion? Or is it responsibility, guilt, and fear? Are you acting from passion or obligation? Are you attempting to fill in that bottomless pit or build something of lasting value?

What action will you take from purpose today?

What will you do for the sheer joy of it?

What will you build? What will you create?

What will your purpose move you to bring into this world today?


Pet Vaccination Waiver

Vaccinations: Your Very Own Waiver

Hand signing a waiver for vaccinations

Did you know that, even if you get a postcard saying your animal’s rabies vaccination is now due, that many times, you have an automatic waiver in place that even your veterinarian may overlook? It’s true. It’s called the label on every drug and vaccine, including rabies vaccines.

Animals - Running DogIf you read the label on a vaccine from any manufacturer, it will inevitably say, “Only for use in healthy dogs, cats, ferrets, etc.” See that “healthy” word? It can be your automatic waiver. The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA-APHIS) approves all drug labels, which include indications (what diseases it’s to be used for), species, dosage, method of administration, etc.

As a practicing veterinarian, one is bound to follow the label on any drug or vaccine, unless s/he feels it’s in the patient’s best interest to prescribe “offlabel.” The USDA has refused to regulate the practice of medicine, so you may not have any legal recourse to fall back on, but that shouldn’t stop you from questioning your veterinarian if you are called on to vaccinate an animal who is clearly out of the realm of “healthy.”

I have almost stopped cringing when clients tell me of bringing their pet into their conventional veterinarian for a complaint (fever, poor appetite, skin disease, etc.) and the vet, noticing that the due date has arrived for vaccinations, gives the vaccine to the suffering animal! Did that veterinarian really, in his/her best judgement, feel that this ill animal would benefit from a vaccination at this time? I make note of it in the records, because, more often than not, the animal’s illness gets worse from this point onwards. As a homeopathic veterinarian, I know I have to factor this in if I am to cure this patient.

So, what makes your animal an “off-label” or possibly exempt case for an annual or semi-annual vaccination? Here are some common examples:

  • Hypothyroid dogs on a daily thyroid replacement drug.
  • Allergic animals who scratch or chew themselves frequently.
  • The same itchy animals above who are on meds like antihistamines, prednisone, or the latest in the wave of immune suppressants, cyclosporine (Atopica).
  • The same previously itchy animals who are being controlled with special diets that have unusual ingredients (duck, pea, venison, trout, “novel proteins,” etc).
  • Any animal on a special diet for kidney disease, bladder crystals, liver disease, intestinal problems (like Inflammatory Bowel Disease), dental disease, or any other reason.
  • The dog or cat who routinely needs ear medications to prevent infections or itchy, swollen, discharging ears.
  • Any animal who is on a seizure medicine to control epilepsy (I still cringe when I hear these poor guys getting vaccinated. I can’t help it. This is so wrong).
  • The dog with “dry eye” who is on drops (often of cyclosporine) to keep the eye moist because his tear ducts have autoimmune inflammation that prevent them from making tears.
  • A hyperthyroid cat, on medicine or after radioactive iodine treatment, to treat another immune disorder, this one causing his thyroid to over produce thyroid hormone.
  • Any animal on heart medications.
  • Any animal on pain medications.
  • Any diabetic animal, whether or not insulin is being used.
  • Any animal on antibiotics.

On Medications Equal Not Healthy

  • Any animal who you are bringing in to the vet because s/he has the “ADR Syndrome.”
    That’s “Ain’t Doin’ Right.”

Think about this last one for a minute. It should be obvious, but it’s often missed. If you have called your veterinarian to schedule an exam to find out what’s wrong with your dog or cat or horse, this animal is, with or without a diagnosis being reached, not “healthy,” right? That’s precisely why you are at the veterinarian’s office. So, even before you go in, you should be mentally prepared to say “NO” to vaccinations, knowing what you now know about the label on every vaccine.

