Your Color VIbe for Saturday, 7/04

Saturday, July 4:   Sapphire Blue

There are going to be a lot of shiny items out there today, so it is a good idea to have on your glare proof glasses so you can see what is truly valuable and what is merely show. This will be true in all areas – whether in public, at a party, in your meditation, in conversation, etc. The bottom line to all of this is to trust your intuition. It is time to know what is truly being said to you through your connection with the Universe. It is easy to become confused and think that that voice in your head is just your own judgment making a decision as to how things are. However, if you can stay grounded and centered in the true knowing of your core self, you will be able to discriminate what is truly coming from your innermost being and what is merely the result of conditioning. This can be an easy day or a difficult day, but through it all, remember to breathe