UFO’s in Sarasota, FL

Several Fleets Of UFO’s Spotted In Sarasota, FL 09-12-15

September 14, 2015

Several Fleets Of UFO’s Spotted In Sarasota, FL 09-12-15

by Michelle Walling, CHLC
Staff writer, In5D.com

Gregg Prescott and I witnessed several fleets of UFO’s at approximately 9:30 pm Eastern to 10:30 pm on September 12, 2015. We estimate at least thirty ships crossed over our house during that period of time. We saw most of them through our ATN Gen. 3 night vision goggles but two very large craft with the naked eye.

I would like to preface by saying that I have been searching after that one big sighting for five years now. I have asked my space family to show themselves to me to prove that they are here. I feel them, but I really wanted to have a ship literally uncloak right over my house or to have my family appear to me in my living room.

Several Fleets Of UFO’s Spotted In Sarasota, FL 09-12-15

That had never happened yet, and I re-requested to see a ship about four days ago and went outside at 3:00 am to look for them. I didn’t receive what I was hoping for that night, however the next night I had a dream that I looked outside of my bathroom window and a craft uncloaked and then cloaked itself after about 2 minutes. I can’t complain how I got my contact. Then a few days after that, Gregg and I were sitting outside and he decided to get the night vision goggles out. What happened after that was amazing!

There was lightning south west of us over the ocean. I bring this up because I kept asking myself if it could be a portal. Gregg said this kind of “heat lightning” was typical for Florida. We began seeing small crafts one by one, flying into a 166 degree South direction, over the top of us. So they were flying North to South basically. These were fairly high, and I can’t begin to guess how high but let’s say maybe a little higher than a small commercial airplane would fly over a residential neighborhood.

There were many different formations and groupings. I estimate at least 24 single ships. Some of them had veering patterns, made sharp turns to the right or left, or even stopped and started again. Some flew very fast and some just sauntered along similar to a satellite speed as if trying to blend in as one. A few were responsive to our laser light pen and powered up.

Now for the big ones. Gregg saw a huge UFO with the night vision goggles and said it was the largest ship he had ever seen. He said it was like a triangle but with four lights, and a kite-like tail of lights. It is really hard to see whether these were spheres flying at the same speed in a pattern formation or if it was one ship with lights on it, because it was through the goggles and all you see is white light moving. I tried to see it with my eyes and could not pick up on it. I then tried to find it very quickly and very excitedly with the goggles and could not see if before it was over the rooftop. We know that the triangles are said to be government ships but it didn’t seem to be that because of the fourth light, and nothing felt malevolent the whole time we were observing.

The one big ship I did see was so exciting. Gregg spotted it with the night vision goggles and pointed with his finger, and I picked it up with the naked eye. It had 5 or 6 or more lights on it all moving at the same speed. I could not tell if it was one ship or a fleet of spheres. The lights were white. I could not tell a pattern for the lights, nor could I see the body of the ship, only the lights moving in unison. It was a sight to see! The two big ships we saw were at approximately less than 5,000 feet.

At least seven or eight times we tracked dual ships moving together. One time I spotted two ships actually following behind an airplane! I handed the goggles to Gregg and he immediately tracked it because of the airplane reference, and then he saw the two ships separate and swirl back around behind the plane. It is very hard to tell if the plane was knowingly a part of the parade.

Another time Gregg saw a triple fleet of lights and one of them actually stopped and then took off again to join his buddies.

Something big was going down at that specific time, headed South in Florida. Eventually going south would take you out into the ocean from Sarasota, but where we were was still over land, as the water is directly Southwest about two miles. I felt innately that some big meeting was going on, or there was a particular time frame they needed to get somewhere, because the activity started to slow down about 10:30.

During this wonderful sighting, we were having such a great time. The neighbors must have been distracted by a college football game because we would see a ship and the neighbor would set off one of those bullhorn noisemaker things, which made us laugh. They had no idea what they were missing.

This is undoubtedly one of the coolest experiences I have had watching UFO’s. We have no idea who they were or where they were all going, but it gave me an excitement like never before. I just hope that if this is a part of disclosure, that they are here in our best interest and not a part of some type of malevolent plan.

from:    http://in5d.com/several-fleets-of-ufos-spotted-in-sarasota-fl-09-12-15/