Whether Miss Kitty is “due” or not, or whether the law has some opinion on the matter of rabies vaccinations, you have the right, as that animal’s caregiver, to refuse to allow vaccination on the spot. “I’m sorry, but this animal is not well, and therefore, should not receive a vaccine today,” is a very reasonable response. A simpler one is just: “I’d like to wait on that for now.”

And here’s the unfortunate but true nugget in this discussion: it ultimately must be you who makes this decision not to vaccinate. I have heard way too many stories of ill animals being vaccinated to think you can entrust that decision to your veterinarian.

Of course, this points to the even broader area of: who is responsible for your animal’s health? Those who hand that responsibility over to the White Coats are probably not even reading this site, but maybe it’s time to consider that you are really the one who needs to steer the course for this animal in your care. I’m mostly speaking of prevention here. The choices you make for prevention may be better ones than those promulgated by conventional veterinarians. That’s why this site is here.

So, take a stand if your animal is not well, and you are faced with people wanting to vaccinate “off label.” You will do this animal a huge favor, and you have no less than the USDA on your side.


Charging Fees for Cash Deposits?

WAR ON CASH: Banks to start charging for cash deposits

(NaturalNews) Few could have envisioned it even just a few years ago, but it’s happening now, and on an ever-widening scale. More big U.S. banks are shunning cash, because the banking system has become so dependent on other “assets” that large cash deposits actually pose a threat to their financial health, according to The Wall Street Journal.

State Street Corporation, a Boston-based institution that manages assets for institutional investors, has, for the first time, begun charging some customers for making large cash deposits, according to people familiar with the development.

And the largest U.S. bank in terms of assets — JP Morgan Chase & Co. — has dramatically cut “unwanted” deposits to the tune of $150 billion this year alone, in part by charging customers fees.

What gives? What kind of world do we live in when banks no longer want cash?

As the WSJ reported:

“The developments underscore a deepening conflict over cash. Many businesses have large sums on hand and opportunities to profitably invest it appear scarce. But banks don’t want certain kinds of cash either, judging it costly to keep, and some are imposing fees after jawboning customers to move it.”

As usual, the problem originated largely in Washington, D.C.

Criminalizing cash?

The paper said the banks’ actions are being driven by low interest rates (set by the Fed) that eat into profits, as well as “regulations adopted since the financial crisis to gird banks against funding disruptions,” adding in a separate report that a number of large financial institutions have become more dependent on buying and selling stocks, bonds and commodities like oil.

The latest round of fees for large deposits stems from regulators’ deeming them risky. They are sometimes dubbed hot-money deposits that analysts believe is likely to flee quickly in a crisis (think runs on Greek banks recently, which the government eventually curbed).

Agreed upon a year ago in September and managed by the Federal Reserve and other regulators, the rule covering liquidity coverage ratios forces banks and financial institutions to retain high-quality liquid assets — like central bank reserves and government debt — to cover anticipated deposit losses over a 30-day period (creative way for the federal government to continue financing its overspending — by forcing private banks now to hold government debt). Under the rules, banks are required to retain up to 40 percent against certain corporate deposits and as high as 100 percent against some hedge fund deposits, WSJ reported.

“At some point you wonder whether there will be a shortage of financial institutions willing to take on these balances,” Kelli Moll, head of Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP’s hedge-fund practice in New York, told the paper.

Moll added that the subject of where to actually put cash has become something of an interesting conversation as hedge funds are turned away by the traditional banking sector.

Dodd-Frank is to the financial industry what Obamacare is to health care

WSJ further explained the phenomenon and fallout:

“Jerome Schneider, head of Pacific Investment Management Co.’s short-term and funding desk, which advises corporate and institutional clients, said that as a result of the bank actions, he and his customers have discussed as cash alternatives boosting investments in U.S. Treasury bonds, ultrashort-duration bond funds and money-market funds.”

“Clients have been put on warning,” Schneider said, when it comes to cash.

The rules essentially criminalizing large depositors of cash stem from the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial “reform” law — a “reform” that did to the banking industry what Obamacare has done to the health care industry.

The law’s two primary authors — Democrats Chris Dodd of Connecticut and Rep. Barney Frank of Massachusetts, both of whom are now out of Congress — were also backers of Clinton-era housing rules said by experts to have caused the 2008 financial crisis. So, in essence, Dodd-Frank is punishing banks for rules that the two of them (along with most other Democrats and too many Republicans — and Bill Clinton’s signature on the legislation) actually caused.

In the meantime, there appears to be no end to the federal government’s meddling in both the financial industry and just about every other facet of American life.

Causing more problems than it solves — that’s a classic congressional move.

Your Color Vibe for Monday, 11/01

Monday, November 2:   Forest Green

Take some time today just to dream. Allow your imagination the freedom to go wherever it so wishes, play a bit of pretend, be surprised by the ordinary. There are things inside you that are wanting to come out, and if you just open to them, you can startle yourself by the kind of creative impulses you have at work.   You have been given some extra time so use it wisely! There is a secret around you and you need to uncover it. There have been some people who have not been 100% above board with you about an issue that is actually quite important. Through the opening exercises your perspective can bring some of this into focus.

On the Heart-Brain Connection

Not Just Brain To Body: Researchers Discover That The Heart Sends Signals To The Brain


A group of prestigious and internationally recognized leaders in physics, biophysics, astrophysics, education, mathematics, engineering, cardiology, biofeedback and psychology (among other disciplines) have been doing some brilliant work over at the Institute of HeartMath. The Institute of HeartMath is a (well recognized) non-profit research and education organization dedicated to helping people reduce stress, self-regulate emotions, and understand something that is commonly overlooked in mainstream biology: the intelligence of the heart and its effect on the brain.

A large portion of their research dives into heart and brain interaction, how they communicate with each other and how that affects our consciousness. For example, when a person is feeling really positive emotions like gratitude, love, or appreciation, the heart beats out a different message, and because the heart beats out the largest electromagnetic field produced in the body, the institute has been able to gather a significant amount of data.

According to Rolin McCratey, Ph.D, and director of research:

“Emotional information is actually coded and modulated into these fields. By learning to shift our emotions, we are changing the information coded into the magnetic fields that are radiated by the heart, and that can impact those around us. We are fundamentally and deeply connected with each other and the planet itself.” (source)

The Heart Sends Signals To The Brain

“One important way the heart can speak to and influence the brain is when the heart is coherent – experiencing stable, sine-wavelike pattern in its rhythms. When the heart is coherent, the body, including the brain, begins to experience all sorts of benefits, among them are greater mental clarity and ability, including better decision making.” (source)

Scientists have long believed that it was the brain that sent information and instructed the body on what to do, and when to do it. This includes the heart, but we now know (thanks to researchers like those at HeartMath) that the heart actually sends signals to the brain, just as the brain sends signals to the heart. In fact, the heart actually sends more signals to the brain than the brain sends in return. What’s even more amusing is the fact that these heart signals (from heart to brain) actually have a significant effect on brain function.

To me, this is amazing. The fact that the heart produces the largest electromagnetic field in the body, and the fact that it sends more signals to the brain rather than vice versa shows us that the heart plays a much larger role in our biology than what we previously believed, and that it (the heart) may be a major commanding center of the body, in the same way we think of the brain.

So far, the researchers have discovered that the heart communicates with the brain and body in four ways:

  • Neurological communication (nervous system)
  • Biophysical communication (pulse wave)
  • Biochemical communication (hormones)
  • Energetic communication (electromagnetic fields)

Why This Is Significant

“HeartMath research has demonstrated that different patterns of heart activity (which accompany different emotional states) have distinct effects on cognitive and emotional function. During stress and negative emotions, when the heart rhythm pattern is erratic and disordered, the corresponding pattern of neural signals traveling from the heart to the brain inhibits higher cognitive function. This limits our ability to think clearly, remember, learn, reason, and make effective decisions. In contrast, the more ordered and stable pattern of the heart’s input to the brain during positive emotional states has the opposite effect. It facilitates cognitive function and reinforces positive feelings and emotional stability.” (source)

This brings into question the consideration of consciousness. Consciousness is the way we perceive the world (and everything in it) around us. It’s how we think, and it’s how we feel. It’s directing our attention towards something with a specific intention and can be explained in a number of ways. So what does consciousness have to do with science?  Well, some physicists today are starting to believe that consciousness is actually a state of matter, just like a solid, a liquid or a gas. (source)(source). This is because a number of publications, more so in the field of quantum physics, have demonstrated that consciousness actually has a direct affect on our physical material world. This is most notably demonstrated by the quantum double slit experiment, one that found factors associated with consciousness to “significantly” correlate with the make up of our physical material world. You can find out more about that in an article we published last year titled “Consciousness Creates Reality: Physicists Admit The Universe Is Immaterial, Mental & Spiritual.

“A fundamental conclusion of the new physics also acknowledges that the observer creates the reality. As observers, we are personally involved with the creation of our own reality. Physicists are being forced to admit that the universe is a “mental” construction. Pioneering physicist Sir James Jeans wrote: “The stream of knowledge is heading toward a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter, we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter. Get over it, and accept the inarguable conclusion. The universe is immaterial-mental and spiritual.”  – R.C. Henry, Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Johns Hopkins University ,  “The Mental Universe” ; Nature 436:29,2005) (source)

For a selected list of downloadable peer-reviewed journal articles reporting studies that deal with human consciousnesss and its influence on the phsyical material world, mostly published in the 21st century, you can click HERE

It’s important to understand what these physicists are saying in conjunction with the research being conducted at the Institute of HeartMath, because the researchers there have shown how certain emotional states (consciousness) can code different information into the heart’s electromagnetic field, sending out a different signal depending on factors associated with consciousness (feelings/emotions), as well as send signals to the brain.  While all this is going on, we have quantum physicists showing that consciousness can, again, have an effect on our physical material world. This could mean that conscious states of love, gratitude and compassion have a different effect on physical reality (one that is not known), than opposite emotions like hate, fear and greed have on it. We know that these different emotional states do indeed have an effect on our biological makeup and send a different type of signals to the brain, as mentioned earlier, which brings me to my next point…

Do Our Thoughts, Feelings, Emotions & More Originate In The Brian, The Heart, Or From Somewhere Else?

Just to recap, researchers at the institute have found that the heart sends more signals to the brain than the brain does to the heart, and that different emotional states send different signals to the brain, which directly effect our cognitive functions, our ability to learn and more. The question to ask here is, where do these emotional states come from? What triggers them? A certain event in our lives could be the catalyst for a certain type of emotional response (depending how we perceive that event). For example, if someone loses a loved one, they will experience ‘negative’ emotions, thus triggering the heart to send certain signals to the brain. But where do these emotions generate from? Do they generate from our brain, with regards to how we perceive the event which determines our reaction? Where do these states of consciousness originate?

“Looking for consciousness in the brain is like looking inside a radio for the announcer” – Nassim Haramein

These states of consciousness could be altering our world in ways we do not know, and we know they alter the way we feel, think and perceive, which in turn can effect our biology.

Below is a great video from Dr. Gary Schwartz, professor of psychology, medicine, neurology, psychiatry and surgery at the University of Arizona, discussing whether consciousness is a product of the brain or a receiver of it. It’s a little overview of a subject that is full of peer reviewed scientific research that not many people have the time to go through.

“QM [quantum mechanics] has questioned the material foundations of the world by showing that atoms and subatomic particles are not really solid objects—they do not exist with certainty at definite spatial locations and definite times. Most importantly, QM explicitly introduced the mind into its basic conceptual structure since it was found that particles being observed and the observer—the physicist and the method used for observation—are linked. According to one interpretation of QM, this phenomenon implies that the consciousness of the observer is vital to the existence of the physical events being observed, and that mental events can affect the physical world.” – Dr. Gary Schwartz (source)
